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JAM May 2013
Let me ask you this... Are you aware

Hell exists, and it's actually cold there

My entire life I been shovelin' ****
and peekin' out the window
But if all I did was lean and sit
It would be impossible to win, so...

I'm always thinkin' of somethin' clever to say
Often my bones feel like they will crumble like chalk, but I will never decay

She told me her daughters meant the most to her
As she continues to use they just become ghosts to her

So much ambition
Sad she can't make a decision
Live or die?
Can you make a river cry?
Hell no, lets be honest between you and I

I got your back
But I gotta keep my strength to myself, I can't make up for what you lack

So as I sit here with the weight of the world on my back
I can't help but think of you and how your world turned from bright to black... - J.A.M
JAM May 2013
Was in my old neighborhood yesterday went out with a friend and ran into someone... Emily Marie

Emily Marie and her one CC
Knows I'm not the same me, but wont let me be

She says she knows I'll never forget her
Possibly, but I **** sure wish I never met her

Used to be livin' it up, a life sweeter than honey
Now bruised and probably givin' it up for money

I watch young girls I know fall and fall again
All I can do is offer my advice and be a friend
I don't mean to be cold as ice or offend

Show people your not singing the same song
Stop acting like a girl if you wants to be treated like a lady
You know right from wrong, a pearl is ruff before it is smooth and ready

For some reason after saying something like this to ladies it's like they come on stronger
Darlin' you need to go take care of your babies
you shouldn't be in this bar any longer

EM -"we had something Joe!"
J.A.M- "Had..."

You need to leave me alone Emily Marie
Get back home, focus on your family tree...

- J.A.M
JAM May 2013
If the title got your attention enough to click and take the time to read it, at least leave your feedback....

I guess I can only speak for myself though, but any poem I read, I at least give my opinion. Isn't that what we are all seeking on here? If not, why not just leave it in your notebook???
JAM May 2013
I'm playin' with fire, know I'm gonna get burned
I'm playin' with fire, know I'm gonna get hurt
I was playin' with fire so I got burnt

How come she don't want me like the other girls do?
They look at me while I stare at you

The scars on my back look like a thousand heart attacks
Thats because they are, each time you stuck the knife in
My heart turned a little more black

Now all I got is this ice box where my soul used to be
It's locked up and I hope I never find the key
I'd like the cold of the pain to remain a part of me

JAM May 2013
Sometimes things seem to good to be true, but it doesn't mean they usually are...

I've gone from having everything to nothing, until 100% turned to 0. I've had an addiction so bad I sold everything until I had nothing , but a DVD starring Robert DeNiro.

I've burnt bridges with almost everyone I know
looking back my path of ash looks like grey and white snow.

Watched people cry, watched people die, If I told you I think they got what they deserved it would be a lie.

I've put needles in my arm trying to erase pain
All it did was **** my pride and usher in shame.

At one point in time when running from the law cause I had commited so much crime, I found myself at a Denny's buying coffee, with nowhere to go, sipping til' the sun came up cause I didn't have another dime.

Never left the cities, but I was off the map for years
my mother tried writing letters, I could barely make out the writing cause the ink was so smeared from her tears

If I was a turtle my shell would have a huge crack
If you met me today, you might say wisdom is something I don't lack
It's only causeI've been to hell and now I'm back

Today my feet are on the ground and things are great
It took being beat, sent to the human pound and almost prison up state

Ten years is the statue of limitations in CA, so for now I'm gonna count my blessin's , close my mouth and keep some confessions. You can look at hard times like bad luck or just take them as one of life's lessons.

Sometimes things seem so bad it makes you wanna quit, but you gotta keep trying and if you really want something, take another stab
reach out and grab it!

If you know the outcome and the consequence of a decision, then it's nobody's fault but yours if you suffer a penalty...

JAM May 2013
Ladies and Gentleman, I give you Brandon the boy in the bubble and Doctor Wise...

The boy in the bubble
Never wanted any trouble

People said "your too fragile you'll get cancer"
So he would just make believe, pretend he was a cool agile panther
People said "your body will crumble like wood flooring rots"
So he would pretend, staying humble that he could fly over the jungle with soaring hawks

Aisles of adventures were all he sought
" I'll be in this bubble til I'm wearin' dentures", so he thought...

His doctor would come every other day
Just to make sure everything was okay
He went by Dr. "W" first initial J

One random paralyzed tuesday
Brandon sat in his sterilized room lettin' blues play
The doctor came to repeat the check up
Brandon was the same from shoulders to feet and neat from the neck up
The doctor asked "Son why are you in this bubble?"
Brandon said "The people told me the air could **** me and the sun would be worst trouble"
The doctor told Brandon "the world is a mysterious place in our galaxy, but you'll never know for yourself until you go face the challenge B"

The doctor lifted the window wide open and let in the breeze
As the fresh air hit his face, Brandon didn't so much as sneeze

Brandon - "Wow doc you must save thousands of lives"

Dr. W - "Not really, I just tell people this; Everybody lives, everybody smiles, everybody cries, everybody dies and


JAM May 2013
That day I had to kick in your door cause you wouldn't answer
To get you back I would infect my self with cancer
That day still taunts me, it will forever haunt me

The needle still in your arm, face pale, lips blue
Would bleed to keep the other out of harm
best friends since we were 2
Unfortunately the end came too soon for you

The incision will always be in my heart
I know it wasn't your decision to part

You loved your life way too much
To give it up for a high or simple rush

Sadly you were taken and lost your life
Guess that's the risk of getting into bed with a knife
Sooner or later your gonna get sliced

I hope I get to see you when it's my time to ascend
I love you, I miss you, you'll forever be one of my best friends

R.I.P   J.D.H                  - J.A.M
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