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drag my thoughts trough a sifter
see which ones resolve
pound my heart with a hammer
see if it sticks or falls apart
stuff me down a drain
squish me in a cupboard
hit me with a rolling pin
crush me like a glass

i'll break eventually
 Oct 2013 Jaimee Michelle
I finally gave you what you wanted,
I gave you me.

and like I knew in the beginning,
and discovered in the end
lost, sad little me
wasn't worth it
 Oct 2013 Jaimee Michelle
I thought we were something real
I thought you would be the one
I though you said I was safe?

I'm laying here all alone
while my demons attack me relentlessly

while my scarred skin is bleeding once more and aching with pain

while I'm grasping at my body so I don't fall apart.
I need you and you never needed me
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for not being good enough
I'm sorry for my scars
I'm sorry
I really don't know about this. It's 2:52 am and I'm just writing.
Try as I might
You just
i'm proud of my scars
wait, listen to me      
i'm not proud of          
the fact that i have them
i'm proud                    
of the        
fact that
they used to be cuts
and are now          
because they've                      
 Sep 2013 Jaimee Michelle
Emma S
 Sep 2013 Jaimee Michelle
Emma S
There was blood on his face
Around his mouth
Blood was surrounding all of him

He had his eyes closed
His shirt was ripped open
He didn't breath

They tried to help him
They tried to save his life
They tried to make him come back

The people around him could't stop looking
Neither could I driving past sitting in the bus
And it stopped there forcing me to look at him

The blood
The open shirt
The closed eyes

I saw a man die today....
Whoever you were I hope that angels took good care of you...
May you rest in peace.
My thoughts goes out to this man and his family, I hope nobody ever needs to see something like this.
Take the time to look at the rainbow
After the storm  has blown

Take the time to smell the flowers
After your gardens grown

Take the time to smile at strangers
Who's path you"ll one day cross

Take the time to care- to listen
To those suffering or lost

Take the time to hear the birds
Singing early dawn

Take time to appreciate beauty
Of morning dew drops on the lawn

Take the time to be silent
Find a quiet place

Take time to spend on relationships
And with a heart of love embrace
I always check my self now and then to make time for all I've written about here as these things cost nothing    But time. Yet they are so important and get lost in the rush of everyday living.
My mobile rang late in the night
Your number flashed across my phone
For a second I was in a daze
I hoped you felt alone
I wanted you to need me
I was hoping you would say

That you'd been -Thinking of me
And the thoughts would'nt go away
But you rang me for a reason
You wanted some advice
You didn't ring
Me once that night
In fact you rang me twice
But the reason you dialled my number
Was because you were in pain
So I told you what you had to do
Then you rang me back again?!

Never rang- because you missed me
Didn't ring me -just to say
Well anything about me or you ?
Instead you left me in dismay!

So now I finally realise
The feelings that I've got

(May mean everything to me ?)

(But to you)   certainly not!!!
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