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“If I have a daughter
and she starts to
feel the pressure I once felt
I will let her dye her hair
blue, red, green even
I will let her cut it
straighten it
shave it
I will let her wear black eyeliner
and lipsticks
I will let her wear
basketball shorts
and short skirts
and hoodies
and black ripped jeans
I’ll listen to her cry
over boys
over girls
over ‘*******’
and ‘*******’
and teachers
and the world
and the universe
And every day
I’ll tell her I love her
I’ll tell her I’m proud of her
I’ll tell her she’s strong
until she realizes
she does not
need to be
called beautiful
to be herself”
 Apr 2015 Jaide Lynne
 Mar 2015 Jaide Lynne
I swear this world is an illusion
So mundane; it feels diluted
I know that I’m delusional
But I'd rather feel more than just the usual
I’d rather fall down the rabbit hole with you
I used to think that I was a boat, and you were the sea
I’m only good for you while
You’re still beautiful without me

I swear I'll change it
I’ll weave a different fate
This isn’t just another reiteration

We’re running out of time
Our clock begins to tick by
Scream all you want
You won't fix this flawed design
We’re running out of time
You can't stop this clock
Scream all you want
It's flaws will never be a fault of mine

Interesting the life you made me
And oh, the confidence you gave me
But the sea is rising
And I think I’m drowning
Our worlds are changing
And for some reason
The walls are caving
Neither of us can breathe

I swear I will change it
I’ll weave a different fate
This isn’t just another reiteration

I’m running out of time
I’m going insane
Scream all you want
You can't fix this flawed design
I'm out of patience
I'll leave you my name
Scream all you want
You'll never find out where those perfect days went

This will never be a better place
Shadows fall on those who shine brightest
So I’ll look you in your face
“I won’t miss you in the slightest”

You’re running out of time
This world isn’t the same
Scream ‘till your lungs give
You won’t fix this flawed design
You’re all out of time
It’s better of this way
Scream all you want
Your flaws will never be a fault of mine
There's no such thing as broken dreams
Only broken dreamers.
Don't count yourself in.

Maybe it's not just the right time for it.
Do not give it up.
Live it.

God's NO is not a rejection it's a REDIRECTION.
Trust in Him for He prepared a beautiful future for those who trust in Him with all--their hearts, strength, soul and mind.
(Jeremiah 29:11)
I cannot look at myself in the mirror. Staring back are huge thighs, massive shoulders, a bulging stomach. Staring back are two disgusting eyes, horrible plain hair that can only be contained in an elastic. Staring back are two hips who cannot fit into a pair of skinny jeans my mother wore when pregnant. Staring back are calves that resemble toothpicks one moment, and guitar cases the next. Staring back are ankles that cannot be distinguished from the guitar cases. Staring back is someone I do not know.
I have not seen myself in the mirror in years. Instead, all I can see is this disgust, fat, hatred, loathing. All I can see is the time when I had to wait for a store clerk to find a size 14 dress, not put out in front to maintain their perfect size ideals. All I can see is the number of boys who have asked me out, only to say “April Fool’s!” or go laughing back to their friends. All I can see is the look of disgust on my father’s face the first time I wore a leotard for dance, and then proceeded to tell me that I had better watch that buddha belly.
I realize that I have never been looking in a mirror. I have never looked in one. I have seen only what I have been told. I can see only ******* because some teenage boy decided that my smile at work was a “please, **** me.” I can only see thick, thunder thighs because someone on the bus thought it funny to run his hands up and down them. When I was 9. I see linebacker shoulders because I was called a boy from kindergarten until second grade when I started to finally look like a girl, whatever that means. I am called mother because my arms are not perfectly toned and stay in place when I move them around.
I am wondering when it went out of style to not see bones sticking out. I wonder when my body no longer was my body. I am wondering how a mirror could be turned into a portal to hell, showing you the worst possible things, and none of the good. I am wondering why I cannot look into a mirror without wanting to *****. I am wondering who told me to do this. I am wondering when this all started.
I look into a mirror, and I cannot see anything besides what I am told is me. I am told that I look fat in these jeans, and that I also look fat in those jeans. I am told that that dress makes me look pregnant. I am told that I should be grateful when any boy stares at me, as if I am a piece of meat. Whenever I walk down the street, I am not on parade for you. I am not a cat, do not call to me like one.
I was 9 the first time an old man tried to flip my skirt at a dance recital. Telling me to show a bit more leg when I hadn’t even hit puberty. I was 10 the first time that the word ***** came flying from an open car window. Walking alone, terrified of what might happen if those boys came back. I was 11 the first time that a boy commented on the size of my thighs, telling me he would like to be between them, with me having no clue what he was talking about. I was 12 the first time a boy groped my chest. At a Christian camp, while the boy was 15. I was 13 the first time that my *** was smacked as I walked down the hallway. I never found out who did it. I was 14 the first time that I boy tried to get me into his car to blow him. There were no repercussions when I reported this, except for me loosing friends. I am 15, and I have gotten so used to the sound of grown men hooting at me as I walk down the street that I sometimes forget not to take it as a complement.
I cannot look myself in the mirror and not see any of this from the past. Instead, all I see is the past. I see how years have torn at me, breaking the mirror, fixing it, putting the pieces back in the wrong places. I look in the mirror and I try to see the good. I stand in front of that broken mirror and admire the legs that can lift 400 lbs with ease. I look in the mirror and I see hands that can play bass guitar, baseball. I see arms that can lift my mother. I see a girl, not a boy, not an it, not a toy for you to play around with. I see eyes whose stare has made grown men tremble. I see a girl who was thrown into the fire, and then made into it.
 Mar 2015 Jaide Lynne
Emily Joyce
Why didn't you want me to see you
Why didn't you want us to see you
Why didn't you say something
Why didn't you call me
Why didn't you call me
Why wouldn't you let us say goodbye
Why wouldn't you let me say goodbye
Why wouldn't you let me say goodbye
Why wouldn't you let me say goodbye
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