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 Sep 2013 Jago Lantz
Paper thin
 Sep 2013 Jago Lantz
I don't want to close my eyes, shut off this paper thin mind of mine,
For it has seen too many nightmares wrote down and memorized every line
Indulged in foolish memories to weary and bleak to replay
Lost in a secret past, another time, another day
Pretending comes very easy my paper mind has corners torn
Feelings ripped from the pages, characters left behind I shan't mourn
The last chapter is on my devoid of emotion the last 3 pages are based on you
But my paper mind allows me a new beginning  your name forgotten-
your chance you blew.
 Sep 2013 Jago Lantz
I feel,
 Sep 2013 Jago Lantz
As still as snow
As cold as silence
As brilliant as lovers
As blind as the Reaper
As endless as depression
As periless as the ocean
As selfish as life
As dead as common sense
As deadly as passion
As warm as blood
As empty as a promise
As comforting as smoke
As nessicary as the end
As lovely as the dark
As ferocious as love
As sick as reality
As wicked as happiness
As false as god
As pointless as liberty
As tall as feeling
As cruel as fate
As lonely as the wind
As twisted as a book
As heartbreaking as the future
As true as a compass
As sweet as wild flowers
As somber as the stars
As sad as thunder
As soft as freshly cut grass
As quiet as blue
As vivid as a stupid wish
As compassionate as a rock
I feel the world inside me
And its weight on my shoulders
 Sep 2013 Jago Lantz
To a dead conscience,
To the bygone morality,
To the diminishing values,
To the idols of honesty, and
To their ghastly appearance.

To un-dead suicidal victims,
To their unblessed families,
To the tears they let flow,
To disappeared smiles,
To missed birthdays.

To suffering people,
To unbalanced sheets,
To sinking cash reserves,
To their zombie-like bodies,
To the stinking ***** politics.
Another piece of Concrete poetry from me.
A Concrete poetry work also conveys a message about the poem's topic.

My HP Poem #407
©Atul Kaushal
 Sep 2013 Jago Lantz
We don’t take in the best parts.
Never satisfied,
Never being enough.

We don’t take time to observe.
Only for a moment.

We don’t spend time enjoying,
Little things.

We don’t allow them to consume us.
Fill us up.
Breathe them in.
Take us over.
Control over every move.

I know,
Because I’m the worst offender.
Death's hand, wrong paths in my eyes, creates lies
Mind's blind illusion of awake dreams forgotten being written ancestors message letters when together most rhyme speech encoded image visions portrays
immortalized, Truth, why it represents kind souls alone
sing words that shape diamonds, gold
bodies cold buried though ignored still speak
Brings better days night
Suns light skies shed tears, never known real fear
whenever one says end here,
is near,
Why I fight, kid's cries, explain,
Moments without pain are holy any ways remembered only who's thoughts pray
show its presence, proof stands clear
Soldier vision wise protects youth
Mine lacks peace breathing slow maybe smoke
Daily around me controled fades raising dead
Rhythms bring natural flowing mystic air sacred heart's escense blessing all heavens described mother's crimes giving life artisticly seems hate's
left, spiritually these rhymes paint reality like
Rivers flow
Stars and moon carve stones
Shape oceans emotions form storms, destroy
Falling nation witness, our creations
Walk hell populations lost brought well tought
People when modern slave's the cost
Last option weak hold mother lands for
building war watching flowers grow
Children laughing those missing homes fighting  poverty replaces birds flying revolutionaries
bleeding sadness fisically, eternal family
single race worldwide
Stays immortal.....
The kind of self expression that gathers knowledge whenever one's alone in any good familiar place/enviroment.
 Sep 2013 Jago Lantz
I woke-up in the morning,
To the sound of the radio.

I then grabbed the brush,
Nay, not the paint-brush.

I grabbed the toothbrush,
And I brushed afterwards.

I looked at my reflection,
As you came to my mind.

I smiled to myself heartily,
Revealed were my canines.

I shied away from myself,
As I find my smile demonic.

I then reasoned in my mind,
About my craziness for you.

I thought about you more,
You love me as an Angel.

I then recalled your craziness,
Could I have been blessed more.

I smiled at myself thinking,
An Angel is loved by a demon!
10 Romantic couplets.

My HP Poem #423
©Atul Kaushal
 Sep 2013 Jago Lantz
LJ Chaplin
I have tried so hard to stay afloat,
But right now I could easily cave in
And let the waves push me down,
Let the current pull me to the bottom
Of the ocean and leave me there to die.

I am trying to keep myself alive to help
The ones I love the most from dying,
I can't bear the thought of losing them,
But in the process I am losing myself
Because I feel helpless and useless.
I fear that I can't do enough because I'm not strong
Enough to fight for them.
I feel like I have let everybody down.
But I'm not giving up yet.
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