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 Dec 2012 Jacqueline Le Sueur
Petal soft, your kiss.
Eternal, stained memories.
Cold as stone, your lies.
 Dec 2012 Jacqueline Le Sueur
like icecream
So sweet and yet
So cold
You are melting in moments
Before heaven excapes you
To feel
To know
To reason with self
That all the reasons you have chosen are you own
So cold like ice
Touch me
With words
Between sentences
That surely couid never belong to just one soul
Lost to everything around me, rising in myself like vapour,
Listening to Purcell and reading
Neruda, thinking just about you, I could melt away like this,
Burned so sweetly by your love,

Speaking in many voices the day knocks at my closed doors:
But the hammer, the drill, the
Traffic noise, din around me, all seem to just play like drums
To the effervescent dance of my spirit

I will burn away like this, lighted in the fire of your love,
I will become one with the fragrance
Haunting the depths of existence; everything must become
Like mist to my ascending spirit as I

Burn away
Consumed by the fire of your love:
This will be the frankincense I light at the altar of love
The inspiration for this poem came to the poet one day at work. In an open plan office, various sounds come to distract his attention, but they rather catalyze further, his absorption in his muse, the protagonist and the latter's love.
 Sep 2010 Jacqueline Le Sueur
Sick of it all,
sick of the games.
When will I find
the one with the name:
I'll call out forever,
and ever in time.
Only one, I will call mine.
Where has she gone?
Where will I find her?
The ink in my pen
is my reminder.
That true love is true,
true love is near.
As long as I love
and let go of the fear.
Deep, easy breaths:
be calm and reminded.
Love can't be rushed -
you find it, blinded.

— The End —