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Nov 2014 · 626
At the end of the day
Jack Nov 2014

Your voice is my music at the end of the day
Symphonic feelings to take me away

Watching a sunset as we talk on the phone
Always together though standing alone

Through one tiny speaker, it’s you that I hear
Dreaming tomorrows, wishing you near

We’ve a good connection, yes that is a start
Still minutes are passing and we’ll have to part

But soon comes tomorrow and when it’s that time
I’ll be holding my phone, awaiting that chime

For this I do know, when your name is displayed
I'll hear that sweet music at the end of my day
Nov 2014 · 10.3k
He sent me
Jack Nov 2014

I prayed for light, He sent me sun
I prayed for moisture, He sent me dew
I prayed for beauty, He sent me flowers
I prayed for love, He sent me you
Nov 2014 · 706
Lost Together
Jack Nov 2014

Take my hand we’ll walk along
this winding path to somewhere far

Through evergreens, cool autumn winds
with cricket songs, and wishing stars

Twists and turns, soft pebbles tossed
in footprints left on sandy shores

Around the bend, down every lane,
you by my side, I need not more

Until we reach the mountain top,
where echoes flow on white cap frost

And we shall shout to all the world
*We are in love and we are lost…together
Prompted by a song sent to me by a good friend.
Nov 2014 · 1.6k
I love you so much
Jack Nov 2014

Caught in your smile
Lost in your eyes
Held in your arms
Heard on your sighs
Read on your lips
Felt in your touch
Found in your heart
*I love you so much
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
I read your poetry
Jack Nov 2014

I read your poetry
and I am taken away
to a place where my childhood waits

Those sunny summer days
when life was easy,
and pressure was only a word taught in school

I feel weightless,
as if I can fly
and your words are my wings

You tug at my heart,
tempt my senses
and touch me in ways I have not felt before

I read your poetry
and it is as if
I am talking to a long lost friend

Catching up on good times,
crying tears with you
and sharing every smile

Walking long paths,
waving good morning to each sunrise
and good night when it sets

Dancing in moonbeams
and counting shadows,
which always add up to two

I read your poetry
and I am in awe
of your amazing talent

and I think maybe I should
just put down my pen, for yours
*is all the poetry I will ever need
Jack Nov 2014

“Snowflakes gather in crystalline drfitings”

Lifting your hair, kissing the nape of your neck
Warm flesh waits on tippy toe desires
Lips brush skin, lower beyond silver chain clasp
Sighs slip past moon shadow echoes

“Frost bitten warnings fuel whistling winds”

Candlelight flickers in illumined frenzy
Strong hands caress velvet curves, moving
Satin ******* excite at the touch, firming
Mouths meet across milky shoulders

“Chilly coatings mingle, drafty windows squeal”

Reaching behind delicate fingers guide, slowly
Passion emanates from quivered partings
Honey drippings moisten, sticky, sweet
Whispered moans tantalize, moments ignite

“Wind chimes sing frantically behind icicle curtains”

Down pillow yearnings, grasped, held
Eyes look back, smiles meet motions
Held closer, breathless exhales on dreams exposed
Deeper finds the pristine moment

“Algid gusts wail through frigid echoed alleyways”

My name, loudly called, enchanted nirvana
Faster still, bodies in charged friction
Two become one, senses explode, flooding oasis
Eruptions quake bodies in perspired heap

“Arctic blast pierces sweltering pleasures”

Ecstasy sings in midnight harmonies
Melodic as the polar pulsations beyond
Numbed in devotion’s destinations
Wondrous snowy white blankets chill the world

*“As our love provides winter’s perfect heat”
Hey, it is cold...just trying to stay warm.  :)
Nov 2014 · 576
Snow like a Whisper
Jack Nov 2014

Snow like a whisper does fall from the sky,
silently finding its way
Morning shall come in the blink of an eye,
nature to beckon the day

White fills the quiet with hope of a smile,
melodies that you might hear
Blanketing softy in porcelain style,
a glow born of sun does appear

Stillness shall flourish in peace at this hour,
cold it will harness the reins
Glorious patterns to stay but a while,
here on this earth to reclaim

Tranquil endeavors to quell every whim,
lie on the lawn in repose
Forgotten meanings that now shall begin,
found each occasion it snows

Gentle its echo as we find retreat,
here by the warmth of the fire
No use descending on snow covered streets,
only our love is required

Unruffled seasons of splendor do shine,
muted the colors they bear
Normal these visions of our wintertime,
life without worry or care

Slower the pace of this plaid flannel world,
hectic the days of ago
Restful this morning to us has unfurled,
taking each step a bit slow

Nothing to urgent that now can not wait,
serenity finds to take hold
The heat of the fire we two do migrate,
so warm inside when it’s cold

Pearlescent shimmering visions this day,
resting here safe in your love
Oh but to spend my life living this way,
*bring forth the snow from above
Nov 2014 · 765
A Single Silhouette
Jack Nov 2014
A Single Silhouette

Of an ending oh so hard, to feel the pain I do
When the sun it does not shine
to sing a song of you
An aching in my heart
as time is standing still
My heart will hold your love,
I swear it always will

In an instant you are gone, waving me goodbye
Standing on the streets,
the traffic rushing by
I think of different days
once waiting up ahead
Which matter not to me
I long for you instead

As nightfall wraps its arms, so silently the rain
My tears shall flood this earth
in saddened called refrain
Now barren sifts my soul
of arid, dry and tense
To live beyond control,
now peering through the fence

Along a tattered weave, of fabric worn to shreds
A single silhouette
is lying in my bed
The room about does spin,
so numb my ways do seem
For if I could but sleep
of you I’d surely dream

So please I beg of you, now kneeling in the mud
Clawing at the thoughts
that bring me to your love
And when the clock does strike
of moments I have missed
Stay with me forever  
my only happiness
Nov 2014 · 507
Perfect days
Jack Nov 2014
The day is wet
A chilly feel
November skies are gray

But still the sun
Shines in my heart
Your love takes me away

The calender
May say one thing
To me it's summertime

For every day
Is beautiful
Since I know you are mine
Nov 2014 · 663
Looped of love
Jack Nov 2014
Looped of love

Cast upon a sea of symphonic scent
Cashmere soft and storm cloud kissed
Ventures forth on fingered strings
Spent alone in shuttered mist

“Curtains drawn in crayon colors…stitched on gold locket seams”

Worn of worries, frayed edges weave
Reaching deep into heart felt fear
Bland the noise, served in muted tones
Staring off to nowhere…near

“Tears now fill thy cup…once overflowing in melodic dreams”

Broken desires, a tangled spun web
Knotted by a lingering memory’s hold
Skin still warm of tanned defiance
Fractures locked out in the cold

“Heaved in piles of shoveled excess…soon to be forgotten silent on the street”

Music floods into porous caverns
Echoing a fragrant caring song
On syncopated bar chord promises
To hold you with arms forever strong

*“And I play for you in the key of my heart…looped of love in constant repeat”
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
Possessed ~~~~ by you
Jack Nov 2014

Drenched in the reality of my imagination’s trust
A voice in my head sings in subtle verse
Feeling fingers probe my core
As my heartbeat comes in shades of two

Whispers, constant, gathering my attention
Pointing my eyes in northeast directions
Filling my psyche with caffeinated emotions
Earlier and earlier still, waving my pen

Massaged internally by caring hands
Tickled funny bones laugh out loud
As love holds back my salted tears
Breathing this very life into my words

I write, with reckless abandon…poetry
It comes in waves, ever present, like the tides
Crashing on believing beaches
Leaving sea foam trails for me to wander

Gardens bloom when my eyes are closed
Fireflies on star dust wings play while I sleep
Beauty insists I walk when I can no longer stand
And I am not myself, nor do I want to be…for I am

Possessed by you, by everything that is…you
My thoughts are only of you, my dreams…you
My words, in this ever poetic form…you
My heart belongs to…you

I am poetically under your spell
Driven to pen, to impress, to embrace
Eternally in never ending seasons of melodic versed life
I coexist…possessed ~~~~ by you
Nov 2014 · 624
Contemplated dreams
Jack Nov 2014

Come with me a’ walking
on this autumn day
Through this wondrous forest
here amongst the shade

Along a wooded stream
you and I we lie
Contemplated dreams
appear before the eye

Let us find a pathway
silent ‘neath the trees
Leading us to paradise
on the forest breeze

Waiting for the twilight
to flow in from above
On our grand adventure
*as we share our love
Nov 2014 · 582
Jack Nov 2014

Golden soft, rays a’ fleeting filter,
pristine light through branches does sift
Along a peach grove corridor
and dirt road dreams of scattered dust

I sit and watch the day unfolding,
hot,  the cup my hand now holds
Tiny sips of morning flavors sing
as I long for the miles to disappear

Beyond blue skies calling out to me
from northern horizons with voices melodic
Bringing the music of your heart
on breezes … sugar sweet and  pure

As I taste your smile of sunrise beauty,
feel your touch of dawning desire
and stare off quietly to where I’d rather be…
*I sip my cup again, lingering in all that is you
Nov 2014 · 4.6k
Jack Nov 2014

Dreaming past snow drifts
Framing the distance
Starlight reflections
Closer than tomorrow
Touching my skin

                              Through soft woolen mittens
                              Ski jacket hugs, turtleneck wishes
                              Snow angel dreams and icicle kisses
                              Slipping my heart inside of your pocket
                              Where it is warm, safe and secure

­Calling in echoes
Across the white valley
Listen to the wind
Feel the wintry whispers
Touching your skin
Nov 2014 · 741
Autumn's hand
Jack Nov 2014

Winter’d wind doth cradle
O’ the daylight glow
Found to bend of spilling fragrance
Filtered o’er the earth below

Why the birth of seasons green
Claim yon saplings cast a’ ground
Brought o’er lonely sacrifice
O’ the whistling autumn’d sound

Splintering amidst the bands
Needles o’er the pines they seed
Following lo’ destined path
Of this earthen soil to feed

Days of time, o’er shortened length
Fell defeat O’ final stand
Feel the grasp on captured breeze
*Deeply held in autumn’s hand
Ok, I know, a little "olde world" just go with it.  :)
Nov 2014 · 448
Jack Nov 2014

Of worth, I wonder, oh I plead
This man of very simple means
Alone in truth my love does bear
If only you were here with me
A tiny touch of fingertips
Invokes desire to my glow
A brush against your supple lips
My blood a’ boil, starts to flow
So tight within your arms I see
My place, the world I long to share
O’ cast of shimmering moon beam
Now shines upon your autumn hair
Of eyes so dark, intense thy form
In prayers ago, to find me true
Cold winters fierce, I’ll keep you warm
To cry, I’m so in love with you
So am I worth what I so need
I stand before this evening light
With scars where once my life did bleed
An anguished soul of sorted sight
To dream in darkness shedding fear
Till death does come to find my day
I’m worth it if your love is near
Within my heart along the way
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
Tears for the fallen
Jack Nov 2014

Tears for the fallen
Saddened refrains
Lasting impressions
Endless the stains

Hearts of the young
Brave in the fields
Anguish and sorrow
The pain it does yield

Proudly they fight
Quickly they fall
Not soon forgotten
The blood on the wall

Freedom the journey
Cost laced with war
Darkened decisions
Death at the door

Counted statistics
No two the same
Numbers for tracking
Somebody’s name

Wasted perception
Fear has no place
Tears for the fallen
Roll down my face
We remember
Nov 2014 · 487
Songs in the key of romance
Jack Nov 2014

Inside the longing as deep shadows dance
Lost in the passion of you
Offering songs in the key of romance
Violins sing right on cue
Endless this rhythm of love on display
Yearnings melodically free
Orchestras waiting for their turn to play
*Until you are here with me's an acrostic
Nov 2014 · 768
The Coming of Fall
Jack Nov 2014

Crape myrtle highlights
in chartreuse diversions,
oak tree decisions along brittle stem
Maple leaf push pins and ash scented postcards
Autumn approaches, its fingers to send

Northern now breezes
as petals start falling,
blending the colors of November dreams
Days count much shorter and windows are open,
change in direction a’ dance on the stream

Standing behind me now
caught in the mirror,
reflections of summer and hummingbird song
leaves painted softer in patterns of wishes
butterfly tickles may happen along

Warm apple cider
and scarves plaid and woolen,
hang from the pegs in the entryway hall
Come again welcomes on echoes of sunlight
*send out the greeting, the coming of fall
Nov 2014 · 583
Of our own destiny
Jack Nov 2014

Moon glow reflections of shadows and beams
So close the future incased in our dreams
Planted in rows so our way we won’t lose
Of every path through this journey we choose

Seeing the light that will bring us the shine
Found in the chapters now written in time
Counting our heart beats in second hand flow
Wound in the truth that we somehow do know

There is a course that we can not control
Patterns our lives seem to take ever slow
Oh it may seem that the night comes so fast
Shuffling memories found in the past

Still there are dreams that I know we both share
As on this evening the same moon we stare
Strong the embrace of desires we feel
We can’t deny that these feelings are real

Surely a plan of the way it shall be
Is set into motion, together we’ll see
Just take a moment and give it a glance
We are in love and that is not by chance

So many items have followed this play
Different directions our hopes they have strayed
Still in the end we shall find it is true
Love is the factor that shapes every view

I know my life has a place now to go
Echoes of fate on this glistening glow
Can you now feel it aloft on the plain
Simple descriptions shall call it by name

Biding our time on this calm evening bright
Soon in my arms I shall hold you so tight
Taut as the thread that connects you to me
*Ours is a love of our own destiny
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
The Perfect Combination
Jack Nov 2014
The Perfect Combination

A-1 on your sirloin
Butter on your bread
Chocolate on your ice cream
Or butterscotch instead

Cream cheese on your bagels
Jelly on your toast
Maybe peanut butter
Which do you like the most

Salsa for tamales
Lemon for your fish
Onion dip for vegetables
Delicious on your dish

Pinto beans in chili
Carrots cooked in stew
Bacon on your meatloaf
Chicken cordon bleu

Chives on your potato
Sugar in your tea
Pickles on your burger
Crackers for your cheese

Garlic for your pasta
Sauce upon it too
Milk poured in your cereal
Slices of fresh fruit

Gravy on your biscuits
Sausage would be nice
Cocktail sauce for jumbo shrimp
In a bowl with ice

Syrup on your pancakes
Frosting on your cake
Cream upon your peaches
A salt and pepper shake

Caramel on your apples
Seafood and white wine
Cottage cheese upon your pears
It’s so much fun to dine

Mayo on your sandwich
Ketchup on your fries
Dressing on your salad
Whipped cream on your pies

So many combinations
That we see each day
When we’re having dinner
Breakfast, lunch or play

To enhance each other
Nothing left to waste
Flavors come together
In the name of taste

There’s one combination
The best one I can see
Not to do with eating
Because it’s you and me

So perfect now together
Like ham on top of cheese
Lettuce and tomato
Onions in your peas

Wonderful together
Sometimes sweet or ****
Soft and always tender
This love inside our hearts

Of all the perfect pairings
Only one will do
This combination built on love
Forever me and you
A little Saturday fun.
Nov 2014 · 517
Moonlight Whipsers
Jack Nov 2014

A twilight breeze
through shaded mist
does find the earth at time of sleep
Beyond the hills
the sun has set
on glowing visions ever deep
So patiently
the moon it waits
its place along the eastern shore
To rise within
the sky this night
*and whisper that I love you more
Nov 2014 · 990
An Endless Sea of Love
Jack Nov 2014

My life is but a leaf atop an ocean flowing bliss,
on waves of firm conclusions built on reasons that I miss
I take each day as it does come in mystic falling beams
to fill the many corners of my multicolored dreams

Up and down in freedom form the open waters dance,
smooth the real transition to the tremors of romance
Vast the far horizons come to choose what they may show,
as I rest so peaceful within southern breezes flow

Timeless counted visions that do soar about my mind,
pictures painted perfect of the wisdom I might find
Stories told that hold the truth in words another writes,
entertainment spawned of many days and many nights

Now I float upon these waves to far off distance shores,
to hold the one of wondrous grace my heart it does adore
I shall come a calling on the eve of loving ways,
to know in calculation we have reached those endless days

Adrift amongst the numbers of the minutes that we see,
the tide shall come a waning as the moon brings you to me
Beneath these stars of evermore which brightly shine above,
sending forth the message of a true undying love

Lift me now my angel from this aqua blue marine,
gently for to cradle so that I might hear you breathe
Of this golden fantasy I come to see it’s true,
this love that I’ve been waiting for lies in the heart of you

So here along the foaming frame, an outline of the beach,
to know time is the student of the hours that we teach
I spend my life in harmony beneath blue skies above
*and share my world with you upon an endless sea of love
Nov 2014 · 513
Cloud Mine
Jack Nov 2014

You, my cloud,
soft and pure,
peacefully lingering
above me watching,
shading my life,
floating in my heaven ~
shielding me
As my heart beckons
on silent winds,
following my dreams,
reaching to the sky
to touch you
as you touch me ~
*with love
Nov 2014 · 538
Forever mine
Jack Nov 2014

Innocence, O’ heart of mine
I send to thee a tender kiss
Found within these words a’ rhyme
Flowing from my fingertips
Written soft, affection’s flare
O’ to touch your precious heart
O’er these words of love I share
Prayers that we shall never part
Bring thy smile to my gaze
Fill my life with joy divine
Within these words of love I pray
*Your love shall be forever mine
Jack Nov 2014

Placed on a mantle, the ship torn and tattered
Its bottle long gone as it smashed to the floor
Shards of the memories swept and discarded
Tossed out to sea at the edge of the shore

The captain, a man of great means and stature
Stood at the helm till the storm it had passed
All but the crew warned of coming disaster
Seeing the clouds filled with darkness en mass

Rough were the waters, the flags were a waving
Violent the waves that did spill on the bow
Taller than buildings at rest on the homeland
Survival the quest even not knowing how

Deep was this ocean, despair on it surface
Blue as the night with no moon there to shine
Calling his name as he held to the railing
Wondering if this just might be his time

Flashes of long ago parted his memories
Regrets began flowing as if on their own
It would be different if he had the manner
Hindsight to tell him if only he’d known

Washed up on shore with the ringing so loudly
Felt for the earth as the tide did recede
Gasping for air as if none had existed
Tasting the salt of what he did believe

Burning of wounds that did cover his body
Ripples a’ sheen as the sun it did rise
Blurry his vision the focus he needed
Sent on this voyage of his own design

Running away seemed the answer to freedom
Hauntings of loss came to welcome him home
So far away did the scene seem much sweeter
Not on your life as he now stood alone

Back to his senses, this ship was his letter
Words he had written not ever to send
Caught in a down pour of flooded emotions
How could this happen to him once again

When out in the distance upon the horizon
A nacarat sky did call to his face
Turning attention to what had just happened
He noticed the path of his fears did erase

Calm placed its hand on the waters before him
Soft was the wind that did partner his breath
Sending a strength that before had been frozen
Causing the chill that half scared him to death

Smooth was the ocean, this ship very buoyant
Sails to the east took on air to their fill
Moving his ship to the edge of nirvana
Downhill the sailing a’ bridge of the hill

Peace did engulf every board that he strode
Lush came the vision of land at his stern
Caution now tossed to the winds of devotion
Using the lessons his life it did learn

Happy the ending though just the beginning
Spring brought the crocus atop of the earth
Smiling of daisies in form fitting fashion
Now was the day of his new found rebirth

There was no ship and there was no captain
Raging the seas but a figment of truth
Storm clouds ahead was to my own reaction
That was the chapter and I’ve found the proof

Merely a story with no complications
Telling the tale of my life once before
Tossing and turning till right side was down
Till the horizon placed you at my door

This strange adventure is how I was feeling
Lost in a world with no earthly delights
Cast to the corner and taken advantage
Until the day that you came to my life

As if the sun found my eyes so wide open
Warmed up my heart with a joy ever new
Embracing the touch that I now find does comfort
As of that day that our love came to view

Long were the years of my loneliest outlook
This day that time shall remain locked away
For as your love it does greet me each morning
Eternal my dreams will be born every day

So call me a captain, the world is my vessel
Sitting a’ port at the head of the gate
Love is my ocean so far everlasting
For now it hath brought me the perfect first mate
Sorry it is so long, I was bored and needed something to ocupy my time.  :)
Nov 2014 · 535
Crazy Glue (10W)
Jack Nov 2014

I get the crazy part,
but let it go now
Grow up!
Nov 2014 · 2.0k all
Jack Nov 2014

I recall seeing golden fields
basking beneath sunset wishes
and dragonfly dances
on a canvas of nature’s own hand
painted in fantasy brush strokes

tree lines waving at blue skies as
autumn leaves created a vibrant landscape
like so many colorful kites
floating aimlessly on a cool breeze
sifting through pumpkin patch mazes

chilly days inviting snowflake flurries
from alabaster hydrangea clouds
silently sailing above pine cone hillsides
welcoming evergreen aromas
and fireside smoke streams reaching

today as I gaze through moistened eyes
blurred moments hover like heavy drape cloaks
coating my visions in broken heart darkness
and I realize, without you
I now see nothing…at all
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
No more icicles
Jack Nov 2014

Sitting on this roof,
seeing the colored lights in neighboring windows
finding frosted panes in abstract happiness,
as winter’s wind howls about my face

Speakers blare in cramping holiday tones,
(What’s so wonderful about it ~ this time of year?)
Shingles damp and slippery,
still I hold on for dear life

Fingers numb but clinging,
for without my seated sadness
on this peak above chimney ash
watching streams finding the edge

how else would those muddied
tear drop icicles form?


Then I hear it on shivering vibrations
A voice from ~ out there ~ somewhere
A shadow beneath a flickering street light
Footprints in circles about the square

Moving in my direction
My silhouette on white clouds shimmies
A little to the side, for a better view
Wings ~ it has ~ she has wings

I blink a frozen eyelash ~ she is sitting next to me
A warm, feathery quilted wing about my shoulders
Chilled cheeks burn as I smile
and my heart melts as she whispers to me ~

*“No more icicles”
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Love shall keep us warm
Jack Nov 2014

Clouded scarves of winter skies
Woolen wings on tempered sighs
Nature wears her white disguise
Mounting on the field

Laced along the bitter cold
Futures that have been foretold
Endless phrases painted bold
And our lips are sealed

Frozen links of glistened feel
Piled deep as to conceal
Left alone in what is real
Bracing for the storm

Though inside a fire roars
With the one that I adore
Let it snow forever more
Love shall keep us warm

Ok, I know it's not winter yet...just getting ready for it.  :)
Oct 2014 · 814
The scent of love
Jack Oct 2014
Sweet the scent of love
a’ flow from you to me
On crisp morning breezes
and warm afternoon winds
Swirling aromas waft
in a bouquet of the heart
Filling me with the essence
of this beauty I find in only you
Slowly inhaled affections,
soft of midnight wanderings,
neath starlit auras infused
on perfumed moonbeams
Consuming my every breath,
this delicate sachet of you
floating from afar, lingering
to never let me go
Oct 2014 · 839
Life Sentence (10W)
Jack Oct 2014

I’m imprisoned by your love,
I hope I’m never released
Oct 2014 · 765
Luck (10W)
Jack Oct 2014

Finding who you wished for,
had wished for you too
Oct 2014 · 626
Two Destined Lovers
Jack Oct 2014

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear that I knew
This feeling inside held me close to the sun
A smile on my face as I searched for a clue
Watching and waiting for only the one

So many people I’ve touched on the go
Faces of strangers I met on my way
Somehow this feeling lived on in my soul
That I would meet you when love called the day

Never once knowing the look of your eyes
Hearing your voice only came in a dream
Still every morning upon the sun rise
I always knew that you would come to me

Somewhere the distance has held you so long
Separate paths that were winding the same
You and me lyrics I heard in a song
Was this a message that tried to explain

Life had been empty or so it did feel
Though in my heart sat an essence so true
If I kept walking it soon would reveal
All of my hopes would appear in my view

Then there you were it was love at first sight
You took my hand and my heart skipped a beat
Each day I waited this moment so right
The girl of dreams that I knew I would meet

You felt the same, that our lives we would share
Even though time seemed to keep us apart
Never a doubt that we both would be there
Two destined lovers with one beating heart
Oct 2014 · 1.5k
Hot Cider Dreams
Jack Oct 2014

Fall glides in on the wings
of migrating monarchs,
stained glass visions seeking respite
from a tedious journey
signaling a change in our surroundings

Blushing, the complexion of October
slips from swimsuit informalities
to fawn layered outfits of earth tone lace
Singing of cool breeze melodies
on chrysanthemum dance steps

Sweetly autumn reaches,
filling every part of my heart,
collecting at my feet like fallen leaves
Swirling about me on winds of fleece lined affection
tickling fancies and coaxing smiles

Maple syrup hues cling to pumpkin seed desires,
painting pathways in tinted curves,
outlined in kaleidoscope siftings,
champagne ribbons winding
to stroll with the one you adore

Fireside encounters
warm of passion’s enduring flame
a’ glow on shade drawn windows
and pine needle temptations,
floating of chilled evening whispers

Wrapped in my arms, hot cider dreams
gather amidst comforting aromas,
weaving scented shadows neath wool blanket motions
and as the season changes, so do I…
*I fall more in love with you
Oct 2014 · 629
Thinking (10W)
Jack Oct 2014

I gathered my thoughts,
each of them was you
Oct 2014 · 660
Jack Oct 2014

I am soaring
though my feet are still firmly planted on the ground

on whispering breezes
sitting next to you on a park bench by a quiet morning lake

above the clouds
as we walk through the changing forest this beautiful autumn day

many stories
seeing your reflection in the windows of a sidewalk café

with Snow Geese
as we rest beneath a beautiful elm watching leaves swirl to the ground

by your smile
on pristine wings of effervescent happiness

more each day
*in love with you
Oct 2014 · 272
Is there a sun
Jack Oct 2014

Is there a sun
for I can not see
this blackened existence
unleashed poetry
collections of nothing
bounded by fear
entering slowly
why am I here
dragging the ballast
stem upon stem
kept locked inside
threatened again
cast thee thy words
hatred out paced
walls tiled stone
that I have faced
yet I am alive
behind what I wear
frowns of the winter
chilled as the air
rust on these chains
weakens the hold
drains of the silver
weeps in the gold
yet here I stand
is there a sun
for I can not see
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
Getting High (10W)
Jack Oct 2014

You are helium,
my heart a balloon…
let’s float together
Oct 2014 · 1.9k
Symphony of Fire
Jack Oct 2014

Violins sing of purest flame,
alluring harmonies warm the air
Heart beat crescendos keep time
as ember’d flutes whisper beauty
and misty cellos lull wondrous dreams
on the aria of our love

Treble clef desires
curve softly upon your tender heart
while clarinets breathe amorous
melodies of soothing affection,
enchanting serenades
caress our every silent sigh

Forever playing an eternal
symphony of fire,
burning euphonious,
heated temptations
in ever lasting
*orchestral bliss
Inspired by a conversation with an angel who has completely touched my heart
Oct 2014 · 445
Come, let's dream
Jack Oct 2014

Wept this dream, my thoughts they fill
Take me from this weary place
Where darkness screams a painful chill
In torment of the mind does trace

I wait here thick of splintered thorn
My tears they fall upon the seed
In hopes the bloom of perfect dawn
Will light the way of what I need

My hands are sore of calloused fear
Scars my skin they carve a line
Neath bramble branch of broken cheer
A breast of this near mortal time

Your hand I long of feathered feel
So soft the touch, my heart does wane
These eyes, a love to then reveal
Within your arms, ignite the flame

Lift me for my body weak
Desires but the breath of you
To breathe within this soul I seek
Allowing dreams to mend the true

Or shall I die alone this eve
Beyond the moon of wicked glow
Lost of every captured dream
And nothing more I need to know
When there, atop, a shadowed form
With torch in hand of flickered fire
Eyes so wide to fend the storm
I reach for her which I desire

Upon my brow a single kiss
Of angel wings in silken twine
“Arise” a voice, melodic bliss
“I’ve come, my love, to make you mine”

The sun appears on eastern shore
As flowers bloom in petal’d faire
Of wishes I do cast once more
My fortune now to find you there

“Come, let’s dream, let’s dream as one”
You sing to me harmonic voice
“And fall in love till time is done”
My heart has only but one choice

We leave this place of fractured doubt
My hand in yours, my life the same
A feeling but the need to shout
Dear heavens, thank you once again

For I was lost, a wilted soul
Alone of this and every breath
Of counted stars to take their toll
Awaiting but my coming death

And now my world has filled the brim
With love I find so deep inside
My dream is you, has always been
No longer do I run and hide

So now we dream, we dream as one
Such beauty does my life exceed
Perfection to my sight has come
Sweet angel, all I’ll ever need
Epic = Way too long...sorry
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
Forever promises
Jack Oct 2014

On this silent beach,
sunset emotions filter a bashful skyline

We watch…poetry written in the sand
slowly eclipsed by a drowsy tide,
sea foam whispers erasing words
of deepest love

Minute granules float somber
neath aquamarine sighs

You fill my arms
upon moistened shores,
velvet lips satisfy my thirst
as warm salt water tingles
gently frame our bodies,
drenched in the moment

My eyes immerse in this beauty
which saturates me

Two souls, a lone silhouette
casting waves of rhythmic
yearnings on a desolate strand,  
passion glistens
of moonbeam blushes
and forever promises
*are kept
Dreaming...they can come true...right?
Oct 2014 · 676
Heartborne (10W)
Jack Oct 2014

Your love is the virus
I hope to catch everyday
Oct 2014 · 601
In poetry
Jack Oct 2014

Subtly surmised
of this bed sheet warmth,
                darkened skies felt,
       Lost in silent hours
of a dream

         A beauty unbelieved
in flowing nightlace
                             Drinking from the fountain
       of every joy I have longed
Aglow where shadows
        once traced

Song birds lift
          of growing branch,
new leaves in velvet green
                      shading marigold sighs
     falling from calla lily skies,
         resting upon my heart

A touch greets
             cumulus milk paint skin,
salted of time,
      weathered in season’s charge
Coated satin emerging,
                               reclaiming its glisten of youth,

Whirlwinds gather,
                   swirls of tapestry patterns
float me on
            cut crystal wings a’ shimmer
Soaring into your arms
                A’ feel of kite string wisps
          as love takes me
            to you

I found you in a dream
                               *I write you in poetry
Jack Oct 2014

This path I wander, aimlessly
through evergreen and stone
As sunlight fades the calling mist,
I’m lost and all alone

With broken branch and tilted leaf
as footsteps fall from view
These endless thoughts a’ swirl my mind
in hopes of finding you
I dance with fairy creatures
that live among these trees
Enchanting stones and casting spells
that will lead your path to me

Your heart is the one I've chosen
but I'll cast no spells to bind
Your love, to me, for eternity
you must choose of your own free mind
Walking long of moss dream windings
Brittle earth my feet they fall
Weary as these eyes perceiving
Echoes on the silence call

Following my heart’s direction
Shimmering a light does bend
There beyond the fern leaf visions
Dare I pray it not pretend
A dash here and a sprinkle there
of pixie dust on my toes
I'll take those last few steps to him
except... I got some up my nose

Ahhhh-Choooo!! I sneeze and lose my footing,
falling swiftly on my ***
I see a face peeking through the trees,
now I feel just a little bit dumb
What was that, ahead, the clearing
a giggling I can’t resist
Parting quick this brush divider,
squinting, I peer through the mist

At this sight my feelings ponder,
beauty fore my questioned brow
A fairy, whom I feel connected
on the ground, she smiles now
"Well don't just stand there looking silly,
come over and take my hand"
I smiled and waited, beaming,
it was all going just as I planned

Now that he's close, I pounce on his heart
knocking him onto his back
"Gotcha!!" I squeal, delighted with my prize
"I'm so happy you made it, at last!"
I took her hand and fell in love,
such happiness her smile it brings
My shoulders twitched, as I looked back,
I saw that I had sprouted wings

She kissed me and my world did bloom
in joyful song and endless laughter
I knew right then we’d spend our days
living happily ever after
A collaboration with my talented friend Ana Sophia.
Oct 2014 · 509
No poetry without you
Jack Oct 2014
Softly flows the sunset colors
painted on tired skies with fire
Igniting a wafting cloud in orchid tints,
the fresh scent of pine lingering within its escape

Drowsy horizons boast their claim
along seaside waverings in salted mist
Romance swims on shorelines engulfed
with all of the pageantry a white cap stanza can bring

And I whistle as I walk along,
taking in this wonder that has followed me home
Resting on a porch swing, feet off the ground
as morning glories sleep beyond white painted balustrades

Satin fingers intertwine with mine,
milk pudding lips bring their flavor to me
Luscious frosting in a whipped frenzy
coating my mouth in sugary mass

I point to the sky, the stars they beckon,
heart shaped constellations for two
Twinkling in your twilight eyes
as I reach for my pen and pad

Only to realize that this indeed is my imagination,
lounging on a worn out sofa, tattered cushions,
empty beer cans acting like so many wishes
leaving wet rings on a table, but who cares

There was a time when poetry flowed
from these lonely fingers
in paisley emotions and violet scentings
climbing the arbor of love

But since you left,
leaving behind the shadows which claim my eyes
my ink is dry and my paper tossed, tiny ***** in random patterns
on a floor that begs carpeting, but only bares soiled footprints

As I struggle to my feet, to the front window
desperately waiting for the grass to grow and daisies…
I stab the wooden sill with my pen, I need it no more, for…
there is no poetry without you…and never will be again
Oct 2014 · 558
On a rainy day
Jack Oct 2014

My eyes find brilliant sunshine
as I peek from my umbrella
side stepping the ever filling puddles
dotting this muddied pathway

Blue skies overhead sing out loud
in the key of forever love,
harmonizing with each falling rain drop
and thunder clap ovation

I bask in the comforting warmth
of this damp cold drizzle
that coats my skin
and seeps through my shoes

My smile glows brightly…
past lightening strikes
and torrential downpours,
keeping all others indoors

“A more beautiful day
I have not seen”
I shout to the dark clouds
hovering ominously above me

I love thinking of you on a rainy day
Oct 2014 · 1.4k
Am I hideous
Jack Oct 2014
So many years have drained,
slowly taking what was once mine
scattering it over endless thoughts and memories
And I wonder why, where has it all gone…
Silver finds locks once dark,
muscles speak in much louder tones

Sleep is something of youthful moments
and nightmares wrap me where once bloomed orchids

Coming down that mountain…stumbling,
gazing on the valley below, green and lush,
envying those who still smile,
holding hands and drinking of life
one happy sip at a time
from that half full glass held next to their hearts

Not a drop spilled on their dance floor,
mixing with saw dust and erratic footprint designs

A tear finds my cheek, lonely as it is
asking what did it mean, why has loved passed me by
Nary a wave or a nod, eyes fixed elsewhere
Am I hideous…the thought has crossed my mind…why did I just grin,
did something soft touch me and I didn’t notice,
until now…perhaps

There’s that word again…seems overused
though it hasn’t been spoken in ages

Entering that final path, winding…tiring so
but a spring in the old step, a bounce found in place of a crawl
“Sweet the fragrant air doth find me of you”
Why did I just say that, and in a voice I hadn’t heard in so long
Seems to be singing…and it is me…me
and funny…I hear harmony

So it has come, the voices of my past belting out a few notes
into the mind of crab cake crumbles and starched socks

Yet it is not in my head, it is on the wind…a cool breeze of song
wafts along aged skin and tickles…and I laugh at the feeling
When she appears from a field of lavender, different yet perfect,
beautiful eyes, lips…I must be going insane…they said it would happen…madness
Then she smiles at me and I smile back, could this be….love…me
Taking my hand we run…yes run…uphill…and I feel free

Reaching in my pocket I pull out the four leaf clover
I found when I was twelve and whisper…”Took you long enough”
Jack Oct 2014

Silence, on waves of our tide motioned heartbeats,
cascading rhythms, a smooth metronome
Keeping this time inside blue water passions,
beneath the surface, the feelings we’ve grown

Hidden so deep in the swells of affection,
swimming the shores of a long summer’s night
Building a fortress of seashell laced castles,
sand dollar curtains to fend off the light

Running for cover as sunrise now beckons,
placing our smiles where the seas can not gaze
Whispering secrets of coast line devotion,
harboring dreams till the end of our days

Lighthouse lit beacons now search as a witness,
beaches a’ shimmer of moon glow above
Hoisting our anchor, we share the horizons,
*sailing these oceans, professing our love
Jack Oct 2014

I sit on this lonely hillside,
a faint crescent moon smiles
in the silent sky
Gazing across the valley,
finding darkness as the village sleeps
Yet as if a beacon of hope,
a lone light in your window glows
and I wonder if your midnight thoughts ~
are of me
Standing at my window,
gazing at the stars
I see new constellations
lining up like arrows in the night sky,
all of them point to you
The crescent moon is smiling
as though it too knows where my heart belongs
My eyes follow the river outside my window,
as it flows in your direction,
carrying thoughts of you
I fade off as my imagination
floats me atop a slumbering tree line
soft branches guide me
along the curves of a shadowed river bank
Gently I come to rest outside your window,
mesmerized by beauty as your enchanting eyes
reflect the star laced heavens
An autumn chill finds me and I long to fold
into the comfort of your October caress
The wood in the fireplace
cracks and sizzles
I feel its ribbons of warmth
gathering, wrapping around me
like a lover's warm embrace
stirring those feelings in my heart
the longing for you,
to stop and to stay
the next time your journey
brings you my way
Enchanting flames flicker, illumining my path,
a nervous sensation engulfs my body
as only a heart deeply in love can,
when the door opens, you smile,
melting me where I stand
Soothing arms pull me in and we kiss,
passion evolves in star dust shimmers...
My eyes again open...I still sit this lonely hillside,
imagination fading with the light in your window
and I wonder if your midnight dreams ~ will be of us

Gently I close the curtains and
move away from the window
I stoke the fire,
its soothing heat
settling upon my face
my face, a smile flickering
as the embers of my heart glow anew
with thoughts of you, us
I glance deeply into my longing dreams
All things I need,
lead to you and me,
A collaboration with my beautiful and talented friend Ana Sophia. She sure does make me look good.
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