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Oct 2014 · 687
Forgotten combinations
Jack Oct 2014

Chalked up to experience
erasers pounding in a sea of dust
     white marks on black thoughts
over and under the text book meanings
  torn pages litter lost feelings
     and no one cares what the teacher’s name is
as the bell rings and hallways fill
  with empty stares and blank expressions
          dialing forgotten combinations
*of locker stashed dreams
Oct 2014 · 489
Your truth
Jack Oct 2014
Your truth

Crept out from under your rock,
eyes penetrate the depth of my soul
Blood runs on empty streets
and fears claim another life
Drama tastes of bitter swallows
escaping from guillotine’s wrath
Staining my Sunday best,
pressed and altered
to fit within your diary

The previous page
sings of the living…
the final chapter dying
As another book is begun,
blank pages reach,
grasping for each helpless breath
beyond every ordained happiness
spewing only the lies
you claim to be your truth
The full moon is back..............
Oct 2014 · 774
Good News????
Jack Oct 2014

Channels change and minutes crawl
Depression sets the evening tone
Baseboards dream along the hall
As I sit here all alone

Hard is but my easy chair
Heavy eyes, a weeping tear
Someone *****, the anchors share
Communities are filled with fear

Shadows dance in lightening flash
Storms they rage on either side
Floods of sorrow, endings crash
A wonder I’d just rather hide

Bad news blaring all around
Every station sets the page
Perfect hair and smiles found
Reading prompters from the stage

How can they just sit and grin
Stack their papers nice and neat
As the world explodes again
People living in the street

Hurricanes destroying hope
Jets are falling from the skies
Another bust, a ton of dope
Politicians spewing lies

Mother’s crying, sons are dead
Shot while standing in the yard
Tell us something good instead
Can it be so very hard

Take your cameras, microphones
Find someone who’s doing right
Kindness to another shown
Tell us some good news tonight
Oct 2014 · 833
Afloat on the water
Jack Oct 2014

Afloat on the water
A shiny canoe
The morning is quiet
Fresh and so new
The current does take us
Where ever it may
Afloat on the water
On this autumn day

Afloat on the water
Blue skies above
Serene and so simple
A picture of love
Sounds of the morning
A sweet red bird’s tune
Afloat on the water
Moments in bloom

Afloat on the water
Cool in the breeze
Slowly adrift
Beautiful trees
Lilies pad borders
Cattails stand tall
Afloat on the water
No place at all

Afloat on the water
A bright shining sun
Peaceful endeavor
Happy and fun
Comfortable sailing
Smooth as can be
Afloat on the water
Alive and so free

Afloat on the water
Nowhere to go
You in my arms
Follow the flow
Not one single worry
Breathe in the air
Afloat on the water
Nary a care

Afloat on the water
Easy and slow
Holding you close
Never let go
This is our morning
Such beauty to see
Afloat on the water
Just you and me
Oct 2014 · 305
Beautiful mUSic (10w)
Jack Oct 2014

You and me,
I just love the sound of us
Oct 2014 · 2.5k
You…it has always been you
Jack Oct 2014

My entire life, days I didn’t even know I existed,
hours I sat in the window staring out
Moments spent walking along empty highways
exhaustedly scanning the horizons
Gazing into the night sky, dreaming beyond the moon
Pacing a weakened floor, counting the creaks
Peering behind shadow coated tree lines,
reaching for that which has eluded me

spent looking for you, not even sure who you were
Just knowing that you were out there
you…it has always been you

Sitting on a curb, head in my hands,
lost within the thoughts of my fate,
dreaming of the darkness which seems to follow me,
I feel a warmth, the cold wind changes
Soft hands upon my shoulders rest
and I look between crossed fingers,
seeing that smile, those eyes, realizing
I have not found you…you have found me

You lift me, I feel light, weightless,
as your lips meet mine, and I see
you…it has always been you

Suddenly it all makes sense,
while feeling time was wasted,
remembering footprints mounting the many faded trails,
sunlight opens a new chapter
proving I was not wrong  
Love has found me and it is
you…it has always been you
Oct 2014 · 2.1k
A Special Place
Jack Oct 2014
I’m thinking of a place
With a monkey and a sled
A brand new jar of cottage cheese
Just resting on the bed
An envelope with butterflies
Upon the stamp it wears
And a basement sitting at the top
Of someone else’s stairs
A very special place
Where the beach is at your door
And multicolored tangerines
Will help you mop the floor
A casserole with tuna
In a bowl of cocoa beans
Where a question is an answer
Or at least that’s what it seems
A place where you will notice
That the sun it always shines
And toaster ovens tick away
Below the shuttered blinds
Jeopardy is on the tube
Wherever you may go
Antiques shuffle down the street
As every road will show
When you are in this special place
A trolley will say hi
A weeping willow sings a song
As it forgets to cry
Hibiscus on the front porch
Welcome all who do drop in
The price it has been lowered
As the morning comes again
You’ll see while in this special place
A necklace on a whale
And smiles at the dollar store
They always are on sale
A seagull and a crescent moon
Now share the skies above
But most of all while in this place
You’ll see that you are loved
You will learn this special place
It lives within my heart
To offer you a haven
When we find we are apart
A sanctuary nestled deep
That forever will be true
For here within this special place
I always will love you
Oct 2014 · 1.6k
While you were sleeping
Jack Oct 2014
I wrote these words while you were sleeping
Lost between the sun and moon
Wrapped so tight in shadows seeping
Fractured light a’ dance your room

Eyes now closed and softly breathing
Peace it seems does seek your mind
Drifting off to sighed believing
Distant thoughts of wishful kind

Still the monsters come a’ motion
Bearing teeth of sharpened steel
Tearing through this deep devotion
Praying on your soul to feel

Running paths of darkest hour
Endings seem so far from view
Reach, my hand it wields the power
Strength abounds protecting you  

Bristled thorn of endless bleeding
Fear a’ grip your skin so tight
Here I stand to slay the demon
As you lie this whispered night

Place your heart in this my station
Lone of every captured whim
I shall last this strained duration
So your smile may rise again

Rest my precious love a’ keeping
Fear no more for I shall stay
Deep within your silent sleeping
To keep you safe this autumn's day
Oct 2014 · 504
Forever and a day
Jack Oct 2014
Gentle is the touch
Cherished is the feel
Dancing on the wind
Finding what is real
Lonely are the nights
Here so far away
Climb into my heart
Eternally to stay
Clinging to a vine
Running through the streets
Searching for the time
Obstacles we meet
Laughing at the ways
Someone else might think
Standing on the edge
Coming to the brink
Listen to my song
Sweet the words I sing
Only to your heart
Please I pray you bring
Flowers to the park
Smiles all around
Your angelic voice
Heaven is the sound
Beating is my heart
Dreams they can come true
If you find the dream
Includes me and you
Happiness shall be
In the form of love
Come and walk with me
Beneath stars above
Give to me your hand
Never let me go
I shall be your man
You are sure to know
When the day appears
Breathe a wondrous sigh
Put away your fears
Never more to cry
Listen to my words
As I promise true
Forever and a day
I’ll be loving you
Jack Oct 2014

I'll meet you more than halfway,
because I'll be running
Oct 2014 · 1.0k
Beneath the Milky Way
Jack Oct 2014

Upon a beach of silken sand
Neath nighttime's wondrous skies
Stars aglow of heavens hand
Soft moon beams fill your eyes

With gentle seas awash the shore
The scent of ocean wind
A shooting star our smiles explore
As dreams once more begin

Now glistening on waters blue
A hypnotizing light
Illuminates this love so true
I feel for you this night

In solitude of gentle flow
The touch of fingertips
A canopy of evening glow
My kiss upon your lips

This universe is ours to hold
Amongst the stars we'll play
Of secrets now our hearts have told
Beneath the Milky Way
Oct 2014 · 464
Mountain Paradise
Jack Oct 2014

Cascading down the mountainside
The crystal waters free
Flowing forth to quench this thirst
So deep inside of me

In perfect stance I hear the rush
A shimmer faithful glow
To hear the splash of all that’s good
Now falling down below

So white of foam and ripples pure
I wade in splendor mist
In natures wondrous bounty true
This peaceful daylight tryst

The waters cool upon my skin
A midday sun does shine
In shadows cast of dancing limbs
Of daydreams I do climb

Naked in this hidden place
Among the shining stone
I hear the mountain waters rush
And feel I’m not alone

The faintest whisper calls to me
My name I soon do hear
As now the girl with chocolate hair
Before my eyes appears

With nothing but a robe of white
She smiles tenderly
One foot she places in the pond
My waiting eyes do see

Her robe now lying on the ground
The beauty of her skin
Her silhouette against the sun
I beckon her come in

She loves the feel the water brings
It starts her mind a flow
Out here among the vibrant green
In natures perfect show

In silent swim without a sound
Upon the surface glide
Until she finds her way to me
Now right here by my side

Her lips so full and red like wine
A hint of amethyst
I stare her deeply in the eyes
And then a tender kiss

My arms they reach to hold her tight
So close I need her near
To feel the beating of her heart
Within the waters clear

So quietly we listen to
The sounds the forest brings
Flowing winds and waterfalls
And birds about who sing

Here in our mountain paradise
With skies so clear above
We share these moments that we live
Within each other's love
Oct 2014 · 449
Freaking Out (10W)
Jack Oct 2014

When your heart screams,
look inside your dreams...
find me
Jack Oct 2014

Joe wants to know
how long it takes
What inspiration
a poem it makes

It depends on my mood,
how everything goes
Sometimes it’s quick,
sometimes it’s slow

Often a thought
gets stuck in my brain
Like moon glow affection
or sunflower rain

Saturday whispers
and butter cream smiles
Lingering lovers
o’er hummingbird miles

Inspired by beauty
or love in my heart
Just give me a pen
I’m ready to start

And you’ll find me writing
not keeping the time
It takes a bit longer
if it has to rhyme

But no metered seconds
or minutes that fly
Just penning words
at least I will try

Though this time I’m counting
just for you Joe
To give you the answer
you so want to know

I looked at my watch
while right here I sat
And penned out this baby
in three minutes flat
Oct 2014 · 388
Cloud bound
Jack Oct 2014

A tedious time at security
An hour waiting to board
A long tiring flight
A middle seat
A tiny bag of peanuts
A luke warm beer
A bumpy landing
An unfamiliar airport
A beautiful face waiting to greet me
And my head is once again in the clouds
Oct 2014 · 672
There will come a time...
Jack Oct 2014

There will come a time when you say, "no more,
this weight is much too heavy to bear,
these thoughts of you dancing through my mind are now painful
and seeing that far ahead is nothing more than a blur"

There will come a time when you say, "it’s over,
I do love you more than anything but I can not any longer,
you will always reside deep in my heart
though telling you will not be an option"

There will come a time when you say, "good bye,
I wish I didn’t have to leave but I must,
I will not look back even though I want to
because this hurts so badly"

There will come a time when I say "I understand",
and that will be the time that I don’t
Oct 2014 · 557
In dreams
Jack Oct 2014
In dreams

On misty banks of weathered shoreline,
deplete by oceans endless play
With scattered seas of ageless voyage,
lone sunsets formed on borrowed bay

Horizons beckon with a daydream,
in distant lines of forward flow
On breezes captured always welcome,
as if some one I once did know

A jetty sits in foam laced waters,
lapping cold against its skin
Of the sights it surely witnessed
and moon beam patterns once again

This solitude of thoughts provoking,
a heartbeat dances on a wave
For memories we’ve long forgotten
or the ones our heart has saved

As here I sit in meditation,
abreast of nature’s melody
To find a whispered love awakens,
my woman of this dark night sea

This night and every there before me,
bring a touch of love so kind
Beyond the washing waves so splendor,
for but a voice to call her mine

So now I face this grand conclusion,
what’s meant to be is all I ask
For on the sun’s due east arrival,
I stand ready for the task

To send my love, to her unending,
far beyond this shining sea
And pray to find her pure acceptance
in dreams that she shall wait for me
Oct 2014 · 455
And she smiles...
Jack Oct 2014
And she smiles...

Somewhere in the distance
the horizon sleeps my canvas,
dawn comes to me in a dream

While the sun’s early rays
caress her,
widening her sable eyes and she smiles…

(before these eyes of mine can see)

Darkness drinks my landscape
in silence as I breathe, staring,
sending my heart along this imaginary line

As she sips her cup,
warm within this daylight bliss
Mornings are her and she smiles…

(and I find a crescent moon smiling on me)

A glint, a faint hint of light I see
of grapefruit tint and raspberry ribbons,
like fireflies on the hill

She peers out the window,
runs her fingers through her hair, inhaling
blue morning glory skies, and she smiles…

(as I exhale the night and the eastern glow I greet)

Pastels in salmon flow gather of my scene
and I rejoice in the new born light for at last,
across the distance, we may share the sun

*And she smiles…
Jack Oct 2014
And the forest was silent again…

Splintering shadows creep slowly
across the overgrown footpath
frantic fingers slivering in sinister shapes

Slumbering moon beams cloaked,
abaft of a stately oaken veil,
a canopied thorn and branch woven tapestry

Wallowed whispers cling to cavernous winds
pushing chinaberry stalkers deep
under the cover of moss coated roots

When suddenly…

          Underbrush fantasies flourish
          behind vine wreathed curtains,
          on fallen leaf stages of assorted colors

          Foot light fireflies trim the edges
          in panoramic illuminations,
          flickering to tickle every fancy

          Fairies perform pirouettes on tippy toes
          Glistening wings flutter, shimmering to the
          melodic sounds of hedgehog harmonies

          As bullfrog baritones and spider web sopranos,
          sing the sweetest songs in the key of autumn
          bringing smiles to all of the creatures in attendance

When suddenly…

Far away on the eastern horizon
the faintest specklings of amber appear
slipping through the densest drapes

A great horned owl yawns and blinks,
gazing eyes follow the turning head
as he surveys another day in his life

Sounds of scurrying, bristled brush
echo through now glowing limbs
signaling the end of the evening

And the forest is silent again…
Just a little whimsy on a Thursday
Oct 2014 · 560
Just left of the sunrise
Jack Oct 2014

Here I rest on this soft shoulder of desire,
hitch hiking to places I’ve only dreamt,
due north of where I used to be,
just left of the sunrise,
near the still waters
where stones have been skipped
and ripples encircle these thoughts of
what if…
Jack Oct 2014

I drove the spike that bent the spine,
the screaming left me at the turnstile
without exact change and late for the sunset

Slippery tracks added to the conceit
where beggars paint sidewalks
in day-glo Picassos leaking onto the curb

Cardboard memories create warmth
in perforated dreams,
paying cost for something broken

and the conductor signals
a left turn on a straight run
creasing the permanent press avenue

Billboards say “god is not dead”
until their contract runs out
and the labels are peeled for good

Still I stand here holding the hammer
swinging between the rafters
in this life after death revelry

on any night of the week
that brings each moment
to a complete standstill
Just a quick written piece of beer inspired nonsense.
Sep 2014 · 851
Who I am
Jack Sep 2014
What was free now carries a cost
and I have no money to pay,
that account dried up a long time ago,
the last time I thought I was young

Now grandfather clocks know me by name,
chiming in their opinion,
pointing fingers in every direction,
signaling each passing hour like it is a celebration

Waking me from a peaceful moment
while an insulting dawn
hidden behind dark raspberry clouds
sings, “Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone”

I see sunflowers staring through shutters
wondering why as
tear drops collect on their seeded faces,
salting their very existence

So I write out the reason
in the dust on this end table
Finger marks cutting through the dirt
that has gathered, forgotten and reminded

No poetry in those words, that has left me too,
my pen now passed on to someone “younger”
playing hopscotch and drinking cherry cola
stealing her heart as I

Fall into the unmade bed
where pillows are my only friends
Covering up...trying to hide from
the truth that scares me so..........who I am
Just a poem.
Jack Sep 2014
Ancient wounds ~ Comet wishes

Bleeding from these ancient wounds
Falling to the earth below
Mud red, blood red, softening the ground
My footprints ache in format patterns

So long the wounds, of age defined,
Dripping masses in the mist
Marked for life, while a beating heart
pumps eternal fluid fears

Watching as the puddles grow,
round at first and then obscure
Fading faster than the sun
on its westward trek of daylight shadows

Weak…I find my eyes they stare
off into the crowning moon
Beams of effervescent glow
shroud me in unknown pleasures

Rising above the crusted mounds
Light as any whispered breeze
Words now call in sweet caress
Melodies of past preferred ring

Lyrics sung to me and me alone
A language that my soul does speak
Piano keys in blended black and white
string together lasting impressions

Symphonies of a healing concerto
press upon my quivered skin
Scars now dance at the revival
and still my feet don’t find the floor

My hand is touched, fingers moved
Warmth embraces this awkward grip
as peace flows, smooth, soft, subtle
through my veins

The bleeding has ceased
Disappeared among comet wishes
and my heart, once silent, now sings
in harmony with her voice…and I dream
Sep 2014 · 965
Meant to be, eternally
Jack Sep 2014

Beyond the sand and water line
alone in quelled explore
These footprints lead uncharted miles,
the first of many more

To wander in a time once known,
reflective worries gleam
In sand dune wishes washed away
and thoughts of what they mean

This setting sun shall rise again,
bring mornings to their due
Tiffany shades to paint the way
hypnotic thoughts of you

We’d walk this beach of moon lit swirls
to count each star above
These tiny lines from me to you,
connections of our love

When now this silent vacant space,
misplaced of harmony
Dark shadows play a time before
of what this world could be

Sitting here these shifting sands,
my heart does swim the tide
Ebb and flow desires sung,
tear drops cast aside

When there a shinning light appears,
deep within my stare
A figure from my memory
performed of glistened flair

You take me swift into your own
with eyes to meet my gaze
Longing for the past returned
of brighter sunny days

Words inscribed this moistened beach,
scrolled so deep the sand
“Meant to be, eternally”
cursive in your hand

Soft a curved horizon’s smile,
immersed of drifted sea
Drenched in every breath of you
is found this destiny

Sandcastle dreamscapes, seashell bliss
we walk again this shore
Like waves that fall our endless strand
*as one, forevermore
Sep 2014 · 649
Glowing Forever
Jack Sep 2014
Glowing Forever

As simple as bringing a flame to a candle
I hold the match ever tight in my hand
Striking the swatch in an emery fashion
Watching the flame as it takes its command

Flickering fond as the room was once darkened
Sending a glow to the ceiling so white
Cautions now bear of the heat it is yielding
You are the candle that lights up my life

Fill me with warmth that your flame it is bringing
Illumine my ways as I feel the embrace
******* a kiss in a different direction
Sweetly now place your touch wet on my face

Softly my breeze finds your flame ever moving
Captured the visions as now it does dance
Residue forms at the base of affection
You are the light of this perfect romance

Burn evermore as my heart beat is singing
Take of this wick every need and desire
See as my shadow moves closer to hold you
Together we find the most passionate fire

Light of my dreams oh I so long to feel you
Tapering slightly in spite of the spark
Melting eternal of love's light a' flicker
Glowing forever inside of my heart
When you glow it is such a beautiful light
Sep 2014 · 397
You are (1W)
Jack Sep 2014

Sep 2014 · 411
Your man
Jack Sep 2014

O’ fallen leaf of barren branch
doth charge my heart, my aching heart
with missing you, needing you
On sun dried earth I lay,
grasping at my dreams, so desperate,
find that in this depth
felled by wind of cooler days,
my life doth need your touch
so very much it calls to thee,
come to me, cover me
shower me with hope…
so far you stand
I feel as if I am a tiny creature,
an insect on the pavement
with cracks and crevice deep
Foundling for the distance far,
searching of a path to reap
to thy heart, thy arms
O’ breath of love I beg thee home,
to lie with you this eve,
this autumn's eve
of far off arches and grayish glare
My travels take me long away
Places I am lost to stay
find this boy a’ crying
tears of love for thee, tears of despair
Crying, weeping, hoping, begging,
come to me,
come to me my love, my dream
into my open arms…waiting
The day might fill the emptiness
with broken branches barren so
dare I say I have the right
to honor love from you,
hold it so within my heart aching
My needs are many,
the truth has shown
for languished features painted hard,
hard against my weathered skin, rough, broken
I scream, my voice still faint of tone,
louder as is nothing less
sorted by the evening breeze
blowing strong against the fence
I desire thee to touch me,
kiss me, hold me, take me
The flames of passion brightly burn
igniting but this love I hold
So cherished is your heart
I feel it pounding, pulsing
within mine own chest
My quest is you and only you,
design me, I am yours,
make me as you would,
carve me, bend me, mould me
sculpt me to be,
your man
Sep 2014 · 991
Because of you
Jack Sep 2014

Because of you
I learned to live
I learned to breathe
I learned to give

I learned to write
I learned to read
I learned to want
I learned to need

I learned to sing
I learned to talk
I learned to dance
I learned to walk

I learned to look
I learned to know
I learned to listen
I learned to grow

I learned to dream
I learned to care
I learned to hear
I learned to share

I learned to gain
I learned to teach
I learned to find
I learned to reach

I learned to smile
I learned to grin
I learned to love
All over again
Sep 2014 · 428
Good night Beautiful
Jack Sep 2014
Stardust dreams
caress your heart
A' play upon a midnight sky,
weaving thoughts
in quiet moments

Worries form on moonlit whispers
climbing shadows now
luring your eyes
to far away visions
painted in the colors
of true love

I hold you
with caring arms,
protecting you from your fears,
sitting by your side
as you sleep this September night

Find those stardust dreams
floating within reach
for I bring them to you
softly and sweetly in my love
as you close your eyes...
Sep 2014 · 443
Even the smallest refrain
Jack Sep 2014
Even the smallest refrain

Why is the sky so much darker
When did the sun start to set
So many shadows are falling my pathway
Hoping my heart can forget

What is the meaning of never
Can I still stand on my own
How could you leave me out here in the darkness
Hiding these fears I have sown

Can you not see I am crying
Pleading with stars in the sky
Calling your name till the heavens are reeling
Seeking the day passing by

Empty my dreams they have fallen
Shattered this earth down below
Collections of feelings stretched long in the mist
Anguish felt ever so slow

Echoes the branches are swaying
Silhouettes pointing at me
Staring upon every sorrow now spoken
Here in this night I can see

If in your heart you find waiting
Even the smallest refrain
Hear of my words for I beg you to listen
I need you, please love me again
Not a state of mind, just a poem.
Jack Sep 2014

Our day ~ our beach ~ our love
As moments lazily pass, sighing breezes
  *we sit silent ~ adrift as a single composed symphony

      tempo’d by the rhythmic surf ~
  its constant sensuous flow
      lulling our hearts, aching to collide
                  in one melodic breath
Horizons blush ~ love’s mist lingers
   arms of cradling desire caress beauty ~ lone
          of seashell mosaics  palm leaf shade ~
            cool murmurs on warm sand
Your silken lips offer a glistening enchantment~
         their taste, salty pleasures of virginal mornings
Velvet waves entice ~ white foam illusions
         drift quietly ~ carelessly ~ soothing
we too build and recede ~ filling our amorous needs
    As a steady rising sun embraces an
          aquamarine sky,
      you glow in effervescent shimmers at my touch
Our bond remains unbroken ~
    tethered to an ocean’s hypnotic trance
     your body against mine ~
           skin upon glistening skin
merely to hold you ~ feel you~ kiss you
        is my coastal haven
Now as the fading light relinquishes its hold
    & dusk splashes violet secrets on a weary sky ~
      tides becomes a single motion within us
   Our day ~ our beach ~ our love
                                 *shall forever be
Sep 2014 · 781
Doubled up (10W)
Jack Sep 2014

If I could love you forever,
I'd do it twice
Jack Sep 2014

Your words
Speak to me
Early morning longings
Soft distant sounds
Far away affections
Lunch hour lingerings
Skyline whispers
Subway quivers
Caressing thoughts
Touching senses
Embracing emotions
Erasing fears
Coaxing smiles
Late night sighs
Speak to me
Your words
Sep 2014 · 861
Oh Ancient Dune
Jack Sep 2014

Oh ancient dune
What have thou seen

Through raging storm
In lover’s dream
Of sunny days
Restless nights
Tempest waves
Wayward flights
Winter’s blast
Snow and sleet
Summer’s sun
Soaring heat
Changing tides
Eroding beach

What have you learned
What could you teach

So patiently
Your stand it finds
Without a sound
The passing time
Grasses tall
Sands of white
Shadows reach
Holding tight
Perfect shape
Magic stance
True romance
So serene

Oh ancient dune
*What have thou seen
Sep 2014 · 1.0k
If words could talk (10W)
Jack Sep 2014

“I love you”
Sounds so much better spoken,
than written
Don't get me wrong, both ways are wonderful, but that sound...ooooh
Sep 2014 · 604
Spilling Ink
Jack Sep 2014
Spilling Ink
Branded as a silent theme
when all but the last call out
in unrecognized voices
of all black piano keys
chanting in circles
humming spheres of latent thought
bringing in the melodies
of a fractured symphony
out of tune with society
singing praises of the unknown
in 3-part harmony
when two can’t sing
and the third is me
sitting quietly
in my poetic corner
spilling ink
on the scars
of my now
hidden in plain sight
Jack Sep 2014
I watched as the seasons changed,
painting the landscape in a myriad of colors
Filling the air with fireplace fragrances
as glowing embers reached to the heavens
safely out of harm's way
Gardens entered their slumber stage
while the last petals of summer’s bouquet
fell softly to the ground
Creatures big and small prepared for the chill
building dens or finding hollow logs
to call home
I see so much beauty at this time of year
but then I think, I’ve seen this all before
nothing new, nothing innovative
just the same old, same old

And then I turn and gaze upon the last leaf
on a lonely branch of an old oak tree
fluttering in the wind and I think,
now that is creative…
even nature is waving goodbye to me
Sep 2014 · 508
I see...
Jack Sep 2014
I see…the sun
on the horizon
The moon
upon the night

The flowers
in the garden
So lovely
and so bright

The birds
among the branches
The fish
in every sea

But none
shall bring the beauty,
your love
it brings to me

I see…the mountains
so majestic
The grasses
on the hill

A snowy
winter morning
That brings
a wondrous chill

A little baby
Its smile
ever free

But none
shall bring the beauty,
your love
it brings to me

I see…the skies
so blue, inviting
A small
secluded shore

Along a
tiny island
The scenery
so pure

A shady spot
for resting
a maple tree

But none
shall bring the beauty,
your love
it brings to me
Sep 2014 · 573
Sunflower Sunrise
Jack Sep 2014

Balmy breezes capture me,
though struggle I’ll not feed,
sifting on the glowing rays beyond the heather hedge,
walking barefoot,
senses fly,
lemonade the tint…
born upon this early morning sky

Lantana lullabies,
still a faint offering,
relinquish me of moon fed destinies,
setting me free once more
in the golden sheen of the pristine
sunflower sunrise

Soft, a haze does find me in a sphere of intoxicated dreams
swirling about this blue canopy,
this euphoric frame bordering
the tapestries of nature’s happiness

On this day wings sprout,
gossamer in saffron flow
from shoulders soft and bliss divine,
perfect of a vision I do long
to harbor near

For in my eyes again reflects your beauty
and I touch you…
Your smile finds my heart
as I breath in the majesty of my desires,
thanking the heavens once more
for my blessings
Sep 2014 · 1.9k
My poetry sucks
Jack Sep 2014
My poetry *****

I’m so tired of writing

My fingers are sore

My poetry *****

I’m becoming a bore

Sticking a verse

In front of your face

Oozing with love

All over the place

Creamsicle colors

Metaphors thick

Wasting your time

Making you sick

Finding a title

Spending the time

Just like this poem

Something to rhyme

Or it could be free-verse…

Drifting on metallic clouds in copper spoons

dreaming in patterns of silhouette shadows

and my foot falls asleep

Maybe a Senryu

Read at your own risk

Dumb crap being written here

***** bags needed

Perhaps a Haiku

Softly floats the bird

Atop morning glory skies

**** thing **** on me

Or a Tanka, a Sonnet

A Villanelle or an Assterring

The last one is nothing

I made up the **** thing

So you see I’m no poet

Least not anymore

For what you are seeing

Is what you abhor

And I’m not complaining

Not here on this screen

My pen is on empty

I’m ready to leave

I’m so tired of writing

My fingers are sore

My poetry *****

I’m becoming a bore
Sep 2014 · 1.0k
Not a poem ~ A thank you
Jack Sep 2014
In case you didn’t know, Kalypso’s father passed away a few days ago.
I just received an email from her and she asked that I express her appreciation to everyone on HP for their kindness.  So, I thought there would be no better way for me to do so than by posting her own words.

She wrote to me:

People have been so sweet and the messages I have received are just so kind. I never thought I would receive this type of reaction. I truly found a community of wonderful souls and I am so thankful for them all. I will post something saying this soon, but if you wouldn’t mind saying how deeply touched I am for everyone’s condolences and kindness…I would appreciate that. I just can’t find the words.

I think she found the perfect words.
Sep 2014 · 470 a poetic nutshell
Jack Sep 2014

Marching in the parade of fools
Trumpets blare and leading the pack
Nothing more than a dreamer, dreaming
Looking for the next day
The next step in this life
That sometimes seems worth it
And sometimes doesn’t

Feeling the pain of every saddened heart
Taking the weight upon my shoulders
Wishing to bring peace
Though often told I can’t know this pain
That I fit this parade perfectly
No one wants my help
But still I offer a hand

A deep lover of love…a believer that is comes
Waiting with a fragile heart
Too much understanding for my own good
Some one who can see but often wishes he couldn’t
A sponge, learning, absorbing, wanting
A white knight often with a tarnished shield

Unhappy with what I am, not who I am
Concerned about what I will become
But never fearing of death
That is another parade I know I will participate in
Tossing confetti in hopes
I am remembered, one way or the other
Nothing much...nothing more than

me…in a poetic nutshell
For Joe Cole's latest challenge
Sep 2014 · 303
Staring at an end
Jack Sep 2014
Staring at an end

Lost, on a shattered plain of existence
Counting crows circling over head
Naming them to make them seem familiar
Friends with black wings
Looking down
Screaming across the valley
High pitched warnings
Feedback off of dark clouds
Lying here alone…once again alone
Wondering what I could have or should have said
Sifting the waters of my mind
Searching for that one gold nugget
That last shining piece of hope
That I can hold in my hands
But it is not there
And my friends are getting closer
Lower, a hungry expression on their faces
Drooling at the thought
And I point and yell
There is nothing here
Nothing left
Just an empty soul
Staring at an end
Sep 2014 · 498
Mirror, mirror
Jack Sep 2014
I looked in a mirror
and saw a face
weathered and worn
Tear stain scarred cheeks
A frown where a smile once lived,
head hung low,
eyes hollow and unseeing
Fading like the one creating
the reflection

Then I look again
and see you over my shoulder
and the image looking back
now appears young and vibrant
alive and happy

I am still me, just a man
nothing much
but you make me something...

In love
Sep 2014 · 1.9k
The dog, the cat and the pig
Jack Sep 2014
Here is a tale of a dog and a cat
And a *** bellied pig, so pink and so fat
Of days in the garden alongside a farm
A whimsical story of magic and charm

The dog as he was of bushy descent
Yellow in color where ever he went
Digging a hole was his prime source of fun
As a matter of fact he had just finished one

The collar he wore was a leathery find
With studs made of silver so brightly it shined
His tail ever wagging, a happy old guy
He hung with is friends as the hours passed by

The cat on the other hand, sleek and so fine
A coat made of orange with stripes it combined
Cleaning a habit I see in all cats
But this one was special for it wore a hat

A tiny straw chapeau with fine feathered brim
A ribbon of pink that was wrapped round her chin
Though not really sure if a cat finds the style
But more as I looked I would bet that she smiled

And there to her left with a snort and a grunt
Was a portly built fellow the legs of a runt
Fine wispy hair that did cover the skin
With a gather of long ones that hung from his chin

Puffing along an attempt to keep pace
The dog and the cat and the pig they would race
Faster and faster they’d run through the fields
Though what was the secret of friendship revealed

None were the same as they differed and so
Still bound together a’ running they’d go
Never before as I think about that
Has a dog or a pig ever friended a cat

For ever so prissy, no memories jog
A cat who was friends with a pig and a dog
Though still I could see right abreast of my eyes
These three companions did bring the surprise

What is the moral of all that I see?
It sure does not matter of your company
Whether a dog or a pig or a cat
You can make friends with whomever you chat

People are different in color and race
But everyone seems to be wearing a face
A face that can smile, a face that can cry
A face that can hello or even good bye

If only we look at each other the same
Will we find fortune in learning their name
No matter the differences that we might see
It pays for each of us to every time be

Nice to each other and all things like that
Just like the dog and the pig and the cat
Sep 2014 · 409
Broken (10w)
Jack Sep 2014

The pieces are scattered everywhere,
don't bother picking them up
I won't need them anymore
Sep 2014 · 791
Far away together
Jack Sep 2014
Miles away in my heart
Feeling your love in the distance
Together we know we're apart
Ignoring the pull of resistance

Watching the shadows at play
Hearing the echoes of passion
Closer we sit far away
Kissing in our wondrous fashion

Now as I look I can see you
Farther is right out the door
Messaging now just a preview
Of all our love has in store
Sep 2014 · 266
Endings? (10w)
Jack Sep 2014

What if tomorrow never comes,
will I still remember today?
Sep 2014 · 952
Jack Sep 2014
Soft as a feather
your kiss comes to me
Here ever after
I long it to be
Tight on my lips
so perfect and pure
Yours is the kiss
I've come to adore

Warm as the springtime
your touch I can feel
Holding me close
I know it is real
Constant like tides
caressing the shore
Yours is the touch
I've come to adore

This side of heaven
your love calls my name
Eternal my dream
igniting the flame
A beautiful light
to shine evermore
Yours is the love
I love to adore
Sep 2014 · 365
The Flowers are Blooming
Jack Sep 2014
The flowers are blooming

Sifting through my day,
withered masses of an old heart
searching in the wrong corner,
dreaming in muted grays on a white background,
hoping the flowers bloom
and I get to see them

Long hours offer only relief
when I look past the walls
formed around my smile so long ago
they are only a faded memory
flickering in and out,
losing clarity

Out of nowhere, struck by a bolt of lightening
so brilliant, beautiful, electrifying
I can only stare and wonder, is this for me
to keep or look but don’t touch
To…dare I say…love
Love, my lonely volume of a friend long dusted on the shelf

Love, I now laugh, love only finds those
who deserve it and those signs have long since
pointed a different direction
But a voice speaks otherwise
a soft tone, a sweet noise I’ve not heard
or imagined since…

Whispers of affection from you
fall upon my ears…my ears?
like I am something, somebody, and it feels good
even if it is so hard to believe
And I feel tears forming…tears, could this be happiness
I ask, when there before my misted eyes

The flowers are blooming
and I see them
Now I suppose I'll wait and see if they die again.
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