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Jan 2015 · 726
Stoned by stupidity
Jack Jan 2015

It is within this rock I sit

Encased in regret

Solidified by guilt's mortality

Hurt friend’s pain and sadness etched

Dead for all sense and purpose

Shifting on ancient sand’s sorrow

Blistered by dire gale forces breathing

Stoic between cracks in the facade

Weathering at rapid paces of mistaken footsteps

A mausoleum of loneliness

Branded with hot iron’d weepings

Deafened of heartbreak earthquake tremors

Hammer and chiseled contaminates

Crushed bits of worthless rubble

Scattered in sincerity's anguished apologies

****** by stupidity…

                                        …dust on the wind
Jan 2015 · 826
Jack Jan 2015
A realm of fantasy
My mind it takes control
Painting pictures
Prepared within the soul

Plays its hand
Cautions cast the style
What I see
Is what I am
And will be for a while

Leads a blinded eye
To where the path begins
For the moment
I shall wait
Right here so deep within
Jan 2015 · 752
Another day begins
Jack Jan 2015

Morning glows
upon wishing eyes
across dew drop horizons
and tree line kisses,
warming my heart
as my dawning thoughts
turn towards the beauty...

Another day begins
with smiles, with love,
with you...
Jan 2015 · 519
Our love is...
Jack Jan 2015
Violet vista breezes
and sweet mountain dreams
Painted on a sunset canvas
amidst cloud lace ribbons
Flowing in silent display
on the horizon
of our hearts
Jan 2015 · 403
Jack Jan 2015

Unravel the night as it nods off
to become a wall of darkness
until the sun looks into your eyes
once again
and you feel the light of truth

Then tell me what is real
among the promises we have made
and why the blood running through our veins
speaks of us, and only us
as our hearts are seduced

Shall we continue to live on the edge
where each breath we take
challenges our bodies to become
harmoniously in control
and one with each other

For as our hearts do speak
of the need to see each other's face
and how love's flame burns
within our eyes, we dream of destiny’s
touch upon our soul

Reaching for the light, truly shining
on our hearts and of our faces
to open the eyes of those who do not
see or know,
exposing our love for what it is

So take me unto this light with you
to play as children in the snow
to love as adults within the driving passion
taking us deeper into the realm
of love unhidden, exposed
Jan 2015 · 445
Your words
Jack Jan 2015

Rushing upon slippery stones,
smooth textures fall
far below glistened riverbed smiles

White foam visions reflect,
gathering within misted whispers
as I stand naked, breathing in the day,
drenched in warm poetic waterfalls

Rhyming to the sun’s glare, always aware,
baring my soul now flooded in
this beauty which saturates my eyes

Fern leaf dreamscapes
trickle my fancy and dragonflies
skim the surface as love washes over me, cascading
desires in unending streams
*of your words…
Jan 2015 · 435
Jack Jan 2015

I can hear the birds singing,
but I can’t see them
Calling for the sun to rise
from dark branches scraping the sky
Full of life they sound
perched high above the speckled lawn
Clinging to sticks, crooked and bare,
formed of countless years trying
and mistletoe nightmares

Melodies bridge the breeze,
lonely corn fields of narrow rows
and a garden of sleeping blooms...
life waiting to be reborn
to paint the landscape with color
Bringing happiness to the birds
singing anyway on the cusp of new,
the edge of beauty near
as northern horizons wake

Grey skies still cling the heavens
I listen, quietly to this music
as if their harmonies will lift
the loneliness from my heart
Chambered worries of what will come,
pulsating rivers in free flowing vistas
counting minutes until spring arrives
and I whisper a sad good bye
but I will return…I will return
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
(Even poets)
Jack Dec 2014

Canterbury crimson
On the plot that stands the rim
Beckoning the lonely souls
Oh please do come on in

Find a feast that’s waiting
Drink until your fill
Kick those shoes across the floor
Spit along the spill

Everyone is happy
Can’t you see their smiles
Torches burn the shadows through
Some have come from miles

Dance among the ruins
Yes, your life is there
Fall into the dark abyss
We’ve so much more to share

Crawl the crooked hallway
Feel the pain increase
Blistered skin and fractured bone
Oh well, to say the least

Chains are always ready
Locks are rusted tight
Forget about the sunrise spell
Just make it through the night

There’s no use in crying
It’s music to our ears
Melodies of freakish song
Lyrics penned in fears

Find the darkest corner
Make yourself at home
Hell accepts most anyone (even poets)
You’ll never be alone
Jack Dec 2014

Fresh the scent of sunshine

in its basking fragrant glow

Painted far horizons

of this beauty that does show

Purest adoration finds

this chilly air so near

The early dew is frozen

on this morning crystal clear

So I pen this simple poem

as the new day comes to meet,

filled with honest thank yous

for your kindness oh so sweet

With Christmas Eve now dawning

there’s a smile that I see,

when I ponder my reflection

for you're all so good to me

Merry Christmas to my HP family
Dec 2014 · 631
Here I cry
Jack Dec 2014
Feathered mist does gather at my waiting
Melodies, now dance about my brain
Found of times the hours are negating
Dreaming of your beauty once again

Feel your touch, my skin it does remember
Softer still, the moonlight in your eyes
Days before, in shadows of December
Breathing comes as lonely filtered sighs

In my dreams, I see we are together
Running free, the wind upon your hair
Soaring high like two birds of a feather
Heavenly, I pray I find you there

Standing here, my eyes they search the meadow
Of the snow now flowing in the view
Silhouettes, my heart it tends to follow
Here I cry, it seems I always do
Dec 2014 · 450
Harmonies whisper
Jack Dec 2014

Down here I sit as the moon rises high
Melodies float on the air
Songs of affection rain down from the sky
Oh how I wish I were there

Dreaming of lyrics a’ flow on the wind
Harmonies whisper my mind
Voices so sweet touch me so once again
Memories past to remind

Feel you and me while they’re playing our song
Soft as your lips they do sing
Hold me so deep in your heart all night long
Wrapped in your lullaby wings

Staring to heaven, the stars that do shine
Hearing the beat of your heart
Praying the day that forever you’re mine
Never again we will part

So we may sing in the verses of love
Soft of our symphonies pure
Ballads eternal a’ wing up above
Sung with the one I adore
Dec 2014 · 916
Captured Moments
Jack Dec 2014

Cotton candy clouds adrift
Upon these twilight azure skies
Silently in colors formed
Of taking breath and casting sighs

Aglow, a moon of muted light
Above these branches, rests in wait
Reaching o’er the final glimpse
Now as this day it does negate

Here I stare in thoughtful dreams
Wondering on scattered winds
Shall this spell of moonlit phase
Bring my love to you again

A’ dance upon your waking heart
Soft of light and chilled caress
Of these miles we stand apart
Filled with hope and lone confess

Captured moments, sorted time
Found entwined of this we see
As a fragile silhouette
Wafting through so endlessly

Hear my voice, it calls your smile
Echoes of a promise true
Far beyond this beaconed vision
*Steadfast is my love for you
Dec 2014 · 710
Jack Dec 2014

Sluggish, my eyes barely focus,
headlights seem faint
through this cracked windshield
in heavy traffic, bending lanes
with detour signs collecting travelers
like gas station snow globes,
displayed in between blurred white lines

Monstrous *** holes shake me awake
from the thoughts crawling
deep within a weary mind,
a casualty of a night to forget
which will not soon be forgotten
as digital numbers, glaring red
catch my eye and I see…5:38

Darkness engulfs the cab of this truck,
dash lights cringe and flash hypnotically,
out of round tires draw skid marks
on a lonely winding pavement
As my feet fall through the floor boards,
scraping on glass shard encrusted asphalt
bleeding beyond the speed limit

White knuckles grip the wheel
while doors become giant guillotines,
slashing at faux leather seats, exposing rancid foam leaking
battery acid on the engine’s severed heads
Everything begins to spin, losing control,
a bright flash and I shift to see…5:39
and the sun comes out presenting a beautiful day
Don't ask...
Dec 2014 · 590
For you see I hold the pen
Jack Dec 2014

Destined of the soft parade
Along the dotted line
Whispering amongst the shade
In just the nick of time

Street lights sway upon the wind
A course to find the foe
Shouting but to catch my breath
Of songs now sung below

Call me names now if you like
For sticks and stones don’t care
Left becomes the new found right
If you are going there

I will fight until the death
As armies tend their knives
Sorted comes my honored breath
In terms to realize

Spit between your crooked teeth
And laugh a hearty laugh
Practicing what I do preach
Behold the aftermath

When your feet do stand in mud
So filled with blood of red
Falling with a caustic thud
As everyone is dead

Still you question what is this
Your eyes they scan the scene
Through the pages you do flip
Your worthless magazine

I will rise up through the flame
Amidst the trumpets blare
Wearing not an ounce of shame
For eyes that blindly share

For you see I hold the pen
These verses that I write
Flow from deep within my mind
As I can’t sleep this night

Always I will wear the grin
Of this melodic time
For my battles I will win
Right here inside my rhyme

So bring your tanks, your weapons too
For I will stand this ground
As my cheers will ring on through
In echoes of my sound

Wave your flags and banners high
Proclaim this holiday
As I sneak this poem by
For you to read today
Just messing with rhymes...  :)
Dec 2014 · 2.0k
Perfectly Presenting my Love
Jack Dec 2014

Painting a picture of porcupines playing
Pincushions out in the field
Purple and pink for this playful perception
Plans of their purpose revealed

Painful endeavors of pacified pranksters
Presenting a pie at their place
Pecan or pumpkin, pickle, pineapple
Pieces are smeared on their face

Putting the paint on some powder puff paper
Pleasure in each stroke is plied
Pausing to peer at the porcupines playing
Prancing in pansies they hide

Puzzling problems with pretzels and peanuts
Posturing people to prove
Pistachio perfume in prime presentation
Preaches that peaches will move

Polishing pastels on pre-printed pages
Prized the possessions we seek
Paisley the plumes of a peacocks posterior
Portraits now come take a peek

Pampering piccolos play the piano
Pure as a pelican’s prayer
Picking a parcel of plum flavored pudding
Poetic prose fills the air

Pleats in my pants shout in proud proclamation
Puddle my pores they perspire
Poodles on playgrounds prevent prosecution
Plotting my hearts pure desire

Passion precedes every past tense of parting
Piled with a presence so true
Painting a picture while purposely dreaming
Promising my love to you
Ok, just having a little fun and I have to P.   :)
Jack Dec 2014

Chauncey was a gardener
At least that’s what was said
His roses were his masterpiece
A perfect shade of red
Petals always perfect
Satin was their feel
Appearing artificial
Though every one was real
Every day he tended
The weeds he’d bend and pick
His plants they stood so straight and tall
Aided by a stick
Bound with fabric wire
Green about the stem
He would gaze for hours
He was so proud of them
Surrounded by such beauty
Still something was amiss
He loved his precious flowers
On a wondrous day like this
But in his heart was lacking
The affection he required
He was a lonely gardener
Now growing in desire
Until the fateful morning
When up his path she walked
Captured by her smile
He could hardly talk
A very special woman
Had come into his life
He was very certain
He’d make this girl his wife
His heart was filled with happiness
Beneath the skies above
For Chauncey was a gardener
And Chauncey was in love
Her beauty was so precious
From her head down to her toes
When he looked into her eyes
He saw the perfect rose
Every day was special
In all that they would do
She told him that she loved him
He said, “I love you too.”
His heart was steady beating
His smile grew so wide
As if a wondrous garden
Was blooming deep inside
The fragrance overwhelming
The colors bright and new
He found it hard believing
That all of this was true
There was one little problem
They lived so far apart
The missing, it was growing
Tearing at her heart
She promised she would love him
Until her dying day
But it was getting harder
He lived so far away
Then he received a letter
From the one he did adore
She told him she was sorry
But she needed so much more
He pleaded “reconsider”
He loved her oh so much
She said that she believed him
But missed his loving touch
Dark clouds started forming
So black upon the sky
He found that he was all alone
His garden it had died
He looked on wilted blossoms
Fading quick to brown
Nothing much was beautiful
Growing from the ground
Weeds as tall as buildings
Thorns to rip his skin
He locked up tight the garden gate
He’d never tend again
He sat beneath an oak tree
For months it seemed to be
When sprouting from the soil
A spot of green to see
He watched as it was growing
It seemed to call his name
It wrapped around his ankles
Out in the pouring rain
When a shadow formed behind him
The sun began to glow
A figure was approaching
Someone he did know
Closer it was moving
There before his eyes
The plant that wrapped around him
He suddenly realized
She had come to find him
Her heart broken in two
She told him that she loved him
He said, “I love you too”
She said that she was sorry
But she was just afraid
Fear of getting hurt again
The decisions she had made
He promised he would love her
Forever and a day
She did not need to worry
He would not go away
He wants to only love her
And make her life complete
Her love was oh so perfect
His lonely heart did meet
And then just like a miracle
Because his love she’d chose
Out there in his garden
Bloomed a perfect rose
Sparrows started singing
The skies a lovely blue
He told her that he loved her
She said, “I love you too”
Dec 2014 · 1.4k
Let it rain
Jack Dec 2014

Within the raindrops calling,
to believe this message true
Now drenching from the skies above,
my every dream of you

To carry me along my way,
wherever I may go
Clouds may gather overhead,
still I love you so

The sun has gone to hiding,
I stand here unafraid
For love shall paint this dreary view
and bring it back today

No matter what the weather
I dance among the rain
As hours turn to minutes,
to hold you close again

I splash amongst the puddles
which form along the street
I swim in the affection of
this love you send to me

Now shouting to the heavens
between the drops above
Bring upon me what you will
for I have found her love

Lightning bolts nor thunder
shall my heart deter
Living for each moment
I now spend with her

So bring your scattered showers,
your wind so laced with chill
For her love lives within my heart
and it forever will
Jack Dec 2014

Here in my arms I hold you, soothe you
Tightly, to never let go
Warmth to comfort sorrow
Safety for I shall not let anything hurt you

“All that I am I give in hopes of your smile”

As tears fall on wrinkled sleeves
Weeping eyes dried if only temporary
Close to me, within my grasp
Rest my love, soundly between minutes passing

“As times disappears, my love for you is steadfast”

By your side I will remain
No matter the moments of fear, worry, emptiness
I will be your strength, lean on me
For nothing will challenge my stance

“Weakness will not deter this affection I have for you”

Broken hearts, shattered pieces mingle with sad memories
If I could change places with the one you lost, I would
Freely fall to dark places, leave the sun behind
So that your happiness may return

*“For my life is nothing, without your joy”
Dec 2014 · 540
Forever Here
Jack Dec 2014

Darkness now my only friend
As I sit here and dream again
That everything somehow will turn out fine

I fought the feeling all night long
My hopes and dreams would all be wrong
When come tomorrow morning I would find

My world it would come crashing down
As silence is the only sound
And loneliness does stare me in the face

Where happiness itself once stood
I find that it is gone for good
As blindness takes my visions to erase

The future once was shining bright
Albeit by a candle’s light
The flame would flicker swiftly in the air

But now that flame has gone away
To burn for someone else’s day
Its loving light another now can share

For now I look into the past
Of memories my mind does cast
And think about the good times that we had

A smile forms where it was not
of these good time I had forgot
to realize that they weren't oh so bad

I thought for sure this love was real
At least inside my heart did feel
That anything it soon would overcome

So what, the miles in between
You are the answer to my dream
In darkness you would be my rising sun

Alas my words were not enough
And when the going got too rough
The love I guess was not so very true

For true love it can conquer all
If it is real it shall not fall
This love will never end I have for you

So now I have to sit and wait
This day I can’t communicate
Through some all seeing power up above

And if this day you wake and shout
To find that you can’t live without
Forever here you’ll find my waiting love
Jack Dec 2014
So much the heart does capture
Of visions formed to see
The single touch of silken hand
Alone of saffron breeze

To dance beyond the moonlight
A shimmering in time
Replenishing of simple bliss
Along a thread so fine

A steady wayward venture
The path now stands its place
For this is all I need to feel
The smile upon your face

A mountain in the distance
Of silhouettes so deep
Amazing fields of golden dreams
That in our heart we reap

On sands within the shoreline
Now wings are spread above
To float this now I call to thee
Of every ounce of love

Whispers on the sunrise
In captivating glow
This wilderness of songs we sing
And lyrics that we know

A place to harbor honesty
In truer words before
My heart can feel most anything
When you I do adore

Now come to me my only thought
To paint the picture fine
So that your love I capture now
Within this heart of mine
Dec 2014 · 686
These are the dreams
Jack Dec 2014

Beneath a glowing chrysanthemum moon
I ponder the future intense
Counting each star that my eyes they do see
A’ shine in this nighttime suspense

Drawing on visions alive in my heart
Counting my blessings so true
Outlining shadows that dance on the ground
Forming a thought from a clue

Here on the grass of a neatly trimmed field
The world moves a bit as I stare
Memories found that we not yet have met
Days soon to come we will share

These are the dreams of your amorous poet
Out as the night wind does flow
Promising truth high above all this wisdom
Off in the distance to show

Praying that you shall reflect off this moonbeam
Touched by the light of my love
Sent from the heart of a desperate endeavor
Rains from the night sky above

Loneliness brings with it determination
Fight till I no longer breathe
Clapping my hands hoping magic will happen
Some things I tend to believe

Soon in the year of decisions decided
Until the end of all time
I shan’t let go when I find you are waiting
*Locked in my arms ever mine
Dec 2014 · 672
Does she or doesn't she
Jack Dec 2014

Awash in the shadows
Unknown disbelief
Her smiled reminders
No sign of relief

The message she's holding
Clutched tight in her hand
Escapes from the nightmare
She can't understand

Where love hides the promise
Now kept all alone
With tears slowly forming
If only she'd known

The stains on the mirror
Paint lines on her face
Replaced by the sorrow
Her heart now does trace

Her dreams of forever
Now long to be kissed
The feel of the razor
Held tight to her wrist

The pain burns a' fire
Her life, what the cost
With nothing remaining
Of what she has lost

She stares to the heavens
And pleads for a sign
Her heart it has broken
The very last time

Does she or doesn't she
Only she knows
With darkness engulfing
A long shadow grows
Dec 2014 · 589
Every fear
Jack Dec 2014

Here beyond the sandstone crease
Long beneath this fractured fault
I take my bow as tears do cease
Collected in a cardboard vault

Dreamt of moments spent like this
Where the sky does touch the ground
Lost in the horizon’s mist
Following a whispered sound

Walking long of nights and days
Breathing in the feathered air
Changing course in mad display
Seeking but a simple care

When your hand appears the light
Shining down of softened beam
Cast aside and to the right
Read my thoughts of which I dream

Take me from this cautioned place
Show me bright un-faded land
Lead me for I long to trace
Every line upon your hand

As I feel my heart does beat
Now that you have led me strong
With a love I must repeat
Hold me close and hold me long

This may be my dying part
But my life is now fulfilled
Your have breathed into my heart
*And my every fear is stilled
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
Echoed Pleading
Jack Dec 2014
Her pain…
My knees are blistered
Hands clenched, white knuckles
My thoughts echo in my head
Over and over
Can’t you hear me…pleading

Her pain…
I’ve carved initials in imaginary trees
Wrote poems in fresh blood
Cried for no reason…yes reasons
My breath is heavy on my chest
I stare up…up…up

Her pain…
I am weaker, yet still strong
Singing promises in off tempo phrases
Drowning in sanded fears
Clutching my heartstrings
Dreaming nightmare blemishes

Her pain…
I have done the best I can
Smiled when I couldn’t
Laughed as I frowned
Collapsed against my well wishes
Screaming to the heavens

Her pain…put it all on me, all on me, all on me, all on me
Dec 2014 · 540
Poems have their verses
Jack Dec 2014

Blinded by the light
Stood outside to stare
Counting clouds in groups of two
If only I were there

Dreams may come in circles
Rounding out the bend
Ovals in a cornered box
Wanting you again

Laughing through the sadness
Easing past the fear
Bandages of cotton call
Wishing you were here

Singles by the double
Threes improve the score
Adding up the right and wrong
Needing you once more

Pens run out of ink
Pencils break their lead
Chalkboards need to be erased
I’ll love you instead

Poems have their verses
Often they do rhyme
It really matters not to me
As long as you are mine
Dec 2014 · 590
Take me home
Jack Dec 2014

A heart so fine in charcoal skies
of breath my mind does see
This captured feeling locked inside,
alone as to believe

For what shall come of morning tides,
along the wish filled shore
In seashell decorated time
to want your love once more

What sent this ship of harbor dreams
to sail a course so lost
As currents bide my every whim,
now simplified the cost

When once the sunrise happiness
did take a weathered turn
For but a few words offered up
in lessons I have learned

My sails, the moon’s reflective light,
does glow an empty grin
Atop the wave’s deserted flight
to want you here again

For this shall be my journey true
in aimless rambled roam
If I have not the love of you
I sail these seas alone

Of courses kept in lock and key,
an island beach does call
Upon this deck on bended knee
Amidst the darkened squall

As life will raise its mighty hand
of you that I do seek
Collapsing firm upon this man
in testaments of weak

Come set these chains that hold me tight,
my body craves the pain
As on these seas of bright moon light
I cry within the rain

When time does dance and hours pass,
I plead these charcoal skies
Explain to me how this can be
in scenes before my eyes

“Take me home,” my heart does call
begin this journey new
For I now live a nightmare’s creed
without the love of you
Jack Dec 2014

Simply soft, serenely so
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Wrapped within its chilly bow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Petals gleam of crystal glow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Upon this world of white to show
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
For its beauty to bestow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Deep upon this earth to grow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Serenity of soft halo
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Cast by winds of frigid blow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Resting on the ground below
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
As my heart doth love thee so
*Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Ok, I know it's repetitive...perhaps there is an echo in here. :)
Nov 2014 · 418
Yesterday Dreams
Jack Nov 2014

Soft on the window
The curtain a’ flowing
Ripples of hope
Ever slow with the breeze

Movements of joy
As I pause for a moment
Pondering thoughts
Of my yesterday dreams

The carpet it calls me
To patterns of spring
Twisting and turning
Of times often shared

Following visions of
Sweet life endeavors
Knowing the secrets
Of love fill the air

Silently waiting
My eyes find the wisdom
Locked up inside
Till the time it did come

So many years did my
Teardrops so glisten
Reflecting scenes
Of a bright morning sun

Fancy the smile
That does harness emotions
Calm is the breath
That does sing a sweet song

Mind over matter
Of thought out diversions
Lost were my dreams
Until you came along

Yesterday waits
For the new day a’ starting
Finding the truth
Does not stand far away

Reasons before
Do not matter that often
Only decisions
Arisen this day

Here comes the sun
As a new day is dawning
Opened so wide
Now my eyes view the scene

Dreams of the past
Do now come everlasting
For you are the girl
Of my yesterday dreams
Nov 2014 · 636
Winter Comes
Jack Nov 2014

Winter comes, the dead of night
While all are fast asleep
A misty chill by morning light
So quietly to seep

A coat of frost, the blanket lies
Upon the fields of green
To twinkle of our early sight
As if inside a dream

The wind so brisk a’ flowing free
Through barren branches sing
As seasons form a constant line
Of magic for to bring

A touch of cold against our face
Our cheeks of rosy glow
To walk along without a trace
This prisitine bed of snow

The geese they call from on the lake
As if their life is new
In fashion formed of all we take
This pathway, me and you

Across a bridge of timbers worn
Now carved for all to see
Initials in a tiny heart
To last eternally

The birds a’ play about the trees
Their happiness in song
Now as this chilly winter day
Is moving right along

Holly sits atop the hill
Its berries crimson red
Visions in our hearts to fill
The beauty now is shed

Your hand in mine, we walk alone
As if our world is this
A chilly winter’s early dawn
We share a special kiss

To hold this in our memories
Of every day to come
In hopes that you are here with me
To share this wondrous love

Your smile is my sunny day
The warmth that fills my heart
Let’s spend each morning in this way
And never come to part

Until the dreams of many years
Does find this only true
And you will know when winter comes
*I’m so in love with you
Nov 2014 · 563
My angel
Jack Nov 2014

Parched and dry, this barren field stretches,
I wander…head hung low,
staring at the emptiness eclipsing my thoughts
Brittle blades of grass disappear beneath
my worn out Chuck Taylors,
black and white crushing beige
in slow fashioned footprints ~ blistered dust

“My sanity for some cool water”

When upon my shoulders, reddened by solar intensity,
wet from exerted energy, comes a breeze
as if Autumn has come to claim her colors,
to gather her brown and sepia landscape,
pull the lifeless trees, with little leaf
from the chalk textured ground
taking it where it would suit another ~ for this is my luck

“Take my shade, I beg not, for it is merely a branch”

Like fingers of a silken web’s reach,
a soft caress of skin is not understood, though very pleasant
nature finds me a shiver, a small comfort in this arid place
once crawling with snakes of assorted length, now
green as if lush has just been defined
with sweet air and pomegranate skies
featuring a glow, pristine shades of which I’ve never seen ~ heavenly

“To whom might I thank for such a gift?”

When before me stands, my eyes saturated and lost
slowly focus on beauty, winged loveliness now smiling within my own
personal oasis, which quickly forms in my heart
An angel, a goddess, extends a hand…to me?
My cracked and weathered palm touches, smooth, gentle
her hand as she lifts me, I am weightless, floating
to her, my breath leaves me as I wonder ~ is this my end

“If this beauty shall be my final curtain, let it drop slowly”

A voice of velvet speaks, as I fade in and out of reality
and steadied by her touch, in the sweet scent of lavender and lime,
“I have come to you as a verse, for poetry is thy keeper,
thy words have been heard,” lyrical this voice sings
melodic and harmonious, rhythm’d to the beat of my heart
the race of my pulse, the love of my life ~ my angel

*“Eternal to you I shall write, for your beauty fuels my pen”
Inspired by love
Nov 2014 · 553
Jack Nov 2014

Afraid to look where you have been
with straight ahead so hard to stare
Just look beside you my sweet friend
and know that I’ll be standing there
Jack Nov 2014

O’ blustered winds - of coarseness flow
Upon these lips atone
Yon murmured fields of slowly strolled
To quest as if unknown
Lest I call these visions deemed
A’ crying o’er the heart
Breadth o’ mine own eyes hath seen
Nor fancied o’ thy part

It hath been of sorrowed sleep
O’ cast of humbled dreams
That I, for one ~ hath felt the thrill
A’ wash of what it seems
For as with all ~ who’ve angels smiled
And to the long of mind
Within my heart thy taste is real
Of you that I now find

For thee, I say ~ I now must weep
Thy joy engulfs my soul
To breathe is lost from what I see
This heart o’ my control
Happiness doth shed these tears
‘Tis moisture meant to show
O’er all that I hath known this past
My heart doth love thee so

I pray that I shall not awake
Yon beauty calls my sleep
For if mine eyes should find the sun
I fear that I shan’t keep
This love angelic I hath found
So forged this slumbered dream
As is each day ~ of years to come
Your love doth come to me
Nov 2014 · 938
Not a poem ~ a thank you
Jack Nov 2014
To the poets on HP,

I wanted to use this space to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone on HP. Whether you celebrate the holiday or not, we all have many things to be thankful for if we just take the time to look. I personally am thankful for each and every one of you who share your poetry with me and read and enjoy my work.  I am very thankful for all of the kindness I have been shown on this site. I appreciate it so very much.

I hope your day is filled with family, friends, happiness and many things to be thankful for.

Nov 2014 · 358
An Autumn Day
Jack Nov 2014

Sun filled skies ignite the trees in colorful array
Of falling leaves and scented pine, November on display
The beauty that does meet our eyes so comforts all we see
A Sunday drive, uncharted roads, together you and me

A softer breeze we shall not feel, the wind about our hair
On journeys off to anywhere the two of us shall share
Scenery of heaven sent down every road we drive
Your hand in mine, a favorite song, so glad that we’re alive

Majestic oaks, their leaves of gold, create our solitude
So many years their world has been amongst the harvest moons
Blue sky dreams and dragonflies, the magic that we find
Pumpkin patches line the country streets on which we wind

Love is our companion, constant, everywhere we go
Precious is the feeling as we take in nature’s show
On this early morning as the world does seem to shine
Enjoying every moment with a true love that is mine

There, a happy flock of geese upon a lake they play
Let’s get out and walk a while, take in the wondrous day
Along a path, we stroll the edge, the splendor of it all
Listen as we hear the geese, their early morning call

An autumn day, the sun is bright and you are here with me
Nothing in the scene can show more beauty than I see
When I look into your eyes reflecting skies above
And feel the happiness they bring by showing me your love

We were meant to be right here, wherever this may be
Hand in hand in nature’s home, a feeling oh so free
Or anywhere that we may roam, whatever day does start
For destiny is in control and you are in my heart
Nov 2014 · 375
Forever Hoping
Jack Nov 2014

Nothing is easy, we know that to be
Look at the distance between you and me
Still I will dream as the sun shines above
*Forever hoping we're always in love
Nov 2014 · 613
Jack Nov 2014

Lost without direction

Empty as that crumbled pack of Marlboro lights on the ground

Lonely, a single towel on the line to dry…in the rain

Wasted like left over pudding in the sink strainer

Shredded, an unimportant document in the wrong stack

Destroyed in a crumbled mass of quivering stone

Crying beneath a flowing river rising

Torn apart, a ticket stub to a missed concert

Scared half to death with the other half waiting

Cowering within each breath I no longer want to take

Fractured like grandma’s Hummel found by a wagging dog’s tail

Dead, wearing a disguise of the living…and a poor one at that

Desperate to know that which I won’t

Lost without you
Ok, I just thought maybe you might be tiring of all of the love poetry. :)
Nov 2014 · 573
Our way back home
Jack Nov 2014

Walk with me this path does lead us
Curved and twisted through the fields
Tempting is the destination
And the secrets it may yield

Around the bend an entrance beckons
Long before the skies turn grey
Shrouded by the lost horizon
Wishing us to come and play

Golden grasses form the boundary
Step between the flowing lines
Quickly now the leaves are blowing
Listen as the wind it whines

Nestled in a frame like forest
Set amongst the grandest view
Love awaits our storm chased folly
Calling out to me and you

Fade the darkness from your vision
Follow me to where I roam
No need now to brave the weather
For we have found our way back home
Nov 2014 · 875
Euphoric Breezes
Jack Nov 2014
Sun kissed,
this distant land
Uncharted waters drift on dreams
of solitude wishes
Soaring high,
like souls afloat on euphoric breezes,
my mind drinks in the beauty
that only comes from thinking of you
For as my heart does fly
on wings of mystic endeavors
and the planets align in curved formation,
*this is my love… for only you
Just dreaming...of her.
Nov 2014 · 718
Around here?
Jack Nov 2014

Are you from around here?
I asked throughout his song
While staring to the evening skies,
behind a day so long

His answer shone so brightly,
a beacon in the mist
This sympathetic voice did tell
in winter dreams as this

Long ago I lived my life,
forever to be strong
Now singing in the dead of night,
you hear my star lit song

So gaze upon my volume,
my music lights the way
Still shining an eternity
yet changing everyday

Am I from around here?
Come listen to my tune
Every night I sing to thee,
you see I am the moon
Jack Nov 2014

“She loves me, she loves me not”

Petal by small white petal I ask
of this delicate bloom I now hold in my hand
Yellow face peering up at me as if it wants to answer
in only a way that will make me happy

“She loves me, she loves me not”

But does it know the answer I seek,
for I do want her to love me, like she loves the flowers,
the ocean and sipping tea by twilight music
filling the tree lined silhouettes with melodies of enchantment

“She loves me, she loves me not”

Two more petals fall to the ground,
creating elongated oval patterns about my feet
like ivory snow flakes flittering in the sun
staring up at me with questions of their own

“She loves me, she loves me not”

Maybe I will whisper my desires,
allowing them to flow on the wind,
absorbed by nature, dispersed upon the beauty
in hopes this earthly decoration might understand

“She loves me, she loves me not”

As nature offers her wonders, she too brings them
In perfectly presented symmetrical fashion
for I see there are only four petals remaining,
the count stays even

“She loves me, she loves me not”

Oh poor flower, shedding petals like tears
do they flood your core as they do my heart
fear not my petite friend, for I stand in a field
of your brothers and sisters

“She loves me, she loves me not”

I shall pick another tender bloom
to follow my quest again,
though unlike nature, I have no rules to follow
and I shall begin this time

*“She loves me not, she loves me”
Nov 2014 · 442
Jack Nov 2014

Now as twilight calls
and chilly days linger

Shadows formed
on dampened earth
from a sun setting
at desperate timelines
find me standing,
amidst those silhouettes
of shapeless forms

waiting to catch you
if you fall
Jack Nov 2014

Closer yet still far away
my heart does feel your beat
Tempting as a summer’s days
or something quite as sweet

Over valleys long and true
I long for but your touch
Just the very thought of you
does make my world so much

Reaching at a beacon strong
on the horizon’s line
Waking from an evening long
in hopes that your are mine

Falling quick upon my knees
gazing to the skies above
In this world that all do see
please send to me her love

Stars surround my every dream
in solitude to know
Cast off by a tiny beam
this evening’s moon does glow

As it washes on my face
the peace I feel so deep
Memories I can’t erase
forever I shall keep

Touch me from this distance far
and bring my smile to feel
Softness of the way you are
in love it feels so real

Break from this which you do hold
and cast these feelings true
I’m waiting on this moonlit night
for but the love of you
Nov 2014 · 571
I seek not its light
Jack Nov 2014

I cast my eyes towards the sun,
beyond the darkened fence, the fielded midnight thoughts,
watching, through clouded images, knowing eventually
I will witness the birth of a new day

I reach with my smile in a curved line
seeking a destiny still unknown but written
in verses of future phrases,
which will come to pass…in multi-colored inks of affection

I send my heart on waves of scented mist,
collected from the corners of my world,
flowing free from silent words and favored gestures
of desire’s endless intentions

I hand my love to nature, freely, willingly…
so that it may be delivered amidst
blooming jasmine and truer promises…to you,
before another dawn’s light finds your beauty and you awake

I cast my eyes towards the sun…yet I seek not its light,
nor its warmth…for all I seek is you
Nov 2014 · 638
A whisper in the darkness
Jack Nov 2014

A whisper in the darkness,
so soft and yet so clear
Quiet words to let you know
that I am always near
Sending you affection,
a love that shall endure
From one who truly cares for you
*and will forever more
Nov 2014 · 2.5k
The Snow Queen
Jack Nov 2014

The Snow Queen waved her magic wand,
the skies they grew so dark
Clouds moved in without a sound
as shadows did embark
Two happy lovers walked along,
they felt a chill blow in
He wrapped his arms around her soft
to keep her warm with him
The scenery was beautiful
with geese upon the lake
The scent of pine and winter breeze,
they saw the first snow flake
Then the sky was filled with more
ice crystals floating down
They marveled at the wondrous sight
now white upon the ground
She stared up at the heavens fair
in circles she did spin
He followed every move she made
as fun would soon begin
A thousand little snowflakes white
were falling from the sky
A perfect winter wonderland
about them it did fly
And then he saw her do it,
just like when they were young
She tried to catch a falling flake
right there upon her tongue
He chased the flurries with her,
their laughter could be heard
The neighbors out across the lake
said not a single word
Except to only wonder
why laughter they did hear
When snow was steady falling
and winter sure was here
Then they saw these lovers
running hand in hand
Catching snowflakes on their tongues,
now they understand
They heard him saying something
yet it was hard to hear
Because these two were far away,
not so very near
The Snow Queen she was smiling,
looking at these two
She knew it’d make them happy,
this magic she did do
When then she saw him staring,
a wink came from his eye
For he was saying thank you
to the Snow Queen in the sky
Now every time its winter
these two just look above
Sending her a message,
floating on their love
With beauty all around them
and snow geese on the pond
The Queen will grant their every wish
and wave her magic wand
And when the snow is falling
so fresh and oh so new
Between the laughter you might hear
him tell her, I love you
Nov 2014 · 900
Flights of fancy
Jack Nov 2014

Flights of fancy float
on pink chiffon wings
while skyline dreams
weave sunset tapestries~

Blueberry moonbeams
glow on twilight murmurs
and daisies dance in
symphonic breezes~

As star shine concertos
echo enchanted whispers
upon my lonely heart
*and still all I think about is you~
Nov 2014 · 526
Jack Nov 2014

Lying here between the folds of an uncaring sheet
A wind chime blustery morning calls me from slumber
Tracing shadows on dark walls through desperate eyes
Counting minutes on a clock’s reflective markings

Rain drips from altered eaves steadily, slowly falling
In syncopated patterns on damp grass clippings
Teasing my mind in the endless possibilities
Of what my desires, even at this hour plead

Your image finds me, still and silent
Questions come in long sentences
Breaking down dreams of distant church bells
Wondering if we truly could be, together

Will you ever find love again, could you
In the arms of one who imagines your beauty
Tastes your lips in midnight thoughts
Feels your skin on chilly twilight sighs

Of this I write, not because it is who I am
But because it is what I was meant to be
Poetically entwined, metaphorically wrapped
Draped upon your heart in phrases of collected verse

Read aloud as a smiling sun approaches
Whispering your name over the horizon’s wonder
Echoing of this affection that drains my soul
And longs to breathe you for the very first time

From my pen flows desperate ink
In lace-like frilly fonts of an italicized nature
Curling around these words penned in the dark
*Hoping you see, hoping you read, hoping…………
Nov 2014 · 333
See here!!! (10W)
Jack Nov 2014

Love may be blind,
but I love looking at you
Nov 2014 · 1.7k
Rhythmic Romance (10w)
Jack Nov 2014

My heart beats in perfect time
with your melodic love
Nov 2014 · 274
Around your heart (10W)
Jack Nov 2014

When love is your ribbon,
make sure it’s tied tightly
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