The distance beads on sunflower petals reaching
as bright yellow vistas bring happiness to open spaces
and blue skies welcome multicolored balloons
released by children on a day in the park
Miles stare me in the face with silence
when another Sunday seems like the longest day
and I wonder where your thoughts might be
while friends vie for attention with fancy words
I long for the sunset's introduction of night,
a spring moon crossing my universe
and stars to count and recount as minutes
bring tomorrow and my hopes it will include you
This is just another afternoon I wish I were there
In your arms, a new smile, a new city, a new world
Learning to love all over again and I would be
if only I had started my journey long ago
For now hummingbirds dance on cool April breezes
and azaleas concentrate on the task of blooming
As a park bench beckons at the far end of the walk
for me to sit and dream of the what ifs on my list
I look around at nature's gifts and know,
if love is springtime then you are my springtime
and breathing in the warm beautiful day
I wonder...am I the springtime in your heart too?