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Jack Apr 2015

Lazy afternoon’s shimmering
ribbons dance in skyward views
while blushing cloud formations
float on breathless breezes
and azure dreams

as silence sifts the wandering sunset
‘pon reclining horizon’s sighs
Welcoming twilight in apricot whispers,
bidding farewell to another day
*of loving you
  Apr 2015 Jack

She tells me I’m lucky
And **** she is right
I count those stars
Almost every night

Thanking each one
As they glow up above
For sending this woman
And showing me love

They twinkle and glisten
So many I see
All of these lucky stars
Shining for me

She tells me I’m lucky
But she needn’t say
For that’s how I feel
In her arms everyday
Jack Apr 2015
I’m ready
Written with the help of the opening lyrics of
Bad Company's "Ready for Love"

“Walking down this rocky road”

Pebbles stare like boulders
Detouring my thoughts
Blocking motions to feel
Curbed by jagged ridges breathing

“Wondering where my life is leading”

Checking the map for intersections
Wanting to find some sense of truth
Written on an overpass
In graffiti spray paint dreams

“Rolling on to the bitter end”

Following the signs
Watching my sneakers tear
Exposing flesh to the elements
Of wandering longings

“Finding out along the way”

That things don’t last forever
But where the shadows sit
From the lost, the new
Are waiting in the cool shade telling

“What it takes to keep love living”

And I listen, learning which each painful step
Dragging my emotions behind me
In a knapsack of desires
Whispering out of breath

“You should know how it feels, my friend”

It is enlightening, burden lifting
When I finally realized
Someone is waiting at the end of that road
For me because…

*“I'm ready for love”
Written with the help of lyrics (italics) from Bad Company's song "Ready for Love"  Nobody sings it better than Paul Rodgers.
Jack Apr 2015

I saw soft eyes on the promise fueled sunset
Coffee dark skies in a marmalade blush
Pastels now tinted of wayward decisions
Meadowlarks sing in a smooth whispered hush

Corn field desires drain simplistic notions
Run with me there down the row ever straight
Listen,  our hearts speak in feathered emotions
Love stands to prove it is never too late
  Apr 2015 Jack

Come sit and listen to my tale
I’ve written out in rhyme
About this very special girl
Well…Once upon a time

I watched her as she grabbed her sword
Through castle doors she strode
Her steed a mighty bloodline breed
Upon its back she rode

The villagers, a mass each side
Did cower deep of shame
To hide their faces, dark engulfed
Yet they were not to blame

The dragon, oh a wicked beast
Its flames their village feared
Roaring loud till mountains fell
This path of death it cleared

As she, so brave with golden shield
To not back down this day
Her hair a flow of springtime breeze
This dragon she would slay

While in their homes the people wept
Afraid to greet the sun
Curtains closed, bolted doors
As if their lives were done

This monster with its piercing eyes
Just laughed at their disgrace
Clawing mud and slinging guilt
A smile on its face

She raised her sword to touch the sky
So sharp this flying steel
To take this creature from its reign
Its fate her goal to seal

Through shutters, cracks of woven walls
The villagers did peer
To see this girl with maple eyes
Not show one ounce of fear

A fire like a raging wave
The dragon’s mouth did spew  
"You dare to face this charge of me
Your days I count are few"

With lightening speed she swung her blade
The likes of fables wrote
To slash this demon to its grave
So swift across its throat

The villagers came running out
To watch the flowing blood
And cheer when now their monstrous foe
Collapsed in one loud thud

She turned to face the growing crowd
Her beauty filled the air
Climbing down from on her horse
This moment she would share

"Our hero," shouted one and all
"A wondrous victory
You saved us, you are now our Queen
A place in history"

She blushed and offered this to them
"No hero, I’m no queen
This battle we have fought as one
You all have stood with me"

"This village it shall be our home
No matter what will fall
I am no different than you
No different at all"

"Together we shall face these tests
And battle ever true
For you are what makes this a home
In everything you do"

A celebration held that night
With lots of fun and laughter
For now they knew their world had found
Its happily ever after

So now you’ve heard my story long
Some truth, a little blur
You see this woman is my friend
I am so proud of her
A friend won a long fought battle today and in the process made things much easier for others around her as well.  I am so proud of her.
Jack Mar 2015

One spoon at a time they feed
the morning horizon
Soft offerings of color
picked ripe from the vine

~Cantaloupe dreams~

A small slice of moon
the dawn’s crescent smiles on me
with a Cheshire grin
cocked slightly to the side

~Plum pudding blankets~

Suspended above life, moving slowly
but coming of the day
as alarms break the solitude
nestled in down pillows

~Raspberry whispers~

Singing the scent
of the fresh sunrise dew
on wishes coated in sparkling splendor
and footprints beyond the gate

~Nectarine blessings~

Sweet on my lips
beneath an orchard arbor
I hold you close of my morning
and taste the bounty of your love
An old one
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