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Jack Mar 2015

Maps are folded and re-folded into pocket sized
destinations of our own heart’s desires

Routes become numbers and numbers become moments
as the planning cycle, with yellow highlighter in hand,
presents a “look forward to” scenario

Well beyond windows of curtained belief
and hedges shaped like poetic scribblings calling to me

The sidewalk of chalk marks in hopscotch etchings,
faded from the sun and foot smeared play dates,
leads to that place of affection filled dreams

and I see over the next sunrise a highway,
empty of detours and beckoning Winnebago wanderings

to this heart, from another, on windswept invitations
penned in frilly fonts and colors of imagination,
reaching deeply inside and holding tightly

A glance back at what is left behind brings a smile,
for what waits ahead is now everything new

In the grand scheme of things, what is found chiseled in fate
proves that destiny is a destination of dreams, of hopes and
*of love… . when that journey brings me to you
Jack Mar 2015

Soft flurries of affection
find my eyes lost in the prism
of the beauty that engulfs my world

For to inhale is to fall into
the scent of sweet essence riding
the breeze exhaling from your skin

As words pour on the page,
my fingers dance in rhythmic patterns
now wrapped warmly about my thoughts

I have wondered, quietly to myself
where is it they are born,
how do they flow so easily

from a mind that constantly spins
in whirls of dream-like visions
kaleidoscopic views and frantic desires,

where each vowel, noun, adjective or verb
in feathered shapes of ink, somehow
scribble silhouettes of my love for you

It is now that I notice,
sitting in the frail sunshine of the dawn
whispering on salmon clouds, you are awake

that my hands are empty, my fingers still
for it seems as I write of you, my endless everything,
it is my heart that holds my pen
Jack Mar 2015
Take me to that summer shade
Where destinations call
Listen as we’ve got it made
Get drunk until we fall

Pass the margarita mix
I’ve got a slice of lime
Sammy Hagar salted licks
Swim on Cabo time

Fill that bucket to the brim
Shave the sparkling ice
I’m about to dive on in
It’s now my paradise

Jimmy Buffet would be proud
This burgers’ ripe with cheese
Slap some coral ****** loud
Bring me to my knees

Set’em up, I’ve got a card
Who cares if it’s not mine
I found it out in Joe’s backyard
Come on, it’s drinking time

Crank Van Halen through the roof
I’m ready now to dance
Pour a shot of 80 proof
And then we’ll talk romance

Why’s that window now a cat
Neon lights all spin
I can’t remember where I’m at
But you can come on in

Have a seat here at the bar
I’ll lie on the floor
I don’t think it is very far
I’ve been there once before

Find me when a sunset breeze
Looks like a whiskey sour
And wake this old boy if you please
I can’t miss happy hour
Ok, I know it is crap, but I'm bored at work and just wish I were drunk.
Jack Mar 2015

Laughing endeavors with marigold dreams
Soft interventions in line with the seams
Post card adventures with reasons to share
All this I love every time we are there

Paintings of pansies and red apple trees
Kites filled with colors a’ sail on the breeze
Sunsets at twilight that cause us to stare
All this I love every time we are there

Sidewalks with tables of gingham design
Minutes and hours along just in time
Butterfly moonbeams so swift on the air
All this I love every time we are there

White picket fences along every street
Butter cream candies so tasty and sweet
Secret emotions that show that we care
All this I love every time we are there

Books filled with pages the two of us read
Empty filled spaces with just what we need
Vegetable gardens at harvest so fair
All this I love every time we are there

Days of the week as we call them by name
Dancing together so slow in the rain
Sunlight reflections a’ touch of your hair
All this I love every time we are there

Leaves that are changing in colors so bright
Holding you close on a cool autumn night
Feeling your love that can hardly compare
All this I love every time we are there

So many reasons I find in your love
Sent by the light of the moon up above
Tickles my heart as my world is aware
Each time I’m with you, alone, anywhere
Jack Mar 2015

Cantilever wishing wells
Long about the winding path
Clover is the foot print maker
Sunlight brings a hearty laugh

Skies will whisper if you listen
Music plays upon the field
Breezes blow the horns of springtime
Blooms atop blue mountain yield

Dragonflies will touch your senses
Wings align the ancient trees
Branches filled of moss that’s clinging
Birds and now the buzzing bees

Come let’s walk in rows of promise
Take me by the waiting hand
This may be a dream we’re having
Sitting in this wonderland

Still if we would stand awakened
Leaving sheets and shoes behind
There’s no telling what will greet us
When we let our thoughts unwind

For you see we are the answer
If the two of us agree
There is nothing more we’re seeking
*Just this moment, you and me
Jack Mar 2015

Standing before the microphone
Blank faces stare from cushioned chairs
Jewels sparkle, acting like they’re real
While bow ties just seem sad…it happens

Marching to the beat of clicking heels
Unbuttoned vests as strange eclipsed spotlights
Illumine smoke swirls in overhead rafters
Flowing from my ember’d fingertips

And my hair is a mess…but it always is
And I don’t care…do you?
I’d clear my throat but that does no good
Gravel has taken up residence…it pays the rent

The room goes dim, the audience worries
Glares spark like steel on asphalt
I can see them clear, slowly fading in anxious doubt
Scratching on some ink pad and dusty sheets…ideas

Yet I love you, I love everything that is you
Need surpasses desire, and I need
My arms long to cling you, crushed against me
Breathing as one, harmonious breath…thoughts…they come

The bass player plucks and that is my cue
Flicking my ashes I begin to read…poetry
And the audience smiles…I am a poet and poetry is cool
Leonard Cohen was right
I brought this back from the vault
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