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Jack Nov 2014

I recall seeing golden fields
basking beneath sunset wishes
and dragonfly dances
on a canvas of nature’s own hand
painted in fantasy brush strokes

tree lines waving at blue skies as
autumn leaves created a vibrant landscape
like so many colorful kites
floating aimlessly on a cool breeze
sifting through pumpkin patch mazes

chilly days inviting snowflake flurries
from alabaster hydrangea clouds
silently sailing above pine cone hillsides
welcoming evergreen aromas
and fireside smoke streams reaching

today as I gaze through moistened eyes
blurred moments hover like heavy drape cloaks
coating my visions in broken heart darkness
and I realize, without you
I now see nothing…at all
  Nov 2014 Jack
Kelly Rose
Is there such
a thing as a soul mate?

I don't know

I'm just learning
about me
How can I expect
someone else
to know me?

It would be
Lovely to
really be understood
would it?

I must travel
my own path
lonely though it may be
at times

And as for being
I suspect it is highly
is it?
Jack Nov 2014

Sitting on this roof,
seeing the colored lights in neighboring windows
finding frosted panes in abstract happiness,
as winter’s wind howls about my face

Speakers blare in cramping holiday tones,
(What’s so wonderful about it ~ this time of year?)
Shingles damp and slippery,
still I hold on for dear life

Fingers numb but clinging,
for without my seated sadness
on this peak above chimney ash
watching streams finding the edge

how else would those muddied
tear drop icicles form?


Then I hear it on shivering vibrations
A voice from ~ out there ~ somewhere
A shadow beneath a flickering street light
Footprints in circles about the square

Moving in my direction
My silhouette on white clouds shimmies
A little to the side, for a better view
Wings ~ it has ~ she has wings

I blink a frozen eyelash ~ she is sitting next to me
A warm, feathery quilted wing about my shoulders
Chilled cheeks burn as I smile
and my heart melts as she whispers to me ~

*“No more icicles”
Jack Nov 2014

Clouded scarves of winter skies
Woolen wings on tempered sighs
Nature wears her white disguise
Mounting on the field

Laced along the bitter cold
Futures that have been foretold
Endless phrases painted bold
And our lips are sealed

Frozen links of glistened feel
Piled deep as to conceal
Left alone in what is real
Bracing for the storm

Though inside a fire roars
With the one that I adore
Let it snow forever more
Love shall keep us warm

Ok, I know it's not winter yet...just getting ready for it.  :)
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