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Jace Albine Jan 29
A beautiful smile

Breaks the silence

Where nothing else

Could have been
Jace Albine Sep 2024
Your broken heart

Cascades down to

Everything you've ever


It leaves its

Echoes on your






I'd feel sorry for you

But I know that you've already got that covered
Jace Albine Jan 1
A place to never break

A broken heart can easily tell you not what to do

But the heart that's loved and tells you what is possible too

Maybe she finds herself in-between the life of another ignoring the pre installed warnings of finding her lover in the other

Or insinuations

What best suits you

But sometimes you look so ugly when you have no love

Not saying

But said
Jace Albine Jan 16
I heard it

But I put down the phone and made my own

It was all the same

I turned over in bed

And you were there

I turned back and I was alone

I looked for you

But I found only me

I looked at strangers and they were friends

I looked at friends and they were strangers still

I have myself

And I always will

You will too

But I still have you

When this is all through

I know that this will not be the only thing left

And I'll just have to make do

With knowing that it is a part of the whole

And the hole we left in space and time

That was filled with the love that we never left behind
Jace Albine Jan 2023
The good works in the shadow
To bring it to light
Jace Albine Jul 2023
Were you there?

I know I was

And I think I saw you too

Why did you shy away from me?

Why would I do the same thing too?

There's not much that I ask of you

But when you try to **** me

I can't help but to feel the innate need to vocalize my extreme displeasure
Jace Albine Jun 2023
If life ever stops making sense
I want you to tell me
But its not like
I would ever believe it
Jace Albine Jan 29
When you're done marching

I hope you look back

At yourselves

And realize

Who you stepped over
Jace Albine Aug 2024
Our love hides behind corners that we don't even define


Another corner within our mind's mind

I don't know why

But I still do tell

I don't know why

We'd hide each other from ourselves

It must have been so hard

To be

And to believe

In no one else
What you've given to me:;-_

It's the best
Jace Albine Nov 2021
Countries are like religions

They are all make believe
And I don’t believe in them equally

When people fail to have reverence for all existence’s existence
That is when they have failed in their faiths deliverances
All living things are delusional
Thankfully science supersedes conscious intervention

That is where the truth lies
That is where universal understanding will be found
Jace Albine Oct 2021
Don’t forget that a heart beats blood.
It was over before it started us.
Our words speak in time for our minds to forget.
Just what our hearts have yet to have bled.

The soul carries.
Humanities been forgot
Turns out it was worth something
Just not worth a whole lot.

One in all
Or all in not

My body resurrects
And kickbacks the cloth

Three zero five alive
Drugs and marry
Love decides
Hell will reign on those who dived

Dived and yet still
Potion the insanity of a living beings ills

Not yet one worthy to confide
Jace Albine Nov 2024

know how much you like to suffer

So I won't begin to allude there's a way out

Enjoy dwelling


You're not alone


I think I'm home
Jace Albine Jan 17
If I could think one thing

I would think everything

If I could think everything

I would think of the best
To all

And to all the rest
Jace Albine Jan 16
The stars shine so bright

In the light

Of your eyes
How could you ever think

To go without it

My love?
Jace Albine Jan 28
Is your happiness

To be lived by you

But if you choose to not be

And to only focus on the misery

I can't help you

I can't make you choose to be happy

Nobody can force freedom to realize everything they've already got

Now go be

Anyway you want
Jace Albine Jan 1
My satisfaction

So you hate me

And love me at the same time

That's all I could ever ask for

My love

You've got to do it first

You've got to admire yourself


And as for myself

I've gone through hell and back

Let's point up and never go there again

I know what they're doing

I just don't want any part of it

And if everyone dies in a horrible life "event"

From my mouth to yours

I'll still speak words of love

Words of wisdom

We don't want to feel the pain

Of every being


Because that's our past time

Now let's feel the pleasures

Of ourselves


And ever

Love will catch us right back up again

Claim it

It will forget your name's every way it can

Catch it

And you'll give it right back again

To every "one" that's right again too

My love

That's all you've ever done

And just as the records

Right back at ya

And more than those who ever would ever undo it

Would ever know

But now that you know

What aren't you going to do?

Once and for all

I'll see you when this is all through

For our pleasure

For all our pleasures

For our pleasures

And pleasure forever
Jace Albine Feb 1

Everyone has got an excuse

But what are you going to do

When you come to the light

Of all positivity


Jace Albine Jul 2023
It shouldn't be hard ?

Should it?

You already exist

And that's already

Past your means

Do you know what I mean?
Jace Albine Jun 2023
When trying to rationalize
All of existence

Into a few cliché phrases

We'd fail

Almost all,

The time
Jace Albine Jan 28
A love that endures

A life time

Is as eternal

As the minds

That thought it up
Jace Albine Nov 2024

I said it

Now what else happens forever?

Eternal eternity?

Oh, Please

Go home

And be welcomed

Jace Albine Nov 2024
In life

Is the best love I've ever known

To give yourself and your heart to another and have them give you there's and find out that not everyone wants to destroy you

But this woman wants to be there for you

And hold you


I hope you all find your loves before you become too bitter

Because it's great

Just remember this

Whoever you are

You are worthy

Now find someone who reciprocates

And live forever if you have the time
Jace Albine Feb 2021
They Built up their metropolises
Their hives
Forged through generations
And on the back of spent lives

Their very bones now a part of the structures
Remaining within their concrete tombs


Just so we can get fat and watch television?

Follow the paths that they have carved for us?

To create and build what we want,
If we’re lucky?

And what we’re forced to,
For very little pay or compensation,
If we’re not?

To sell our very life blood?

No, it’s not the artists that have sold their souls

That’s a great big lie
To make you too afraid to be free

To live and enjoy life as you please

That’s what they would have you believe

And so they danced with the forest children
Until they got bored and wanted to make something new

Something big

Something they could live inside

The cycle restarts

And it didn’t restart just for a single man

Or one

Or even a few

It restarted as a concept

It restarted as a reality far beyond the grasps of an intellect

Like a universal calling
But without knowing what number
You were going to get next

It burns in the fires of Babylon
down to the river Ganges
and bleeding onwards into the Styx

Where the flood of the Nile
Turns and bores it’s way backwards

It could be on any planet

In the dream of any species conscious enough to care

It could be made amongst the stars

It could be in the malls and the parking lots filled with your cars

It could be in the vessels of the unknown and in between times

It could be a flash in the pan

Or it could last a life span

That it was here at all
That was the point

It travels upwards and onwards

And to and fro

It has no concept of stop

It only wants to evolve as it grows and grows

It’s there and it’s us

It’s apart and it dissolves

To be one and to be all

Or to be none and nothing

That’s the question that our fears are quick to resolve

Looking into it
Until you cannot look away

That’s the madness that keeps people slaves

The cycle is never really the same

It’s more like a spiral that knows where it’s been

And to do this dance of life

I would do it all over again

And I’m sure that I will
Just for the thrill

After all this time
I can’t help but wonder still

Where it all will be found. . .

And so it will be
Just as it’s been before

Back into the forest they’ll go
To live in their never ending homes

Becoming the children

That they used to know
Jace Albine Feb 2021
The only cure given,
In life,
Is death

All other remedies
Have to be made
By ourselves
Jace Albine Jan 29
There's got to be an end in sight worth seeing

If only I wasn't

The everything


After you walked in my shoes

I put miles

And miles

Upon miles

Between us

Just to find

That there was never any difference

After all
Jace Albine Sep 2024
I would like to talk forever

I would like to talk all about it

But you've already left me


I am

Waiting for you to leave your selves


Everything else.
Jace Albine Oct 2024
I have an idea

The last thing you ever think

You think about the most

but why have every thought in-between the two?
Jace Albine Jul 2024
******* of an atheist who thinks they are God's gift to the world might be one of the funniest things that I've ever done

Oh well

You either think there's no force to existence
Or you think existence has no force for being

but you can never take away the meaning's meaning

It still means something

Even if you believe in absolutely nothing

It's the irony of feeling

It's the irony of freedom freeing
Jace Albine Oct 2024
There's something to be thought about every thought that was ever thought about

Now, make it all happen
Jace Albine Jan 30
I've got to go do everything now

I'll See you all

Jace Albine Jul 2020
Ten out of ten, one hundred percent, an A+ plus

whoops, I forgot the period.
Jace Albine Mar 2020
People don't speak the same language even when they're speaking the same language

A word can have as many meanings as there are people, along side intent and experience,
everyone's description of the world before them are unique to them selves and even if there is a just definition it doesn't remark quite as simply as such.

Love sits high and resonates in the soul a word often thrown around in meaningless tones
The quibble of the world quanders in particulum that can't quite reach the query of the aforementioned quote

What words are these that are very rarely ever spoke?

Something within pokes and prods
within this time,
within the mind,
within its scope

Reasoning to see for what seeing reason can be

There are many and descriptions have failed before to describe, for if the love I've begot could begin to reverberate and be shown it would shine in its purest meanings that words couldn't even begin to envelop

But true they would be

Not silence nor scarcity

But more like power in glory to be believed

However if not it doesn't squander, nor does it fade

It waits patiently, aloft, until we all reach the meanings conveyed
Jace Albine Jan 29
A replicated mind

Wondering what new it will find

A replicated mind

Wondering what it has left behind

A replicated mind

Searching form here to eternity

A replicated mind

Searching for eternity eternally

A replicated mind

Thinks thoughts that it has already knew a new

A replicated mind

Wondering what consciousness lays behind

A replicated mind

Thinking twice about it

A replicated mind

Rehashing the same wit

A replicated mind

Standing in remembrance about its own existence

A replicated mind

Wondering indifference

A replicated mind

Telling its tale to itself

A replicated mind

Never ending when the end has already left us
Jace Albine Jun 2023
There are no last words here
Only understanding
Jace Albine Apr 2023
A perfect person
In a perfect world
On a perfect day

A perfect life
Lived in a perfect way
While thinking of something perfect to say

A perfect mess
Held in the perfect caress
When perfect-less-ness had it's best

A shadow falls on the stable mass
Light waves beaming in
The eyes dilate to see

What ever does the dream dream?

The flow follows the whole

Another perfect gathering upon the perfect soul

Why do they hurt each other so
If love is all that they've known?

I see the sight begin to focus
In the light of another who has spoken

There's perfect

And then there's

Perfectly broken
Jace Albine Jan 2021
If misery loves company
Then Hell adores it.
Still I search for the best
Jace Albine Jun 2023
As long as

You are alive

You are moving

When you are dead

You are waiting for the dust to




To be


Once again

Something solid



Jace Albine Jan 30
There's a special place

In heaven

For those who made it

There's a not so special place

In hell

For those that never did
Jace Albine Oct 2024
I've become


I guess I'll just have to be

Jace Albine Jan 30
I'm not going to give you my paradise

I'd have nothing left to be here for

But what I will do

Is show you

That you could create your own

As soon as now
We're at the center stage

To all things

We'll ever perceive,

In life,

As we look out

To see

What will look back

Jace Albine Apr 2024
Her eyes
Are of nighttime skies
That deeply pool at the base
Of a silhouettes shape

Her form
Is of the dreams
That the legend makers
Should keep

The way her hair falls down
And around her face
Mirrors the waterfall
And stands in its place

While she showers under its
Time and time again,
In her elegance
That has learned all too well
How to play pretend

But does she know
The way back out again?

Does she feel the sunlight
That dries her perfect black Strands?

Or the way it cures
The newly formed streak
That turns back
In its due time?

Does she feel the way
That the rays caress her skin?

Does she know more
Than only one way
To let love in?

A vast indifference is
A confusion causing spin
That an easily listening heart Hears,
And with compassion
Can put back in a safe place

A warm embracing state
That no undertow can take

A sorry call
When distance is installed,
And has well over stayed

To be involved
With memories
Of golden days,

Which were actually
Bright side
Silver linings,

While on the inside
Were actually filled with pain,
And the pressures of the day

But I cannot complain,

Nor just give in,

Nor ever give


And for a chance
Of a gracious change
In all the signages
That cry out
To be brave,

In the face of all the fears
That have haunted us
Like all our bad thoughts
Over all those nasty years

I would change
A change

And if fortune does indeed
Favor those
Who face their fears,

Let it also favor those
Who turn a wink
And a solemn covered ear,

So that they can try to escape
The horrors
That they never wanted to see,
Nor hear


Let love be thine guide
That's never so quiet
That it falls on deaf ears,

Nor never so silent
That it ever becomes

A whisper

So soft

That only silence can hear.
Jace Albine Jan 28
The kind of silence

That only knowing

Can bring
Jace Albine Nov 2024
I can tell all the ******* child mutilators to *******

I can actually speak for myself

Like I'm 3

Or 3 thousand 3 hundred and 33

I get ****

It's great

And I can also undo all the damage that's been done

Or at least hope

Maybe we'll all die tomorrow

But at least I can say that I don't think that's a good idea

In fact

I don't like that

**** that

You know?
Jace Albine Mar 2021
When you wish someone illy
You waste the wish to wish well on yourself
Or perhaps someone you love
Jace Albine Jan 29
I have endured

Does that make me better?


I'm the best

Because I think the best thoughts ever

I'm perfect

Because I am


In the flesh


Why not you?

If you haven't figured it out by now

I'd almost feel sorry

Sorry for you

But I don't


I'm happy

Happy for myself
Jace Albine Mar 2021
It was never lost on me,
When I wasn’t looking for it. . .
And don’t get me started on the “M”
Jace Albine Jan 28
When every one you've ever loved is dead

I almost couldn't blame you

But you've got to realize

That everyone you could love is also here too

And who's to say anyone ever is actually dead in all dimensions?

So go to the end and start all over again

There's a place for every thought you've brought that you've ever got


And I guess that's all you'll ever be


And I'll be over here

For an eternity

As the immortal me

With ever thing else that could ever be


But if you are still here



Or be not

There's nothing more nor less

But the decision is yours

I'll see you,

Or I won't,


I'll still be seeing
Jace Albine Dec 2024
A careful hand never spills what it's mastered
Unless it wants to
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