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 Feb 2017 J Ames
he gives the two fingered salute to every 1975 chevy or
white cummins with a ballcap behind the wheel,
shops every place he in and says howdy to women he don't know
can see him tapping nervous fingers while we in line 'cause all these
people make him anxious, he look just like a buck through a scope,
bristling with caution--

we're passing through penrose the back way, (an' every ways the back way) grinding up dirt roads curvier than the pipes my daddy used to snake with Tom. T. Hall preachin and
he's stopping on highway exits, putting his lips to mine before I realize
Hank Williams was kissing me and Roger too--

breathing in that dry groan, a voice that'd be thick as
molasses if you could picture it and just as dark, slowly
rollin' over the steering wheel and swimmin' up onto the
dashboard the way steam curls around thin air,
not as warm, though he hit you like the sun does in the winter--
gotta stand still and feel it,--

but we're still in his truck, his headlights
washing out across the barren trees and barbed fences
and the skies are these nice stretches of mixed paint,
black and indigo speckled with impending snow or
maybe saturday,
all the while he keeps sayin' what? every time he
catches me lookin' and all i can do is smile till he kisses
me again, him and Johnny, Corb and Evan.
(C) Brooke Otto 2016.
 Feb 2017 J Ames
he jokes about tuscaloosa
and being buried in dixie
shot in his truck near the border
or set on fire for a better purpose
had gone down in a tomato fight
somewhere in texas,

and when he's mad he dredges up
all the things he secretly hates about me
but'll ne'er admit, 'cause sometimes he doesn't
even know what he's feeling, has got all his
spirit out in ten arms searching for the best
way to put down one sentence--

he's pretty scary when he's angry
looks like might just lash out or
shoot through my redwood patio
'specially with the threat of his truck
runnin' in the background, rumbling
in the driveway ready to take him away--

he used all my favorite things to get inside
but starts to take them away one by one
I tell my mom same, same cause it's
the same story, different page, different chapter
same book, same shelf, same dust

he once said I was what he was tryin' to get back to
told me he was takin' his mom to church
once brought up the Lord in a dim light
but now he don't see the point
I'll tell you what,

I'll tell you *what
(c) Brooke Otto 2017

pretty much.
 Feb 2017 J Ames
David Noonan
There it is again
Momentary recall
That first time I saw you
Smoking on your balcony sill
Immersed in Joy Division
A symphony in your shilouette
September streetlights rising on every exhale
If i could have stopped all time I would
Escape with you in a polaroid still
Relinquished my heart
Discovered my soul
Eyes transfixed
Wanting only you
Yet you looked to the world
And you wanted it all
That song is the same now as then
love will tear us apart
tear us apart again...
 Feb 2017 J Ames
Sawyer Gowans
I don't believe in god
but I know you do
and I find myself afraid
that my love is not enough for you
And so I pray again tonight
to a force I cannot see
to a deity I do not feel
from a faith that's not in me
For truth is true to each and every one of us unique
And I'll lie to me a truth to you
if it can grant you peace
For I love you more than my pride
more than honouring my view
I'll help you walk toward pearly gates
Though I can't go in with you
I'll stand beside you every step
If you'll have me on your way
To a heaven known by one of us
Until my dying day
For my views my truths my foolish pride
They aren't worth losing you
For the pain I'd feel to lose my heart
Is what I hold most true
 Feb 2017 J Ames
 Feb 2017 J Ames
companionship, not compatibility.
i have chosen immobility.
once i lived in instability but now i live
in his advice.

so water melts to ice,
my science trusts the imprecise,
thus in this world,
such comfort will suffice.

thus in this world,
that i created,
my latest, unadulterated:
i will live in shallow vice
i will allow
such comfort to suffice.
i have settled for mediocrity.
 Feb 2017 J Ames
 Feb 2017 J Ames
When our glasses clinked by the fire and we smoked ***** cigarettes
like the 1950's
we were real classy
Tapping the ashes
we burnt our problems
Slapping laughter into each other
we forgot about how the mornings would feel
how are hearts felt
I knew we were headed nowhere
stuck in the bottle
so we threw our fine wine into the fire
and walked away.
 Feb 2017 J Ames
Fish The Pig
my eyes are raw
and sting
from the constant blotting
of deep
and soulful
resurrections of emotions,

perhaps I would feel better
If I stopped trying to hide them.
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