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 Sep 2010 ivory
Pen Lux
It's raining already.

I've given up addiction,
because trying to numb the pain
somehow made it worse.

I've been crying
in the cracks you left behind.

In the spaces between










In the middle of where
we once met,
that no one else can ever be.

I guess killing ourselves wasn't the best idea
we've ever had,
but it wasn't the worst either.

I feel like I was blind until then,
and I'm sorry it took so much to open my eyes,
but sometimes life is only worth it if you've gotten a glimpse of death.

breaking points, raw meat,
kitten beards, broken promises,
suicidal teens,
stained sheets,
empty heads, sore throats,
a lot of pills
and ****** up memories.

I'm not glad you're dead,
or that I'm still alive.

I am glad that I can't talk to you anymore,
because that's what killed me the most.
 Sep 2010 ivory
Pen Lux
 Sep 2010 ivory
Pen Lux
I dont want to make this
a bigger deal

than it needs to be.

So I will just say it,

I love you.
 Sep 2010 ivory
Julia Burden
Your smile
tastes of mint smoke.
It’s refreshing
against the taste of my tears
and the drink you gave me
to stop them.
Your eyes
trace their way down
my body
every little sweet spot
long forgotten.
Your hands
melt into mine;
a connection revisited.
And for a moment
I see in your gaze
that (love lust longing) we shared.
I blink
and it is gone
in the moonlight
and blinking light
from your clock.
So I close my eyes
and let the smell of tobacco
in your hair
and the smile against my lips
bring me
to a dark connection
I know far too well.
We can be together.
Just one more time.
Just for tonight.
 Sep 2010 ivory
Chaotic Melodic
How does it feel?
To shake off
Last year’s feathers
It’s freeing
It’s being like you’ve
Never thought
The water would taste
The clouds they could open your head
And pour in some
Rain water instead
Wash away your bad thoughts
and put them on paper
and paint them on sides
of city buildings
I haven’t seen you before,
you look like a wind has wiped
the skin off your face
I can’t help but
peel you back
exposing the wires that connect
to your brain and inside
of your spine, they slip into
habitual blind ******
© Cory McQueen
 Aug 2010 ivory
Pen Lux
You make me feel different than anyone has ever made me feel before.
I think different too.
It's not good, or bad,
it's just the way it is.
Sometimes we have to accept things that we don't want to,
but that's life,
and if you want to feel anything then you need to listen.
Desires can make people sick with confusion,
so sick that they can't sleep,
or taste the food in their mouth,
or hear their favorite song,
or feel the wind on a hot day.

Obsession is dry,
and tasteless,
and it hurts like nothing you could ever believe.
So stop treating me like a child who asks too many questions
and treat me like the beautiful person you claim I am.
 Aug 2010 ivory
eileen mcgreevy
The sea gave off a cry tonight,
It plays home to a child,
Her father threw her out of sight,
The sea swallowed her, so wild.

Her mother pushed and screamed all day,
Until the sun shone twice,
The blood would flow without delay,
Her grip was like a vice.

While pain would ebb and flow for her,
She knew her life was slipping,
But he refused to let her go,
The fear was ever gripping.

When finally the child was born,
And mother gave a sigh,
The father cleaned as best he could,
The mother closed her eyes.

A wail crawled from the fathers throat,
A pain beyond compare,
He'd lost his only love that night,
To love this child, he could not bare.

He struggled down the beach, that night,
With baby wrapped in cloth,
He swore up to the lord with spite,
And stepped in to the sea- like froth.

The sea crys out in pain tonight,
It's tears make waves, so wild,
A life, just barely started off,
She plays home to a child.
 Jul 2010 ivory
Charles Bukowski
little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it
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