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 Jun 2010 ivory
my eyes fell into my dreams last night...i searched for them for three million days...
i went to the halls but found only suits of rotten gold...i went to the movies but found only ******* with tiny worms *******...i went to the bookstore but couldn't afford to enter...i went to the cemetery and tripped over all the empty graves...i went to the city but couldn't walk because i was hit by three billion cars...i went to the schools but found only ear less teenagers with red bull smiles...i went to the lunchroom and smelled the greasy spoons...i went to the barber but to many hairs filled my mouth and made it hard to breath...i went to the swimming pool but found polluted water and oily animals devouring any leftovers...i went to the hillside but the view was blocked by tall black clouds...i went to the forest but fell into a plastic bucket...i went to the mountain tops but found nothing not even snow...i went to the valley and threw up on all the dead bodies...i went to the steppes and found robotic horses with glaring red eyes and really bad breath...i went to the hospital and found only sickness and no health...i went to the ocean but could not swim with the dolphins because they tried to eat my clothes...i went to the islands and found only weapons sharpened with blood...i went to the stars but could not eyes have fallen and i can't pick them up...
 Jun 2010 ivory
 Jun 2010 ivory
One time
I planned to show you.
I wanted to hear what you thought of me
And how I made you feel.
But now there's no way I can.
Because some parts of me, you don't need to see.
And I don't need to show you.
It would only end badly.
I wish I could.
 Jun 2010 ivory
Kayleigh Redwine
Conscience, consuming.
My stomach has turned inside
and in on itself.

My eyes have rotted
and reduced to such lifeless,
stationary orbs.

Today is the day,
I ***** my weaknesses
to teach myself strength.
© Kayleigh Redwine May 23rd, 2010
Written as a Haiku sequence.
 Jun 2010 ivory
Pablo Neruda
I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way

than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.
 Jun 2010 ivory
Lindsey Durbin
Every lover after
will beg for an explanation
for the raised scars below my navel
for my balancing acts above the overpass

How can I pronounce your name
without saying too much
without getting drunk

Even now,
everyone is tired
of me
slipping you into the conversation
swirling you into my watered ***
and spilling you on their carpet floors
 Jun 2010 ivory
I look out into the world
Our world, within a world, within a world
Within a world
But where does it end?
Does it end?
If life ends, but the universe cannot
Then does life really end?
I’d like to think there’s something out there
Some hope that this means more
But I know it don’t mean ****
It’s beyond me
Everything is beyond me
Like, society
Nothing makes sense, there’s no use
Trying to make sense of that
But yet we keep searching for a solution
We will never ever solve
If we could solve it, we’d **** ourselves first
With pollution and ******* and blindness
Because everyone searches for truth
When there is none
It is pointless because
We will never know
There are things beyond our explanation
But nobody will accept it
Yet still I live
To breathe in life
I have never seen something more beautiful
Than when I look at our world within a world
How strange it is!
Yet how perfect
And no matter how complicated,
So simple.
And simple, because it is complicated.
I am inspired
By everything around me
But I cannot put into words
My inspiration
It is the wind, the movement through the trees
It is everything I want it to be
And nothing at all
It has no meaning
Yet means everything to me
I just wish people could see through my eyes
And know
And feel
The inexplicable
Maybe for just a moment
They’d feel so trapped that they’d finally be free
© J. 2010
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