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Feb 2015 · 2.3k
Patriotic rant?
Israel Caudillo Feb 2015
Are you feeling patriotic today?
Worshiping a dyed piece of fabric
Feeling so proud of what?
Just because you were born in the "right country"
What have you accomplished, what have you done to be proud of
Just born, it blows my mind.
People value more a song and a piece of fabric.
Over the fellow human life.
Life is first
May 2014 · 580
Things are ment to be.
Israel Caudillo May 2014
Things are ment to be
now I think so
but how can it be?
how can we know
if just weeks ago we were someone else
only change remains the same

things are ment to be in constant change!
we are ment to be evolve
learn from our mistakes
stand up after fail
and willing to continue
even if We are constantly fighting
against us.

Things are ment to be
could you know?
I don´t know but maybe

pay attention to details
an old man told me once
¨you people these days don´t watch how the ants walk¨
a weird quote I thought at the time
but now everything is different
now everything it´s like ment to be
ups and downs, wins and fails
our weakness and our strenght within
the way we live to our inminent death

now things seem ment to be.
Apr 2014 · 496
give me a sign
Israel Caudillo Apr 2014
Every time I see you
Busy behind the counter
I do silly things
Hoping for and eye encounter
You look at me and give a smile
I get so excited
Just to get you attention
You stare at me and blink that pretty eyes
I'm still hoping for that sing
That you gave me weeks ago
I make excuses
To not to see what is obvious.
Mar 2014 · 8.7k
Israel Caudillo Mar 2014
Thousands lightyears away
the mind, the conciousness
remains from each one of us
sometimes a glimpse
a far away lighting or a shadow
we could see
have you ever really met someone?

...................... once I believed so.
Mar 2014 · 671
Outer abyss
Israel Caudillo Mar 2014
Noises, voices, news, comercials, advertisements, pop ups.
All day we spend time been invaded with all kind of sounds, images and smells
Dragging our mind to the outer abyss
Being influenced, affected or accesory.
At night trying to sleep becomes realy hard
Those sounds, images and smells have created feelings
Ideas attached to my mind and they don't go away.
No at night I'm affraid, at night is quiet, it's dark
But my mind is bright, full of life and energy more than ever
Being in calm, darkness, quietness... Silence
Yes I'm affraid of silence, cutting of the external influences
Finding a way out of that outer abyss
Entering in that inner universe
Where the mind has no limits
There is not borders, there is an entire inner universe to explore
Where the mind has all the space to expand and try to be able to understand
And fail get up and try again.
Fear invade me at night
My mind get used to the limits, borders, the edges setted in the outer abyss
Setted by "morality", "customs", "traditions" anyway what people say is "correct"
My mind wants to be free, but is to scared of what could be found beyond.
Some times at night the outer abyss clashes with the inner universe being my mind the only witness.
Mar 2014 · 403
Intermitent living
Israel Caudillo Mar 2014
A year ago life was perfect
six months ago life became a hell
today I¨m lost in time and space

I remember dying after seen that smile for the last time
dead stoped my tears, lies stoped my heart

Living now in this earth
my mind floating out in space
waiting for my next death
I¨ll never be prepared
it is what it is
and whatever will be will be.
Mar 2014 · 370
Israel Caudillo Mar 2014
I´m not lost
I just can´t find me yet
walking this no direction path
dreaming, expecting, hoping
that the heart still strong
and the mind sharp enough
knowing right from wrong
living at it fullest
and above all no regrets.

— The End —