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When I dream at night
             which is usually, although
Not exclusively
             when I tend to dream

There is always a giraffe
              at my side
His name is Rothschild

I thought you should know.
Your genius, your demons
They are one in the same
Your genius, your demons
They drive you insane

Your genius, a bulb
That shines bright in your mind
Your demons, a cross
That ignites when you die

A bulb that may shatter
And scatter your thoughts
A cross that may splinter
And leave your hopes lost

Your genius, a demon
That’s dragging you down
Your demons, a genius
That’s up in the clouds

A demon, that’s witty
He’s clever and quick
A genius, that’s frail
He’s shrouded in mist

Your genius, your demons
They are one in the same
Your genius, your demons
They drive you insane
It's that smell of last
on your clothes
the hole burned through your white cotton
tshirt, pink lipgloss on the cuff of your sleeve
where has she been kissing?
I shouldn't care.
You're sixteen, seventeen
You're too old, you're too young
i'm the little sister, aren't you suppose to be
about me?

It's a lullaby now, a song of return a
scent i associate with family
sweat and
(c) Brooke Otto
The mindless ticking of your watch
rests behind my ear
it mocks my being here
it knows you have to go


Arms and legs slide away from me
they rustle the sheets
they seem louder than creaks
a foot hits the ground

Something wet touches my forehead
I shake
I tremble
And you leave me with an empty bed

Eggs over easy,

Crisp, sizzling bacon and slightly singed ham,

Fluffy pancakes from hot skillet,

On plate 4 stacked high,

Dripping butter spreading from top to sides,

Warm maple syrup waiting for drizzle,

Juice, apple,

Tea, pleasing,

Letting out last yarn,

Yummy feeling talking to senses,

I eat through the morning conversation
I am behind a wall with no windows and no doors.
I feel trapped and helpless.
But inside this prison I am safe,
from the outside world,
which threatens to destroy me.

There is no one in this prison,
except for the prisoner (me) and the jailer(me)
Life in this prison is not pleasant.
The only company is the jailer,
but she is very cruel.
She taunts me with self criticisms.
Thus the isolation starts as a place of safety
but soon becomes a place of torture.
And the depression begins.

Inside this prison, there is a huge wall,
separating me from the outside world.
I reach out for help.
But the barrier intervenes.
I take a step forward. But there is no where to go.
There are no windows.
There are no doors.

There are people reaching out to me.
I can hear them, but I cannot touch.
Loneliness and fear shuts them out.
My fears of being hurt again
results in me being alone.
I must live my life with this fear of growing old,
unwanted and unloved and being on my own.

I have grown up with this barrier against other people,
stopping me getting to close.
I have this powerful feeling that if I let the barrier down,
I will be swirled away in a turbulent flood of emotions.
I cannot risk letting down my barrier and discovering
what it would be like in an intimate relationship.
It could be a relationship where I float in a flood of
joyful emotions with no barriers.
A flood where  I float in bliss, happiness and love.
Not as I do now feeling only fear, helplessness and sorrow.

I grew up loving my parents, and fearing them a little.
They disappointed me, hurt, betrayed and abandoned me.
Now I feel afraid to love completely,
to protect myself from ever feeling this hurt again.
If I don't protect myself who will protect me.
So a life of isolation is what is in store for me.

I need to start digging a tunnel to get out of this hell hole,
to escape the darkness and find the light.
I have to stop blaming myself, for my family being like barbwire 'untouchable'
It is not my fault my mother was misguided, mistaken and confused.
or my fault my father abandoned us and died.
I know once I accept this I will find the light.
Free to live and love .
The first time in my life.
I was twenty one when I wrote this poem. I have posted it here in the raw format it was written with no changes.
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