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 Oct 2015 Isabelle
After you said goodbye,
I've wondered
what you felt
With me
 Oct 2015 Isabelle
Emma Jones
I told you that I was a hurricane.
I told you that if you got too close,
I would wreck you.
But, you didn't listen.
Why didn't you listen to me?
Now it's too late,
and I've done the damage.
I wrecked your heart,
like storms tear homes apart.
They never mean to,
it's just habitual.
I never meant to break you.
But, I did.
You should have listened.
Hurricanes are named after girls like me.
 Oct 2015 Isabelle
don't forget i was your first kiss
the first girl you wanted to be with

don't forget how you couldn't keep your hands off me
that there was a time when you loved me

don't forget we rediscovered love together
dont forget the smiles we believed
or the demons we pleased

dont forget the trials we had
and don't forget they were not all fails

and if your gonna remeber me
don't forget
what we use to mean

— The End —