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Aug 2021 · 219
..tho i see...
the ordinary things i see every day
lookin' at you doin' the things ye do
you've managed your ways, your difficulties too
accomplished things no one could ever say

these demons that i face every day
'ave nothin' to do the Angel you are
the more i am caught in my inner war
you are there showin' me the Right Way

where i 'ave lost my way to go
where i 'ave lost my smile to show
there's nothin' more for me to know

those things ye do for me 'n' how ye be
smiles 'n' happiness ye bring to me
'tis you 'n' i alone that i want to see always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 03/01/1443
oh, this very own Heart of mine
never ever did i thought to be this fragile
we 'ave had many a thing to overcome
i want Ye to be with me all of my time

even tho i 'ave ignored Ye once in a while
Ye always seem my drive bein' alive
'n' yes, to be upon i should be upon
this Beat that just keeps Lovin' on

i know, i know, to take care of is mine
neglectin' is one thing, Truth be Thine

i see, i see, noone there but me
so to me to address to none but Thee

for my heart is where You live
so please, please, do not abandon me.. always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 03/01/1442
Apr 2020 · 177
..which way...
so my nightmares do 'ave a truth to say
ye refrain further 'n' further away
too bad 'tis your own that ye will remain
those 'n' what be upon to be stayin'

maybe indeed, i wish to be alone
but 'ave i not chosen to be with you
just prove to me that i am wrong to do
tryin' to make a life to be our own

please continue openin' up my eyes
for i am blind to be doin' as such
as feelings they all be denied as much
'n' all what will ignite that even fires

Rome is one way, London is the other
lo, should we ever be with eachother?

.. ...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 25/08/1441
"a (pentameter) Sonnet"
Oct 2019 · 181
..isn't it...
isn't it a shame we just then return
isn't it blame, we put upon others
do we not hide our faults to eachother
who is there to satisfy or to turn  

to turn to when there is no one around
who be there to be relyin’ upon
when all be the whims we be drivin' on
what is it that we think that shall be found  

tisn’t lame, we repeat to clarify
it doesn’t get tirin’ nor does get bored
when we do exact, what we had in store
no reality but wants to verify  

isn’t it the same we rely upon
mine is this flame, keepin' me on ‘n’ on always...

عرفان بن يوسف ©AH 28/02/1441
Jun 2019 · 193
..livin' raw...
for not in my favours it wasn't no
but forever i shall be thankful for
every thing that comes or doesn't show
with every thing i am learnin' more

so how shall knowledge be comin' to me
when yes, to me they shall not let it free
this childish behaviour they 'ave made me skip
the very thing they seem to live

for these pains i 'ave had, would hurt them even more
when i would tell them 'bout them things they themselves prevailed

those shortcomings they do feel but don't understand
they be relivin' by those same actions they themselves make

my Lord 'ave Mercy, shower us all with understandin'
so we all could be knowin' how to be livin' always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 26/10/1440
Jun 2019 · 346
..Earthly Wisdom...
oh my Lord i am lookin' for wisdom
for as far as i know i do not know
but to look at those things i do know
just by observin' Thy Earthly Kingdom

so there i see flowers startin' to bloom
at warm days fishes comin' up to breath
even turtles that my accompany seek
where i see beauty in every 'n each

oh my Lord i am seekin' Thy Advice
'tis there i be able to truly see
'n' there that i shall be 'n' beseech
where i seek to find my forever moon

so there i shall be 'n' be remainin'
by this Beauty's Name i shall be prayin' always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 10/10/1440
May 2019 · 255
..never forget...
never ever shall i forget
what certain people should regret
although presence doesn't show as much
i shouldn't be thinkin' of such

i was walkin' alone down those dark streets
none but myself 'n' selves to meet
where i was thrown i made a Throne
to praise my Lord 'n' Him alone

for my Lord never abandoned me
like my own blood did indeed
my Lord gave me His Most Beloved
'n' showered me with what True Love is

for never ever shall i be on myself
when protection 'n' even health
my Creator gives Himself always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 12/09/1440
May 2019 · 175
..her simple love...
'n' there at heights melodiously she flies
this lovely wonderful lookin' butterfly
the way of caressess from her wings
this wind that breezes whispers 'n' sings

tho landed upon clouds entered new skies
experiences brought by numerous flights
always trustin' upon the waves where to bring
the Only Trust 'n' Love onto which to cling

lessons to be seen in her very own strive
beauty to hold on to 'n' to ponder upon
right from the chrysalis 'n' from there on
none but nurturin' flowers all of her life

she a beloved of God, as she has always loved
her simple love that pollinated all 'n' above always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 11/09/1440
May 2019 · 167
so we do hide behind our ignorance
'n' remain pretendin' to be naive
so easy to think of them to deceive
'tis just that we behave that itinerant

thinkin' ourselves to be that superior
excuses we alone do believe in
those **** thoughts of lies we be livin'
that very thing to poison our interior

there is no truth in these tiles we're layin'
if ever there's a time of honesty
we'd still be clingin' onto policies
that we ourselves 'ave been creatin'

no.., we won't repent 'n' won't start prayin'
but our own faith we shall keep on slayin' always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 10/09/1440
Feb 2019 · 217
..but there...
nothin' catches my attention really
for i 'ave given up a long time ago
i just stay focused remainin' at flows
what life has to offer 'n' brings to me

'tis just those things that come in a way
that my own priorities seem thrown away
therefore i rewait 'till it itself displays
which road to be upon which tiles to lay

for i would never understand it tho
these plans my God, i still 'ave to see
but Thy promise to me that all be shown
thy wishes 'n' bestowings upon me

my dedication to my Creator alone
for You be headin' me to my home always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 02/06/1440
'a freestyle meter / rhymescheme Sonnet'
Nov 2018 · 252 never mine...
to all of my children, never were mine
by those exes i 'ave had, in my life
all those promises i 'ave made to ye
all the care 'n' effort put upon ye

nothin' but ev'ry good wished upon ye
'n' all of the times i 'ave shared with ye
never would i want to loose memories
i 'ave shared with ye in all of its truths

for, even when it might be a long time
never could get ye all out of my mind
always be prayin' for ye, all of good
no matter feelin' good or feelin' bad

yes, at times i think.. of those precious days
rememberin' those ways, ye called me 'dad' always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 04/03/1440
'a pentameter / freestyle rhymescheme Sonnet'
Oct 2018 · 194
..i be contemplatin'...
people may think that i am pretty harsh
at times like feelin'less to what they say
the sight of indifference be displayed
i am rude, i 'ave no manners to marsh

while people may think in one certain way
those things they do know of, or do deny
like to reality they keep sayin' "why..?"
'n' with those things they be fillin' their days

'tis just that knowin' to me 'tisn't the same
to whatever we be livin' up to
whatever in this life we want to do
oh yes, we all say "i do in God's Name"

that seems to be how we keep remainin'
but ibne Yusuf be contemplatin'... always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 22/02/1440
'..a pentameter / freestyle rhymescheme Sonnet...'
Aug 2018 · 243 all...
this creed be all there is to see
'n' all i am, be all i wanted to be
to be freed be not that, i seek
rather be for you to think of me, a freak

i 'ave no wishes, for all i want be there
get my portion of what be fair
for diner be serv'd not 'til my Master will
'cause He be all my heart shall fill

there be no Love but His that lives
'n' He be the only One that gives 'n' gives
no endin' in His Promises
His Merciful Blessings that will never cease

'tis Him forever 'n' always Love shall lead
my Creator be all i need always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 17/12/1439
'a (freestyle) Sonnet'
Aug 2018 · 677
..'tis Thee, ye see...
why do i 'ave this feelin' of people disturbin' me
when i am in thoughts talkin' to Thee
why 'tis that others, i cannot see
when all i want to be, in my mind with Thee

Thy Power as Thy Blessin' upon me
right here in my head i can always meet
those very standards that in life should be
to Whom to be turnin' to but to Thee

yes to him, Thy Special Chosen One
his own whether before, or after him be

for if not with Thee, Thy Beloved be
the One i am turnin' to, gettin' closer to Thee
if not with Thee, Thy Beloved Ones be
those examples Thine, sent by Thee always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 29/11/1439
'a (freestyle rhymescheme) Sonnet'
May 2018 · 224
..this difference...
lots of people havin' abilities to be
     blind to the one 'n' only truth
might they know alot, knowin' they do not
     the more they get, the less they understand

most of people learn to be learned
     for the purpose of their very own benefits
now just wait a moment, is it really...?
     or might they just be thinkin' it to be
those excuses 'n' explanations been
     puttin' things to their own hands

beg me pardon, indeed 'tis truly
     the lack of bein' able to recognize

i say, honesty is more to me than life
     this difference in which we do thrive always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 02/09/1439
May 2018 · 351
..the ears bein' told...
Most certainly i am not of those
     amongst thee, most pious ones
i just try to stay focused
     'n' remain bein' myself

There would be no reason for
     me to be walkin' proud on this earth
i can neither tear it apart
     nor rival mountain's heights

For there is no understandin'
     within these lives i be livin'
i do not want to play
     do not want to react

Tho 'tis alot of hypocrisy
     i seem to keep knowin' less
i be chasin' after my own lies
     that what suits me best

Would it be truth to behold
     i, if only have listened to the ears bein' told always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 28/08/1439
this life i'm nothin' but a visitor
in which to make my own decisions
be n'it livin' up my obligations
or be it those things to be chasin' for

never have i felt like bein' at home
tho bein' is tryin' to understand
the purpose on earth 'n' what to follow
this conscious into which i have to grow

'tisn't like i do not want to be here
'tis just somethin' inside this atmosphere

'tisn't like i have no patience no more
'tis just that i finally want some shore

so nothin' shall ever be called my own
not until my place to me shall be shown always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 18/07/1439

'a (pentameter / freestyle rhymescheme) Sonnet'
Mar 2018 · 343
'tis the man in the mirror to begin
for rethinkin' his ev'ry deed 'n' sin
'n' all he has knowingly commited
willeth or willeth he not admit it

'tis this very man standin' before ye
tryin' to cover up ev'ry bad thing
wouldeth he be sincere in how to think
or remain deceivin' many a man

with these acts here showin' he be strivin'
as his truths in life he wouldeth live in
'blivious these webs of lies he be in
never bein' able to forgive him

for when 'tis not reflectin' on his self
shouldeth he not remain in his own shelf always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 07/07/1439
'a (pentameter / freestyle rhymescheme) Sonnet'

forever been friends, never did they meet
'till that auspicious day their hearts got freed
tho never before now in dyin' need
without even knowin' swept of their feet

both unknowin' as discretely secured
lo, this bein' a play 'bout love for sure

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 05/05/1439

'a Sonnettette'
Dec 2017 · 477
..'tis we forgot...

oh indeed, this flower may be wiltin'
but does it not 'ave had, its flourished days
did it not sway in those gracious ways
how it took part of most true happenings

each loose stitch 'n' emptiness bequiltin'
understandin' of beauty it displayed
its cycle, this message, that it just layed
wonders be shown, right at its beginnings

'tis none but the very truth, it presents
unlike others, who their lies they defend
for the seeds it bares, not as what we sow

not many creations such that creation shows
like to know our hearts, own minds to prevent
..this flower, even while wiltin' does scent..

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 18/03/1439

'an (Italian / Castellani) Sonnet'

oh my Love, why dost Thy tear up this heart
whereas noone has ever lived inside
Thee, no comparison, nor any part
of this felt alone, 'tis Thee Who resides

'tis Thy Love to breath, what i need indeed
forever Ye'll be in this life of mine
my all belongs to Ye, for Thee i bleed
for everythin' that is, be Thine

why dost Thou break it, again 'n' again
this body created be holdin' its soul
why is it for me hard to understand
i don't need to know everything's role

oh ofcourse, Ye know, 'tis within my tears
my love too little, my biggest of fears

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 16/03/1439

'a (Shakespearean) Sonnet'
Nov 2017 · 492
..peace upon thy souls...

like Jesus, may peace be upon thy soul
he without a sin may throw the first stone

like Noah, may peace be upon thy soul
he concerned 'bout the people left alone

like Moses, may peace be upon thy soul
he would stand there, but not without Aaron*
(may peace be upon thy soul)

like my Job, may peace be upon thy soul
who these life-lessons in patience has shown

like Jonah, may peace be upon thy soul
still trust God while in this belly below

Abraham, may peace be upon thy soul
to be the very father of belief

Muhammad, may peace be upon thy soul
be the final completion bein' sown always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 09/03/1439

'a (pentameter / freestyle rhyme scheme) Sonnet'
Nov 2017 · 695
..they call me 'poet'...

i, the writer, yet never am i pleased
whatever been penned down never succeeds
to my expectations, nor to my needs
for the meanin' of words seem to get ceased

i, the gardener, be sowin' this seed
whatever to be said shall never reach
for hearin' be all different to each
no poet am i, no artist indeed

i, be as just human, as i could reach
understandin' alone my heart shall lead
'tis knowledge upon which my mind does feed
no fame, nor admirers, that i beseech

i may be hopin' just someone to read
these ways my letters on paper do bleed

(or maybe how they be finally freed)

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 08/03/1439

'a (pentameter / freestyle rhyme scheme) Sonnet'
Nov 2017 · 1.2k
..rghlity stnad...

turely wulod wnat to witre ye a ncie peom
but i cnnaot seem to get tehse wrods rghit
ye see all my letrets are so mxied up
resmelbin' excat wath be on my mnid

tho smeowehre i hvae hared taht wehn ineded
the fisrt 'n' the lsat lteter rhgilty palced
one salhl be albe to msaetr 'n' raed
wrdos rhgit in the eaxct crorcet odrer

ye see i srue am not taht wreid at all
tho at laset not mroe tahn any one can
wahtveer uopn to, or waht we slahl

jsut nveer be of toshe rdaey to ban
wihcveer ye siltl do not udnrtaensd
do not be of tsohe be jgudin' the man

..lvoe alawys...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 04/03/1439

'a (pentameter / freestyle rhyme scheme) Sonnet'
Nov 2017 · 393
..that magic moment...

as never had she felt like this within
walkin' by she met somethin' never seen
it was this sight at him that caught her eyes
so her body, so her mind, all tremblin'

although he looks like any other guy
there's somethin' 'round him she cannot define
now his turn he tries to identify
why clearly this woman lookin' at him

tho both 'ave nothin' be fearin' at all
this sense of sensin' still fully unknown
little they know their honest truth be shown

i say oh there must be somethin' therein
when love began to fly, spreadin' its wings
as there their moment of magic begins

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 02/03/1439

'a (pentameter / freestyle rhyme scheme) Sonnet'
Nov 2017 · 413
..shall we find...

now say when shall we find to realize
how they keep lurin' us into their lies
we forsaken abilities of minds
now say how is it ever we shall find

by the "yes's" pronounced, tho "no" we mean
these roads we walk, but do not want to be
why bother, when we do not seem to see
proses we make, upon cliches we lean

metaphors we come up with, eas'ly done
most times not knowin', where it all comes from
for these thoughts alone keeps us reelin'
upon those mysteries 'n' real meanings

for there's more outside our understandin'
when we stop wander inside our feelings
* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 02/03/1439

'a (pentameter / freestyle rhyme scheme) Sonnet'
Nov 2017 · 459
..what be mine...

my fears shall never be the same as thine
thy tears will never be more dry than mine
while heartache can't touch me at heart's recline
like death can't break me when just a new birth

my fears shall be, even to hurt a bird
or not to be there when love needs handin'
nor to want anyone remain unheard
for carin' all will be carin' my own

my tears will be, for not understandin'
my purpose of existin' 'ere on earth
for when this life will 'ave its endin'
i shall finally face what i 'ave sown

so these are some thoughts that i be livin'
not just some feelings i 'ave made my home
* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 01/03/1439

'a (pentameter / freestyle rhyme scheme) Sonnet'
Nov 2017 · 419
..i see this place...

this place beyond my thought, for i am there
my mind's own journey at sweet transition
most beautiful creatures, best of creation
where meadows of gardens spread ev'rywhere

harmonious feelings' overwhelmin' air
these scents of flowers, that sweet smell of love
like a canopy formed by lovely doves
that calmly breeze that caresses my hair

tho these things i mention are not as real
nothin' there could be described as above
for all that i could possibly think of
would never ever come to what i'd feel

if just one fraction, if i could reveal
of this wonderful place, there where i heal
* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 29/02/1439

'a (pentameter / freestyle rhyme scheme) Sonnet'
Nov 2017 · 516
..thy bed of leaves...

thy leaves now fall in such beautiful ways
leavin' a bed of browns, yellows 'n' reds
right where i sat underneath thy shade
protection 'n' comfort ye always gave
calmin' 'n' soothin', when at thee i gazed

thee my definition of life itself
'ave witnessed all, but in silence ye dwell
thy wisdom at pace, ye remain thy place
but 'ave ye not bowed for The Glorious Grace
so earth ye'll protect with thy carin' beds

for this cycle of life, thy sacrifice
is metaphorically just as fine
if only we could talk 'n' able to
understand the realities of our truths

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 26/02/1439

'a (pentameter / freestyle rhyme scheme) Sonnet'
Nov 2017 · 594
..those very things...

would ye know, would ye really understand
when meanin' itself shall reveal itself
should ye sow, what ye are sowin' right now
or maybe just grow those things ye do like

fears ye be fearin', but truth ye deny
years that'll pass by, experience ye'll say
in those ways ye move, ready to fly

there seems no problem to identify
within those things ye are livin' to know
'n' when ye think no-one is lookin', still
ye keep findin' things to deceive thy own

for there's no struggle in thy days of life
be those very things, thy own disaster
in those things ye keep walkin' after
* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 25/02/1439

'a (pentameter / freestyle rhyme scheme) Sonnet'
Jul 2016 · 817
..that s(h)ame ol' story...

how is it possible to close my eyes
when all that is is just passin' by
how on earth should i cover up my ears
when there is nothin' much nor else to hear

i say we truly forgot how to feel
we continue to deny to be real
'n' within those **** lies we be livin'
them unhidden plays 'n' acts we're givin'

ye'd say: 'i do feel 'n' know it all'
by thy many a 'truth' still standin' tall
now would it be no understandin' shall
'n' shall never be when we make it fall

for when we stop our minds elevatin'
then be which story we'd be creatin'

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 17/10/1437

'a (pentameter / freestyle rhymescheme) Sonnet'
May 2016 · 858
..what we be...

now have we not walked these roads at time
where many a thing continuously deny
are there no lessons which be to be learned
but them **** circlin' in twists 'n' twirls

why do our minds be deceivin' our souls
longin' hearts be denied by our egos
how truth be our failure at recognition
by those wretched lies we ourselves are livin'

for it's not just the passin' of seconds we be
where we say time we do have not, ye see
busy, always busy in fact with makebelieves

as rather these priorities we seem to keep
we bein' as herds as if all bein' sheep
oh dear body when thy soul leaves

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 16/08/1437

"oh dear body when thy soul leaves"

..not meant as a dark nor suicidal writin'.., rather somethin' to contemplate upon...
Mar 2016 · 817
..hurtful sayin'...

people do say alot of hurtful things
lettin' alone those acts they be playin'
needless like piercin' through every vein
begettin' all tricks while knowin' it stings

light be no more when be gone clarity
blind to what at first exactly has been
fightin' anger, distress or even pain
find nothin' more than discomfortness brings

how do we loose it to insanity
now be Irfan the one that is sayin'
first know humanity is as a whole
hurt one person 'n' ye have slayed them all

alas, i, the sinner knows not a thing
truth be by the One by my eyes Unseen

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 01/06/1437

'a (pentameter freestyle rhyme scheme) Sonnet'
Feb 2016 · 2.1k
..the date palm...

there at the feet of that mountain ye'll see
a man carryin' two buckets towards a tree
he's beggin', he struggles, he prays to God
oh Almighty give me the strength of a sod

that drought up there 'n' all those years i wear
days of climbin', bringin' some water up there
for this palm shall be givin' dates if is by Thee
so i'll keep mine even when havin' to go to sea

'cause as fruit is given, all is given to 'n' brought
what is mine shall be mine beyond my thought
so of all of those things i might think of to care
'n' many a thing provided by You alone to share

i say, this man shall, 'till his dyin' days he'll be
walkin' up 'n' down that road waterin' the tree

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 20/05/1437

'a (freestyle/flow meter) Sonnet'

i lay on my back thinkin' at the stars
why i had to fight that many a wars
i watch the birds as they are flyin' by
always have wished bein' able to fly

i stay at pace wonderin' at the sky
why does the ego urge to satisfy
i hear those leaves whisperin' in the wind
all the amount on the trees i have sinned

i may be restin' as if behind bars
the dreams i have had but those nightmares why
i feel cold as the pressure overwhelms
it is i this world into depths has binned

for now my place is here beneath these elms
this grave now to be my only of realms

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 09/05/1437

'a (pentameter) Sonnet'
Feb 2016 · 1.2k
..the quintessential...

i know at times i have lost my ways too
forgot 'bout efflorescences of truth
denied all of the good hidden within
for my nature itself quite demurin'

wherewithal we all do have times like these
wherein we fail to recognize beauties
to see life to be ever so comely
when a heart feels only felicity

tho as faremost 'n' so quintessential
to lose focus of the sempiternal
will not bring us further into this life
when forgettin' the knowin' how to lithe

for i know now which thread to hold onto
'n' the very Bein' to put all of my trust into

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 08/05/1437

'a (pentameter) Sonnet'
Feb 2016 · 502 lovin' Muse...

there's no earthly muse but from God it is
for whatever is by the will of His
all of beauty by His Divine demand
is it not exactly how He has planned

there are no deep oceans 'n' no high hills
for all of my writings in all its skills
would come from none other than God alone
'cause inspiration by Him only shown

upon me no revelation be sent
for my time mostly as sinner been spent
could be mercy my words shall never find
it's my inner fear to be disinclined

i say my lovely Muse, my lovin' God
tho i am not of those walkin' the shod

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 08/05/1437

'a (pentameter) Sonnet'
Feb 2016 · 887 ev'ry day...

now tell me what it is with this one day
upon which a wealthy world acts its play
for on the others we forget to pay
true affection in appropriate ways

why is it only then we know to say
"i love ye" ev'ryone now 'n' always

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 05/05/1437

'a (1 rhyme pentameter) Sonnettette x 1 minute poem'
Feb 2016 · 521
..strange place...

this place called Hello Poetry is actually very strange
instead of writin', people are just gettin' out of range
for i thought this site looked clean 'n' well-organized
tho certain things goin' on here leavin' me by surprise

things like plagiarists bein' that proud of themselves
now a selected daily poem straight from a Hallmark shelf

..the truth may hurt.., the lies they ****... always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 04/05/1437

'a (freestyle meter) Sonnettette x 1 minute poem'
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
..Elizabeth Squires...

this poetess known as Elizabeth Squires
with ways of writin' by waves to admire
the one i read here caught my attention
managin' all styles of apprehensions

for i love all of her works she gets penned
i say readin' her poems i find well spent
by her, learnin' beauties of Rosarians
i dared attemptin' to the rotarian

this writin' to her, for she to inspire
seein' as one of my inspirations
it's hers becomin' as musin' impends
bein' it against or pro-contrarian

i am a fan of this amazin' ma'am
hopin' she'll keep blessin' us with her slams

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 24/04/1437

'a (pentameter) Sonnet'
Feb 2016 · 976 beloved devil...

from all of the demons i am fightin'
i myself am the biggest one of them
'cause out of all of those trials sent by Him
none of them as bein' as frightenin'

that choice be upon me where to headin'
tho roads are made able by only Him
onto which desire shall i chase a whim
when knowin' does make life more uplightenin'

forever condemned by my strides within
knowin' myself needin' to be workin'
for when i shall change my mind of thinkin'
owin' none but positive vibes all-in

'cause yes indeed, my own devil am i
but not when changin' visions of my eyes

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 23/04/1437

'a (pentameter) Sonnet'
Feb 2016 · 519
..writin' heart...

don't we all look up the skies as we start to wonder
aren't all of them writers up at night just to ponder
might be out of many a thing bein' stumbled upon
or like breezes of winds that are blowin' into mind

tho most of those times feelings bein' put asunder
by emotions as much as the rain, storm 'n' thunder
although aswell as the sun, moon 'n' stars beyond
just seems as if many don't manage nor get to find

so ye can contemplate but never thyselves deprive
to define these nature's bonds 'n' the beauties of life
for be it lessons by foremost the hard ways learned
or of one of those lovers onto which ye have burned

thus whether ye're writin' accordin' rules to follow
acknowledge thy messagin' by thy heart's wavin' flow

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 22/04/1437

'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'
Jan 2016 · 885
..when eyes met...

she's always walked underneath that exact same sky
where later on their hearts met for the very first time
he never stopped believin' in the beauty of the moon
for the dance beneath shinin' lights to be theirs soon

forever she wondered what those stars really meant
by the unknown paths upon which their rays're sent
he thought of all of those promises that're ever made
by the past wretched words upon him bein' displayed

but when the occasion 'n' that auspicious day came by
when a birth of true love started comin' out its cocoon
just then nothin' 'tween an earth 'n' heaven could bend
their union becomin' a fact as faith for them has layed

for that magic moment their bein' rejoiced as occurs
when his eyes got caught by the sight of eyes of hers

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 18/04/1437

'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'
Jan 2016 · 810
..troubled child...

say troubled child, how come ye're givin' up
why would ye want to spill a life filled cup
keep hope in thyself 'n' those to achieve
there is so much more why would ye ever stop

oh perhaps ye'd think of it to relieve
tho would ye trust me if i'd say 'believe'
remind the ocean's depths 'n' heights of skies
never forget what is up thy own sleeve

but please don't be livin' thy own denies
for an end makes it only once one flies
just see to see those things that'll never drop
be kind to thyself, thy I, without lies

be patient my child 'n' never give up
for after sowin' ye shall have the crop

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 16/04/1437

'a (pentameter) Sonnet'
Jan 2016 · 483
..the unseen...

although thy silence just deafens thee
make it known that ye do matter to me
for yes indeed, i do have noticed ye
strugglin' as ye're balancin' up the ledge
tryin' so hard not to fall off the edge

tho might it be penned thy words do speak loud
as thy hidin' underneath lots of shrouds
for yes indeed, i do have noticed ye
but how would ye string them up in thy head
why life itself is just like a thin thread

now be willin' to see the lines ye made
as all of those things ye've written in 'tween
for yes indeed, ye noticably create
'n' never really were ye the unseen

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 15/04/1437

'a (freestyle meter) Rosarian Sonnet'
Jan 2016 · 467
..thy love...

oh my beloved how to ever be reachin'
when thy beauties are beyond the sun
for truly the existence with you begun
as thy love's the only worth beseechin'

'n' sweet be every word ye're preachin'
as for thy wisdom ye did bestow upon
the ones praisin' ye, who at first shun
but still reject the one 'n' true teachin'

for tho i am also but among the sinnin'
'n' my hands set out tho empty within
thy love still the only worth beseechin'

so how to achieve whatever i besiege
when a conscience becomin' a nothin'
thy love is the only worth to beseech

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 14/04/1437

'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'
Jan 2016 · 519

ye know, nights have i spent contemplatin'
'bout all of those things life has to offer
'n' why many man do have to suffer
within circumstances aggravatin'

while for years now have i been questionin'
why on earth there is right 'n' why there's wrong
although there are some weak some very strong
was there ever some fault in reckonin'

now for some decades i do have wandered
upon provinces of hypocrisies
sailed oceans of corrupted policies
as every time all bein' squandered

honesty always been kept undefined
perhaps the unexplainable be refined

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 13/04/1437

'a (pentameter) Sonnet'
Jan 2016 · 447
..the beholder's eyes...

i see beauty in all of existence
as ver'ly as nature's own persistence
magnificent flowers spread the meadows
'n' bright colours lightin' up in the skies
never hidden to the beholder's eyes

i can see the sun shinin' through the rain
as there is always somethin' good to gain
for life will cel'brate however it goes
by far into depths of wondrous oceans
but rather be it spilled into motions

see we all get haunt by our own shadows
tho we the ruler of whichever shows
for as long as man's bein' able to feel
from birth upto decay of what is real

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 12/04/1437

'a (pentameter) Rosarian Sonnet'

arcanum arcanarom, argumentum ad hominem
animal disputans, dixi.., animal bipes implume
cessante causa cessat et effectus, damnant quod non inteligunt
audiatur et altera pars, hominus libenter quod volunt credunt

multi famam, consientiam pauci verentur
boni pastoris est tondere pecus, non deglubere
bonum virum facile crederes, magnum libenter

non omnes qui habent citharam sunt citharoedi
currente calamo, cave quid dicis, quando, et cui
gigni de nihilo nihil, in nihilum nil posse reverti

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 14/03/1432

'a latin verbs poem'
Jan 2016 · 752
..before that day...

when there shall be no more lights to be seen
nor paths nor roads leadin' way to the unseen
chaos be overtakin' as forever bedazzled keen
for we shall never know what truth may mean

tho we're not supposed to enjoy them hymns
we shall be taunted, haunted by those whims
the demons scratchin' holdin' on to our limbs
when darkness prevails alas brightness dims

that very day when knowledge be gone away
when people be makin' their own way astray
that's when their inner fire will make its way
buildin' a play of hell be what they shall slay

be it ours, be it theirs, actions should be made
for by then the price will be too hot to be paid

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 29/03/1437

'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'
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