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many a thing i have on my mind
when writin' the moment decides
the floatin' words there are to find

driven by main 'n' carried besides
a flowin' of all feelings expressed
for it the occassion itself provides

tho might it seem as dispossessed
consciousness to which it depends
'n' to whatever it may be addressed

the more it takes the more it bends
tho no block delays on to the move
thereby thinkin' too much extends

rather it's not 'till i myself approve
forever perfectin' tryin' to improve

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 25/03/1437

'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'

oh you bringer of glad tides
His most ultimate of prides
if all of creation couldn't lie
they'd all be puttin' ye high

oh you speaker of the truth
His all of messenger's roof
if none of words could give
the worths of how ye'd live

oh you the defined example
His divine very own sample
if guidance would be ample
what'll save us the trample

oh you saviour of mankind
His mercy on deaf 'n' blind
if we ignorant can't display
what's 'tween night 'n' day

oh you the light upon light
His avail with which ignite
if the darkness will prevail
what track wouldn't derail

oh you guide upon the path
His only way without scath
if the wrath is kept hidden
what door will be forbidden

oh you holder of the heavenly key
His knowledge 'n' secrets to ye be

so to get back at this sinner's plea
oh you would ye please rescue me

..assalaato assalaamo alayka ya Sayyidi...!

..salawaat'Ullahi wa salaamahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi...! always...*

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 19/06/1436

for the better feed thy souls
but do not take them as whole
tho humanity seems hard to find
reality not even crossin' minds

livin' dreams 'n' fake believes
whatever man thinks to achieve
rather preparin' their own demise
then be takin' their own advice

people's assumptions hypocriticaly
but to serve themselves their daily meal
with consumptions even as selfishly

so had it somethin' to do with how we feel
where by actin' none but what looks supposedly
leavin' nothin' to acknowledge for bein' real

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 15/03/1437

'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'

remain humble, 'cause i know enough
is what i always said, always pledged
'cause in a world with pain 'n' so rough
still it's not all that's bad for bein' sad

know that even in those circumstances
when things might seem out of control
just never give in to them evil avances
'n' as always keep thy character in role

for all things do have their time 'n' place
tho in patience with babysteps we'll face
truly with God is our future for He knows
all of our heartdesires, all of our sorrows

'n' to our Creator only our thanks will go
baby i love ye so deeply, that's all i know
my heartbeat, my pulse, my breath 'n' all
with you by my side forever standin' tall

so comin' back to the words i may befall
it's all from God above that's on our way
to us to avoid or break down those walls
'n' remain on His Path every night 'n' day

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 13/10/1432

now this time of year comes again
how these darkest days may wane
'cause readin' through the website
one can't deny a melancholic side

seems that some turned off a light
the innerside deeply seated within
tryin' to burst out with all its might
instead kept secretly unflourishin'

although it's easy for outstanders to say
many a people causin' themselves pain
tho feelin' lonely isn't on them to blame

just wished it didn't have to be this way
by reachin' out 'n' carin' for one another
'n' by gettin' rid of any unknown names

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 09/03/1437
'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'

them scales be ones again
sources of none but doubts
hence we do sow the grain
tho force it to a lesser gain

more of those where'bouts
will be puttin' it all in vain
for there shall be droughts
when the moreover spouts

as hearts never forget pain
those comin' out of mouths
'n' as deeds down the drain
be it alone to allow to wane

just ways of narrow routes
respect seize to be the aim
nothin' good is comin' out
'n' doesn't benefit a house

when indeed it be so plain
an inner kept unflourished
the boundaries of the brain
seems to be all that remain

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 07/02/1437
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