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as i do not rhyme in metrics any more
i do not care as i used to write jambes
all i want is just to express the words
in ways by tellin' ye how i exactly feel

waves might be there aswell a melody
tho to ponder upon ye'll have to dive in
the stanzas may seem made purposely
if love is the drive the answer is within

a heart ever rhythmic as its beat plays
to emerge a writin' of a sonnet kind of
by the inner burnin' that never decays

tho no words known ever to be enough
witness me sayin' as forever 'n' always
lo my love is for love 'n' love is my love

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 27/06/1436
'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'

i am not a scholar no man of knowledge
i am just that stutterin' guy on the ledge
rules i do not care 'bout nor do i sorrow
they won't apply on me for i do not know

my days do not differ not from any night
it is 'cause i do not narrow down my sight
i might be the craziest wicked 'ol wizard
upon the earth to have ever been visored

as my lawful play prevails all who leaves
tho by letters alone words will be shown
some may have tricks upon their sleeves

so whatever misconceived or outgrown
no matter what or who anyone believes
that thing i practice will be magic alone

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 23/01/1437
'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'

— The End —