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 Aug 2013 Insomnimaniac
I am the woman of your dreams
You are the lover of the night
But there's something about you
Something I just can't describe

I just don't know anymore
Am I losing my sense of mind?
I've just never felt this before
Your love has made me blind

Not as strong as I once thought
Because now, I'm in love
With the man
I only wanted
To ******
I guess love
Truly bites
When you
Find the
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Aug 2013 Insomnimaniac
I bet you're loving this
The fact that I miss
Your deadly touch
You must feel happy
Knowing you are
Making me crazy
Making me regret
Ever breaking your heart
But it was an accident
I never meant for you to hurt
You're probably reading this
With a smile on your face
Knowing that I miss you
And your ***** words
And your bittersweet love

The things that drove me insane
With pleasure but with pain
© Natali Veronica 2013.
I love you
more and more
each day
and it's depressing
watching you love me
less and less.
Julie was a winner.

Her eyes were made of stars
that had fallen off the sky
and they twinkled every time
she smiled.

She had dreams, and ambitions,
she did not ride on high horses,
she did not trust the words of great men,
but followed her own sense of direction.

She loved life,
and a boy who never could understand
what love actually meant.

Like flowers in spring,
her madness grew in vivid colors
and she could feel the surge
in her veins.

She was a like a flower.

And like a flower in the fall,
today was the day,
she decided to die.

She took a deep breath,
and drowned herself in cold lavender-scented bathwater,
falling into the forgotten forevers
to lie quietly, finally complete.

Julie wasn't a lie,
she was just me.
Because sometimes life is more than just falling in and out, and forcing yourself to move on.

Apologies for the macabre.
We're falling in love in reverse.
 Aug 2013 Insomnimaniac
 Aug 2013 Insomnimaniac
I was a twin,
Only my twin was a year and a half younger than me.
Her name was orange,
And she hated everyone.
She was also a cat,
But that is not important information.
I used to feed her yogurt.
And throw her down the slide with me.
We were real hood *******,
Manda and her kot.
We both had blue eyes, red hair, and devilish smiles.
We ruled the world from the top of the swing set,
But she froze to death in a snow storm when I was five.
Now I rule it by myself.
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