Dearest, where are you?
Please don't go.
Is your memory all that I will have?
Dearest, where are you?
I've begun to wander this lonely house at night
Have you really gone for good?
Dearest, where are you?
This place is too large for me all by myself.
I've no idea what to do.
Dearest, where are you?
Please tell me you'll return.
I need to feel you near me.
Dearest, where are you?
I'm soon to come visit you.
Will we be together again?
Dearest, where are you?
I'm arriving at the gates.
Will you welcome me in?
I'm trapped in this cage. Can you see me?
Please forgive me, they say that I'm not well.
I'm told that you're alright. They told me that I will be fine.
Will I ever see you again?