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11 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Not that person anymore
Dk who you are anymore
Not living in the past
Focused on the future
New memories in mind
Lots of missed opportunity
Rushed for a term rush
Started thinking long term
Made a plan set some goals
Can't wing it anymore
Never given a chance
Took a risk made a moment
Writing more to keep the peace
This mouth can cause trouble
Things always end up worse
Better to give up it on its ruined
Never gets better left tarnished
11 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Always a student of the game
Open to learn something new
Open to grow be much more
Write for years feeling complete
Another never ending process
Part of the daily routine
Amazed by old material
Never one to let it inflate an ego
Could feel the tension frustration
While reading trying to remember
What inspired this or cause the reaction
What was going on during that time period
11 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Doing all the grunt work
This ***** does the bare minimum
Talking but not doing ****
Still working harder than you
Even if I quit been great else where
I've done it elsewhere in this district
Forget your disrespectful talk
Don't call me a snitch you two faced
Working to get paid invest in writing
Not playing runner should be nect
Come to work work extra hard
Be my own boss never settle for less
Being obsessed with getting hired
Thankful for the advice growing
Don't need a lecture that's your plan
Not mine all playing out in this mind
Spoke up no one listened or cared
Not interested in sharing anymore
All of a sudden into my opinion
Years of change through the struggle
Rise above it all chaos be better
11 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Feels right in one place
Been doing it for so long
Starting over somewhere new
Working from the bottom to the top
Always respectful to those there
And willing to learn from those
Who started it all learn and keep building
Not there to take over or be territorial
Make an effort to contribute
11 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Trying to be the good guy
Stuck playing the antagonist
Never meant to hurt anyone
Didn't mean to use anyone
Tried to be genuine honest and noble
With no hidden agenda
Always valued people
Never about materialism
Another mouth running
Once its shut a new victim
Didn't lust over anyone
Always showed true love
Wanted something more
Not just a one night stand
Promised your momma
I'd keep an eye out
Hard to honor your word
All the danger back at it
Another stranger just keep lusting
11 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
All these feelings
All these emotions
Change over time
A loving heart on reserve
Kissing lips from the one
Tired eyes caring too much
A hopeless romantic dreaming
The romantic so much to offer
Can't find love feeling hopeless
Never about money or material goods
Make time for one another
Be present spending quality time
11 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Feels like its over
Life might end not feeling right
Off can't seem to be centered
Composed falling apart inside
Mind racing trying to slow down
Panic attack not sure how to act
What to do feeling down
The world spinning around
Mentally stuck fear of being locked up
11 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Don't want to be in the middle
A fire between daughter and son
Both stubborn set in their ways
Quick to point out everyone's flaw
Tell you you're bad for being different
They've done worse love family
Don't expect sympathy no remorse
Instead of helping you up
They are the ones putting you down
11 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
An unreal feeling from within
From deep down the whole being
Shakey heart beats rapidly
Trembling an unsettling emotions
Jitters through out the body
Hard to breathe hard to believe
Hands with a tingling sensation
Against the odds making it through
Hard to change under pressure
Changed for multiple reasons
Being more selective as of late
11 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Always distracted
Focused on what's missing
What was or what could've been
Things that can't be changed
Time to refocus on life
Lost in a moment with a smile
Share your heart with another being
An open mind to new beginnings
Flowing with an open heart
Not closed off because one denied
Rejection causing a hard heart
Blocking the world instead of living
Fear can used to grow not hold back
11 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Looking in the mirror
Everyday facing fear
Someone always mad
Sensitive people offended
Let them think they can hang
On your level stayed away
Haven't said anything
They keep coming at you
Minding this mouth
Once it open making trouble
The problems come
People cant joke or argue
Here come the insults
Not dealing with the disrespect
11 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Listen to comedy for laughs
Love funny stories with friends
Hilarious stories from different angles
Different people how they contribute
Those feelings in the moment
Social gatherings use to be fun
Now people are stuck on their phone
Having a conversation don't care to text
Meeting up for dates or lunches dinners
Getting a number to set up an arrangement
11 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
So much struggle with family
Wanted to be involved kept out
Now there's a welcoming moment
Not sure how to act or respond
Broken home due to alcohol
A child stuck in the middle of it all
Parents mean well not taken well
From teen to adult things
Never change over come the pain
Sober living is a lonely life
11 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Don't know the answers
But ready for solutions
Quick to point out the problem
That's not enough and could be tough
Hard to speak without being attacked
Tried different for having an opinion
Not much of a speaker ignored trying to explain
But will write about it to not be interrupted
Been in an awkward spot lately
From being involved to pushed out
Placed somewhere else making the most of it
Heart is not in it that's important
Mind not wanting to be there
Blocking it out upon arrival
11 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Told not to do things
But the person saying not to do so
Is doing the oppose of what's being said
What's with the double standards
Use to go out had fun made it out to be worse
Not many understand the struggle to get sober
Being around people who try to pressure
Not respect or regards on being cleaning
Trying to be normal held to a different standard
Not judging the drinker or giving a guilt trip
Hard to be cozy when one drink is too many
Being the DD can only be fun for so long
Babysitting drunks is not fun after a while
Feels like it's the only reason an invite was given
In a room mindful of an alcohol fueled room
While others treat it like an awkward situation
Or like someone doesn't know how to act
11 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
How can people treat others bad
Over skin tone everyone bleeds
Over material possessions
Where is the love and respect
Lost in their ways not open to change
So much hate can't get close
Hard to trust anyone now a days
No one can forgive stuck on it
Not easy to get over the past
Don't want to be mad anymore
Don't want to **** anyone off
Just trying to love without getting hurt
Live life without regret or holding back
Can't joke or play with anyone now a days
The new way of life trying to adapt
Hard to adjust things don't make sense
When there's so many double standards
11 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Everyone tells their stories
Full of lies and it's embrace
Told the truth everyone's mad
Making excuses to justify
Their wrong doing
The frustration of others full of rage
Stayed calm collected composed
Tired of corruption scandals
Getting the worst of it
Turning a blind eye
All of the battle struggle didnt matter
Changing the rules
Moving the boundary lines
Walked away not empowering
Kept a distance not trust or respect
So much tension resistance
11 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
We use to be close
Now it's over never started
No one knew about us any type of connection
A friendship that turned into a fling
A great friend of yours had a deep conversation
She asked how far did it go between you two
It went all the way he responded
Why would you ask such a question
This friend said nothing happened
He was shocked that he was denied
So proud so in love to be denied
The rejection hit deep in the heart
11 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Talking about it all
Tapping into the darkness
So the light could heal
How did this happen?
When did this start?
Like you can pin point
Where it went wrong
Life if you can go back
Prevent it from happening
All you can do it pick up
Where you are at
Move forward learn the lesson
10 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Making most of things
Not fond of the location
Use to click and vibe with people
Feeling alone and isolated
Trying to do the job right
Don't care to argue or fight
A sleepless night ends quick
Another restless day never ending
Neck is stiff working through pain
Lost in building creative projects
10 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Another day that lasted forever
First it started off bad then it got better
Usually social wasn't feeling the vibe
Keep away from everyone set in their moods
Mostly positive and upbeat about things
It's good to take a time out from the crowd
Working out the kinks noticed details
Focused on adjusting and adapting
Rough transition overcome the situation
10 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Losing sleep nightmares so real
An argument among many
Learned to walk away and pray
Lethal mouth that can destroy
Not letting others take the joy
Bring down the brightest day
Misery loves company in the darkness
Unloading frustration filling each page
Till feelings go numb makes it better
Closure seals the damages moving on
Heals like new scars from it all
Memories fade focused on better
10 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
A dark sense of humor
Loved to make others laugh
Made a random remark
During an awkward silence
Tried to be funny all the time
During an argument
Made it worse everyone too serious
Someone is too sensitive
Or easily offended can't take a joke
Hurting their own feelings
His smile made others do the same
Now they can't stand him
Or his witty remarks
That made it socially awkward
10 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
He lay next to a stranger
A person he thought he knew
Blinded by beauty
Felt right at the beginning
What he loved was a lie
Her smell melted his heart
Too bad she was always angry
Couldn't say anything have an opinion
She'd get an attitude or resort to tears
Lay their helpless he couldn't help her
But did need to help himself
Felt better alone doing his own thing
She'd **** his soul dry and near death
Her ways of flirting manipulation
Went from a turn on to shutting down
She was miss independent
Expect you to pay for it all
She made more money
While he was scraping by
10 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Always on the go
No time to reflect
Process feelings
Reflect on emotions
So many encounters blocked out
Most experiences taken in for growth
Sometimes rude remarks don't matter
Other times people look out
Not easily influenced blocked it out
Not interested in being manipulated
Tired of being taken for granted
Just trying to be myself
That's all that's known
A late bloomer making up for lost time
Working twice as hard to get by
10 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Always been loyal with love
Not messing it negativity
Wouldn't let hate consume
Heartbroken going strong
Rejected working harder
Denied by others showed love
Comeback better
Can't stay down forever
10 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Always respected valued education
Quick to share the knowledge inform others
Most collect this information but don't use it
Anything learned is worth talking about
Use to be social trying to understand
Don't communicate but assume others know
Imposed beliefs educate so others can understand
So many dismissive passive aggressive people
With expectations not very open minded
Or accepting for having a different mindset
9 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Growing within seeking purpose
Heart desires more cant keep settling
Something isn't right something is missing
Trying to fill this hole to feel whole
Another mindset in a different time period
Not that person sharing a testimony
The life of... Some chapters are great
Others shouldn't be read out loud
Hard to take in but moments that passed
9 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Working hard doing what's right
While others cheat the system get ahead
Not one to **** up or brown nose
But full effort into getting the task done
Taking pride in getting it done right
One day walked into work employees
Planned a party showing appreciation
Being thankful for all the hard work
Most jobs in the past full of struggle
The lead will point out the one flaw
The mistake knocking away all the hard work
The hair the back of the neck stood up
Holding back tears of joy mildly nervous
Feared something was wrong
This was a new feeling a new experience
Never felt like a part of anything
Hard to fit in belong at this moment
Things felt right able to move on
Start a new grow as a person
Limitations and barriers lifted
From the heavy heart full of torment
Another moment worth living
Taken to the heart full of joy
Able to grasp some peace able to feel
After years of disappointment numbing life
9 · Jan 2016
Infamous one Jan 2016
Another day I pray did all I could
Feeling stuck and luck runs out
All the drama and karma I can do without
Standing tall on call stripped of all the same **** kids with no respect or shame. Got drunk it's not Okay bring back old memories and shame.
Lightened up on the grip everything got lost out of control.
8 · Oct 2016
Infamous one Oct 2016
I like light skinned black girls but I feel my family won't approve even though they don't approve of me anyone. I'm forgetting about the people who rejected me or treated me like I don't matter. They aren't my friends or my crowd anymore.
They are who they are I accept them but I don't care to be around or associate with fake people or people who used me and took me for granted they made me look bad while I brought out the best in them.
One minute we were good friends and now we are strangers and don't talk we don't get along anymore or know one another anymore. I don't wish you bad or care to be around. I feel hurt and betrayed I don't trust or care to be involved with anyone. Say what you feel and the changes you have made don't be afraid to hold back. You don't need to be liked or their approval you do what's right and feels right.
Sharing my personal thoughts who I am and what I am feeling. I'm keeping my eyes on the prize I just want to be responsible and make it happen for me doing my own thing. I'm not one who belongs in the crowd.
8 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Where is the romance did it really die
A time when you got to know another person
Ask them out go on dates share a moment
Relationships are more than holding hands
A display of public affection not just private
Talking to one another being verbal
Calling to check up check in with respect
Remind the person you care show love
Not just a one night stand with meaningless ***
Or use a person for personal gain selfish
Connected to another being no hidden agendas
Being disconnected from others is lonely
Isolation fear of not finding anyone
Thought about going on a date
Plan a romantic evening share this heart
Stimulate the mind with conversation
Let the heart and grow in love
Trust someone else with your heart
8 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Lunch with a friend vivid down time
Talked about life changes that have been made
Joy from the heart being expressed
Sharing a meal made healthy choices
Exchanging of ideas supportive of one another
Lots of growth feeling part of something
A focused friend on topics of discussion
No cellphones causing distractions
8 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Learning about family
Always fought for approval
Around tough love that was never enough
Making new friends over one sided relationships
Haven't had a good one for a while
Found a new support group motivated
Use to feel set up to fail mistakes pointed out
Regardless of maximum efforts discredited
Not use feeling showing emotions
8 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
The cold breeze sets the tone
Clouds dark and moody
Rainy showers over hot days
Thoughts flowing freely
Emotions free to roam
Simmers through the pores
A cup of hot chocolate
Balances everything out
Each drink is soothing
Warming the soul
Body temperature in the ride
7 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Writing with a heart no love
Words of rage seen as crazy
Had an opinion turned away
Most talk without thinking
Asked a question tired of the BS
Took a back seat observed the scene
Been on both side know what's up
Everyone is switching nothing but lies
Not going back and forth picked a side
7 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Use to have puppy love
Close intimate with one another
Now it's over so much awkwardness
The intense friction rubs everyone wrong
Uncomfortable vibe in the same room
No more eye contact with one another
One open to set the record straight
The other doesn't care to hear or listen
Both have done wrong hurt each other
Pride keeps them a part no apologies
Pointing the finger blame is the game
7 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
People talk about social status
No communication is involved
Mostly flaunting material goods
Being a bad person get over yourself
Respect to working hard for wealth
Tragic endings over time
Lead to humble beginnings
Fear of having a degree
Not using it for it's purpose
Hate to settle trying to be more
Not give up on the dream
Thoughts of doing more
Never enough working so much
Lost track of the goal so close
Grabbing onto things that make sense
7 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Poured out this heart
Been coming to terms
Thoughts bouncing around
Things are leveling out
After so much backlash
Forced a way into it all
Fell to pieces toppled and tumbled
Crumbled before these eyes
Wheels are cranking and turning
From a stand still to moving slow pace
7 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
In a dark room
Watching shows for ideas
Always seeking inspiration
Writing down thoughts
Feelings unexpressed
Not many friends filling pages
The journal an ear able to be heard
Able to cope with these emotions
Some days are overwhelming
While others getting by
Tapping down deep within
Closure with time onto new beginnings
Working on a dream that makes sense
Pursuing goals among the journey
Always working don't forget to live life
Memories of the past not meant for the future
6 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Feeling the vibe warm inside
Feeling alive striving to the end
On another level can't stay down
A back handed compliment
Didn't pierce the skin bounced off
Developed tough skin
Sad how some have more than others
Choose to be classless act
Doing more out of love
Not expecting anything
Don't want favors returned
Not one to compare happy with life
Respect for the elders acting up
Walked away the story gets told
Made out to be the bad guy
What's worse is the lies are believed
Or complain made the most of it
Always thankful and grateful
Many are angry and hateful
6 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Always helping others
When the role switches
No one is around or to be found
Another mouth running
Once it's checked then shuts up
Loyal to the wrong people
Faithful being positive
While being burden with negativity
A shoulder to cry on listening ears
Same sad story no change gave advice
Same nonsense on a loop into deep
Hard to walk away care too much
This soul ******* friendship ready to end it
Around till something better comes around
Fought for this to work left alone and left out
Now it's not working out all one sided
Fading out gave up on it all
5 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Made time for others another flake
How much can one man take
Promised a promotion never happened
Going out ****** people off
Staying home is a problem
Overprotective with sobriety
Accused of many things
Not a shipwrecked
Or a side piece
Want much more not knocking anyone
Or talking anyone down to do so
Waited on deck for others
Wasn't needed or wanted starting over somewhere new
Got tired of caring the burdens
Another tear trying to be normal
People care on their terms and conditions
5 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Another journey on the mind
Adventures to be made
Being comfy is all new
Thought one way but felt another
Lots of conflict of interest within
Wanted this but denied hooked still
Given other blessings felt cheated
Ignored so much by distractions
Can't make the wrongs right
5 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
So many bad drivers on the road
Get off your phone and drive
Use your signal idiot get off the phone
Could've caused an accident
Driving like a maniac stuck in traffic
Merged over 3 lanes
Swerving back and forth
No regards for others
Safety or well being
4 · Dec 2015
Infamous one Dec 2015
In a dream you are successful made it. The reality is you struggle to sure.
Everyone has that dream job, but when the work comes it more than imagined.
The fear of not being able succeed is the mind playing tricks on you.
Its been done before starting over not sure where or how too many ways but lost with your own.
The mind looking for distractions something to latch on to because things are missing.
All mind can do is wander and become something all that's known doesn't make sense.
4 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
The was calm and quiet
Who know life would be a riot
From family in the city
Around people from different towns
Not forever but temporary
The town comes to life on a Friday night
Another wild weekend liquor is flowing
Dies down during the summer
What to do next without a social life
From friends to foes people that are unknown
4 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Being called a hack threw things off
It's all that's know been doing it for years
Can't live without it a pen in the hand
Feels right more than anything else going on
Sitting with thoughts the page gets them out
Creating with emotions such a relief
Grew up not able to show feelings easily
Done with old ways of thinking
Asking personal questions to improve
Haven't had a close friend for a while
Trying not to fall back into bad habits
Find more reason and purpose
Instead of feeling like somethings missing
Looking in wondering missing out
4 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Years of self destruction
Being more creative
Having fun with the process
Don't want it to end many more ideas
Starting all the way through
Writing to the beat feeling the flow
The sounds matching emotions
Tempo sets the mood upbeat tone
Feeling the bass with the heart
4 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
The thoughts are gone
Trusting in a higher faith
Can't do it all without believing
The internal struggle lifted away
Letting go of old focused on new
The path feels guided more promising
Dull light within begins to burn
Not easily fool or manipulated
With age comes wisdom
Personal growth more selective
Thoughts feel like a break through
Lots of peace within with the ones
The people who didn't quit or walk away
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