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14 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Called weird for being different
Told you're trying too hard
For having an opinion called annoying
Seen as a brat for speaking up
Always working doing something
Respectful to others different cultures
Try to understand other's way of life
Personal standards open to learn
Lots of growth new beginnings
14 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Don't want to feel this way
Meant well seen as wrong
Stayed open to be closed out
Listened to others vent sad stories
Shared funny stories to be fun
Now being ignored use to being denied
So close never happened
Went down according to the plan
Need to come up with a new way
The old way failed so much sacrifice
14 · May 2018
Infamous one May 2018
Worked hard still not done even when I make it I plan to keep going forward. Been hurt before and couldn't say it so I refuse to let it happen again. I protect my heart act like I've never been hurt before. Gave my life to God, things have changed for the better. I'm doing right and staying positive.
14 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
How did this happen
Who knew this might work
Didn't want to fail it was expected
Dreamed of being more stuck with less
Working with what's given
Thankful for the applause
Working twice as hard
Not looking for a hand out
Told to get a make over
Clothes don't make the person
Hard work shouldn't be ignored
Not about ******* up to get ahead
Earning a nights from the day
Every cent worth it earned
All the sacrifice will learn to something
14 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Flowing on the beat
Feeling the vibe alive
Chilling alone with music
Coming up with lyrics
Might say something deep
From the heart of truth
Honesty seen as ruthless
Wisdom with age over time
Always changing it up to improve
Working for the moment
One line at a time to empower
Motivated by faith and grace
Won't be taken down by hate
14 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
It was all new to him
She stared at him with interest
He felt blessed and lucky
This never happened before
He was use to being rejected
Amazed he made it this far
She liked him he wondered why
How he was shy and polite
She was more experienced
While he was a late bloomer
He asked her out she said yes
When she wasnt playing softball
They spent time to be together
Who know things would change
Never be the same again
Just a treasured memory
14 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
He was scared of success
He did love his family
Why would he be the one
Taking care of everyone
If he made it to the next level
If he made they'd love him
If he failed they'd look down on him
In the end he was never seen the same
He rebelled drifted off his course
Always held to a different standard
From the rest he gave it was never enough
They expected more
He always felt like a failure
They were quick punk
And push him around
Talking big but didn't do anything
14 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Taking on the world
Not going to win
Guilt feeling for others
Deep in thought
Sad for homeless
On the streets
Nowhere to go
A place to call home
Always roaming free
14 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
She caused the fight
He could never get it right
So he stopped trying
Never good enough stopped caring
It made things worse
All efforts made not good enough
She'd kiss him it lost value
She'd say sorry same actions repeated
He loved her with all his heart
It felt she ripped it out trying to force love
From natural to unrealistic demands
Expectations that never made any sense
Eventually he wanted to escape get away
Far away so he can heal from the trauma
Loved more than most another chapter
Of failed love broken relationships
Thinking he found the one but was wrong
14 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Laying in bed a decision made
Happy but feels wrong
Thinking about living
Feel like the walking dead
Anxious to break the routine
New habits to grow and improve
Already did it starting over again
Trying to hold on and gain more
Not lose it all through the transition
keep building and maintaining
14 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Always starting over
New job location
Multiple faces names to learn
Work hard new lazy people
Hearing complains over time
Nothing done about it
Working to get paid
Enough to pay bills
Able to afford hobbies
Missing the old faces
Old location learned so much
Sent away adapt adjust trust
Have faith things will be okay
Can't be sad moving on
Not mad had no say or control
Moving onto new onto better
14 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Gave up the reputation
A silent mouth so many provoking
Compromised so much stuff
All the compromise a one way street
Sacrificed so much died within
A journey that needs to be finished
Suppose to get hired to take her out
Never happened missed opportunities
She found someone else happy for her
Stayed home to be sober faded away
Can't be around temptation or crazy
Trying to stay in control but losing it
Wanted job didn't get hired
Still working for it not giving up
Scared it will never happen
The people talking never tried
Easy to talk about everyone
Never said anything about anyone
14 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Always wanted to write comedy
So many offended and sensitive
Told the truth got a laugh
Made a joke got blank stares
Meant to make people laugh
Make a person smile
Forget about the bad
Not get chewed out or offend
Stop over analysing live be free
Forget about the everyday routine
Be free from stress lost in the show
14 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Putting out good vibes
Taking on bad a side battle
Wearing a smile genuinely
Don't like to complicate things
Keeping it simple
Shouldn't too wild
Have up the old ways for better
Staying sober is hard craving a drink
Avoiding temptation not be consumed
Friends with bad habit
Not about that life anymore
Thought about dating the right girl
Been with the wrong trying to do right
Walking alone growing old
Staying positive some acting cold
A heart on this sleeve
Ready to love again
14 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Not one to judge others
Don't care for critics
Not one to critique others
Been doing the work
Takes time lots of practice
Had papers covered in red ink
Seemed like a ****** scene
Where a writer's heart is ripped out
An idea stripped down gutted
The stock losing originality
Other factors become important
14 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Took some time to figure it out
Being put in an awkward situation
Felt out of place didn't want to be there
Didn't do anything wrong but felt watched
Parking in a neighborhood because of work
Seen as a trespassing so much tension
Just there for the day but out of place
Left and watched prefer to stay away
Not go there or be around dk anyone
Or don't want to know anyone
The day felt long shaky inside
Like something might go wrong
On edge no pretending anymore
Life got real and intense to handle
14 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
She was light skinned
Long brown curly hair
The way she stares
That look in her eyes
Feeling unworthy of her
Trying to hard lost in thought
Holding back messing up
Feels like she's slipping away
But things have yet to happen
Once they do not sure what's next
Short term relationship
Life time burdens on the heart
14 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Sobered up all the crazy
Not phasing anymore
Made some changes
Cut off old friends
Toxic with negative vibes
Learned to say NO
Always taking over
Someones drama and problems
Doing someone's work
Always willing to work
Care way too much
But can be too overwhelming
Doing the job can take it's toll
13 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Always lonely
Seeking out people
Good or bad found comfort
Being more selective
Hard to connect
Or relate to anyone
Everything changes
Not the same person
Memories fade
Cant remember names
But able to recall a face
Old friends disconnected
New friends hard to make
13 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Use to hide the weirdness
Embraced it since it's normal
Not feeding off negative energy
Walked away from the toxic vibes
Use to feel alone but have grown
Learned to enjoy self company
Speak up or write it to cleanse within
When the words won't come out
Personal space full of value
13 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
She admired him
He wasn't use to it
So many wild ways
He loves her
But did not say
She liked him
But didn't love him
One all in willing to try
The other on the way out
Shedding tears fear of loss
Learning to love
Start over again
13 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Grew up hood
Means be down for yours
So many talk hard
But don't back it up
Never cared to drink
Always speak up sober
Say what you think
Mean what you say
All the instigating
Hiding in the back
So much hating
For being different
13 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Haven't had a good friend for a while
Usually separated due to circumstances
A conflict of interest causing a division
Usually a one sided friendship
Gave advice to be ignored
Like an opinion had no rights
Would listen to the same sad story
This cycle of neglect got old
Would vent came to terms and solutions
Told the truth not feeding friends lies
While others wanted to hear false hope was true
13 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Writing and grinding it out
Can't believe the words spoken
Lies are spreading
Like if it was true
False titles for click bait
So much spreading hate
Another debate more problems
More questions no answers
Need more solutions
Own up stop blaming
Quit playing victim
Consequences to actions
Other than pointing out the obvious
13 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Always judged before hand
Someone hears a rumor
Bad talk from someone else
Sad that it sticks most of these lies
Very open to people and accepting
But once they start talking smack
Thats where the line is drawn
Not one to get mad or even
Prefer to be alone and not bother
Got better things to be doing
Than clear up nonsense with the clueless
Post photos with nieces and nephews
All of a sudden seen a a father
Post things that bring a smile
Spoke up seen as ignorant or ghetto
Treated different for having an opinion
These are everyday obstacles
Struggles that occurred regularly
Seen as gay of having manners and expression
Took pride in this appearance seen as feminine
Long eyelashes soft features called pretty
Judged for everything even breathing
Being myself is easy that's all that's known
Being what others say is unsettling
Or make you out to be some your not is hard
13 · Jan 2016
Graceful memories
Infamous one Jan 2016
Always missing you, One day we'll be reunited
Not a day goes by, When you don't cross my mind
You're one of a kind, People like you hard to find
Never the same without you, Our world's became one
All the fun good times in my heart, The day you left the world
You never left the heart, Missing you praying for another day
Never forgotten you blessed my wrong made it right
Now everyday grow stronger, love never fades away
Till we meet again memories will always remain
13 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Always on hold for others
Working to get hired
Holding down the open position
But it's not guaranteed
Doing extra take pride in work
Glad when others benefit
Making it easy for myself
Don't leave it for the next
Be the one who made it happen
The one who got it done
Smiled liked the tasks
Keeping this mouth shut
When it opens it leads to trouble
Not into the drama others cause
Minding my own business
13 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Not sure what to do next
Someone is always mad
Walking eggshells
Can't do it anymore
Biting the tongue
Mouth causes controversy
Spoke up so many mad
Said nothing to be respectful
Feeling angered provoked
13 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Tell yourself be much more
Gain one thing lose another
Trying to stay in tact
Make it through to the end
Struggling within to be present
Doesn't feel right blocking it out
Always feels off some how
Having a hard time adjusting
Being able to relate adapt
Thankful for the job about the hustle
Glad to be working full effort
Feels dull bored lost its flavor
Missing old friends we don't talk
Can't seem to find mutual ground
Always calling reaching out
No returned calls or text messages
13 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
She smiled at him
He admired her beauty
His height kept him discouraged
She was taller by a foot maybe two
Her ***** brown her colored eyes
He's charming personality
Seen her from far wearing blue
And she noticed him too
Hard to share a smile wearing a mask
At work keeping not professional
Did he or would he have the courage
To ask her out or find a way to get to know her
13 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Being strong by blocking it out
Sometimes focus is key
Distracted by unnoticed efforts
Once achieved somethings missing
After a few setbacks lots of growth
Overcome bad habits
Lost in thoughts
Replaying on a loop
Living is how to change
The outcomes of the past
Can't be changed
Prepared for next time
Can't please everyone
Someone is mad
Or disappointed expecting more
Give it all the struggle
Someday are great
Others taken in your at a time
13 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Been doing it for a while
Dk anything else
Care more than most
Give it all earn that sleep
Thoughts and emotions run deep
Keep moving on these tired feet
Smiled and pushing through
Helped out till time runs out
Working for the long term
Stuck with the short term
Not surprised burned again
Stayed calm and worked harder
Eager more determined than before
13 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Need to get it together
Whatever that means
Love life to the fullest
Work without hatred
Not playing the race card
Been discriminated against
So many outside factors
Focused on the dream
Achieve these goals
Might seem crazy to others
Makes sense in this mind
Somedays are hard
While others end so quick
13 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Let the words flow
The heart opens and grows
Filled with life and joy
New book new chapter
Excited to read more
Rereading a book is like the past
Knowing the outcome noticing more
The ending can't be changed
A future a mystery full of surprises
12 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Can't be mad things happen
Not one to blame others
Always trying to make it work
Said nothing still tension
Spoke up judging eyes
Silently watching
Always try to be fair
Treating others right
Wish it was easy to not care
Heartache and heart pain
Back to the drawing board
To make a new plan
12 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Played the hand dealt
Still in the game
Chips are low
Hard to take a risk
Afraid to lose it all
Another chance
Might be the last
Feeling stuck Grid lock
Hard to breathe
Had it all going well
Now it feels like
It's being taken away
Wide awake feeling anxiety
Soon will crash with depression
Trying to make it
Through these tough time
Can't always win but giving it all
Taking the lesson with the loss
Gave it all gave everything
Came up short feeling cheated
12 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Praying for normal
Change occurs everyday
Over the years over come fears
But things change over time
Never going to be the same again
Friendships full of broken trust
Relationships tarnished over conflict
Both right too proud to confess
Would rather fight than forgive
Apologies don't matter due to actions
One is sorry the other still talking bad
The other wont forgive the betrayal
Holding a grudge once a family
Now strangers with a past
No one made effort to keep it alive
Egos let it die than make it right
12 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
On this road
So far from home
Another life lived
In another town
From left out
To being all in
Made moves without doubt
Going home with regret
Did it once before
Now back at the beginning
Starting over with experience
Can't go back or stay the same
Bad memories fade away
So much loss over time
Trying to move up
12 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Always looking for love
Find support being creative
Someone in a bad mood
Keeping a distance that's not good
Some days talking it up
Others an intense silence
Not trying to pry or intrude
Wondering what's wrong or going on
Would rather ask than assume
Everyone faces obstacles to overcome
Dealing with a struggle you're not alone
Sometimes the support is there
Just know I care even when things seem unfair
12 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Can't stay the same
Need to reinvent new persona
Times are changing
Don't be left in the past
Old vs new change is so rapidly
Can never settle down for less
Or get too comfortable with things
Comes and goes likes the seasons
The clock is ticking and rocking away
From the top to the bottom
Starting over again dk where to begin
Learned from failure than a win
Moment has past can't stay down
Back up once again this vicious cycle
Not over till it's over been near the end
12 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Broken families no where to go
A house that's not home
Grown want it one for this child
Her blue eyes hyper attitude
Can't let her down or disappoint
Need to work to make life better
Too bad it doesn't come easy
This heart beats to be more
Do better can't do it for me
Doing it for her growing up
Before these eyes in a tough world
So much rapid change can't stay calm
Can't be cozy rolling with the changes
Will protect her show her to live life
Not feel held back or limited by obstacles
12 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Many come and go like the seasons
Hard to get connected process in the mind
Won't let the heart get attached
Most are just passing not trying stay
Hard to replace people not ready to give up
Quit to fill your spot while present
Come and go like the seasons
Love has been lost minds have been changed
Some take it away never come back
Replaced with neglect so much disrespect
12 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Not in it or involved
Love family don't bring it down
Took the heat taking blames
Lots of finger pointing name calling
Shared moments bad attitudes
Change of heart for having an opinion
Giving maximum effort it's never enough
Burnt out had enough taking a time out
From all the drama don't need it
Or care for it anymore such a waste of time
Don't care to settle the score let it go
Learn to forgive others flaw and all
While others label strengths and differences
Another way of life as unforgiven
12 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Writing to find the answers
Composes ones self
Come up with solutions
Not cause problems
Walked away from it all
Ready to go forward
Stayed with doubt
Left with regret
Set free gained strength
Said be better
No longer the same
Immune to the pain
Healed up from the hurt
12 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
So many mad don't be that way
Around others want to feel safe
Able to trust not be crushed
Not always the winner
Still back for more
Doesn't always get the girl
Had her for a shirt time
Hardest working part timer
Still not a full timer yet
Others able to vent
Never able to share
Opened up to be ignored
Closed off prefer to be alone
All of a sudden others are interested
12 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Everybody is pairing off
Still single living in the moment
Always open to change
Some are married multiple kids
Learning by babysitting gaining
Waiting for the one
Some had more than one
Onto the next struggling with an Indecisive ex trying to come back
Moved onto new no one happy
Always happy for others
Not use to support
Always taking on others
To prove them wrong
12 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Was never normal
Will things ever be normal again
Whatever that means
Go without a mask
Be able to be in a large group
See friends with out fear
Be around family without
Thinking police will break up a gathering
Be able to attend a sporting event
Enjoy an amusement park on a hot day
Eat in a restaurant get out of the house
Thankful for this home
Anxiety from being inside
Before it would occur every so often
Being out in the work routine
Been reading to past time
Praying for everything to be okay
Writing to stay sane maintain the craft
These thoughts like wild river rafting
One helluva ride all in one mind
Laying in bed hoping to sleep
Wide awake hoping to get some shut eye
Money was flowing now it's slowing
Waiting for the day to be able to go back
12 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
After a while it gets old
From a child to an adult
Feelings and thoughts change
The body doesn't react the same
Trends fade losing interest
An older mind becomes selective
From a yes man to not commitment
Cutting off dead weight to grow
Less peer pressure around
Stress worrying for others
Hoping they'd come back
Left in the past goodbye old friend
No longer part of the future
Your chapter in their book is over
Your stories hasn't ended still in the works
12 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Ever close your eyes
And pray
Sometimes you see and feel it
Other times asking what happened
What are you doing
Doesn't make sense now
But will later
Work out fall into place
11 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
An unreal feeling from within
From deep down the whole being
Shakey heart beats rapidly
Trembling an unsettling emotions
Jitters through out the body
Hard to breathe hard to believe
Hands with a tingling sensation
Against the odds making it through
Hard to change under pressure
Changed for multiple reasons
Being more selective as of late
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