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18 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Sharing old stories
Lost in memories
Parts of life
That caused growth
Another way of living
Felt like much more
Now it's passed
It doesn't matter
Onto the next
Way more selective
Over trusting was a mistake
18 · 2d
Loud thoughts a quiet mouth
A racing mind full of emotions
Trying to find the words
Say it right Be professional
Opened up not use to be heard
Not use to being understood
Excluded appreciation for solitude
Focused on writing to calm the nerves
Organized the clutter that's pent up
Should've said this or done that
Lots of conversations looping
Had a moment to speak a load off
Dk if anyone heard but told the truth
18 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Why is it a dream
Why can't it be a reality
Working for it
Nothing comes easy
Never given for free
Only in your mind
It makes sense feels right
Getting it out into existence
Better than imagined
Feeling accomplished
Never satisfied still trying
Not pretending just doing
Hard to find balance
Stay centered focused
18 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
On the tough side of town
Might look rough
But easy to stand out
Can't settle for less
Working for a dream
Getting worked in the process
Thought of other passions
Untapped skills and hidden talents
Not just an outlet to avoid stress
From opening shop
To shutting it down
Always looking out
The favor never returned
Always feel burned out
******* over for trying to help
Karma comes back around
The 3rd degree forgive and forget
17 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Trying not to stress
This could be my time
More false hope
Not trying to believe the lies
Don't joke if you can't take it
Know your **** or remain silent
Before opening your mouth
All these contradictions
Don't care to be involved
Keep my name outta your mouth
No one is talking about you
You're not even an after thought
Come real stay away if you're phony
Ups and downs been all around
Love for this town mayor let it go
Sell out corrupt city members
Worse than the gang members
No glory in hard work maximum effort
While the lazy are praised for the minium
17 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Already did it
Earning the way
Hoping one day
All those hard work
Effort will pay off
Being the man
Not use to the props
Always working for respect
Thank you is new
Not use to hearing it
Always terms and conditions
Weird to be loved appreciated
17 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
In bed resting up
Not use to being home
Rather be making money
Doing something fun
Past the time time
Feels like days are never ending
While nights end in a blink
Lost in the mind
Trying to figure it out
Find a way come up with a plan
Seeing it in words from the heart
Wandering thoughts seeking closure
Find peace to be at ease
Should be living not decease
17 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Things feel ruined
Can't say a word
A joke taken as an insult
Suppose to cause laughter
Make someone smile
Brighten a dark day with light
Lies are believe
Worse of all accepted
While truth is questioned
Honesty is rejected and denied
17 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
It was a hot summer day
He wanted ice cream
Sounded like a plan
That was put into motion
He walked to the gas station
Grabbed a pint of cherry Garcia
He rushed back to his house
Hurrying so it wouldn't melt
Ready to savor the moment
He got a spoon and scooped
The taste of vanilla ice cream
Mixed with cherries chunks
His day was complete and set
Beating the heat with a treat
Each bite was a taste of delight
Easy mouth full got better
Melting on his tongue juicy
The flavor never ending felt right
Keeping him cool from the heat
17 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Never close and personal
Open to talk no one listening
In a sound proof box
Wonder if anyone could hear
If anyone understands
Instead of being dismissive
Voice echoing bouncing off the wall
Voice is not heard seeing words
Thoughts and emotions come out low
Non-emotional it's starting to show
Private with few silent with the rest
17 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Feared being rejected
Should be use to it by now
Getting denied hate accepting it
Don't like being talked about
Someone is always talking
Saying something negative
Don't remember asking anyone
For their opinion but still talking
Use to get writers high barely getting by
Writing takes away all the frustration
Sad how others act pretending to care
Only when a favor is needed
Always tired of settling
Don't deserve anything
Got what is worked for
17 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
So much change
Have no say or control
Feeling frustrated
Things went well
Now are ending
Mixed emotions
So close yet so far
What does it mean
Took it in
Couldn't get enough
Wanted to embrace
Got to close it went away
Kept a distance
Eventually stray away
Cared too much or not enough
It always made things tough
17 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Distracted by others hurt
Taken away from it all
Tried to help rise with others
Too much wallowing
Settled for less bad habits
Stuck in a pity party
Saw more ahead stuck waiting
Wanted to take them too
Got stuck trying to understand
Wasn't your pain to take in
Gained more than the person
Who not to be or be like
Sad how it hit rock bottom
Never been through a break up
Transition phase not a shake up
Always been loyal to others
Not bothered by cheaters
17 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
He told the truth
Someone is always offended
Can't say anything have an opinion
Always took remarks didn't get upset
Always getting your way
Dk why you're sad
A broken writer
Not able to explain
Ready to mouth off
Holding back so much pain
Seen so much going on
Can't do anything
Go anywhere places are closed
17 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Music in the heart
The soul feeling the best
Able to relate connect
Unexpressed emotions being sung
Bottled up feelings released
Not alone sharing a moment
Years of experience changing
Encounters filled with growth
Melody flowing through
Heart begins to heal empowered
Magical sounds taken away
17 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Haven't dated for a while
To be honest not looking
With time so much has changed
Before things had value
Now a days Everything is dismissed
Not big on texting or social media
Back when people showed interest
Getting to know one another
Building trust showed respect
Not quick to rush but enough
Which made it worth pursuing
You dressed up asked her to dinner
Communicated with your mouth
Learned about the other person
Shared who you are enjoyed the moment
Take pride in yourself value the other person
17 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Haven't had a loyal friend
Hard to trust its been a while
So much hurt within
All the betrayal ended it all
Friendships came to an end
True colors were shown
Relationships like a sinking ship
Broken hearts watery eyes
Hurt within a shattered heart
Reevaluate life choice and decisions
Poor judgement bad decisions
Didn't have many opinions
Branched out took a risk
17 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Sad to see so much violence
Is this who are what have we become
Everyone voice should be heard
From a meaningful protest
To a lost cause instead of united
Wish skin tone and money
Didn't have everyone divided
No one is taking your rights
Some have more privilege than others
So much censorship of the truth
All this praise for false and fake
It comes down to faith and in the word
Being a good person treat others right
Show respect and love one another
Everyone is different stop with the labels
17 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Always writing about work
Or failed relationships
Sad to say it's a comfort zone
All the would've and could've
No say or control losing a grip
Things turned out accordingly
Bouncing around to get paid
Dating all the wrong people
A waste of time focused on writing
Helps with the stress frustration
Trying to live in the moment
Always thinking what to write
Asking what's next how to rise
Get to the next level stuck in transition
Always questioning this role an open position
Always thinking about everything
Every angle different perspective
More selective years of being betrayed
17 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Family has changed
Over the years
From the regulars to more
New nephews and nieces
Kids are a blessing
Helping some grow up
Do what's right
Teach them to be better
Always praying for everyone
Some are worse off
While others are well
Opportunity to be made
Some seek it take the day
While others let it pass them up
Set in their ways hoping they'd change
Accepting that's who they are
Love them regardless of the outcome
Everyone had choices
Made their decisions
Warned them looked out
Some like to learn the hard
And some never learn
Sad how some turn out
Most struggle and other rise
Escape their situation
17 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Made out to be the cheater
She's the one creeping
Trying to flip the script
Always told the truth
While she spread lies
Called her out on them
She's mad making a scene
New people to manipulate
Never cared what others thought
Emotionless like a robot
Doing what's right no debate
All this hate not losing faith
Never dictate others fate
Walked away not talking
All this talk not listening anymore
17 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Why can't this be true
Always evil and cruel
Tried to show one another up
Competing with one another
We should be a team
Getting the best of each other
Another love story ends sadly
Treat each other badly
Should grow together united
Now bitter divided
Wanting different things
Had other plans with someone else
17 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Walking in the mind
Like a museum
Admiring the past
The vanity and insanity
Life moment in art
Photos of another time
Different mindset over time
Secrets locked away
Set free from reality
A place not meant to be
Somewhere that use to be
17 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Talking about the past
With an old friend
Reminded of the good time
Forgot about some moments
Wasn't her type but that's all right
She eventually caught feelings
After she denied yours
Stayed away don't talk anymore
Missed the good times
We meant not to be in this life time
Thought it was the right time
Turns out not anytime soon
17 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Hard to find love
Energies don't always match
Love is never equal one sided
One gives unconditionally
There through the tough times
The other with terms and conditions
When it suits personal gains
So much energy positive vibes
The other negative draining life
Trying not giving up to make it work
While the other ready to leave
Making alternative plans to cheat
One fully committed to the relationship
Taking the burdens love shouldn't hurt
One day find someone true to match
Long term journey over a short term
17 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
He admired her with his heart
When he observed her
He took the moment in
She had a loving smile
Her mocha brown skin
He held her close with passion
With all his being full of love
And gave her a tight hug
He thought he knew her agenda
He thought he knew her heart
Felt empty alone they grew apart
17 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Haven't had a friend
That's reliable and could trust
Called them out on it
And they do the same
Back and forth with the jokes
Making ******* remarks
Always one sided
Putting in all the effort
Did it to be cool
Yet treated so cruel
Letting a helping hand
So many expect
It's never enough
17 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
On the rise with new beginnings
Always praying for everyone
Through thick and thin forever
Good and bad times part of life
Growing old being told by elders
Some grow up and some never do
Tough love to be seen as an adult
Treated like a child as an older man
Never given a say trying to be heard
Another path on the way
But true love for family
17 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
A happy accident
Not about that life
Don't miss the taste
The smell of bad times
More regret than promise
Made an oath can't break it
Did it for others
Hard to forgive
Learned to get over it
Made many mistakes
Friends to strangers
Now for ones self
17 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Learning to be a fan always involved
From a player to a coach transition
Learned what it takes to win
As an athlete listen to coach
Everything is planned for a reason
As a lead coach Make the palyer better
Share years of collected knowledge
Passed on the skills to the next
Lots of repetition to develop
Gained more from losing
Learned life lesson from the sport
17 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
It's never too late
To get an education
Family and life can get busy
At any age go beyond limits
Language is not a barrier
Never compromise the future
Always be open to grow
With an open mind to progress
Develop regardless of circumstance
Learning is a never ending
Life lessons occur everyday
The path towards a careerĀ 
Success is earned not given
Knowledge of higher standards
Skills to help advance forward
Night classes for computer skills
Certification for hands on trade
Teachers that work with inspired
17 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Only the wanted to success
No where to go on the road
No place to call home
More negative vibes than good
Failed relationships
Broken beyond repair friendships
Feared being alone
Seeking company in toxic people
Trying to help those
Who didn't want help
Different dreams from the rest
A vision only these eyes could see
This heart feels and means well
Moved on not quick to rush
Not quick to settle for anyone
17 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Staying out of it
Minding my mouth
Most of all my business
That's your decision
Not mine already did it
Made the same mistakes
Learned those lessons
Did dumb stuff too
Not one to judge
Waste lots of time
Energy holding a gridge
17 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Family might argue
Hoping the bond grows
Brings you closer united
Instead of dividing one another
Disagree see things differently
Some react others overreact
Some get physical striking back
Make it personal get verbal
Some hold a grudge
Not saying anything
At the end of the day
Love one another
17 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Loud music for inspiration to feel it
Feeling the vibe to see in this mind
Writer's block blind to everything
Able to connect or relate feeling out of the loop
Human behavior always observing
Disappointed trying to reset recharge
Going through the motions over it
Grinding through don't want to do it
Just to be doing something keeping busy
If writing could write the golden ticket
Working hard to get hired still a part timer
Working harder than the full timers
Always taking pride in work
While others collect pay doing nothing
Respect for the elders most waiting to retire
Retired years ago just holding on to their spot
So they can have better benefits
17 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Seeing her with another guy hurt like hell
But showed no feelings or emotions
It gets worse she told him about the new guy
She told him how it happened how they met
He just wanted to fade away disappear
He was happy for her and denied his feelings
When the roles switch hell was raised
She seen him with another girl
She caused a scene wanted to know the details
It was just talking nothing happened yet
He was hurt getting back into the dating scene
It was all new to him hard to open up
Get close to anyone everyone left
So many life lessons changes occuring
Focused on a healthy relationship
Be happy with someone without feeling hopeless
Be able to grow closer with each other
Instead resenting one another over time
17 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Wide awake should be sleeping
A train in the distance echoing horn
The fresh night air cold and fresh
A clear mind from writing
Calm night could hear cars
On the freeway in the distance
Lay in bed talking to her
Pretending shes here
Talking to God and praying
Things aren't bad could be better
Never been about money
Thankful to be working
Through these tough times
Focused on blessing
Learned the life lessons
Loving with a broken heart
Loving others like I'd like to be loved
16 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
The last time we hung out
She needed a ride home from school
Talking to one another
Getting to know each other
She was fresh out
Of a called off engagement
She talked about not being serious
Later would tell everyone things
We're serious usually private about things
Eventually she would find someone
Who would be patient and tolerant
People come and go hard to get attached
Some get intimate but not commitment
Others do everything possible but no labels
Thinking about dating now a days
It's like jumping into
A shallow puddle of mud
16 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Over the double standards
Others do it turn a blind eye
Doing your own thing seen a selfish
The worse of them all with any say
Not so bad in comparison seen as evil
Told the truth in a room full of lies
Taking on the crowd doesn't make sense
Everyone just getting loud for no reason
Open season on the offended getting defensive
Over all the phases pushed into a crowd
Want to talk not saying much
Thinking loud only if the words would come out
So many talking like they know what's best
Hard to breathe in this toxic room
Want out looking for an exit it
Brain feels like it might explode so much I sanity
16 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Learning to lighten up
Not take life so serious
But live and enjoy each day
Take in the moment
Appreciate what's going on all around
Thankful for each day
Taking in the silence
Releasing the tension within
Everything will be okay
16 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Connecting with another being
Making the most of the situation
Being able to connect relate
Instead of comparing ones self
Competing for approval to be accepted
Not always the same open to change
Just because they stop with the love
Doesn't mean stop loving yourself
Heart on a sleeve shouldn't be a target
A broken smile leads to healing
Don't give up since someone else quit
16 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Feeling betrayed reached out
Got ignored not looking to be lectured
Don't want to talk avoiding people
Not one to take it out on others
Frustrated taking a time out
Hate feeling depressed ups and downs
Nothing is wrong just feels like it
Lacking inspiration very emotional
Trying to stay motivated
Wanting to speak dk what to say
16 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
In the area the music loud
Alive inside better in person
Seen it on TV beyond real
Glad to be part of the show
Seeing the superstars in the flesh
Larger than life personalities
It too all the pain away
Escaped reality somewhere better
Everything faded away
Wanted to be part of that world
Supportive wearing a shirt
16 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Always the shoulder to cry on
Can't talk share feelings
Show emotions always strong
Keeping it together for others
Vent not comparing sad stories
Crumbling inside staying composed
Trying to keep it together
Wanting to scream it won't come out
Heart beating in the back of the throat
Never wanted anywhere
Finally feel apart of something
Feels like it will be taken away
Can't win always disappoint someone
Put in an awkward situation
Name being spoken for opportunity
Usually slandered or bad mouthed
Something different and new
16 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Siblings always arguing
Would rather be writing
Parents use to be on drugs
Always fighting with one another
Use to be at the track after school
Hated being home a drifter roaming
A wander lost to find a way
Trying to find the promise land
A broken home no hope of change
Started over somewhere new
Felt ready for the world came up short
16 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Always striving through
Fighting to make it to the end
But it's never over from fast pace
To slowing down taking in the good
Leaving the bad behind
Not going that way anymore
Learning to say NO can't be a YES
Being pulled in different directions
Feeling ripped apart by many
Trying to stay whole be solid
16 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
The mouth wants to strike back
Always made out to be the bad guy
For Having an opinion not the same
Stood tall stand up for one's self
Entitled to beliefs some change
Without confrontation or imposition
Trying not to relapse over frustration
Want the real thing over cheap thrills
Been taking the back roads
Anxious to be on the main streets
Things that brought joy lost value
Not the same as before older now
More selective not quick to rush
An old life with encounters
The new life remembering
Past experiences life lesson
The chase no longer the same
Hard to trust broken friendships
Diverse time growth from the past
Over time progression made
16 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Not trying argue
Stop trying to dictate
Quit comparing with others
Be thankful for what you got
All that negative talk
Stop being toxic live life
Sending out bad vibes
Knocking everyone for their choices
It's their life be happy for them
Work on yours be better
Love yourself be positive
16 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
We use to be best friends
Till it all came to an end
Over a girl that had been around
Who was playing everyone
Said sorry still getting cold silence
How to make the wrong right
Keep things normal or tried
Everyones asks what happened
An dynamic duel always hanging
Brought out the best in one another
The older called  him on the crap
Had one another's back
16 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Work hasn't been great
Been thankful to be working
Around a guy who calls shots
Doesn't do his job all the way
But expects me to finish
Always focused on work
How to get it done be better
Pulling the weight of others
Don't want to do it anymore
Tired of being a stepping stone
Respect and mindful with this mouth
Not one to cuss or make a scene
Over BS titles all talk with no pull
Talking like they are interested
Just wasting time with an ear full
Still believe hard work will pay
They should go with the hardest worker
It's an insult when they hire
That is lazy not one to brown nose
Or kiss *** to move up
Sad that people do that
Showed interest got denied
Didn't care or want it anymore
All of a sudden being told
It could be an opportunity
Over all the lies all the detours
Don't know where this journey is going
Or where things will end up
Sometimes walking away feels right
But this gut feeling
Is not willing to accept it
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