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20 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Never cared for titles or labels
Called names for calling out others
Didn't take their bull
Questioned the nonsense
Trying to make it somewhere
Feel tucked away from everyone
Hidden from the world
At the gym bored with the routine
On the mats rolling with ego
With machismo
20 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Trying to empower others
Motivate to grow
Be much more than before
Never settle for less
Be the best you possible
Making it happen with drive
Don't wait for the moment to pass
Ready for this or ready for that
Over prepared came too easy
In the moment making it up on the go
Heart and soul make or break it down
20 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Raising a kid is all new
Sad people are blessed
They don't appreciate their kids
Would rather do something
Than spend time with the child
Learning trying to understand
After being asked questions
Usually a doer without hesitation
Staying calm dealing with frustration
Looking out for family put them first
Showing love through the rough times
Even when they are gone
During the good times
Regardless of the toxic vibes
Show them love and respect
20 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Made mistakes that how you learn
Failed that's how you get better
Never gave up finish strong till the end
Came close but not close enough to win
Went the distance working harder
Thought it was easy miscalculated
Growth over time years of encounters
Experiences make a difference
Better prepared not afraid or backing down
Focused on the work not drama
Talk about shop not others work hard
Hard work over politics treat people right
20 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
He thought of calling
Wanted to send her a message
Things didn't end well
So he stayed away
He missed by his pride
Thought about her
Wondered if she did the same
She moved on found someone new
He's learning to love again
Learned to make himself happy
Not rely on anyone to do that for him
20 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
Lost with these thoughts
Not sure how to feel
One who stays up late
So many thoughts to over think
Took a nap can't go outside
Use to solitude it helps
The silence can ease an attitude
Away to compose center yourself
Get lost inside the mind
Wander around explore ideas
Write them down let them free
Let them be one day to be seen
20 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Cant do this alone against the odds
This walk is harder without faith
Emptiness needs prayer to heal
Never said a word seen as stuck up
Spoke some truth got the 3rd degree
No one listens to understand
The response is tell and demand
Wanted to argue back held back
Person is stubborn set in their ways
Such a waste of time why even bother
Not empowering negativity anymore
Keep the distances over being denied
Held to a different standard
For not conforming or giving in by
Lowering self respect to be accepted
20 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Everything encountered
Should be shared to help others
Let them know they are not alone
Growth from within
Put out positive vibes
Deal with bad as well
Use them to inspire
Get inspired by these moments
20 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
He walked into a the building ready to give his all. He worked like a boss but didn't get paid like one. He did all the work and took charge. Along with a useless head custodian nothing more than just a title.
He always went the extra mile above and beyond. Years of bouncing around trying to find a location somewhere to fit in. He didn't match or belong anywhere
He worked hard stayed positive, while the rest settled gave up losing motivation.
20 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Told to provide a solution
Easy to point out the problem
Stand for the flag out of respect
Pray to God its my faith and beliefs
Accepting of theirs a disagreement
Not one to impose others way of life
Wish people would educate others
Not belittle them some are unaware
Bring awareness don't force anyone
Everyone has freedom of speech
And the right to do so as they may
Stop breaking the law focus on living
Earn it not take it be open to change
Open to grow be open to learn
Sometimes change for the better
Trying to comprehend the new
Understand is the challenge
20 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Wake up can't sleep starting to over think
Things are okay what do you say
Missing out always kept out
Fought to get in now everyone's mad
Dealing with heat greeted by defeat
Not always a role model but standing tall
With those who are rejected and denied
A leader when needed to help others
Sometimes scared not backing down
Walking with faith fear no man
Can write words down not easily spoken
20 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
The melody looping
Back and forth
Trying to find balance
Stay stable not settle
Feeling off vibes
Been feeling numb
Lifeless need to change it up
Got rest had a dream
Doesn't makes sense thinking
Can't be around drinking
Cut off toxic people walking alone
Missing people cant call or reach out
Still mad holding a grudge
Happened years ago
Not that person anymore
Can't change the past
Acting like it was yesterday
Just want to be friends
Hang out like before
Never going to be like that anymore
20 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
From falling in love
After galling hard
Don't like to lose
But it's over now
We don't talk anymore
Can't call to say hi
Or text to keep contact
Can't go back missing you
Or backwards anymore
Can't have both wanting it all
20 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Always protecting others
While they are quick to sacrifice
A friendship telling lies cold shoulder
Being two face over some lush
Said straight up to their face
All that talk behind this back
Came back around now in denial
Had your back backed you up
Now you're knifing mine
Trusted hard got betrayed
Don't want to hear it so ashamed
Disgusted can't be in the same room
Can't breathe the same air
Called you a friend seen you like fam
Blew up in this face so much regret
Hit hard and deep heard a loud BAM
Friends come and go like the season
Some with out reason wished they'd stay
Learned to let go not get attached
Hard to get emotionally invested
Detached from everyone lost in words
This notebook is a true friend
Just listens without criticism
Able to feel safe with thought
Tell secrets share feelings
And know they won't be used against
20 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
The memories fade
Able to live life
Enjoy the moment
Not easily distracted
Sober living staying away
Avoiding temptation
Making others laugh
Sharing a smile
Focused on the new
Forgetting about the old
Letting the soul shine and glow
20 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
This heart has been on lockdown
Scared to love fear of getting hurt
Protecting everything by myself
Gave everything to lose it all
Not sure how to feel anymore
Burned up inside from the lies
Was loyal to all the wrong people
Betrayed by friends seen like a brother
All over a girl playing games
Who can't be true to anyone
Telling it all let go of an old life
Can't hold back anymore
20 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
He called her sent to voice mail
He texted her and no response
He thought she was the one
He seen her in his future
She didn't feel the same way back
He asked her to be his gf
She talked about a career
A future of her own without him
20 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
An older mind with wisdom
An aging body white hairs
Young at heart staying active
An elderly spirit living on
Not trying to hurt anyone
Walk in into failure get hurt
Over come one sided love
Learning to love ones self
Always helping others
Dk where to start with one's self
Praying for love to be pure
Find the other half be true
Someone who's loyal
Full of truth with a heart
Filled with genuineness
20 · Nov 2015
Infamous one Nov 2015
Wake in the morning heart racing hard to sleep
Some days better than others
You ask God and other times you are wondering
Gave your all to a job that let you go because of someone who provoked you and you sank to their level
Struggling to survive but still thankful to be alive
You think about the past the fear of the future and not knowing
Taste of stomach acid is the back of your throat
Vision blurs under frustration writing goals and dreams
They mean nothing without and results the only satisfaction and gratification.
Seen a girl and think how can she be mine if I have nothing to offer.
Thinking it might or might not happen adding to anxiety
20 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Hard to love
It goes away
Or taken
A hole in the heart
Use to feel while
Now feeling incomplete
Hard to fill the void
Watching others change
Not sure how to feel
Mistaken identity left confused
20 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Buried it to be free of it all
Dug it up couldn't live without it
Starting to decompose
Not there anymore
Time is flying years are passing
Told be this way already done that
Do this do that been doing it
From being a trainee
To mentoring others
Learn everything be wiser
Pass it to the next generation
Growth happens overtime time
Let your light shine stop hiding
20 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Come along way from a broken past
Changed not the same anymore
Some only remember before
Silent feeling insecure use to speak up
Talked without thinking
Thought it needed to be said
Seen as a joke not taken serious
Infuriated by people thought highly of
Had their back was loyal and true
Every one mad giving the 3rd degree
Said sorry not forgiven
Still holding a grudge
Said thank you wished them the best
Let them go be in their way
20 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Hard to find peace
In a hateful world
Would rather be building
Than destroying others
Personal growth over self destruction
Never ending process on the go
Flirting with word play
Thinking of ways to inspire
Stay motivated during diverse times
The struggle within fade
Around the right people feeling good
Around the wrong people
Trying not to hate life
Or let them rub their toxic ways
Or send bad vibes in this direction
20 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
He thought he had time
Almost 40 lived a wild life
Learning to settle down
Dated all the wrong women
Trying to find the right one
Feels like time is running out
Working to support his craft
Always around family
They always kept him down
He wasn't in a rush
Been hurt by an old crush
All the lies deceit hard to trust
Injuries finally healing
Not the same with the pain
Bones ache in the rain
19 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Confronting the things
That cause pain
Analyzed the hurt
Putting all out
Too much over thinking
Letting it go inked out of the system
It all comes out on the pad
Dried tears empowered by faith
Overcame fears found hope
Sobered up thinking clear
Locked in a room healing up
Safe to come back so much change
Everyone gone went away
19 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Dk if I make sense but let the words flow
Passing ideas and thoughts to be written
Each page some thoughts and emotions
Not always she how to feel or how to act
Made many moves to improve so much effort
The people doing nothing talk the most
Rather be alone learned to stay away from drama
Can't come around be  involved with toxic ways
19 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Can't think about death
Need to live first love again
So much love for others
Not enough for oneself
Picked her over and over again
Wasn't considered or remembered
Easily forgotten treated rotten
Thought they'd be together forever
Both moved onto someone new
One married and the other engaged
Turn the page new chapter
19 · Nov 2017
Entry # collecting T&I
Infamous one Nov 2017
Ready for the weekend enjoy my down time so I can write and read. Awaiting the new Eminem album it's suppose to drop also watch the wrestling event Sunday.
Working the day shift the following week the holidays have me stressed and work gets to me give my all and miss something. I work hard always on my mind care so much it's becoming part of me.
Music in my ears calming my nerves making time to write over the stress and fight. Once my shift is over everything is alright. Thought about dating but was never good at it.
19 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Stressing when shes here
Not able to sleep
Up late thinking
Not the best role model
Always looking out
Not a poster child did take risks
Not my kid taking responsibility
Always taking rejects into this family
A group of outcast coming together
19 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Make every line count
Say something deep
Motivate empower others
From the heart with love
Piece of mind full of peace
Overcome struggle everyday
Open to change adapt and adjust
Learn new understandings
Inhale good vibe feel alive
Exhale bad toxic emotions
19 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Shed tears over years
Faced many fears
Use to drown it all out with beers
Not always with a happy ending
Doesn't always get the girl
Came close but came up short
Should've got the job came up short
Fighting for a cause that go lost
Walked away from it all
A few credits from a degree
Only got the 3rd degree
19 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Hard to trust
Dating girls who cheated on her man
Claimed it was over then went back
No shame or self respect
Never asked went with the flow
Friends who move onto your girl
Then have the nerve
To be sad they got rejected
Or try to move in on your crush
So much disrespect frustration
Called them out on it
Told them to their face
Now they are mad playing victim
Broken trust bitter taste of betrayal
Failed friendship gave up on them
Cut the cord no more toxic people
So much shame all their petty acts
19 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Its okay to fall in love
Hard to let go of the wrong people
Wishing the right ones would stay
Trying to justify the wrong
Making too many excuses
Never trust anyone with happiness
Only you can do that for yourself
If you're not happy do something
Change because you want to do so
Not because somebody told you to
Share your world build a future
Do what you love makes you happy
Don't let others turn it upside down
19 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Trying to focus on the good
Let go of all the bad
Just be free from the mind scheme
Plotting and planning should be living
Cleaned up the damage within
Letting go of the sad moments
Not mad but glad it happened
Pushed it out feeling empty
Need to have fun feel full
With new moments
Replace the old memories
19 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
A child that has to ask for a hug
Heart breaking to see
A supporting father
Who'd rather work
Love don't pay the bills
Repeating patterns of the past
A child left with grandma
A crying child daddy works night
Sleep deprived waiting for his return
Mom and dad couldn't make it work
Doesn't mean they stopped
Loving the child both providing
19 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Never in the inner circle
Had crowds and groups
None with goals or dreams
Most just wanted to party
Have fun get laid be cool
After a while it got old meant nothing
Needed to find more like minded people
More goal oriented not just working
Be able to invest in yourself
Those goals and dreams have value
Never talked about anyone
Why does everyone think they can look down
They are more important knocking others
Never been about material possessions
Some see lust as love but don't love themselves
A job doesn't define you, you're easily replaced
So many life lessons learned and walked away
19 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
No one at peace
An aunt that might die
Lots of bad habits
Decisions made over time
Love everyone flaw and all
Praying for things to be fine
Lots of stuff said
Bubbling up in the back of the head
Wanting to make the wrong right
Giving up so much to be forgiven
Grew up poor always driven
Earn it nothing is given
Staying loyal even when betrayed
Told to be down stood my ground
Don't associate with snitching
Two faced people no ones listening
Got to go it myself
No one is going to do it for me
But me learned to be alone and pray
19 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
In his dream she loved him
He got the job in that world
Working hard it all pays out
Another life without doubt
Became all he set out to become
Done it one way failed
Trying another way
Can't make mistakes
So many details and detours
Road blocks in the way
Starting over once again
19 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Feeling podcasting again
Wish the little things
Brought joy
Always obsessed with work
Being responsible
No life outside of that
Been laughing at random stuff
Smiling sharing a funny story
Telling another angle of the event
Talking about the moment
19 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
How can a person be married
Say I love you to an old going
Why would a person cheat
And have the nerve to blame
For their actions
Tell someone who loves them
They got with another person
Your so called best friend
Hooks up with a crush
Did wrong never forgiven
Wrong doers given multiple chances
Forgive yourself for peace
Not always going to find out the reason
Get closure for someone else
The problem can't be fixed
Walk away learn the lesson
Focus on a new life count blessings
19 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Not throwing it in anyone's face
Protecting others lots of betrayal
Who snitch throw you under
So many negative mouths talking
Tuned them out only about themselves
Helped a friend who was down
Lived in his car now throwing shade
Not one to judge anyone everyone has a struggle
Respected the situation tough times happen
All the complaining point the blame
Been growing on the low figure it out alone
Minding this mouth it causes trouble
Not in anyone's business keeping a low pro
Never know the who story only heard one side
Not one to talk tried to lend a helping hand
All this heat the third degree burnt up inside
19 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
He denied his feelings
Bold to say what he thinks
Never coped with loss
Always on the go
Processed emotions never had control
Didn't always have an opinion or say
If he liked or didn't like stuff
Didn't complicate went with the flow
Kept it simple wrong tainted the way
Didn't let others down cared too much
Faced disappointment felt set up
On a daily basis needed change
19 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Work and back about the hustle
Can't go out staying sober
Everyday is a struggle
Throwing a punch
Doesn't make it right
Talk about things like adults
Treat one another like humans
An insult and yelling
Doesn't mean your right
Everyone wants to be Unique
Why does everyone get lip for it
Respect one another's differences
19 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Writing to get it out
Out of the system
Trying not to burn and crash
Said some stuff didn't feel right
Wrote it down things made more sense
Such a process with writing
The word play and deep thoughts
Wild emotions come out raw
Processing it all don't always cope
So many outlets don't always get out
Doing too much at once
Overloading the system
Never enough  trying to do more
A personality too much for others to handle
19 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Rain on this love
Her body against his
This puppy love grows
She was his world
Her heart full of love
Her love ran out for him
She ended up with someone else
Her moved on she came back
A child to a man her love
Never meant to be his lady
19 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Working hard to get ahead
Barely getting by above water
No time for a dream
Time for change want it
Being loyal got ******* over
Gave everything never enough
Not young anymore feeling it
Always get the 3rd degree
Broken trust kept a distance
Stayed away disconnected
Love is hard to come by
It's easier to say goodbye
Don't like to be emotionally attached
Why connect not planning to stay
19 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Comedy in the heart
Making jokes for laughs
A heart warming smile
Talking about funny moments
Random comments awkwardness
During a serious intense time
Lighten the mood uncomfortable
Sketch comedy fun one liners
****** expression grins snug remarks
19 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
The odd couple a younger man anxious
One leads always active the other barks orders
Working with an older gentleman
One was working hard trying to make it
While the other gentleman coasted
Both focused on the job one took it serious
The other bored set in his elderly ways
Conflict of interest the bond is lost
19 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
A monster cares for others
Didn't mean to destroy what he love
The beast has emotions feeling
Looks mean but full of emotions
The machine processed it all
Comes together fill with perspective
All these come together exposing truth
A human being under it all
A warrior heart beating strong
Fighting through it all
Hero mindset with a moral code
Pursuing greatness within the layers
19 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Always showing love
Even when excluded
Respectful not about the hype
Don't really have a type
Always down to mess around
Miss being home always on the go
On the road outta town learned to say no
Always doing favors can't do one thing
New hater not playing or going along
Remember the good time fade away
Not good with goodbye time is up
Wanted to stay no learning
Not gaining anymore
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