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22 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Someone to match energy
Not be soul ******* and draining
Able to be oneself
Without doubt or regret
Let's build one another up
Not best one other set up to fail
Build our future together
Make it happen over time
Could've been focused on the good
Shadowed by the bad failed once
We already know the outcome
22 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Always some kind of road block
Another detour to get there
Able to focus without distractions
What if getting the girl worked
Get the job on the first time around
Worked so hard burned out
Don't want it anyone just drifting
Want more stuck with less
Didn't want to settle
Working with what's given
Made the most of things
Learned to be humble
Made the most of things
22 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
On the train
Looking out the window
Scenery passing a rapid view
Thinking of a new plan
Living two lives
One with family
The college living
A failing relationship
Home friends an old life
College colleagues new beginnings
22 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Destruction of property
Homeless people living in filth
From a classy town
Now in the slumps
Grew up on the ghetto side of town
Many had respect and thankful
Before mental health was hidden
Now people use it as a crutch
Life style choices had consequences
Taboo topics respected
All these movements
No plan of operations or outlines
22 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Stopped waiting on others
Do it anyway eventually
It's dumped on you
Skip the middle man
Hired or not working hardest
Not afraid to get *****
Push even through the struggle
Roles are established
Harder worker aim to get it done
Dealing with a titled lead
Abusing power and can't hang
It's at every job trying not to complain
Don't care for politics
Used or not still doing something
Had to pray get lost in the word
Not into the ways of the world
Finding faith and believing
22 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Always sore and tired
Long days restless nights
Monday thru Friday
Working harder than most
Down time is relax time
At the bar taking in the scene
Talking to the bartender
A recovering alcoholic
Chatting with a friend
She lit up the bar
A dim dark room
He admired her
Her warm smile
Perky personality
22 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Hands up for praise
Mouth sings the worship
Knee buckles feeling the music
Eyes closed in prayer for family
Everyone's health and needs are met
Open the good book following the word
Scripture speaks to the heart
Always open to learn and grow
Forgiving others for peace
Forgiving ones self for closure
Walk with faith gives inner peace
22 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Social on the podcast
Sharing an opinion
With out judgement criticisms
Same with writing
Pushed it out of this system
Not arguing with others
Doing ones own thing
So many detours in the way
Multiple road blocks
Bounce back from mistakes
Many friends became foes
22 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
On the road hauling ***
On the go with music
Favorite band feeling the vibe
Trying to beat the traffic
Bad drivers on the freeway
Being careful insanity everywhere
Trying to make it home safe
Thinking about life
Focused on the road
Driving at night
Bright lights blaring
22 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Rewiring the mind
Learned bad habits
Reprogram the mind
Plugged in no connection
Unplugged to reconnect
Learning to speak up
Taking on others burdens
Dropped the dead weight
Love can't be replaced with hate
22 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Where to start
The end is near
Time to start pursue new
Let this heart grow
The soul grows and glows
Praying for strength
Overcome the fear
Shared feelings and emotions
Became an awkward silence
The intensity wasn't reassuring
Made others uncomfortable
22 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Praying for change
Things go back to some what normal
Able to hang with friends
Go on a date with a lovely lady
Be able to enjoy public
Visit new places to see
Step out of this comfort zone
Without fear of getting sick
Being attacked by movements
Not into politics or imposing
Respect most social identities
Nor playing the race card
Being a good person
See most as an equal
Treat others right match energy
22 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Trying to understand
Being able to relate
Feel it in the heart
Showed empathy
Had some sympathy
Got some anger
Dealing with frustration
Not full of hate
So many arguments
Another pointless debate
Can't talk be civil
Stayed away from pain
Avoiding bad vibes
22 · Sep 2020
22 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Sometimes people talk to hear their voice
After a while it's just to be a smart ***
Or their talking feels like a waste of time
Sad how people change for the wrong reason
Being a badass but hurt over a girl
A bad attitude over not getting your way
The tone changed because of someone else
But everyone gets all the backlash
Sooner or later crash and burn
Talking loud doesn't mean right
Making people look stupid
Doesn't mean you know it all
Hiding behind alcohol relying on a bad rep
Which cause credibility to lose value
So much contradiction going on
Looking out gave advice to be ignored
22 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Always stayed humble
Know what it's like to share clothes
Being the oldest and sacrifice
A nice home is great
Don't make you a better person
Much respect for the hard work
How you treat others says more
Been around tough crowds
Beat up for caring too much
Trying to make a difference
Made fun of still smiling
Learned to be thankful
Around ungrateful people
Who had it all spreading misery
Thankful to be working earning it
Nothing is given everything is earned
Keep working to maintain
Passing and sharing good vibes
22 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Talking it out
Defuse the frustration within
Silent after a few moments
The mind racing need to decompress
Pent up emotions bubbling up
That need to be expressed
Spoke kindly got ignored
Spoke directly with a tone
Suddenly the vibe became livid
So much taken in lack of respect
Now returning the vibe so intense
No need to run or hide
Once the foot hits the ground
22 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Living through tragedy
Moving through the dark times
Progress made going forward
Mindset changing overtime
Finding strength to rise overcome
Another fake smile talking bad
Not giving into negativity
A new life changing it up
A new vibe trying to survive
Doesn't appear to working avcordingly
Coming up with something new
22 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Learning to be a parent is hard
A 25 man child with a kid
Who slips out ditching responsibility
A child cant be raised on tv
Not the best role model
But setting examples
Watching cartoons
While doing arts and crafts
Still learning there's more to life than yourself
22 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
Watching movies observing scenes
Taking notes for angles
How can you say it set a tone
Finishing another notebook
Reading the bible needing strength
Focused on faith and family
Can't be mad or angry anymore
Count all the blessings
Things are not so bad
Being grateful and thankful
22 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
First to arrive
Last to leave
Willing to make it better
Easier for everyone
All about the sacrifice
Very observant with these eyes
Listen to what's said
And going on everywhere
Always asking for advice
22 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Only in the movies
Love was hard to find
Felt right and real
Turned out to be the wrong person
More than holding hands
A kiss on the cheek to show appreciation
Quality time together should've grown close
Thinking it would get better
Only got harder and more complicated
Giving your all it's never enough
She's always mad killing the vibe
Not able to read minds
Or figure out what's wrong
22 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Able to open up
Not be closed off
Growth over time
Unexpressed emotions
In the open at ease
Feelings making sense
Without others influence
Emotions not seen as weak
After being turned away
Walked away on the journey
22 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
Motivating others as the coach
Pushed them to work
loved to practice
When they won
He let them celebrate
When they lost he has to regroup
Come up with a new plan
A strategy turn weakness into strengths
It was a way to improve
Better for the game
Lots of repetition
Stretches to prevent injuries
Warm up throwing the ball
Running the bases
Sliding drills staining red dirt
Batting practice get the swing straight
Timing down bat contact with the ball
22 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Emotional eating after a long day
Said it didn't hold back
Now regretting it
Full of crazy thoughts
A wild imagination
Finally got sleep
Restless over a dream
She held our child unaware
Married but not meant to be
All this happened
For someone else
Life or death definitely departed
Feelings fade away
22 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Long curly hair like curly fries
A smile could make you do the same
Sharing laughter melted the heart
Good spirit and company together
Not use to love always conditional
Her soft hand in yours feeling united
The scent of coconut was intoxicating
A nerdy ****** not use to being chosen
Lost in the moment feeling loved
Loved for others spreading it thick
Never enough left over running low
Hugs and kissed feeling rewarded
Cuddling keeping one another warm
Body heat close to someone special
22 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
A visionary mindset
Heart doesn't always agree
Got to put in work
Make it happen finish strong
Nothing is free or given
Every page filled clear mind
Time spent on the mats rolling
Open books reading those pages
22 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
All this drama not involved
All this hating going on
Slowing down taking it in
Feeling disconnected from it all
Lost the vibe not the same anymore
Don't like liars
People should honor their word
Not make promises
If they won't be kept
22 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
The plan didn't work
Been winging it over time
He thought long term it ended shortly
He thought it would never happen
But went the distances surprised himself
The day he said he loved her
She looked at him with paranoid
Then they never spoke again
He moved onto the next
Why did the ex the past come back
Claiming to miss him she let him go
He tried to recover and found another
She loved him but he knew his past
He was not emotionally available
The confusion lots of bad choices
Fears he'd make another bad decision
22 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Rushing to grow for the love of family
Some forced to support themselves
He wanted to be free
Thought it come together
Hated being home felt hopeless
Nothing there no reason to stay
Helping his mother with the family
Taking over the responsibility
Soon to be undermined by siblings
Treated bad still wanting to be helpful
Soon it was time to go be grown
Learn to be on his own
He didn't know anything
The first to leave off to school
Struggled to fit in made friends
But was quick to get the best
Took the blame a guilty conscience
Trying to be your own person
Family don't understand
Never see the good expect the worse
Quick to lack onto the bad
He wanted to put his head down
He wanted to be the first
No one told him it was hard
He struggled for sometime
Didn't get easy but it got better
22 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
An old life forgotten
Living in the moment
At the beach an escape
Taking in the scene
Favorite place to be
Warm sand in the toes
Walking into the water
Standing at knee level
The waves building up
Some hide others low
Forgetting about work
Wanting to start over
Some where new
A fresh start pondering life
22 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Just do it not thinking too much
Let it flow out what's on your mind
What is your heart telling you
Showing love is easier to do
Than actually say it
What if they don't feel the same
Or like you that way
But just a friend that changed
Feelings can bond or cause hurt
Emotions can grow or be broken
Make it more or end up being less
Losing value conflict of interest
Maybe start a new chapter together
A new directions closer with one another
Maybe cause distance further apart
22 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Everything happening so fast
Moving forward
Not stuck in the past
Change without say
Without a choice
Not making a scene
Feeling fed up bad communication
Dk anything out of the loop
Maybe being letting go
A blessing instead of stressing
22 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
At a fancy pricy spot
She was into the finer life
He was simple and hard working
She'd order an expensive pasta
He ordered the cheapest appetizer
She told him what she thought
He seemed like the refined type
He was the hard working type
That didn't value material items
She was educated and valued it
With multiple associates degrees
While he was a college drop out
Who knew things read a book or two
But didn't take anything to heart
They'd talk about social manners
And gender roles it helped
Give one another an idea
Of their social standing
He grew up poor and worked for his
While she had multiple chances
But never stayed with them
She was a beautiful girl
Turns out employees expected more
She had morals would not sleep
Her way up the corporate ladder
He had a hard time getting hired
Grateful and thankful to be working
They'd walk around expensive stores
She dreamed of more
While he was barely getting by
21 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Use to wake up drink
Other times with a black eye
Not knowing what happened
The night a blur can't remember
Waking up at home no clue
Drank too much hiding in a bottle
Couldn't get enough numbing pain
Remember everything trying to forget
Block it out not sure How to deal
Deal with all these emotions
Never felt ot been this way before
Losing a sibling wanting love
Thinking the one is found
Never was meant to be
Not sure how it happened
From confidence to doubting
From a whole feeling complete
Once it ended a bottomless hole
That couldn't be filled feeling numb
Consumed by it all spiraling down
21 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Always focused on the dream
Some got married
Didn't want that right away
Others had kids
Family is forever
Not ready to start my own
Creating and making it happen
Part of the plan lots of detours
Close to them still cant settle
Haven't found the one
Still single looking for love
Friends faded away
Still doing my own thing
Seen as crazy no one is doing it
A wild heart growing
Into much more than before
21 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Wrote her a love letter
She didn't love the same
Up north in the cold rain
Reliving old pain not the same anymore
Soothing the soul flashback images
Captured a moment in the mind
A broken heart that healed and scars
Growing from the past an old gift
Live in the future enjoy the present
Happened so fast didn't last
Can't change the past but thankful
It happened lots of gain all the pain fades
21 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Love family tough
Over being made fun of
Not talking smack
Over feeling provoked
Joked the same way
Seen as the bag guy
Everything gets personal
Not perfect trying to do right
Don't want to argue or fight
But not going to take the crap
Had an opinion got asked
Now there's a grudge
Not talking for years
Taking the blame
Frustration causing pain
Can't make it right
Soaked covered in hurt
Bitter taste of betrayal
21 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Had a conversation with a friend
Talked about things that bug
That made me angry and upset
All those friends
Who talked behind my back
Told them straight up out of respect
All the lazy people
Doing nothing collecting a check
Who said my hard work
Makes them look bad
When I got sober it was a problem
Others got sober expect to be praised
Saying it couldn't be done
After doing it multiple times
Always hustling to get it done
While others **** up brown nose
Know what its like to be broke
Thankful to be working
Excluded looking in
On the inside wanting out
Can't deny myself to be accepted
To be liked by judgemental people
Being myself seen as hood
Even if it means
Beginning called ghetto
All those who laughed for crying
Being sensitive tired of bullies
Giving others the best
While bringing out the worse
21 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
The anger grows
Won't be consumed
Writing keeps it from going
Keeps things from going off
Release the tension
Deflate the situation
Calming the nerves
Over the edge about to go off
Wiping away tears
Over coming fears
Spoke up now they are mad
Said nothing being taken advantage of
Feeling provoked trying to be nice
Can't say anything spread rumors
To the masses can't win alone
Trying to change the odds
Making things personal
Not taking it or falling for it
Screaming inside ready to strike
Stronger than most think
Mentally able to block it out
Physically restrain heavy handed
Not trying to fight but write
21 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Just want to be young
Have no responsibility
Hang with friends
Without a care
Be able to live in the moment
Have fun get out make memories
Over the work routine
Broken trust by friends
Lost respect over females
Females playing both
Both no longer friends
She cut both off and deep
No associating with anyone
21 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Always treated differently
Held to a different standard
Single life responsible for own happiness
Working being to contribute a share
Had dreams seen a crazy for believing
Spoke truth made out to be weird
Trying to live a normal life being positive
Growing up around negativity
Trying to be functional around dysfunctional
Life was tough sometimes hard
Doesn't mean let it **** or remain the same
21 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
What does the heart tell you
A soul searching for peace
The mind questions everything
More questions than answers
Full of thoughts and ideas
Wandering eyes that are warm
Also full of fury when angry
A smirking grin when frustrated
Or caring smile that is soothing
21 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Never had a chance but pursing opportunity. Biting this lip to be courteous of others most are rude talking about you when you said nothing about them. Trying not to be bad and lower yourself to their level. Not reaction showing no feelings or emotions not letting them get to you. Once good to them now keeping a distance because they expect you to change but not making any effort to be a person. Before they'd rub you the wrong way, mocking your ways provoking to bring out your worse when you told yourself be better
21 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Lost in love
Denied yourself
Never again freedom of expression
No need to pretend
Admiring art that came from within
How its created with emotions
What was felt at the time
Going on with the artist
Each stroke from the brush
The amount of pressure
While mixing colors setting a tone
Chapter of life soon to be forgotten
But a moment of life to be shared
Taken in by others to be admire
A picture that says more than words
Stories created hoping to connect
Lost in details with dimensions
21 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
He cleaned up after everyone it was his job. He had seen the world, knew there was more out there. Felt like a failure for his short comings. He wasn't down but not out.

Trying to come up with a plan so that he could advance forward. He wanted his degree feared not using. The plan in his mind didn't match the outline at the college.

Years of experience did things he hated and lowered himself. He told himself never again be better. Doesn't like to argue but stuck on a side Not afraid or backing down.

Stood up for them and they don't have his back. The anger over the years trying to let it go. Instead of give into it, dk everything still open to learn and grow.
21 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Trying to pin point the moment
Where it went wrong
Like if you could go back
Back in time to fix the mistake
Forgiving yourself is hard
Trying to move on to forward
Tired of being in denial
Living a lie compromised outcomes
A series of events
Some loved and treasured
Some regret on the mind
Looping thoughts questioning behavior
The heart starved craving new moments
The old ones fade losing gratification
Detached from the new
Forgetting the old need to move on
Can't go back life's about moving forward
21 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
Woke up late
Barely made it on time
Thinking what to eat
Emotions running deep
Everyone is mad in their mood
Not walking into that trap
Block it out by cleaning
Listening to favorite tunes
Feeling the groovy vibe
Memories that take you back
Avoiding others to reflect
So much change from before
New beginnings full of growth
Forgotten endings letting it all go
Not meant to be the same
21 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
The birdie in the window
Heard the chirps so loud
Saying hi little bird
Flying in from of the window
Landing on the antenna
On the house next door
Flying back to the window
Looking in wondering
Asking are you okay
Chirping thinking of a lost one
Been told birds are loved ones
Angels looking out
Landing on the ledge
Looking out the window still
Wings flapping fast then flew away
21 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Don't like to be consumed
By anger and frustration
Dealing with thievery
Not always given a chance
Or an opportunity slim pickings
Making the most of what's given
Praying to not give into temptation
Throw hands with those provoking
Stayed away kept out of the mix
Had to find another place start over
Found new to call your own
Things are better than before
Walking with faith not giving into hate
Praying for wrong doers
Done bad before lived with regret
Begging for forgiveness
Learned to forgive
Not about that life anymore
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