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25 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Always wanted to make it
Can't take it but work for it
Not worried about others
Stopped comparing competing
Working on a solo projects
Sharing with others for feedback
Like to bounce around ideas
Use to be more confident
Overcome all the smack talking
Rise about above all the doubt
25 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
When your mentor goes
You carry take the knowledge
Apply it to life use it to help others
People come and go like the seasons
Some without out reasons
You'd fight to keep them
Other you let them go
watch them leave nothing said
One last hug and say good bye
After many kisses of passion
This will be the last one
Drunken nights with fun stories
Memories some good and treasured
Along with the bad that helped the bond
Hoping to meet again another time
Some good riddance stay far away
25 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
On the road at the light
About to turn on the green
Another driver runs the red light
Always cautious of others
Protecting family is important
Took time to slow down
Tired of being rushed feeling behind
Hard to enjoy life always on the go
Appreciate the finer things
Laugh with loved ones
Smile over great people
Who appreciate your presence
Get lost in others not just yourself
Near death possibly injury
Makes it easy to focus on good
Instead of accepting the bad
Always chasing the dream
Such a great vision in the mind
Never turns out accordingly
The heart feels believes it will be real
25 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
The plan has changed
Things are not the same
Overcome the pain
Personal growth is gained
The past is over reminiscing
Not talking anymore long forgotten
Or hope of going back facing forward
Remembered the good time long gone
Starting over rise about the wrong
Live life to the fullest going strong
Good deeds positive vibes
Over ***** deeds shady faces
Spiritual recharge soul is alive
25 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Should've done this
Or could've done that
Somethings didn't happen
Turn out accordingly
Been frustrated with things
No one is helping
Help yourself to be more
Stuck with less
Making the most of things
More downs than ups
Always shutting up to keep the peace
But enraged deep inside
No where to run or hide
Tried to vent told what to do
Said nothing not interested to open up
Hurting inside stress all time high
25 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Use to being ignored
Overlooked by many
Stayed loyal and true
Don't bother with the cruel
Respect for all earning it still
Focused on work not worried
Doing work and extra took it on
Trying to get hired and still denied
See the bad choices made
They regret the day a huge loss
Looking at life with so much to gain
From nothing trying to become something
Much more than before
25 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Always defending the wrong people
Lying to myself justifying the wrong
Not always accepted
Why welcome their bad ways
Use to being turned away
Finding away to be better
Something to call your own
Waking up seeing clearly
25 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
They went ice skating together
As friends others thought a date
He never had luck with women
Always passed notes to one another
Trading notes before or after class
A few phone calls with a friend
He went of to college came back home
She would do the same but progress From close to further apart lives
From each other have spoke for year
Thoughts of her trying to remember
Does she remember their friendship
Not able to connect so he wonders
25 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
Isolation not by choice
Use to being alone
Rested not working
Missing that same old routine
Something to do kept busy
Now anxiety is acting up
Things got better now on hold
Paused for the moment
Thought about dating
Was scared to try
Hard but ready to move on
After a toxic relationship
Glad to be working making money
Know what it's like to have no job
Being broke another emotional ride
Always thankful and grateful
25 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Had lots of friends
Did lots of favors
Said no once
Not acting like they dk me
Growing up ****
Sometimes working too much
Other times no money
Figuring it out is hard
Some get married that takes work
Some have kids start a family
A whole lot of responsibility
Life doesn't always turn out
Accordingly how the mind sees it
How the heart wants it to feel
Lots of detours and road block
To make it to your destination
Sometimes on the journey
Take in the scene and appreciate
What's going on or you'll miss out
25 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Disappointed nothing new
Over the crew rolling solo
Went hard the first time
Working harder the second round
Prefer loyal underground
Over the fake mainstream
Smaller venue more intimate
Big crowds big payday
Doesn't matter the moment on stage
All the rage short lived
Worked to get in not staying out
Working to stay like rent its due
25 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
When will things go back to normal
So much sleep and sleep patterns are off
Can't go out full of energy
Ready to go for adventure
It's all been lacking something
Wipe down the door handle
Before couldn't be social
Many bad moods stayed away
Changed up the tempo more up beat
Altered behavior made it fun
So much more told truth
Being more honest seen as ruthless
Stayed humble through it all
25 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Another sad story
Wanting to help
Not sharing struggle
Taking it on alone
Such a crazy experience
Another moment in time
Laying in bed staring
Not able to cry a tear
Emotions are pending
Feeling catching up
All unprocessed syncing up
Mentally burnt out
Thinking what to say
Physically exhausted
Pushing the limits
25 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
All these rants on this page
No one is listening
Projecting it out in words
Only cares about themselves
Did favors now playing the victim
Pretending to learn but don't care
Never gonna change forever bitter
Slanderous remarks to a girl
Who didn't like you always hating
But she crushing on a friend
Never happy for yourself
Just knocking others to matter
25 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
To watch a sibling
Be put in the ground
Part of you feels buried
Blaming ones self
Should've been better
Losing a loved one
Hard to cope with
Facing reality in denial
Hard to accept the truth
Learning to love again
Not being consumed by hate
Starting over in the heart
The soul grows old never dull
Treasured memories living for two
25 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Scrapping for ideas
Feelings changed over time
Yearning for the past
Been living in the moment
No more cheap thrills
Pursuing something real
Tired of waiting life on hold
Growing old white hairs showing
Can't keep doing the same old thing
Compromised did favors
Stayed loyal did right
Got pushed out tried like a stranger
Expecting more stuck with less
Onto the next chapter making progress
25 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Forgot to fill in the blank
Mind wandering to find answers
More problems than solutions
Over thinking let to drinking
Now just writing to find balance
Find peace over all the grief
Not ready for the world
More like the worlds not ready
Always the target so many insecure
Not a threat someones always threatened
Won't be cheated of manipulated
Just trying to earn a slice of American
Earn that keep into deep
25 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Not big on change
Thinking what to write
So many styles and views
Trying to be genuine
Stand out stay loyal
Be true to the audience
Told stories about moments
Shared a funny situation
Made the most of things
Changes might not be right
Another dramatic argument
Not lose faith walk with grace
Over come struggle and pain
Gain strength not be consumed by hate
25 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Always talking friends up
While they talk down and bad
Use to be the mouth piece
Don't like being responsible for others
No one should be representing others
Be responsible for yourself
Hated the idea of cutting the cord
But realized they cut the cord
They let you go without hesitation
Claim to lost respect for you
Called them on their tangents
25 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Not trying to argue
We both got our own life
Don't use this friendship
As a scapegoat stop blaming own up
Because you aren't doing right
Had your back when needed
Roles flip no where to be found
Called to catch up got the worse
Gave the best advice same problem
No change set in those ways
Kept those ***** secrets
Don't want to do it anymore
25 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Sleep deprived mentally over it
Physically pushing through
Giving it all even when exhausted
From wild child to responsible adult
Remembering lost youth of moments
Wondering why it ended so quick
Treasured in the heart escape reality
Full of memories some good
Most ended bad with no say
No reason just a change in the seasons
25 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
The worse is showing no emotions
Hurting inside refusing to shed a tear
Hiding feelings not easy to express
They'll get the best of you
Like trying to defuse a bomb
Trying to be better rise above hate
Not fall into bad habits
Not lose your temper over others
A smirk to hide the frustration
Minding your mouth not going off
Keeping out of others business
Too bad they can't do the same
They'll throw you under
Because they have nothing to show
Trying to tarnish your reputation
So they can feel better so insecure
Another act pretending to be pals
Trying get into not spilling the beans
25 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Grew up with tough love
It doesn't come easy or natural
Always a sacrifice to be accepted
Denying yourself over living a lie
Use to rejection can't force it to be
Open to change personal growth
Expected to be someone else
Can't live or be the person
Someone else made you out to be
Trying to be loved hating yourself
Working to be accepted being denied
25 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Sharing yourself with another being
Doesn't mean you become one
Sometimes you expect the best
Stuck with the worse of them
Trying to shine and rise
While sinking being pulled under
Now where to want to be no blame
Had to move on get away
From the pain not meant to stay
Struggle to find a way free
From this twisted way of life
25 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
She rest her head on his chest
He'd never been in love before
She was a dream come true
He couldn't believe the met
The live towns or two
From one another so close
Yet so far from one another
Two worlds not meant to be
Both ending up on different paths
Departing on bad terms beyond repair
24 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Writing for bed
Able to rest well
A clear mind settled
Looking at old pix
Memories asking questions
What was going on
Youth compared to now
Didn't know any better
Jumped into the world
Years of tarnished innocents
24 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Writing to come up with a plan
Posting different mindset
From the pen and the pad
Thinking about family
The struggle is real and hard
Life can change hit the core
Other times not phase
Dazed up and crazed up ride
Trying to go the distance
Before it ends without say
More unexpected delay
Praying pays off for others
Not about you get over yourself
Parent role passing it onto the next
Not a role model but trying
No a mentor but gave pointers
Advice trying to help when asked
24 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Striking a nerve not worth it
Crawling under the skin
Been going strong
Losing sense of self
Walking with fists
Released the grip at peace
Looked for the fight took a beating
Not bothering with any negativity
Killed all the positive vibes
Striving to survive be alive
Not in that place anymore
Changed mindset no regret
Thought process everywhere
Connecting dots it comes together
24 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
See you with a bottle
Assuming you started drinking
Around a slob of a cousin
Who doesn't clean up after himself
Get why his baby mama left him
Why his parents kicked him out
Some people are stubborn
But it's on them
Stop blaming everyone
That's why they are alone
With their passive aggressive ways
24 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
He lost his way trying to get back on track. Chased love couldn't be with the girl he thought was the one. The chip on his shoulder lead to him getting fired. Hard working and determined never got hired. Thinking what's next he needed a change always putting others first. Tired of being used taken for granted. After a while he felt used and abused taken for granted. He refuse to lose give up or lose; it took him no where.
24 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Life goes on live to the fullest
Away from the wrong
Focused on doing right
Pen and pad just write
Best feeling day or night
Stopped with ex thoughts
Being a better person
Sober living clarity of mind
Learning to be patient
Not responding for others
Responsible ones actions
Be the guy make it happen
Don't leave it for the next
Limited time for the assignment
Clock is running out for the journey
On borrowed time an adventure
24 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Woke up rested
Thankful for another day
Staying alive all alone
Not feeding bad vibe
Reached out pushed out
Trying so hard
Barely getting by
Why or why
Not able to speak
Thinking of ways to show
Explain with words
Can't draw the story
Doesn't translate from the mind
Onto the page full of missing concepts
24 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
She called him perfect
He was far from it
She wanted him to change
Being himself was all he knew
She was an only child got her way
He was the oldest of six
He knew about sacrifice
She tried to change him
But it was never enough
When she didn't get her way
She made life tough and hard
Quick to play victim playing games
He ended it she said NO
He stayed with her
Till she decided to end it
24 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Darkside of it all feel normal
Once things lighten up
Always wanted to fit in
But kept out looking in
Started ignoring all the hype
Focused on what mattered
Worked harder than most
Wanted it more than others
Been going strong all heart
All in or nothing stay inspired
The cream rises to the top
Said it couldn't be done
Been doing it for years
Went against the haters
Thankful for all the support
24 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Shared a few moments
Thankful they happened
Not meant to be hard to see
A chapter of life that ended
Some nights pretending
To be able to feel that way
Once more the heart flutters
New encounter and experience
Can't look back going forward
Head down plowing through
Should be living taking it all in
Treasured the moment
The past losing value over time
Embraced the future open hands
All new suspense to face over come
Grow and learning never ending
No limit dream big live it
Holding on goals to be achieved
Open the heart is a great start
24 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Had to leave
Get away from the drama
Blows over with time
Everything fades away
So many talking
Dk the whole story
Stop budding in
Mind your business
Sorry you have nothing going
With all your meddling
24 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Been in a foul mood
Got jury duty in a couple of weeks
HR is useless with aiding peoples
But when they need favors
All of a sudden your concerns are heard
Calls when they need something
Dealing with a lazy leader
Who dumps his work on others
Not interested in being friends
The virus is taking its toll
On a family member
Praying giving it to God
Everyone expects for their selfish gain
Can't rely or depend on anyone
Walking around with a bad back
Hiding pain and frustration
Can't say or do anything
Ready to walk away
Trying to be a full timer
While half *** workers get hired
24 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
He was ready to date again
He looked at was left
Women with children
Divorced with attachments
Being on the sidelines
Dating was like a huge leap
Into a shallow puddle of mud
After being overlooked
He chased a career focused on work
He struggled in relationships
Let go of one sided friendships
24 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
A smile that's genuine
Not faking it or pretending
Always thankful for the blessings
Stopped expecting the worse
Quit being set up to fail
Learned to love ones self
Trust your heart keep it safe
Listen to those gut feelings
Learned to be alone
Not rely on others to please you
Or depend on them to make you happy
24 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Trying to stay whole
Filling this hole
Feeling it deep in the soul
Everyday personal growth
Open to learn wisdom
Taking in the environment
Seeing things in a whole new light
Hard to speak easier to write
More than one way good days ahead
Focused on another to get it done
24 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Not about politics
Don't care about labels
Not trying to be like anyone else
Might share common interests
We are not the same or a like
Old school with things
Respect my elders don't talk back
Stand for the flag respect the flag
Praying believe in God walk with faith
Follow rules don't make trouble
Times have changed getting older
Trying to understand the new ways
They don't make sense don't always agree
Not impose on others
24 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Solitude at ease
Found inner peace
Avoid those causing pain
Bad memories remain
Focused on being better
Never see you anymore
Wrote a love letter
Thoughts you'll never read
24 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
The voice went silent
Observed took in the scene
Tried to make sense of it all
Thinking about life
Appreciating the struggle
Growth from the turn of events
Personal development individualism
Spiritual growth a heart filled with light
A cheater playing the victim full of lies
A liar trying to change the truth
Manipulator playing dumb
Trying to pounce take advantage
Selfish pretending to care
In it for the love all pain and shame
24 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Always defending others
While they come at me
No longer the scapegoat
Walked away from the drama
More negativity than positive vibes
Always took time to understand
While facing judgement and criticism
Always welcomed to my circle
Don't ***** up my world
To satisfy your destructive ways
24 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Talking real to the fake
Hard for them to understand
Called names regurgitate the pain
Let it go set free best way to be
Being genuine giving the best
While receiving the worse
Not taking in the bad
Or becoming immune
Breaking the curse
24 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
She said she had my back
Turns out she was the first one to go
All the lies that kept coming
Not ready to be in a relationship
A week later she was with someone new
Got placed in the friend zone then forgotten
She would get mad when you don't answer
Now she rejects calls not responding
Sent a text now she hates texting
Cut off communication can't even talk
When in the same room it all went sour
24 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Inspired to be more
Family tells you NO
Trying to strip you
Of all that makes you unique
Telling you to be this way
Or do that but not happy
Don't have much but thankful
Traveled seen stuff lived
Stuck being average Joe
Set out to be much more
Life doesn't make sense
Getting lost in writing
Able to feel not seen as less
Show emotions without judgement
24 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Looking for that love
Natural organic feeling
That grows into something more
Real to the heart no making excuses
No need to justify a lie if it's true
Become one for each other
Build a dynasty from the ground up
Hustle in the world come back together
So that our world can be hold
Future together rising to the next level
24 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
This is stupid stop holding a grudge
Why we don't talk anymore
Use to be best friends for year
But it came to an end holding back tears
A relationship over our friendship
She lied and she cheated taking all the blame
Sorry you're angry so much pain
From the same circle to separate crowds
Both doing dumb stuff over time
Negativity doesn't make it right
Told you to your face out of respect
Talking behind this back **** disrespect
Felt the knife of betrayal sharp and deep
24 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Writing everyday not sure anymore
What to do with it who will benefit
Thought there was an audience
Doing it to help pass the time
Sometimes a moment replayed
A rewind to the moment trying to repeat
Always wanted to get personal and deep
No one cares or feels the same
Unless you're doing favors or taking crap
Tried to connect feeling more disconnected
Sent away even though this heart wants to stay
The mind said ***** it be better
Find yourself be better somewhere else
One day make great money for the future
Be able to own a house achieve another goal
Should be living in the moment living for now
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