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27 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Opening up this heart
Sharing my love
Waiting for the one
Sharing all this heart
Leaving it all behind
Made it to the end
Lost in translation
Would give it all up
A lost soul seeking love
A passionate kiss her love
Can't get enough desire more
Still craving more the taste of love
27 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Every minute
Every second
Thinking of you
I didn't forget you
What we had
You moved on
Staying strong
Eventually doing the same
Some thoughts numb the pain
Flirting with memories
The romance was real
The sweet embrace
A taste of forbidden love
27 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Never got a call back
When the phone rang
Didn't answer or return the call
Don't know how to act
Or how to feel when together
Sometimes love is too real
Other times it's cold gone numb
Felt more wasn't enough
Felt nothing everything played out
All in quick to leave no going back
No interest planning a future
One sided love never grows
Empty with an emotionless kiss
Begging for love soon gave it up
Wanted to be the one learning to love
Only one in your heart feeling unworthy
Not one of many that are passing
Saying one thing actions show another
Confused trying to function with our situation
27 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Hard to trust
Not trying to rush
Is this love
Or is it lust
True emotions
Or is it lush
Feeling the vibe
Full of doubt
Seeking a truthful lover
Something real much more
26 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Don't like being told what to do
Always open to learn grow and listen
Use to speak without thinking
Asking does it matter need to be said
Talking with a good friend
Its rare now a days
Id rather be criticized to my face
Than hear someone said behind my back
Can't trust anyone or open up
Anything said will be twisted
Used against you taken outta context
So many unique attitudes and behaviors
26 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Actually being understood
Not being judged
Or treated differently
Going with the good vibes
Fighting the good fight
Love to write from the heart
Put it all down on paper
Showed love for others
Got hate from many
Still working to survive
Still thriving to get ahead
Staying humble slowing down
Always giving it all everytime
Who knows what's next
Where the future will end up
26 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
When a family member passes
You will miss them with all your heart
Remember the good times
They all taught you something
Helped you grow as a child
Never thought it would happen
So soon thank you for playing a role
Well meet again in heaven once again
Reunited with one another
For all eternity
26 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Slowing down time is taking it's toll
Lost so many on the journey
Got tired of waiting holding back
Friends turn to foes not talking anymore
Over shady girls who just wanted tonparty
Girlfriend turned into an ex
With her felt like an idiot couldn't do right
Even when she was clearly wrong
Working a job that doesn't get easier
Gave everything it's never enough
Wised up learned everything possible
Can't rely or depend on anyone at work
Hard to show emotions seen as weak
Have an opinion everyone is offend
Jokes turn to insults it got personal
Wanting to speak but it's easier to write
26 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Can't compare
Not able to relate
Could only imagine
That life that struggle
Focused on mine
Others never understand
Another testimony to testify
Sins or not still confessing
26 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
The idea of new people
Some support your ideas
Most are against your way of life
Always happy for others
Never get the same vibe in return
Back them up the heavy burned
This heart loves taking the bad
Praying for things to change
For the better not one to settle
Always come up short not discouraged
Seeking answers so many questions
26 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
New vibes to groove with
New music for writing
Open to change a new flavor
Use to being the same
Hard to inspire change
When its hard to change
Some set in their ways
Take their cruelty your love for them
Hoping they'd change for the better
They have want it be open to it
Or its pointless a lost cause
Being an example a leader
Not be made an example of
26 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Backed into the corner
Family member asking
Why don't we talk
A two way street
Not just one
No communication just expectation
More made up rules
False hope expectations
Being myself all I know
Grew up poor working for mine
While you're given everything
Looking down on others
Earned respect nothing is given
Social status everything is divided
Can't stop for anyone
More determined and driven
26 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Dared to inspire others
Seeking motivation put it out
Inspiration collected projected
Lots of struggle bubbling down
Overtime began to grow
surpassed others with change
Feel the glow starting to show
Straight up with the truth
26 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Spread yourself too thin heart on a sleeve
Can't hide yourself hide who you are
Even if you tried starting to shine
Stand out from the crowd
Use to be loud denied ignored
Silent all of a sudden being heard
26 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Mind is like a puzzle
Hard to crack the code
A maze getting lost an enigma of life
Seeking answers more questions
Not always getting the answers
Want out trying to solve it
Figure it out move on go forward
Tired of being stuck starting over again
In the same place trying to get there
Made mistakes learned the lesson
Not doing the same dumb stuff anymore
Sober with clarity of mind
Not walking hung over trying to recover
26 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
From inside to outside
Like a stray wandering
Trying to find away
Wanted by some
Rejected by most
Not meant to fix in
Always looking in
Once inside wanted out
Better alone and free
Than restraint limited
Can't stay settling for less
Always on the go
That's what's best
26 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Cant say much
Might blow up in your face
Once it's said
Others expect you to do it
Waiting for results
Watching and waiting for failure
Working behind the scenes
Don't like being watched
Being mocked taunted by watchers
26 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Getting older
Joint pain
Testing yourself
Pushing the limits
Wishing they'd fight
Just past you off
Can't sleep had to write
Wanted it denied
Onto new not sure
What to expect
Maybe neglect
Mind is racing
Don't want to make a mistake
Passed off left out
Remember the good
Being gone feeling sad
26 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Romance was intoxicating
Lust mistaken for love
Blinded to the world
Not able to hear only her voice
Didn't believe the rumors
So many red flags still in denial
Lost in those eyes seeking hope
Wanting more couldn't get enough
Close yet so far couldn't comprehend
Willing to lose it all sacrifice for her
She'd never open up or true
Closed up closed off love on a timer
26 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
So much hatred need more love
So much injustice not peace
Everyone needs closure to move on
Sometimes theirs no reason or answers
Other times conclusions with results
Just love respect one another
Everyone has a struggle
Everyone has their own story
Tell it loud don't be afraid
Don't hurt others in the process
Be open to understand others
And have faith they'll understand
Don't force your beliefs or impose
Educate and inform others
Some might listen be open to change
While others narrow minded
Set in their ways closed off
26 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Learning to focus on these needs
On this dream that strayed away
Feared failing and rejection
Stopped trying holding back
So close to a degree
A few more credits
Scared it won't be used
Have to work to pay bills
Never a consistent schedule
Lacking discipline with life decisions
Need to find balance for education
Hate being broke financial
Make time for health mostly diet
Always starting stuff
But struggle to finish
Would rather be prepared
Than fail struggle to get by
26 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Buying the next round for all
Loved for the night
Will wake up broken
No other moments of communication
Once last call is made
Rushing for the next drink
The tab is closed out intoxicated
Not sure how to get home safe
Low on funds paying for the fun
Realizing it wasn't fun anymore
Alone pondering all the destruction
26 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Avoiding mirrors
A stranger in the reflection
From fit to fat a bad back
A workout an addiction
Now a workaholic hustling
Use to date now forever solo
Only a few true friend
Miss them all the time
Living memories fading away
Always valued friends and friendships
Don't hang anymore growing apart
Different life styles ways of life
Everyone paired off left alone
Like a sock missing the other
Everyone with more than one kid
A late bloomer child at heart
Never cheated accused of doing so
So many cheaters given many chances
Pretending to be loyal living a lie
26 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
On the lake extra early
First time fishing on the lake
Went with a friend and his uncle
Fog was heavy and thick
Worms in a container
From the bait shop
Place them on the hook
Learning how to cast
The reel made it tricky
When you release string
Once it's in the water wait
Take in the scenery
Waiting for the fish to bite
Once that happens a feel a tug
Start reeling in the catch
The pole starts to been
Reeling till it comes closer
It ends up being plants
Then set up the pole again
Until reeling a fish it's a rush
Some are keepers for a meal
Others are catch and release
26 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Not arguing just focused on work
Don't care for drama
Not looking for trouble
Doing as much aa possible
The assignment is about to end
Things will get better
Riding out the tough dark times
Made the most of what's given
Met new people and new crowds
Don't always fit in or belong
Just glad to be involved part of something
26 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
The internal struggle in the light
Empowered by truth seen as ruthless
Talked about the taboo topics
Questioned all these made up rules
Some stack the deck in their favor
Getting caught up trying to point blame
Always on their terms and conditions
Eventually everyone wises up walks away
Showed respect to everyone not trying to change
Not trying to change anyone that's who they are
Even the two faces whoever they decide to be
Did the job got paid went home
26 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
In shape worked out hard
Asked what drugs are you on
Dressed nice has some style
Took pride in appearance
Seen as gay or too pretty
Backed up the wrong people
Quickly got double crossed
Spread good vibes
While taking the bad
Hard to love yourself
When everyone is miserable
Cheered people up to feel better
Bad attitudes infecting everyone
Moods ruin the day for others
Bring everything down for caring
Liked to be around people
Now isolated from toxic vibes
Seen others be self-destructive
Hard to watch and take it all in
Would rather stay away disappear
Tried to be there for it all
More bad than good can't help
Some set in their ways not listening
Not open to change living in old pain
Getting hurt needed to get away
26 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Reflecting on a date
Thought she was a soul mate
Watching her make bad decisions
He blamed himself
No longer responsible for her
Broken promises
That couldn't be kept
Stuck on her obsessed
Overcoming a broken heart
26 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
He failed at his first relationship
Loving a female friend
Who didn't love him back
His heart was crushed
Over protective of the heart
Moving onto the next
Not sure how to act
Or who to be with her
He just wanted a healthy relationship
To be himself is all he knew
He never cheated accused of it
Lots of them projecting toxic traits
On him to clear their guilty conscience
26 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Thinking what to say to her beauty
Thankful for him noticing her alone
Talking excited about each other
They liked about one another
She smiled at him showed interest
He smiled back admire her charm
He had big brown eyes shy
She had big juicy lips a **** smile
26 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Not much of a planner
Some create vision board
Not one to expect much
Hours put in and saving for a purchase
Always around when times are tough
When things are well no where to be found
Always working hard feel like shutting down
Giving up on everything what little that's earned
Always feel blessed and thankful for things
But ask is it worth it or wanted anymore
All the scrapping by All barely moments
26 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Heard the news
Family was excited
Brothers soon to be uncles
A sister becomes an aunt
First time grandparents
Awaited her arrival
She was a few days late
Couldn't be there
With all that's going on
Avoiding the hospital
Got the text able to visit
She was a few days old
Happy to see her
Sleeping peacefully
Finally able to hold her
Like all the world BS
Didn't matter it slipped away
Feeling whole and complete
Love so strong and deep
A niece a blessing
The bad fades away
26 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Writing has been my world
Talking about encounters
And experiences over a life time
Some get a guilty conscience
Not talking about them
What was felt or going on
Sometimes scenarios play out
Live and learn the lessons
How it played out before these eyes
What was heard through these ears
Others trying to edit the truth
Being passive over being exposed
26 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Can't be mad choices got made
Don't always have a say
Can't tell others how to feel
No apologies for these thought
All these emotions hard to cope
Things don't always make sense
Mind and heart conflicted
Trying to process understand
26 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Broken bones heal pain fades with time
Injuries felt on cold days flexibility limited
Pushing the body beyond the limits
Struggle to hang mentally focused
The sport evolved from skill to many
Stretching and warm up are valued
All about form and technique
Focused on all the basics
Prepared mentally to overcome
26 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Laying on the floor
Back pain after work
A rough week need to recover
Got too personal and deep
Explained frustration
No changes made
Avoiding the person
Not crossing paths staying away
Protecting this mental health
More white hairs than normal
26 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
He stared at the church
Prayed before entering
He made mistakes
Wanted to be forgiven
Something has to give
Some day it will happen
Pursuing a dream setting goals
Letting go of bad memories
Trying to build off before
Be better than ever
Proving the doubters wrong
Changed into believers
26 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Stop crying
Don't be a *****
Things a young boy heard
A sensitive child would become angry
Not able to express emotion
Not able to express feelings
Hard to open up no one to tell
Be a man like gender is a factor
Grew up with very little
Working hard for everything
A late bloomer that did more than most
Told No but seen it as a challenge
Refuse to quit regardless of difficulty
26 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
This nightmare is reality being safe
Its on the new and everywhere Everything is real such a scare
Happy thoughts in a depressed world
Gazing out the window at the blue sky
The fresh air through an open window
Times have changed never the same
Normal to weird sounds about right
Praying hoping God hears
Staying indoors wanting out
Writing has kept things sane
Reading to past time
Watching shows to be distracted
26 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Ever deleted a number mad
Wishing you saved it
Or wrote it down
Hoping to see them again
But its better to stay away
She was in a bad relationship
Couldn't help or convince her
To change her mind
Getting hurt over it
It had nothing to do with you
Tried to make the wrong right
Had to cut the cord
Turn your back stopped worrying
To protect your heart
26 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Not sure how to feel
Not sure how to deal
Facing another obstacle
Lots of growth changed over time
Others think you're the same
Couldn't see eye to eye
Not arguing or fighting
Left it in the past moved on
Eventually crossing paths again
Sober mind coped with pain
Wreck less thinker still destroying
Thoughts of pain so much anxiety
Ignored only needed for favors
Then forgotten another after thought
26 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Hard to get close
End up denied
Showed feelings for once
Use to hiding emotions
Want to be true with you
Genuine not someone else
Others made you out to be
Stares in the distance
Deep in thought for truth
26 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
A letter to be set free
Another plead to be me
Tired of living up
To others standards
Thankful for my car that works
Not about money or status
Take pride in all efforts with work
While some do nothing collecting pay
Never cared to be in drama
So many two faced beings
Fake to one another's face
While talking about each other
Always kept out looking in
Made the most of everything
Know what its like to not have a job
26 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Not writing from pain
Old experience time for new
New memories been a while
The old ones are over
Being told you try too hard
Means you care want it more
New chapter new beginning
26 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
The water crashing in the distance
Staring from the mountain top
The smell of wet sand cold weather
Nature calling set free from the insanity
Able to unwind escape the death grip
So much on the mind over time
Just want to be normal whatever that means
Grew up poor happy we had one another
Some had it all and rich Why so much torment
It never made sense made the most of life
Worked with what was given
Made the most of things
25 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
They went ice skating together
As friends others thought a date
He never had luck with women
Always passed notes to one another
Trading notes before or after class
A few phone calls with a friend
He went of to college came back home
She would do the same but progress From close to further apart lives
From each other have spoke for year
Thoughts of her trying to remember
Does she remember their friendship
Not able to connect so he wonders
25 · 1d
Picking fights in my mind
Fake scenarios playing out
What if this happened
I could say that what is the reaction
Should say this what's the point
This plays out different from what's happened
When it happens it doesn't play out
******* over a for a promotion
Set backs feel like a demotion
25 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Disappointed nothing new
Over the crew rolling solo
Went hard the first time
Working harder the second round
Prefer loyal underground
Over the fake mainstream
Smaller venue more intimate
Big crowds big payday
Doesn't matter the moment on stage
All the rage short lived
Worked to get in not staying out
Working to stay like rent its due
25 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Change is amazing over time
Ran into the alcoholic that's now sober
The player that settled down
That's married originally against it
All of a sudden believes in love
Clean living clarity of mind
A wild ex now a mother
Took the leap of faith
Seen wedding pictures posted
Change of faces new crowds
Don't last forever take it in
Short lived moments lasting forever
Life long memories taken to the heart
25 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Always defending the wrong people
Lying to myself justifying the wrong
Not always accepted
Why welcome their bad ways
Use to being turned away
Finding away to be better
Something to call your own
Waking up seeing clearly
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