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32 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Coped seen it from all angles
All perspectives every direction
Able to understand
Trying to make sense of it all
Giving others a chance
No one is interested
Found someone else
Now they try to pry
Had to find yourself
Some where new
Don't always fit in
Moving on don't belong
Not always liked
Matched energy feeling drained
Left what was causing pain
Dropped the burdens
Let go of suffering
32 · Mar 28
Infamous one Mar 28
Mind playing tricks
Ready to argue not that person
Why bother the person doesn't listen
Dealing with a one sided
Narrow minded individuals
One starts the drama
The other interjected an opinion
No one asked but received
These blindsided tactics
Disrespectful remarks from fake ppl
No longer empowering or acknowledge these people
Family hurts you more than a stranger
32 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Wanted to keep them whole
But things crumbled on your end
No one to blame hard to explain
Change is always occurring
All the pain and memories remain
With time and space it fades away
Stayed strong for them rare they do the same
Bouncing back not staying down
Leaving town one had your heart
The other will always be apart of life
Memories the mind treasures hard to forget
Grew up became an adult all on big jolt
32 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Busy work to clear the mind
Music blaring in each ear
Being called a hack
Don't care to write back
Wrote more than two poems
All this hate and reposting
Laughed and smiled moved on
Must be doing something right
Being genuine and true to the heart
Not time for wicked and cruel
32 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Told a bunch of lies
Growing up was hard
Doing what's right
Still getting *******
Got an education now in debt
Tryin to move up to the next level
From low income to well off
Never about materialism
But how you treat others
Hardest worker still not full time
Don't always get the girl
But came close was not the one
But one of many lead on
Learned from failure than success
Lots of trial and errors
Gained from experiences
Many strange encounters
Hoping it all comes together
To move forward and progress
32 · Dec 2023
Infamous one Dec 2023
A confession to cleanse the soul
Protecting others taking the bullets
Helping family made out to be the villain
Taking one for the team working hardest
Soon to be a future lead tired of settling
Hated for being a shooting star
Working hard striving in life
His name slandered by friends
Other quick to believe the lies
Staying loyal seen as a threat
Standing tall with moral standards
The social rep ruined by people
Who don't try but expect everything
Spoke the truth it's the right thing to do
Called people on the nonsense
32 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
Stand alone writing it down
Use to take on the world
Pick and choose those battles
Not always going to win the struggle
Learn more from losing life lessons
Not always defeat but personal growth
Respect goes both ways not one
Love yourself don't deny it
The right people will accept you
All the wrong hate on you
Try to change everything
Never satisfied with themselves
After destroying your being
Instead of taking time to understand
32 · Jul 26
Infamous one Jul 26
Always fighting to survive
Fell in love with the wrong girl
Associated with the wrong crowd
Working hard for false promise
Sacrificed through though time
Sober living no one believed
Embraced being alone
The only way it could be done
Felt like no one care pushed out
Remember for failure rise
Flaws pointed out knocking effort
Being ill seen new perspective
First time experiencing love in support
32 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
A walk to get out of the house
Hiding in a cave from the world
Home reflecting never have time
A moment for one's self
Always working hard missing out
Trying to stay efficient
Finish in consistent manner
Writing a book is the dream
Seeing it come to life
Enjoying the creative process
Wanted to rise up to the next level
Bring everyone along share success
Can't achieve it or do it alone
32 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Silence in the million of no where
Thinking how to go back
Would rather be lost in the moment
So far from home it's not the same
Kept promises don't want to do it anymore
Stayed quiet to keep the peace
Getting provoked never good enough
Tried to fit in not happy with the outcome
It's not fun anymore can't pretend anymore
From love to hurt not making it easy
Always hard for them to be happy
For anyone they have more than most
Never been materialistic it's how you treat others
32 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Bad vibes change the mood
Like a mood ring of those energies
Heart you to beat to the blues
That soulful love from within
Stood together in the rain
The painful past fades away
This moment in time feels right
Up late in a timeless moment
Never ending never felt love
This felt real this felt right
Grew up with tough love
So many conditions terms
Hard to show emotions
Everything goes away with you
Please don't hurt this heart
Break it regret showing love
32 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Expressing with words
Feels right onto better
If it's all taken away what's next
Forced to stay home over a virus
Not able to work or sure
If there's a chance of a return
Wear a mask or no service
So much chaos over cleaning products
Insanity over groceries items
Hoarding causing a shortage
Church online walking with faith
Has all this become the norm
Will things ever be normal again
Missing people all divided
What's the new normal
With new rules and regulations
32 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
A cold night in front of her apartment
Wearing layers to stay warm
Both with a thick coats
He loved this chance his first date
Possibly a cheap romance
She was surprised about his behavior
He showed up early waited to knock
Kept getting anxious in the moment
Knocks on the big blue door
Not too hard or soft just right
Hoping to be heard in the first try
Thinking if it was wrong place
Finally the door was opened
Warm smiles clashing styles
This moment has just begun
32 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Must be close
Some thing good near by
Bad days over others negatives
Sent out good vibes got shut down
Wanted to help cant help
Those who wallow in misery
Not into the petty party
Living life to the fullest
Made the most of everything
May not have it all togrther
Working with what's given
Made the most of it all
32 · Apr 6
Infamous one Apr 6
The things you don't want to talk about
The things that hurt you cause suffering
Those pains make you stronger, better
Dealing with those cluttered emotions
A pondering mind makes it worse
Confrontation minimizes pent up anxiety
Made up scenarios that never happen
Things feel real compared to reality
Staying calm levels it out keeping peace
Acting on that frustration cause chaos
Disconnected from uncomfortable situations
Know your worth trust your value
Others disagree don't lower yourself
Criticism makes you better not setttle
32 · Oct 2019
Infamous one Oct 2019
Changing the mind set
Coped with the regret
Broke up not going back
Anxiety death grip on how to act
Observed in silence said be better
Another protest for rights
Depression an internal fight
More chaos than peace
Anger making heart rate increase
Old norms from child youth
New noise prefer old school
So many rules made in the mind
Broken rules with cruel intensions
Life lessons and many more
Life blessing are worked for
31 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
He thought about his niece
Things got turned upside down
Things got out of hand
He wanted to make a difference
Came up short felt cheated
Robbed of his efforts
Thinking they'd do right
He stayed loyal by their side
Praying not to lose it
Not be taken away
31 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Never one to go against family
Not looking for an argument or fight
Sending positive vibes good energy
Wishing them the best
Always proud of them see good
Stuck with the worse
Bringing everything down
Always had their back did favors
Said NO once acting like a stranger
Treated like a forever enemy
The black sheep of the family
31 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Seen the bad can't associate
Not always able to relate
Don't always fit in
Said the truth no regret
Who's offended now
Also mad holding a grudge
Don't tell others how to act
Inappropriate with your behavior
Over the double standards
Sick of others playing favorites
Clicks filled with two faced mugs
31 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Always scared to be denied
Be rejected for being different
Not hurting or bothering anyone
Tried to fit in such a huge sacrifice
Denying yourself to be liked
Don't cheat yourself be you
Being uniques makes you special
In the end you hurt yourself
Just to be liked by people
Who don't value or appreciate you
Too many followers not enough leaders
31 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Being told to pay rent
By people who didn't
Talking about contribution
Not honoring their word
Telling people to not talk
No longer associate for conduct
Being down on your luck
Talking big in crowds like a coward
Not saying anything one on one
31 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
She always told him
Pursue your dreams
He didn't always
Believe in himself
He got distracted by work
He never got hired
Didn't want to give up
On his dreams still writing
They met at the community college
They were accepting of one another
She was his friend
Sad when she moved away
She'd come visit him
They hung out caught up
31 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Felt built up right one mistake
Now it's crumbling to the ground
Tumbling down losing it all
Feeling cheated for being loyal
Did right still feels wrong
Can't blame dealing with the pain
The rage implodes within
Said nothing everything spiraling
Spoke up no one can hear
Saying what is wrong
Being ignored by everyone
Need someone to bounce ideas off
So many respond not listen
Seen as over dramatic
31 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
She stood at the lake
Looked at the urn
A life put to rest with nature
She said a prayer
He wanted his ashes
In his favorite fishing spot
Writing about death
An aunt with 3 months to live
Hospice grew up grew apart
Always Praying for everyone's health
Everyone's needs be met
Not losing hope or faith
31 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
Praying for family not ready to let go
Sorry feels like time is running out
Staying strong feeling vulnerable
Wanting to take it not them
Praying to be saved
Living in fear dk what's real
Lies are the truth fully believe
The truth made out to be a lie
So many ignored and excuses
Part of getting older more white hairs
Body doesn't heal the same
Taking it easy pushing through
Slowing down physically
Mentally pushing through
31 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
He was asked "what happened to your ****?" He didn't know how to respond. He didn't know if he was being sexually harassed or being checked out. He found motivation to work out since all he does is write.
He was over his life being on hold and tired of waiting on others. He loved people but can't get motivated from negative people. He seen good in them, too bad they didn't see it in themselves.
31 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Talking loud doesn't mean right
Insulting a person over an argument
Doesn't make things better
Alienated for being different
Not seeing eye to eye conflict of interest
Seeing things the same imposing beliefs
Trying to turn everyone get the odds to favor
Can't win or do it alone manipulation
Standing alone not taking sides
31 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
She's a friend nothing more
Soon to be a memory moving on
Keeping a distance staying strong
Can't get close to anyone hard to do
Come and go without reason
Different seasons trying to adjust
Hard to adapt no say or control
Feels like time is running out
On the go continuously hanging on
Ready to let go without a safety net
An endless fall in unlimited space
Feeling consumed limitless pressure
Hard to breathe clouded judgement
Wanting to be there missing out
Not there mind missing everyone
31 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Being the voice of reason is hard when people have selective hearing. Usually straight forward will tell a person. Whats up and not tell them, what they want to here because as a friend you

Don't lie to your friend.
Being honest should be the best feeling because you don't have to remember anything. People who lie end up having to be, or act like someone they are not.

Never understood, how a people date when its one sided; meaning one is all in giving love. While the other waiting around till something better comes along. How and why are partners jealous of one another, instead of trying to function as a unit. Never understood the relationship concept being the 3rd wheel around certain couples.
31 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
She passed on he lay in bed
Pretending to talk to her
He'd hear he motivate him
He wanted to be with her
He was mentally strong
But his heart broken
So many questions no answers
He didn't like being alone
But I was hard to be around ppl
He'd hold back the tears
Remembering the good times
Needing to live life
Break this vicious cycle
31 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
An old soul young at heart
Always had an opinion
Mouth closed to prevent drama
Not welcoming or getting involved
Working hard for that house
The last signature given the keys
Make it a home for family
BBQ with cousins have fun
A place to get away from it all
Sharing a moment living life to the fullest
31 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
The athlete within wants out lots of wear and tear over the years. Conflicts with being responsible; trying to find a balance. Work takes away from training, but money is needed to invest in your skills/talent.
31 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Always trying to save the girl
She keeps running back to danger
She doesn't want to be saved
You are not the hero in her story
She's trying to save the villain
No love for the hero
She treats him like a zero
Prefers the bad boy over the good
He's a hopeless romantic
Trying to save the day
He's romantically hopeless for love
Had to walk away being written off
His chapter was over came to an end
Starting over writing his story
31 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Always thinking don't say much
Not one to get involved
Should've spoke up said something
Too many made up rules
Be this way do that
Belike this live that way
Dk know the whole story
Try to understand both side
See all sides and angles
Never picked a side
31 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Been dealing with liars
One drink turns into acting up
No one's playing games asked nice
Not respect or regards for others
Still going to do it anyway
Then blames others for your actions
Trying to make everyone look bad
So the heat is off your bad behavior
The never to play victim after this conduct
Always trying to take away from others
Make it about yourself when it's not about you
Choosing alcohol over loved ones is sad
After a few drinking acting like you're noble
After so much betrayal the two-faced act
Acting like you did no wrong it's sickening
31 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Reaching out to an old friend
Had one anothers back since day one
Something wasn't right ruining the vibe
Had to ask noticed a change in the tone
Things weren't right something had changed
Hot and cold not the person from before
Gave advice most of all there for support
Trying to keep up on friends some let you go
Always took them back flaw and all
Someone has problems lost in the struggle
Everyone is going through something.
31 · 4d
At the gym clearing this mind
Full of ideas that are ignored
Living with betrayal
Always honest recieving lies
Did the work got demoted
The drama not my problem
Stuck in the middle
Recieving the backlash
Made it fun now it's lost value
Instead of forward went back a few steps
30 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Bouncing around ideas
Cant tell anyone
Not able to rely on others
Looked for an ear to listen
Not a mouth full of instruction
Figuring it out without guidance
Over the darkness need the light
Dark cloud over head fade away
Traded the pain for better days
Full of life lost in love
30 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Full of spirit
Light up the soul
Good vibes go out
Good vibes returned
Feeling it from within
Like hug with love
Never letting go
Tickled from the inside
Laughter full of life
30 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Apologized for the wrong doing
Still penalized the grudge going strong
Changed behavior seen the same
Living in the present not the past
Dealing with difficult people
Prefer to keep a distance
Stayed away tried to help
Gave advice to be ignored
Tired of being the voice of reason
Depart from negativity bad vibes
Prefer to be solo not into crowds
Wanted to be close turned away
30 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Too many people talking
Should be listening to the voice within
Made sacrifices for the wrong people
Made time got left hanging
Asked to meet half way
Ended up going all the way
One sided an arrangement for two
Made time for others what a waste
Got back on routine
Feeling better about branching out
Wore a heart on the sleeve
Too much hurt expected too much
Gave it all not expecting anything
Can't rely on anyone
Learn all the skills possible
Tired of waiting on others to be denied
Tired of waiting on others
Over being set up to fail
Never settle for less prevail
30 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Falling hard
Falling fast
Not afraid to hit
Rock bottom
Dk anymore
Not sure what to say
What to do only if
Missed opportunity
Another chance to bounce back
30 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Looked in her eyes
Saying I love
She smiles says it back
Its like a confession
To tell her how he feels
Hard to show emotions
Grew up with tough love
It was seen as weak
Everything deep from the heart
Scared to say something wrong
Told the truth made it worse
Lies won't make it better
A guilty conscience it was wrong
Trying to make it right
It came crumbling to pieces
Crashing down hard
Beyond repair the destruction
One cared more than the other
30 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Stressing out over it all
Messing up about to crash
Hit hard been her before
Didn't like it trying to be better
The struggle is real finding a way
Unreal hard to feel
Dealing with the struggle
Trying to cope not lose hope
Don't want to lose or fail
Holding onto the little
Never about material possessions
Forced to grow up feeling old
Child at heart mind so wild
A bunch of ways of life
30 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Not in that place anymore
Use to be phased by all the insanity
Stayed away on this lonely road
Broken homes to new beginnings
Not the same anymore not surprised
Being nice seen as bad in other eyes
Always taken for granted got over it
Over trusting the wrong people
Wasn't taken serious the first time
Why all of a sudden being considered
Hard to trust when someone
Doesn't believe believe in your skills
Or trust your talented abilities
30 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Hard to find common interest
Hard to find common grown
So many labels and boxes to check
Different in one way treated bad
Seen as the enemy a bitter rival
For one conflict of interest
So much imposition
So many talk not open to learn
People don't listen to understand
Always ready to tell and respond
30 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Never afraid to try
Not one to quit
Walking away from it all
Come back to it later
Straight shave razor
Cut throat silence the BS
Ruthless always truthful
Don't care for lying cheats
Found away to survive
Always kept out in the end
Always working to get hired
No love appreciation respect
Clear mind full of joy good
Clear thoughts avoid negativity
30 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
Focused on his blessings tired of taking on people that wasted his time. They didn't help him and he didn't owe them anything. He put his life in hold so many distractions doing things that he didn't have to do. He thought it matter turns out it wasn't him and it didn't do him any favors.
Happy for others when he made moves, or planned things no one got behind him. He was always supportive but when he had ideas they'd be shut down told he was crazy making what he wanted seem pointless like a waste of time.
He was always determined at work but thought use that energy to finish school. He wanted to learn and apply it. Always writing made him happy he got lost in it. Staying positive creating wanting to publish his work. Shared many thoughts ideas.
Started to draw using colors and paint another way to get out all the stuff within instead of being self destructive. Like a bomb ready to explode imploding within. Trying to do what's right not take anything personal.
30 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Can't be deep and dark anymore
It comes to the light and exposed
Hard yo let go been doing it so long
Sometimes you out grow it but learned
Wasting away trying to get back on track
Can't stay the same or
Keep doing the same old stuff
Trying to tie off those loose ends
Finish journeys after falling off
Finish those quests the heart desires
Hoping to get over the road block
Wasted enough time with detours
Saw good in the bad smiled and laughed
Made the most of the moment
30 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Sat in a dark room
Loud thoughts stirring
Taking a deep breath
Trying to come up with a plan
An idea to make it happen
Doesn't happen right away
Turn out according to the vision
Gave it all still not enough
Focused on being better
Staying calm deep down worked up
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