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34 · Aug 2022
Infamous one Aug 2022
He loved her but it was over. She didn't believe in his dream. She told him he wasn't good enough it tore him up from the inside out. The anger didn't resonate with him. He did what he loved while everyone else gave up on their dreams.
He was pursuing it behind the scenes working his craft. Getting better educating himself trying to apply what was being learned to better his situation. His family didn't get or understand him since he didn't listen to NO or like being told that he couldn't do it. Giving his all even though it wasn't good enough staying positive working it from all angles and directions eventually it would work out fall into place.
He wanted to write stand up and sitcoms tell his story. He took those steps shared with friends and did his podcast that gave him a voice. He broke free of his family they called him delusional and kept him out for being single and not having a family. He was smart didn't want to do that with just anyone.
34 · Apr 2021
Infamous one Apr 2021
He was over the lies and manipulation. He cut the cord. He didn't care that they had kids or got married. He was annoyed that they made out anything he did to be a bad thing. He never talked about anyone but they always had stuff to say behind his back. He respected them enough to say it to their face. Most of the time; he ignored everyone, and minded his business; most of all his mouth.
He was pushed out for being singles; he hated to be around couples. All they did was argue make things awkward. Then because of their bad communication blamed him. He was frazzled, how is so called friends; called him family then cut him off; what a way to treat family.
He warned his friend about her past, but love conquers all, so it didn't matter; what he said, or what he thought. His chapter ended he faded out and went away a lone rebel on his way.
34 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
Went so hard there's on other way
Dk what to say now
Can't live in the moment
Quick to ask what's next
Going strong going hard
Trying to slow down
The rush won't let up
Took it all in got burnt out
Let it all go feeling free
Staying true focused on the gain
Not influenced by others
Working hard than most
33 · Apr 2021
Infamous one Apr 2021
He spoke his mind they called him crazy. He had an opinion since he didn't always agree. They made him out to be the black sheep for not going along.
They tried to slander him beat him in numbers. Turns out they'd turn on everyone because they couldn't control or get their way. Telling people how to live their life; how to act, who to be. Couldn't they just be happy for people.
Rather than vilify everyone for being different for their efforts belittling everyone because they think their way of life is righteous. Looking down on family like if they did favors but quick to impose an opinion no one asked for.
33 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
They sat across from one another after years of avoiding one another. Things were said out of anger and frustration now living different lives from how they originally knew one another. So much had changed over time. Moving on was hard but had to be done.
Saving the moments even though they are expired. Wanting to fix the problem try to make it right. Learning to forgive oneself instead of carrying the guilty burdens. That chapter is over a forever friend even if we don't talk anymore.
33 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
He was over his phone no one called unless they needed something. He didn't care for texting anymore people got bold with messages but would never say it to his face.
All the frustration dealing with others it ****** he had to be watered down. Tired of being quiet and smiling because others had their unsatisfied egos that needed to be stroked.
He didn't have the time or energy to make people who made him miserable happy. He bit his tongue because he knew opening his mouth would make things worse.
He didn't talk or think about those people showed no feelings or emotions focused on his life and work.   Departing due to conflict of interest living life his way with others influence. He took their loathing remarks into consideration. He had changed so much over the years now others expected him to be someone else some false persona he couldn't live up to. He knew his worth while he bounced back from struggle setback and failure.
33 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Social interaction not sure how to act
Said too much others lose interest
No words spoken seen as stuck up
Showed no interested suddenly involved
Emotionally burnt out rather stay away
Made a joke to be funny only one
Enjoying live living it to the fullest
No one's laughing everyone's mad
Talked serious no one's is joking
33 · Nov 2021
Infamous one Nov 2021
He loved his family and wished they'd get along.
He was always distance from people he knows people go through stuff
But have no right to take their frustrations out on others
Killing the fun with bad vibes and bad attitudes
He didn't care to feed egos or deal with their worse while he put out his best
He minds his mouth because his honest made people mad
His mouth got him in trouble and lead to drama
He just wanted to hang out without conflict
Trying to keep the peace while falling to pieces within
Trying to understand while their actions said other wise
He didn't get them while they made everyone uncomfortable
He was done pretending everything was okay.
It was easier to stay away then try to help those set in their ways
33 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Tried to figure out
Where it went wrong
Only if going back was an option
Change things but it's been done
Everything happened moments passed
Turned out accordingly
Over the time period given
Live to forget the past trauma
Learn to grow with someone new
A new partner move on
Dump the exes standards
Not all relationships are the same
Meet new people with common interests
Find more like minded people
Not all friendships are one sided
33 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Stories from the past
Some are hilarious
Others are embarrassing
Don't want to talk about them
But can't act like they didn't happen
Some are a treasure in the heart
Wishing to be relived
Others be taken out rewritten
Can't look back not going that way
Facing forward on the road
On the go had to leave stuff behind
33 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Going back to a moment
That made you smile
Thinking such a good time
From bad to good not the same
Asking how I made it through
Not mad for coming up short
Still focused on my goals
Haven't given up on my dreams
More determined than ever
Always looking for reason
Trying to find purpose
Writing has been my life
My thoughts my feelings
Making sense of these emotions
Podcasting gave me a voice
A stage to explore and share
Found out others don't always care
Doing what I love all that matters
33 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
He changed so much
Didn't know who he was
What he had become
Doing things of love
These people ungrateful
Made him feel bad
Like he wasn't good enough
The hardest part is pretending
Pretending not to care
He couldn't sit back and watch
Everytime he spoke up
Things got worse
He took at the frustration
He didn't like confrontation
Or hurting others with his words
He took criticism into consideration
Could deal it heavy as well
Appreciating others flaws
Accepting others without judgement
Seeing beauty within
33 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Always praying for good
Trying to do what's right
Another to rise above
Another internal struggle
To overcome over time
Trying not to get in trouble
Crumbling to stay sane
Racing insanity through the pain
Fading away gone a long way
Thinking of other ways to get it done
33 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Embraced the labels flipped them
Made moves in silence
A tarnished rep that is in the past
Being better alone not being tore
Ripped to pieces by negative friends
Not always going to have a support
Staying motivated in a toxic environment
Hardest worker in the room no one wants it
Took pride in efforts while others place blame
Natural leader taking the blame
Trying to help others who don't help themselves
Frustrated for years for caring
Stopped carrying the burden of others
Let go of people who forgot about your kindness
Not begging to be liked or be accepted
Get away from the toxic job
Saved from the sinking ship
Around people who value your heart
Appreciate you as a human being
More to life than being a working machine
Showing no emotions hiding who you are
In the mind processing goals and thoughts
A home that a safe place to focus
33 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Tired of proving yourself
Never going to be accepted
Denying yourself to be liked
Called selfish for self care
Showing emotions labeled as gay
Disrespect from the person
Claiming to have respect
Dealing with phonies
Being chummy for information
33 · 1d
Not quick to judge others flaws
A body and face with scars
Made up stories due to the appear
I know what it's like to not have a job
Don't like to hurt others or get hurt
The hero in my story the villain in others
Told the truth and got hatred
Got told lies feeling disrespected
Stayed loyal to the wrong people
While the right moved onto better
Use to wait thinking they'd return
The last one standing from the crew
Single and no kids parents worried
Trying to grow up sad to see them age
Appreciate the times together memories
33 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Writing why does this matter
Asking why did it happen
Took everything in long periods of time
When it didn't have to happen
Some are easy to forget
Others treasured in the heart
Stored in a bank safe bolted up
Made a list of haters and doubter
Didn't need to cross names off
Karma caught up to them
Or they ******* themselves
Not afraid or losing faith
Been going strong being told NO
Made it a challenge wanted it more than ever
Tough situations lighten up get better
33 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Writing takes the pain away
Helps maintain sanity
Reflect on the past insanity
Compose yourself after a while
Find balance inner peace within
After the negative imbalance
Easy to write for hours
Shared the old encounter
New moments to experience
From a grin to a smile
Taken away from that place
33 · Aug 2021
Infamous one Aug 2021
Family don't always get along in conflict challenging one another's standing. Arguments get personal pointing out flaws talking bad about one another. They try to turn everyone against you. All the anger within all the frustration.
Learning to shut it down when there's no reason or compromise. So many lies all these terms conditions and circumstances
33 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Only a few peoples opinion matter
They've helped and been supportive
Since the beginning win lose or draw
Success is great but short lived
Learned more from failure
Lost of growth and gained from it all
So close yet so far
Starting was hard after it ended
Never the same open to new ideas
Change of mind ups and downs
33 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
A change of scenery
It's a nice vibe to grow
Felt stuck but moving now
Really tried to be a factor
Always factored out
Loved them so much
Got nothing in return
Worked extra hard
Still not the one
Still hasn't happened yet
Working for the moment
Praying for that time to come
33 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
He had a big heart for life
A passionate soul warming smile
Still caring for others feelings
Even if they did him *****
He meant well no hidden agenda
When things went wrong
A loving heart beautiful soul
Forgiving still kept out
Not forgiven by others
Made mistakes multiple flaws
Most of all not able to forgive himself
33 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
Still writing scared to be alone
A people person not always favored
Still pursuing a dream short lived
Over being side tracks constantly
The detours feeling close but farther away
Use to be annoyed by missing it now
Onto better but stuck on the same old
Trying to achieve the American dream
Some have lived it happy for them
Others struggle pursuing opportunity
Learning to forgive to move on
Find inner peace within this thick skin
Somethings are hard to forget
Can't change the past live in the moment
The future has yet to happen
33 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Should've said this
Could've done that
All the possibilities play out
Never the outcome that's expected
The thought process is everywhere
Accused of cheating been loyal
Asked about this "friend"
All defensive trying to swap outcomes
Tripping with the guilt trip
Talking about being single
Few days later with someone new
Now it's official opposite of what's said
No labels or serious commitments
Started dating for all the wrong reasons
Mending the heart to overcome the past
On a date not emotionally available
Not fair to this girl who's fully invested
She actually cares has feelings
33 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Seeing people be fake is the worse feeling. Has you wondering are they being true and genuine with you. To see them fake a smile, pretend to show interest but the truth is they could careless.
Has you questioning humanity and where you stand. Your trust for people wondering about your own judgement.
Use to be very welcoming learning to be more distant and selective about those who are welcomed into your social circle. Been a tough few weeks doing work for the lazy. Job titles mean nothing just pass the grunt work onto the person trying to get hired.
Sometimes things are easy others complicate them it gets annoying. Very frustrated with the outcome turn of events. What happened? Why? More questions and less answers.
Not doing things the same changed up the format and woke up tired not anxious to go. Still moving don't want to completely stop
33 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Feared no man walked strong with God
Told too dark to eat at an establishment
Years later the restaurant went under
Not one to play the race card
Doing what's right, by my moral code
Speaking no one hears my voice
When I write the words bleed out
Not one to judge others
How you treat others says a bunch
Been through the struggle
One who got out for the better
Feels like I got dragged back in
Find closure ready to start over
Did so much, need to make more happen
Forgive or not here I come
Stood still not one to run
The pain within has leveled out
Don't count me out
Never back down from fear
33 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Protect this heart
Loving others
Always get hurt
One sided love
Always giving loving
Never get it back
Or seen as an equal
Expected more got less
Gave up on it
33 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
On the outside looking in feeling like everything is diluted. someone are real others are lost in their own world. In the mind their safe place. Use to be an open book now selective about who gets to read. Now always interesting, willing to learn dk the answers. Always open to help the stress of not doing enough struggling to get by.
Wanted it more than most it was short lived.
He didn't get his hopes up made the most of things. Adapted and adjusted to the situation.
33 · Apr 10
Infamous one Apr 10
That internal struggle within fueling the words to write. The internal struggle losing sleep refusing to accept defeat. Doing what's right not trying to argue or fight.
Praying others would try instead of campaign to justify their lazy. Holding a job hostage because you don't get a raise or not doing the work why expect change. Be the change make a difference so over all the nonsense all the defensive behavior because deep down they are wrong.
Too many people are proud to admit they are wrong and say sorry. It might not fix the problem but change comes from understanding. Trying to create lost in those moments. Over all the negativity and hate. Disconnected about to recreate those moments can't go back trying to give life to my imagination.
Scared go gain all the pain when it's taken away. Feeling unworthy too many did me *****. Sorry if I get too wordy. Learning to tap into the heart. Writing it becomes an art of what's floating around in this determined mind.
Asking what matters how can you do things without driven by hate insulted because others can't debate trying to bully you because of your beliefs. Not imposing trying to understand. I might disagree no reason to make me a target.
I'll keep being me something. I'll never regret because your mad you'll forget all the good that was done. Emotions like a loaded gun ready to go off.
33 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
How'd this happen
Why did it go down
Doesn't make sense
Locked in a room
Writing for hours
Friends with a pen
Buddies with a notebook
Coping with those emotions
Exploring bottled feelings
Lightening the load
Burdens on this heart
Finding comfort in this skin
Cozy within this overwhelmed mind
33 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Clicks are broken grown apart
Families made starting a new
The days are long never ending
From a comfort zone to insanity
Trying to cope no reaction
Holding it all in
Not sure where to start
Starting over again
A huge fall letting go
It seeps out hard
Survive this pademic
Praying for love so much hate
So many loved ones lost
Can't pay respects
Avoiding the crowds
Be saved praying for all
33 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Not one to talk about family
Always had that tough love
Everyone tests you
But never backed down
Have tough skin
Because jokes turn into insults
Some cousins did their stuff
Let it go no big deal
If the roles had been switched
It would be a never ending taunt
Years of mocking one another
Everyone grew a part with time
Sad everyone comes together
Through tough tragic times
Not able to see eye to eye
Don't always agree doing different things
Everyone lives different let them be
33 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
Times have changed before if you were poor you'd hide it. Now a days people ask for money. Always being told if you want something work for it. No one can do it for you but you. I'm big on individualism but everyone thinks they are a brand or some kind of product. Marketing themselves get out there work for it the right people will take you on.
33 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Those feelings fade with time
From love to numb due to betrayal
Cared too much it was smothering
Didn't know how to feel no say or control
Got frustrated stayed away hurt too much
Wish in or out was easy be present
Can't make them stay or love
No shade of gray in the middle
Tried to commit everyone ran away
Walked away so much imposition to stay
33 · Oct 2023
Infamous one Oct 2023
He was stressed and an emotional eater stuffing his face. The bad news made him depressed. He was still working with bad health because so many milked a doctor's note.  He did the work while most made excuses.
Staying active while most chose to be lazy. Anything he said or did made him out to be crazy. Having an opinion and being hard working got him hate. The lazy tried to blame him because he made them look bad since they didn't take pride in their work.
33 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Always helping others
End up ******* over
Didn't get the job hardest worker
Wasn't good enough gave it all
The girl chose someone else
Felt lead on given false hope
Betrayed by so-called friends
Over a girl who was never loyal
Others quick to blame than own up
Cant vent or talk to anyone
Writing to make sense of the insanity
33 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
Not for everyone okay with that
Cleaning off the rough edges
Doing it myself time feels right
Don't need anyone to do it for me
Too tired to argue with anyone
Doing what I love always
Feeling good to be doing it
Not seeking approval
Made it there without others influence
Over those rules that keep you out
Its different but done with heart
From the young soul that's growing old
32 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Time to cope
Time to reflect
Put things into perspective
Things that mattered
Now a days don't mean anything
Break the ******* to grow
Can't stay in the same place
Change of locations new scenery
New faces to mingle with
Who knew over trusting would be bad
Not going out learned to do without drama
Don't care to share use to writing it all out
A place to call home scared to be alone
Back to being responsible on your own
Back and forth to work and home
Paying bills first then have some fun
32 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Friday with my siblings
Also with my friends
Have sleep overs full of gaming
A team to beat the game
We would stop at the video store
Check out a movie, get a game
Play at home order pizza
Some games fun, others complicated
Finally the movie was available to own
But could be rented to decide
If you'd buy it or not same with games
A chance to decide if you'd own it
Experience for cheap without wasting money
32 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
Finding inspiration to write
Thankful for ideas those moments
Getting inspired to put out work
Deep from within not holding back
Pursuing a dream setting new goals
New standards honoring the original
Turn the negative into positive vibes
Learning open to grow into more
Lost in the process feeling productive
Made changes without toxic influence
Trying to be better improve over time
Over being misunderstood treated bad
32 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
Writing for hours
Want to leave the house
Being safe only for essentials
Work and back this numbing routine
Keeping a distance everything on hold
Hard to focus feeling isolated
Overwhelmed by it all
Feeling stuck limited on moves
Not many options desiring change
32 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
He watched his brother be buried part of him went in the grave.
He didn't trust anyone he wanted justice
Who executes another being in cold blood
More bad than good at that moment
Hard to trust anyone his failed relationship
Brought out the hatred trust issues he no longer wanted to be that person anymore
He stopped caring what others said or thought since he had his own agendas
All those distractions he stopped empowering them. The loud noise went mute white noise it didn't matter anymore.
32 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
In light skinned women feels like a crime with family. Have to hide it feels like a ***** secret grew up with criticism. Told stay with your kind or be judged like you are doing something wrong.

Spoke up had an opinion everyone act like you're again or opposing the family. The family is quick to attack talk down like you dk any better. Stood what was right questioned things. Why does it have to be this way. Why so many rules?

Love for my elders but times have changed. They had a simpler time also had their struggle. Things change some for the bother other times it doesn't make sense. I'll never know everything so much new or new ways of how things are done. Be open to learn and to grow. From your time to the next generations to come

From a child to man hasn't been easy so many outside factors and people talking. Eventually asking what do you want? What are you looking for? Not having a job and going places seeing the world. Now a responsible adult working to invest in the craft.
Pay bills maintain a life trying to work toward well off through the struggle to get ahead. Over settling and barely getting by. Not materialistic just feels like more can be done. Making the most of things, working with what's been given.
32 · Sep 7
Infamous one Sep 7
Life after the transplant
My story was used against me
Working hard to move up
Got stopped and setback
Another detour to another destination
Working hard to be independent
Impatient and hate waiting on other
Hard to trust most of all rely on people
A scar healing up from the betrayal
Dealing with a false friend pretending to care
Getting stronger everyday focused on growth
Taking charge staying out of drama
Over useless leads taking the credit
32 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Not like that anymore
Too old forces to grow up
Showing up is never enough
Not getting love or treated fair
But not embracing the hate
Called everyone out on their actions
Won't justify acting like they can do no wrong
Or explain now passing the blame
Some one is always snitching
Telling trying to help made it worse
Attacked with words a verbal beat down
Struck back then it got physical
32 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Wanted to say deep and dark
Mean stuff like words would destroy
Put it on a page or type it all out
Showing emotions seen as blunt
Felt for someone seen as weird
Wanted to say it but knew better
Thought of the risk consequences
Destroying within hoping to be fixed
Thinking you'd hurt them
Like a dominos effect feeling set up
But they could careless no need to obsess
32 · Mar 28
Infamous one Mar 28
Mind playing tricks
Ready to argue not that person
Why bother the person doesn't listen
Dealing with a one sided
Narrow minded individuals
One starts the drama
The other interjected an opinion
No one asked but received
These blindsided tactics
Disrespectful remarks from fake ppl
No longer empowering or acknowledge these people
Family hurts you more than a stranger
32 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Wanted to keep them whole
But things crumbled on your end
No one to blame hard to explain
Change is always occurring
All the pain and memories remain
With time and space it fades away
Stayed strong for them rare they do the same
Bouncing back not staying down
Leaving town one had your heart
The other will always be apart of life
Memories the mind treasures hard to forget
Grew up became an adult all on big jolt
32 · Dec 2023
Infamous one Dec 2023
A confession to cleanse the soul
Protecting others taking the bullets
Helping family made out to be the villain
Taking one for the team working hardest
Soon to be a future lead tired of settling
Hated for being a shooting star
Working hard striving in life
His name slandered by friends
Other quick to believe the lies
Staying loyal seen as a threat
Standing tall with moral standards
The social rep ruined by people
Who don't try but expect everything
Spoke the truth it's the right thing to do
Called people on the nonsense
32 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Told a bunch of lies
Growing up was hard
Doing what's right
Still getting *******
Got an education now in debt
Tryin to move up to the next level
From low income to well off
Never about materialism
But how you treat others
Hardest worker still not full time
Don't always get the girl
But came close was not the one
But one of many lead on
Learned from failure than success
Lots of trial and errors
Gained from experiences
Many strange encounters
Hoping it all comes together
To move forward and progress
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