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36 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
The things aren't the way he imagine
Another outcome dealing with backlash
The love he gave everyone lashing out
Trying to be there getting cut out
Fading out not meant to be there
Everything changed drastically
Had no say or control holding on
Everything is gone never the same
Everyone grew up got married
Now divorced or have kids and still together
From no job to a career still single
Working nights to pay the bills
35 · Oct 2023
Infamous one Oct 2023
You gain wisdom but lose your youth
Living in the present Observing the new
So much has changed over time
Heart on Golden daze treasured pleasures
The past has rich memories
Success should be rewarding not a punishment
Tired of living in regret got overlooked
From a broken home now married
A hard working man not given any credit
Educated walking with open eyes
Hated for having an opinion
Speaking your mind gets you canceled
35 · Sep 29
Infamous one Sep 29
Heart racing foot shaking
Trying to remain calm
Eye twitching face feeling hot
Staying centered and composed
Not sure how to act on anxiety meds
Dealing with made up scenarios
Walking away feels like your fading away
Use to fight for a place once belonged
Lost value not the same anymore
Growing more hard to fit in
Doesn't belong just trying be an equal
Excluded from crazy once was phased
35 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
The heart of a warrior fighting through. Always a struggle to get by. Use to talk smack seen it like a rap battle. Can't say anything without words getting twisted. Made out to be the bad guy. Always thinking holding back the words.
Some are wrong still talking like if they in it for everyone. Only their own selfish gain. Holding back to keep the peace while they make everyone unsettle and uncomfortable.
35 · Aug 2021
Infamous one Aug 2021
He wondered why were they talking about him. He analyzed the situation not the person. He respected what they felt and thought because he had his own things going on to be worried what others were saying about him.
He thought highly of them while they made him out to be crazy for speaking up.
He loved to be involved but since it required him to give up who he was deny himself he couldn't do it. He was making moves in silences behind the scenes. He couldn't be the lead because everything became his fault. He couldn't handle the pressure all he wanted was to work hard get his part done.
The mind is everywhere can't please or make everyone happy. He didn't put his happiness in the hands of others. He down played his ego moving forward was hard since it kept pulling him back. He knew he had to grow and change with the seasons change life was ambiguous. Everything happened late for him it was inevitable
35 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
He was trying to be a lead and move up
Motivating others was not his thing
Being responsible for people
He had trust issues it lead to him doing it on his own
Be better than the original work hard
These are things he told himself
He knew if he wanted her have to go out and do it himself
It was frustrating the current lead did everyone favors and ******* over the hardest worker
What an ungrateful *******
Who would snake around pretending to care
Ask for a favor and leave without a thank you
He didn't like people
Who didn't bother but would float around Because they covered their ***
35 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Thinking of those NO
Turning them inti YES
Be more accepting
Not be so dismissive
Always open to grow
Listen to new ideas
Appreciate new perspective
Develop new skills
Go on new adventure
Instead of wondering what if
Take a chance not fear rejection
Accept more challenges step it up
Rise above limitations strive forward
35 · Mar 1
Infamous one Mar 1
The underdog

Called crazy but coming back for more
Going forward all the support fell off
Believe in yourself pursing the dream
Many said it couldn't be done
Doing more than most doing the work
Those words hurt but give strength
Haters judge and talk dk anything
No one is talking about them
Personal growth shadows their envy
Inspire others to be better by example
Take charge motivate other by leading
Seen as a failure focused on victory
Doing the work putting in the time
People see the old stuck in the past
Never see the new with a promising future
35 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
A day with anxiety is a daily struggle some days feel fine overwhelming
Others feel like something is missing
Or a guilt feeling like something is wrong
Everything is okay but questioning
Asking where did it go wrong
The mind looping events
Remembering conversations
The moment passed playing out
Hard to focus on today's events
Getting mad over things
Wishing this should've been said
Why didn't it matter at the time
Why does it matter now
The mind goes crazy alone
Once social interaction occurs it goes away
35 · Mar 30
Infamous one Mar 30
Learning to communicate
Have an adult conversation
Without hatred as aftermath
Mutual respect still friends
Able to debate over differences
Open to learn most of all understand
Do not impose with silly demands
Don't point out flaws making it personal
The topic lacked support in the discussion
Talking loud doesn't make you right
Overeating making a scene draw attention
Doesn't help the cause make it better
35 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
She cheated with him
Kept it casual he had no clue
He had been emotionally invested
She talked him out of it
He wasn't ready to settle
Felt like things got worse
His heart broken
Things never got better
He'd give it all up for her
He waited she already moved on
Shattered when he seen
Her with someone new
Once he moved she was mad
He couldn't be with her
But she didn't want him
Or to be with anyone else
35 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Little red told her I had a crush
She said lets get one thing straight
You're a friend and nothing more
I respected and admired her more
Most women from the past used you
With no intention of being more
Stuck with less wanting more
From the heart trying to be pure
Genuine such a lost quality now a days
35 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
His loneliness playing tricks
Pressure on his brain
Spinning out of control
Acting like its tamed
The redwoods take away the tension
Foggy days over come stress
Wanting to write but cannot do so
Fear making the heart race
Throat feels like it's collapsing
Hard to breathe in too deep
Wanting to scream to feel better
No one hears the uttering emotions
More lousy weather over the heat
35 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Being home for a couple weeks
Feels like a life time numbness
Not sure what time or day it is
Feels like a blurred together
Sleep days nothing to do
Wide awake at night not able to write
Can't call friends don't have many
Can't make plans or do anything
Haven't recorded the podcast
Not feeling it as if late
Finally got into reading material
Usually distracted by work
Learned to cope and slow down
35 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
Part of him felt dead and showed because he valued and respected them while they told him he wasn't worth it laughed at him treated him like a child belittled his feelings and emotions. He loved them so he took it called him ignorant because he had an opinion. He cut the cord and stayed away because that's, how they felt he respected it and moved onto.
He took the blame he lived with the labels other placed on him as he focused else where. He couldn't voice his opinion so he wrote. He couldn't be that person anymore stop projecting All this nonsense he chose not to give in. They played their mind games.
35 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
She claimed to love him
Now she denies knowing him
Acting like it never happened
Hiding a secret like it's *****
He loved her but didn't know
How to say it didn't want to rush
Feared she turn him away
Shut him down she already did
A loving smile to a cold emotionless stare
From a warm touch to lifeless vibe
35 · 4d
Make it fun now it ***** going numb
Terrible leads dk what they are doing
A stupid title given not doing the work
Stepped it up and got set back
Don't care to react or show any emotions
Helped out and it all went bad
Forgiving yourself they did you *****
Trusted all the wrong people
See through the lies hard to trust
Never going to be what they say
Proving them wrong so over all the doubt
Better yourself let them talk
Be the one talked about not the one talking
35 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
You hate to see them go
From friends to foes
Everyone grew up and apart
Some rushed did it all
Married now divorced
Others have kids
Co-parenting a new term
Somethings are better left unsaid
Why do friends stop talking
35 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
He sat at the bar waiting for a friend
Valued sobriety living clean
Not giving into temptation
Did not purchase a drink
He would lock eyes with the bartender
Both smiling at one another
Had a conversation full of support
Talked about life and changes
One moving onto new relationship
While the other tried to get it together
The bar was not packed cleared out
He arrived after the big game before playoffs
While she worked gave him attention
He admired her effort to acknowledge him
She could've worked easily ignore him
Being able to connect with another being
Both sharing personal information
Social interaction in public felt right
No longer common now a days
Able to make eye contact feel the reaction
Everything is on social media
Both hearing one another's voices
Talking setting a tone between them
Able to get sense of the person's vibes
So many ways to communicate
Yet disconnected from people
Getting to know her was a great feeling
While she took interest in his life
35 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Clubbing use to be in
Now a days prefer to stay out
Dark room with colored lights
Bass extra loud couldn't talk
Had fun on the dance floor
Expensive watered down drinks
Would drink at home
Try to meet a nice girl
All the girls mad or up tight
Wasting everyone's time
Taking free drinks that's not right
All kinds of egos and attitudes
Suppost to be fun its intense and rude
35 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
The world a hostile place
Smile on this face
So many fake it
Easy to keep it real
Don't cheat yourself
Just be yourself
Live according
What feels right
What's normal
Your way of life
Don't compare to others
Be your own person
Your own individual being
35 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Looking at old pics
Asking and wondering
A different place another time
Lots of growth away from the past
Remembered the moment
Taken back like a replay in the mind
Dancing the tango with memories
Sometimes its a good reminder
Other times you learn why it ended
35 · Sep 30
Infamous one Sep 30
Adapting to medication
Anxiety messes with the mind
Thinking too much
Made up scenarios
Playing the role out of place
Feeling excluded from everything
Most of all ignored by everyone
Mind looping everywhere
Not able to change the past
Prepared better for the future
34 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
Went so hard there's on other way
Dk what to say now
Can't live in the moment
Quick to ask what's next
Going strong going hard
Trying to slow down
The rush won't let up
Took it all in got burnt out
Let it all go feeling free
Staying true focused on the gain
Not influenced by others
Working hard than most
34 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Always working for his tired of being denied
Hard to grow when everyone stays the same
Doing his thing they made it about them
Working hard to maintain an uphill bad
No one talking about anyone massive tension
Trying to stir the *** full of resentment
Able to go out not married single no kids
Not liking the guilt trip able to explore
See the world travel not feeding an ego
Not letting them dull this shine
Kills the spirit positive vibes only
Learning to cope deal with family
They'll dismiss, reject everything about you
Make differences out to be the complicated
34 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Another life from now
Changing with time
From no job to always working
Broke as a joke to seriously wanting it
Never said anything got talked about
Spoke up no one says anything
Never personal minding this mouth
Stayed out of others business
Don't care to be involved or for drama
Just focused on getting it done
34 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Talked about moments
People who laughed
Brought out feelings
Shared emotions with
Who had unique traits
Details engraved in the memory
Took them in shared thought
Got to know one another
Smiled in one anothers company
Made jokes with about one another
Told secrets taking some to the grave
True to the heart deep with love
Friendships lead to family
But that's mad respect and love
To go that far be that loyal and true
34 · Mar 29
Infamous one Mar 29
After the surgery feeling gutted
Pain tolerance high focused on work
Writing to feel mild expression
Sometimes emotions are numb
Trying to stay positive and upbeat
While everyone wallows in misery
Not into drama staying clear
Don't care for the circle ****
Avoiding egos with bad attitudes
Rejecting toxic vines of negativity
Called selfish for being alone
Denied trying to fit in why bother
Over all the contradiction and lies
Hated for being honest being genuine
While the fake try to take you down
Not wishing bad like they do
I pray things get better and stay away
34 · Aug 2022
Infamous one Aug 2022
He loved her but it was over. She didn't believe in his dream. She told him he wasn't good enough it tore him up from the inside out. The anger didn't resonate with him. He did what he loved while everyone else gave up on their dreams.
He was pursuing it behind the scenes working his craft. Getting better educating himself trying to apply what was being learned to better his situation. His family didn't get or understand him since he didn't listen to NO or like being told that he couldn't do it. Giving his all even though it wasn't good enough staying positive working it from all angles and directions eventually it would work out fall into place.
He wanted to write stand up and sitcoms tell his story. He took those steps shared with friends and did his podcast that gave him a voice. He broke free of his family they called him delusional and kept him out for being single and not having a family. He was smart didn't want to do that with just anyone.
34 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
He was tired of arguing with everyone
Someone is holding a grudge keeping tabs
Talking about everyone
Being a two faced phony
He didn't have the time
The energy for all that
He was loyal and true
Dealing with phony and fake
He kept his mouth shut stayed away
They raided and imposed his area Acting like they did more not even close
Talking like they actually contribute
He was tired of all the bad mouthing Everyone was loud talking not right
Never to each other rambling on
Behind one another's back
Quiet once they entered the room
Mumbling the things they said
To someone else never to the person
34 · Dec 2023
Infamous one Dec 2023
She won't admit she's wrong
She got caught be held accountable
Trying to slip out flip and place blame
Terrorizing others with her bad behavior
Praying God protects those who did right
He trusted her, She broke his trust
Trying to tell him he's over reacting
Laughing thinking her toxic behavior is cute
That's why no one bothers with you anymore
Playing others in the end you played yourself
People dump their bad vibes on you
Rob your peace because misery needs company
In public everyone sees through your act
That's why you hide run from the truth
All the things you complain about
You did it to yourself making others insecure
34 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
He was a good friend
But the failing couple
Made him out to be the scale goat
If he was friends with the male
The GF would be mad
Or lie say she was into his friend
He would be mad jealous
Assume the worse they were like family
The friendship struggled
If he was friends with the female
The partner would mean mug him
Assume the worse when their friendship
He learned to not associate be around couples
Find his own way do his own thing
34 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Woke up late
Aware of the change
Things are not the same
Walking away not meant to stay
Wishing you'd stop this from ending
In my mind an extended hand
From real to phony persona
Joyful smiles to enraged stares
Tried to make every moment count
Now a days it doesn't matter
Or mean anything from the beginning
An end that lasted longer than the connection
A protected heart away from betrayal
Learning to love within first to help others
34 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Not trying to argue
Clearly wrong trying to justify
This nonsense as right
Another fight over ignorance
Messing with others thinking it's funny
When the tables are turned
You are mad making faces
Huffing and puffing the frustration comes out
Acting like everyone owes you
You owe it to yourself stop blaming others
Just because someone has more
No need to belittle make them small
Sorry you're going through stuff
It's no one's fault but your own
So own up, shut up
Stop talking over your bad vibes
How you going to cheat
Think you're a prize believing the lies
Misleading and decieving good people
Friends to their face mouthing behind their back
Playing it calm when you're the one trying to BS
Get called out on the drama
Now you want to start something
Waste of time it goes no where
All this talk leads to nothing
You push people away with your bad attitude
Have the nerve to say they walked away
34 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Thought she was the one
Giving your heart to the wrong person
Being able to heal and feel
Can't keep blocking out the hurt
The misery grows but life's about living
The heart begins to grow learn again
Love is something that take the pain away
Share a moment with someone
Stop being a shell of the past
Be the lit up in the present
Trust the one is out there
Feel with emotions
Love like you've never been hurt
Stop holding back be thankful
Be grateful for all blessings
Don't be boxed in o boxed out
Be you that's who you are and whatcha know
34 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Always holding back
An explosion within
Should've spoke up
Should've said something
Never fall in rank
Always ranked out
Challenged all the nonsense
So many lacking common sense
Taking on the numbers
Feeling out numbered
Ready to do it so many delay
Wasn't prepared ran through anyway
34 · Jan 2022
Infamous one Jan 2022
Playing many roles all he wanted was to be himself. All he did was give about to tap out but refusing to quit. Trying to honor his commitments it was important to him trying to find balance instead of go over the edge. He fought to be the hero in his story. Made out to be the bad guy depending who's giving the narrative.
Trying to do right things go wrong dealing with the consequences. Things go well no one cares he got ******* over one area is well while another is crumbling trying to restore it all.
Help out others struggling to save himself feeling like a failure over one error one mistake. All the good and effort goes unnoticed.
Setting goals outside of work feeling neglected by those he respected. Preferred to stay away instead of getting close. His feelings hurt trying to stay composed. Never one to judge others he's been down and got back up. Stood in silence still being judged. Always honest told the truth because its easier than lying. Called blunt because most want everything but the truth.
34 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
More wrinkles on this face
White hairs standing out
****** hair with white patches
Wisdom with time
Letting go to get over things
Use to remember everything
Lost in the daze of life
Another phase with age
The heart melts in love
While the mind avoids
Being consumed by rage
Love for other more than ones self
Feeling complete can be deep
Losing it all can't cause numbness
Eventually the vision becomes real
If not you find another way to achieve
What the mind heart body desires
34 · Mar 26
Infamous one Mar 26
The love in the light
Lust at night romantic moon lighting
Secret love doesn't feel right
Things didn't work out
Being single things will be alright
34 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
A house with a drive way
Instead of parking in the street
A two car garage with a gym
The other for a motorcycle
Able to have pets furry friends
A dream to become a reality
Have a BBQ invite friends and family
Enjoy life appreciate the good times
34 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Never been a cheater
Been accused of it
How is too nice a bad thing
Not one to yell a bass less voice
Talk con huevos to prove a point
Told to be ready minding my business
Judged for not speaking Spanish
People mad for the hard work
Didn't make them look bad
They did it to themselves
Not labeling others using it to manipulate
Writing this story no one else can dictate
Never one to blame living with the guilt
Over trusting and rushing to love
All the wrong people had to let them go
34 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Made many mistakes
Just want to be forgiven
Old friends now strangers
Tried to reach out Keep the bond
Wishing and praying
Can't rewrite the wrongs
Tried to make it right
Not worthy of another chance
An opportunity to be welcomed
Part of an old life that's tainted
That will never be the same
Ruined relationships hurt others
A dark time that weighed heavy
From trying to be normal
Treated differently so unfair
Had to stay away the distance
Everything fades away
Feelings are lost with time
Emotions change let go of grief
34 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Not mad or angry
Harder to follow through
Thinking of this
Thought of that
Not in the same place
Mentally grown over time
Before over reacting
Spiritual development
Physically tested pushing limits
Emotionally charged hard to show it
34 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
Finding peace and comfort
Reading his bible helped
Through tough times
Praying for strength
Praying for everyone's safety
For everyone's health
This year has been tough for all
Hard to sleep at night
Exhausted all day
Slowing down inhale
Exhale calming all that's within
Usually going strong
34 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
The black stray cat
An older man who feeds strays
Some show up at dinner time
And this black shoes up late
Eats the left overs gets crunchies
The black cat lays under the shade
Lays under the black car chilling
This cat whines and cries for attention
Most strays run this cat likes people
Allowing a few to pet his fur
Those green eyes whining bright
Plays with the other cats
34 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
Sad how some mock others for their believes
Some will toll you trying to get a reaction
The stupid smirk on their face pointing out the problem
That doesn't help how about providing a solution
Once you call them on their misconduct they try to come at you
Trying to be a bully online not saying anything in person
Once you learn who they are and what about you don't bother with them anymore.
Respecting their decisions it's okay to not see eye to eye
Sad how they disrespect everyone and expect respect
Looking down on others like its a right
Not contributing talking acting like the world evolves around them
Quick to place the blame for their short comings
Your way doesn't work for you why would you think it's better for others
From close to distant because no one communicates and thinks they are right
Rather than talk things out they'll make it personal.
Trying to cancel you out erase your existence for being different
Thinking they could beat you up bit not doing anything just running there mouth like always
Trying to turn everyone it doesn't matter anymore use to being alone
34 · Mar 31
Infamous one Mar 31
Mom's blaming everyone but herself
Son is a thief always mad at something
Running her mouth over nothing
All this talk no do mad at the truth
Called ruthless blunt not holding back
Writing this story from the people
Who's drama ruins my day
Healing from pain ******* up memories remain
Sober living getting cussed out by a drunk
Confronted the hunger over not talking anymore
Always on trial for being myself
While others are praised for being fake
Talking about others doesn't make you better
On the way one day it will all fade away
34 · 1d
Made out to be the crazy one
Spoke up games being played
Don't care for the drama
Not in it for the glory
Doing what's right
You can be lazy
Your problem not mine
Doesn't phase me
Made out to be crazy
Don't pick a fight
Not being heard
Able to speak up
I have your attention
Now your mad told the truth
Time to walk away
Pointless conversations
Wasting our time
Bounce back from this
Head up high you'll be just fine
34 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Feels like its too late
Making up for lost time
Out of touch with what's in
The vibes out of tune from now
Doesn't happen right away
Wanted it not meant to be
When it happens not ready for it
Scrapping from deep down
Restructured the struggle within
34 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
He got tired of work
Over being home
Grab some lunch
Ate his food at a cemetery
She once lived him
Now she sees him as crazy
He embraced he was weird
Being himself was all he knew
She tried to change him
Then would drop him
He'd try to win her back
He had no luck
A huge waste of time
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