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37 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Looking in the mirror asking what happen? Talking to oneself trying to get out of the slump. Bounce back from it all a few setbacks. Failed learned the lessons. Seeing bags under those eyes hard to stare at the reflection. The external exterior did not match the internal emotions. Being genuine while others snake around being fake. Told the truth not the bad guy. Holding all this in because mindful of others emotions. While others slaughter everything about ones true being.
37 · Dec 2023
Infamous one Dec 2023
Don't let your assumptions hold you back
Sometimes you need to start your own traditions
You can't keep alter yourself to make others happy
Haters will continue to talk about you Some minds are made up why bother
Don't waste your time on the head strong
Always proving one's self worthy
Tired of fighting because playing those games
Push to hard roles switch the bully becomes the victim
Taking the bullies misconduct to keep the peace doesn't stop
Love for others and his people
Being genuine with others
This idea of who you think they are is exposed
Giving the benefit of the doubt once exposed it's a lie
Pretending to be someone they are not is disheartening
But human behavior is twisted heart Broken dealing with those wicked ways
37 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Writing in a notebook
Posting on hello
Mindset changing
Trying to do it right
Things went wrong
All the wrong reasons
Life changing like the seasons
Sometimes for the good
Working through the bad
A family divided feeling sad
Cousin on the street too proud
Too stubborn to listen
Acting like rules don't apply
Another exception no expectations
A people person with others
Family is always complicated
Not blaming but praying
37 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Drifted apart from the group
Use to be the heart and mouth piece
Always reaching out going the extra mile
One sided friendships not doing them anymore
Not making excuses or lieing for anyone
Got tired of being the scapegoat
Getting all the heat wasn't around or there
All this heat for cheaters pointing blame
Told the truth an explosive realities
Not going down alone not afraid to be honest
Excluded excommunicated from that place
Use to feel intimidated hiding this face
Not staring down the fear didn't do anything
But getting blamed for it all for everything
37 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
Ready to pounce
Just needed a reason
Fuel to the burning fire
Already had it mind
Ready to tell others
Never listening ready to argue
Assuming they are in the right
Looking down rather than help up
If you're not doing favors kept out
Have to act or be a certain way
Denying yourself to be accepted
Not breaking up the fame
Divided from the pack
The black sheep looking in
Staying away doing his own thing
Tired of pretending it okay being dogged
Over the third degree feeling robbed
Making his own way happen in peace
37 · Jan 13
Infamous one Jan 13
after I woke up from the transplant
I was in ICU the beginning of recovery
The catheter tube would come out
Each day would consist of a task
a cut across my gut I'd pray everyday
My abdominal muscle lacking core strength
A huge cut stapled shut metal stitches
Extremely anxious to get out of bed
Having to page the nurse for assistance
Getting out of bed was difficult
I felt like a turtle on its back
I learned techniques during physical therapy
I had to urinate one of the first tasks
A process that took a few hours
After being assigned was a flow
I'd get up and walk after every meal
trying to keep strong physically
mentally missing work and home
Mostly grandma, her words echoed
"mijo, no one is going to do it for you, you need to do it yourself."
Next, I'd be asked to pass gas ripping a few.
A bowel movement, which was my final task so I could be released to be out patient staying a local to AZ
37 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Prayed it be real
Turn out her love was temporary
Felt like a dream too good to be true
Her love over another
It will be missed heart yearning
Like an deprived addiction
The struggle can't get that fix
Infatuation or love causing confusion
A rare kiss that took your breath away
Emotionally charged touch
Lost spark now it's over moving on
37 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Sorry for hurting you
All the things said
Under the influence
A broken heart
Doesn't justify anything
Not forgiven by others
So much backlash
Multiple apologies
Never treated the same
Things will never be normal
Learned to forgive ones self
The cord is cut no false hope
Never an equal or the same
Being looked down feeling pain
Judgemental eyes gazing crazy
Already with a guilty conscience
Now a guilt trips to manipulate
Never hear the end of it all
37 · Dec 2023
Infamous one Dec 2023
Family is tough but that love is real. Cousins get mad and worry for you. Told not to cry, don't be a *****. As we grow older it's hard to express yourself. Show emotions to your partner. Life should get easier but childhood habits complicate things.
Always looked up to them and ended up disappointed telling yourself to be better. Do better seeking a role model not another don't be like that life lesson. Open to grow change for the better life is full of lessons Be open to grow and learn.
Only if it was easy to unlearn and relearn these bad habits that have been normal. Always the outsider looking in. Once inside you do your best to survive. Someone is always threatened or sees you as the bad one when they've done worse. Quick to throw you under to cover their ***.
37 · Dec 2023
Infamous one Dec 2023
He respected his elders
Even though they had no respect for him
His mistake seeing them like an equal
He accepted them flaw and all
He knew his breathe wasn't minty fresh
When she'd talk loud with yuck mouth
Dealing with an annoying laugh
It's not genuine it drowns out the silence
An opinion spoken no one asked
Everything leads to a random story
That makes everyone uncomfortable
He saw good in the wrong people
Disappointed once again proved wrong
37 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Why do you write?
So much on the mind
Don't know where to start
Sometimes it's easier than speaking
The truth offends many
Gave an opinion got asked
Not one to criticize others
Didn't expect personal attacks
Not walking into the trap
Minding ones own business
Stayed away since we don't agree
Doesn't mean we don't like one another
Not causing a beef or looking to argue
Your mind is made up not a debate
Made my decision not a big deal
37 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Always open to learn
Growing to be better
Change is always welcomed
Crazy how others act
Not responsible for them
Stopped empowering negativity
Letting people bother with toxic vibes
Doing it alone no one said it would be easy
Wanted to rise and bring others along
Would barely get by alone
Worked harder pushing through
Willing to help out till time expires
Always striving to make it better
Easier for myself and better for others
It's a bonus when others can benefit
37 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
Defused the bomb within ready to explode
No one gets hurt just self destruction
Malfunctions the right was wrong the wrong was right no justification
Putting it to rest letting it blow away in the wind fade in the sunlight
Not going back to the darkness empowering those causing pain
Out work the lazy gain extra integrity
The voice in the mind goes silent
Feeling revived onto to a new chapter of life
Cant keep doing the same thing anymore
All the insanity not letting it **** the soul
Triggered minds ready to attach a clear heart
Protect the heart that beats in the cage
Not into the fit of rage turning the page
The extra defense a guilty conscience
Not a favorite or liked e
Everything works out will be alright
Dealing with others emotions struggling with his own
Not sure how to act not going back
The resistance causing friction
37 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
Her long blonde hair
She dyed it for attention
Having an identity crisis
Blue eyes from love
Now stone cold blue
The first kiss treasured
Never forgotten laughs
Sharing a fun moment
Good times full of smiles
37 · Aug 26
Infamous one Aug 26
you asked for help, and it was hard to do
You're sharing a moment to have it ruined
Not contributing anything to case
The nerve to complain about things
Controlling the mood, making everyone miserable
Taking over the TV talking loud
Not able to sleep, keeping everyone up
No one asked or cares about your opinion
Trying to take credit shoveling the BS heavy
Failed since day one couldn't be alone
Bringing your partner all you do is argue
around a couple with bad habits
stuck with a **** relationship
a squatter trying to control a formal gang banger
how does a person munch on food
Knock out in the middle of eating
hard to sleep with snoring and bad sleep apnea from the terrible roommates
The caretakers from hell
Expected the best dealing with the worst
They aren't going to take care of you
So you take your health in your own hands
when you want to do things, they make it ****
stuck doing their bs agenda because they are bored
it's never in your best interest
37 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Not always focused on people
Determined to get it done
Glad when people appreciate
Your hard work it's rare
One of the greatest feelings
And surprising when it happens
Don't expect anything
But give everything all effort
A workaholic can't get in trouble
If you keep busy make some money
37 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
A dream come true
Now a nightmare
Hard to fall in love
So much sacrifice
Hoping to gain more
That this might work out
Talkative to a blank stare
An emotionally charged touch
To numb showing no emotions
It's all lost where did it go wrong
Trying to be better never enough
Lost a sense of self in compromise
Can't change anymore for others
Slowing down pushing for change
Wanted a chance leave an impression
Win her heart hope she felt the same
Hope love would be return
Letting it go and flow out
Hoping others could relate
Understand instead of others
Calling it an over reaction
A vicious cycle from broken love
Mixed with insanity looping thoughts
37 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
Everyone is going through something
Some understand while others assume
Called ignorant for having an opinion
Sensitive for showing emotions
Called entitled and dismissed
Those comments stood out
Took the criticism somethings made sense
Others he questioned where it came from
A tough time and transition not taking things personal
Forgiving and moving on this isn't the first or the last time
Shouldn't be surprised all the attacks are personal
But those assumptions are the truth
Don't let toxic words influence your behavior
He liked being alone when in a mood
Didn't keep anyone out of their personal space
Some mean well others have their own evil intention
Confrontation is not worth it someone end up mad or offended
They'll hurt your feelings or hurt them
Because theirs more to the story
That ones not aware of multiple factors
That could explain or be an excuse for justification
37 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
He was not use to sleeping alone
After a break up needed to think
Figure it out eventually would overcome
He shared his bed with an ex lover
Things felt right would go back to crazy
His heart confused over the events
Both lonely ended up together
The relationship ended on bad terms
Being friends was a possibility
He wanted to be friends no pressure
She wanted to get back together
Adding pressure to the situation
He had given up so much for her
He flaked and lost friends
He had to work hard to redeem himself
Old friends didn't want him
He had to find himself be solo
Found new friends
Starting over it hard
In that moment of passion
Thinking things changed
She was afraid to be alone
He wanted this but couldn't go back
He knew life was about going forward
37 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
Focused on the prize social life fading away
Use to go out not fun or the same anymore
Always following rules most kept him out
Being pulled in many directions any but back
The guilt clouded his mind staying strong
Heavy burdens crushing the caring heart
Beating strong for them never selfish
Still moving forward with the pain
Can't do it the same not that person
Old emotions and thoughts have risen
Can't be that person live that way anymore
Out grew this the past labels don't fit
Overtime lost meaning not in that place
Those old ways not going back there
37 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
She was the light this love bittersweet
Once she left he sat in the darkness
Once a whole together now broken halves
His strength to protect her love
She soon took it all away
Nothing left or worth fighting for
No reason to stay both departed
Ones love grew since it was over
The others love faded away with time
Now it was time to break away
From being a unit to living a solo life
One was lusting while the other wanted more
A future both together forever
While the other had a change of plans
So much change caused rage
A new chapter of life on the next page
37 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Trying to be better find peace within
Had many friends better off alone
Keep bring up the past its history
Trying to move forward focus on goals
Learned the lesson not the same
Dreams and reality become one
Wishing they'd blur together
Put everything into it the project
Every feeling lights up with emotion
37 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
He walked on the pier thinking about his life. Staring at the sunset so he can forget his worries and be free for the moment. Life wasn't bad but he wanted to be better. He missed and thought about his grandpa. Trying to live life for both be better something was missing on the outside looking in.
36 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
The stress might cause relapse
Things come and go feels taken away
Wanted to stay be part of that work
Let go and can't go back
Focused on the good and the people
But made it through the storm
Dealt with good people
Not sure how to handle bad
Rose above those bad vibes
Learned to be humble
Even when things aren't going right
or fair never in your favor
Always working hard asking for more
36 · Jan 2022
Infamous one Jan 2022
Be this way just trying to be himself
Act that way minding his mouth
Mostly his business kept out
Once in it wasn't anything special
He was over people so much betrayal
Who didn't follow their own advice
He anger got the best of him
No one listens but expects everything
Told he had a bad attitude
Frustrated his schedule ruined to fill-in
Last minute notice had prior commitments
Felt disrespected can't do it anymore
Tried to keep quiet being provoked
Just doing all the ***** work
Feeling robbed cheated
COVID making short staff more complicated
Trying to stay physically healthy
While mentally drained burnt out
Working towards new over the old
Usually ignored getting the 3rd degree
Lurking to cover for their own gain
So much frustration and pain from a bad leader
His way dictating work on the team
No other way expects from others
Never looking out dumping the load
Will never admit a mistake
Quick to point out the flaw
36 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
I've always admired change
No one thinks
Of what it takes to get there
Everyone sees the end
And thinks about starting
The middle not taken into consideration
What you have to give up
The sacrifices made the changes
Doing things that are hated
Or that have never been done before
Seeing it in your head
Believing it could be done
Feeling it while doing it
Makes it easier to make it
Heart lets lose without worry
36 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
Watching a highlights
Always technical with form
Execute precision staying calm
Applying what's learned during class
Be able replicate in a match
Inspired by others focused on training
Sore from it all being slammed
Bruises and tweeks from submissions
Trying to hang now the same person
An older body where it all caught up
From loving pain to feeling it all the time
36 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Someone lied about me
Now people believe
Causing hate to hold a grudge
This bad impression
Never knew just what's spoken
Dk anything about
Not sure how to make it right
Can't find the words
Felt controlled trying to escape
One movement seen as wrong
36 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
They pushed you out
Made up rules in their favor
You went away to keep the peace
Now they are in your world
Talking like you owe them
Acting like their approval matters
He held his head up feeling dead inside
Showing no emotion turning away
Showed them respect
As they disrespect everyone trying to take over
He stayed in his lane overcame the pain
Not much to give but gained strength
Tired of being told no one asked
Being genuine better than being fake
Minded his mouth and business kept them out
Drama and problem able to do without
The consequences waiting as the tab builds up
36 · Dec 2023
Infamous one Dec 2023
Some people complain but don't contribute anything
While others pay for everything and never complain
How does a one who relies on another person treat them so bad
Some bs others and have the nerve to get mad
Once you question their logic they start to treat you different
Exclude you because their dictator ways don't work on sharp minded individuals
These bullies are sensitive but act tough especially when they try to manipulate others
36 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Her blonde hair
Blue eyes like the sky
Got lost in them
He was loud and open
She was quiet and shy
He admired her persona
He tried to charm her
She covered her smile
Her made eyes show emotion
He covered his a bandana
His wild brows dull of character
36 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Stuck on a thought, running with ideas that might or might not work. Telling the truth should lead to good feels like things got worse. Not sure why it becomes a conflict of interest maybe being around the wrong people doesn't help.
Use to be a wild one life was different after sobriety. People stop calling when you don't drink anymore.
Made efforts to keep a friendship going it soon became one sided. Stopped caring let go of those people. Sad to see them go, but a way to stay true and grow.
36 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
Wrapping his fist taking breaths getting mentally prepped for the drills. Clearing his mind getting in the zone. Focused on foot work and throwing punches efficiently. Telling his older body to move his feet don't be flat footed. Be your best help your cousin prepare for his next fight.
Working hard to be prepared for this combat battle. Every strike must be precise. Landing kicks to chop down this opponent get inside and out keeping a distance. Punches that connect breaking away from the clench throwing strikes that cause the hands to drop then react in a strategic manner.
36 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Talked about those feelings
Know what was felt
From the beginning to the end
Changed with time love turns to hate
Still showing love even when wronged
Stayed loyal kept it real always noble
Been through the grinder stayed humble
Use to hold it in now pushing it out
Letting go of the struggle at peace
Freeing the heart of shackles
Not holding back not involved anymore
36 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Ruthless Ralph
Had a mouth of truth
Full of honesty full of love
Straight to the point
Someone always got mad
Others always got offended
Didn't take crap from anyone
Had respect for everyone
Hard working son of a gun
Made the job fun
Bumping music loud
Feeling the beats
Nothing into something
Made the most of everything
36 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
He didn't want the responsibility care all the burden all the slack. Picking up his guitar coming up with lyric melodies coming together as the world came apart but rebuilding itself. People leaving never feeling permanent.
Couldn't fight the change occurring. All these weird feelings and emotions learning to cope. Deal with them without losing it over reacting. The music soothed his heart his soul burned without burning out.
The vibration of the strings echoing through out his body. His raspy voice wanting to sing hold a note find a time. Trying to connect relate to the melodies.
36 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Woke up got ready for work
Stopped to get a breakfast sandwich
An energy drink to power through the day
Sat with the lead would rather be working
Wondering what's on the agenda
Stopped with the small talk
Picking up the slack
Too many followers not enough leader
Being an example who take pride in work
Not make an example of others
Never been around good leadership
36 · Aug 2022
Infamous one Aug 2022
He blocked out the haters they told him NO it made him want it more. He was obsessed eyes locked on his goals his success so many detours he didn't lose faith eventually he got there and was thankful. It didn't happen right away when it did he was grateful never looked back he just sees the people who doubted him and proving them wrong. Shutting down those that mocked him after being injured and depressed anxious to get back on the mats. Being harassed for missing practice because he had to work. Taunted by people that had it given to them while he had to work for his way. Never fit in or cared for gym politics but one who focused on the technique and drills.
36 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
They won't let you forget
Keep provoking you
Cut the cord
Family is forever
Trying to be better
Not toxic vibes
Negative energy is draining
Causing pain spreading rapidly
Screaming in this head
Looking calm at peace
Not feeding or taking on egos
Collecting courage sometimes scared
Worrying about failing
Making mistakes being judged
Already took responsibility
Own up for the flaws the mistakes
Trying to grow love life
Be better not settle
Live life to the fullest
Instead of thinking of death
36 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
Love family but they always make you pick and choose them or what you like and love. Why do you have to compromise yourself to be accepted. No one is against them but they come at you like if you owe them something. Telling you what to do when no one asked for their opinion. The times you needed them they said nothing and no where to be found.
You start feeling better about yourself and they try to knock you down a few levels. Its the worse especially when its family instead of united everyone divided, so much ego and pride; it's easier to walk away.
You forgive and forgive its easier to walk away while they hold a grudge because they made you out to be someone your not painting you out to be a monster. While they keep doing shady stuff. Trying to turn the family on you because you had your own plans and they include you in shenanigans.
36 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
Seen them as a crew now they want nothing to do with you
Made a name for yourself old peeps bad mouthing slandering you
Trying to discredit all your hard work and effort
Told you it couldn't be done but doing it
Said it couldn't be done to excuse their laziness
Made so much progress not falling back into old drama
Bad habits dealing with people stuck on the past it was long ago
Let it go not there or that person anymore
Acting like nothing happened they know what they did to you
Wishing you the best as we depart
36 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
Dated to get over you
Wasn't ready, broke free
Dropped me moved on
How could you be heartless
Thought you cared but could careless
Couldn't get over your evil ways
Stayed away so I could feel better
Feared losing you got with someone new
The third degree is cruel who are you
Use to give me love now I'm cut off
Now you act like you dk me
Showered me with love emotions
Cold emotionless stares from a warm smile
Friend to for dk one another anymore
Seen you with someone new happy for you
I tried to move on, you came back it was an act
Why can't you be happy for me starting over
Rejected, denied, don't want me with anyone else
Failed before no going back, know the outcome
36 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Never understood
How some have it all still miserable
Ruin a good thing definitely blessed
Quick to point out others flaws
Notice everyone's mistakes
Never looking at themselves
They are just as bad or worse off
Always been thankful working for it
Didn't have much growing up grateful
Don't care for drama focused on work
Why be in a relationship just to cheat
If you can't stay loyal stay single
Friends talking bad your hyping them
Use to have a crew prefer to roll solo
Dating again looking for serious
Old relationship is not the standard
Fear of making the same mistakes
36 · Mar 31
Infamous one Mar 31
Great up poor hard working
Help out or get out of the way
No longer seek your approval
Or care for others thoughts
More lies and rumors being said
Listening to negativity putting out good
That BS ruins the day focused on work
Busting **** to live the best life possible
Going hard all in or nothing
Trying to be somebody treated like nobody
Talked about hated on made out to be the bad guy
Doing what's right following this heart
Minding this mouth it will ruin everything
Destroyed everything gave it to God things got better
Staying sober saving mental health
Physical health body scared and recovering
Not afraid of self destruction struggle brought me down
Bounced back with faith detailed not afraid to do great things for others
36 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
He started to feel his dream
Started to see it in his mind
Own a home a life on the ranch
Making money doing what he loved
It came together finding the one
No more false promises
Trying make more happen
Wanted kids and a family
Feared being a single parent
Having it all just for it to be taken away
36 · Aug 2022
Infamous one Aug 2022
You believed in me
When no one else did
Trying to move up to far
Working hard to get better
Always there giving it all
Caring more than most
Fear of missing out dreaming big
Keeping busy from the drama
Lost in the work not obsessing
Overcome doubt cut the toxic cord
Starting over sounds insane
Rebuilding wiser than before
36 · Nov 2023
Infamous one Nov 2023
sometimes you'll love a girl who doesn't love herself. you got intimate and fell in love while she was lusting around. not caring who she hurt. broken hearts and broken trust over a lush. you felt special, but other guys are getting the same treatment. you wanted to be the only one while everyone treated her badly. you treated her well, and she dropped you like the rest. God's not done with you. thinking of going back to school to get back in the medical field. learn all that you can. you have a good memory tired of playing dumb pretending, not care. Mostly afraid of being judged by people who don't know me. No matter what I do, they are going to judge me. look down on me or say something bad about me. major in psychology, and become a counselor to helping people. I'd get them into writing for therapy so they can express their feelings.
36 · Mar 2022
Infamous one Mar 2022
Broke free onto a new job a new chapter fresh beginnings.
Leaving the job you have and job that's loved working at two locations. Now a permanent full time not having to worry about covering or missing one job to fill the void at the other. One job one location one area instead 2 regular or 2 because you cover for those who miss. Well rounded able to adapt and adjust.
36 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
The things aren't the way he imagine
Another outcome dealing with backlash
The love he gave everyone lashing out
Trying to be there getting cut out
Fading out not meant to be there
Everything changed drastically
Had no say or control holding on
Everything is gone never the same
Everyone grew up got married
Now divorced or have kids and still together
From no job to a career still single
Working nights to pay the bills
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