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40 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
One to get annoyed
Usually blame myself
When others ignore me
I don't mind you changed
Bad mouthing my name to others
Need new friends in my life
The old ones hold a grudge
Said I was sorry
Now they deny knowing me
Treat me like I don't matter
Called I'm done doing my part
Over a girl who don't want you
I respect you changed
Doesn't make you better
See you at your worse
You use to be better
Now you hide from those you hurt
Acting like you can do no wrong
I'm just as bad maybe worse
Not pretending to be someone I'm not
40 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
Arguing with sibling
Being the oldest
Lots of life lessons learned
I've made mistakes
A mindful mouth
That causes trouble
Years of not talking
Finally made up
Taking lip jokes get personal
But already know better
Only able to take so much
All the disrespect adds up
It eventually comes out
Respect these feelings
Frustration getting emotional
Then angry by all the dismissal
40 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Two wrongs don't make a right
Hurting people doesn't help
Makes the problem worse
Trying to justify the action
Cheating is never right
Choices were made over insecurity
Talking about working it out
Actions are not matching what's said
Claiming love things changed
While lusting with others
The double standards no sympathy
No remorse for this conduct
A failed relationship beyond repair
A couple in denial because of history
Too scared to start over settled
Try something new set in their ways
Bad habits accepted fear of change
40 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
He woke hung over the bright sunlight
Dehydrated with eyes sensitive to light
Not Remembering a blue
What happened the night before
So much has change with say
Fear of the unknown leaving the past
Everything slipping away
Grasping for life trying to find balance
More peace within and base
40 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
He was dropping those burdens gaining momentum. Feeding his soul instead of the soul suckers that drained his well being. His voice grew weak not saying much or arguing with others.
Turned his back walked away from the carnage no longer cleaning the crumbled crumbs for others.
40 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
You know don't why you pretend
Trying too hard for attention
Instead of being better chose to be worse
Another excuse over the lies
That's your life you can be better
Embarrassed to be smart acting dumb
Drinking to play the fool self destruction
Had a normal life encountered new lifestyles
Too much hype to live up to it doesn't matter
Do what you love what makes you happy
Sad over a girl lusting around more shame
Instead of feeling proud only cheating yourself
Stop blaming yourself count your blessings
Near death experiences made it out a live
Made to live not roll over and die
40 · Feb 26
Infamous one Feb 26
Keep bouncing back. After this surgery a few months on the sidelines I'm humble lots of personal growth. Writing has change trying not to complain and make the most of things. Adjust and adapt. Always fighting but don't care I'm just going to do the right thing.
I don't make anyone look bad, I chose to work hard do my best to do it done. Why you chose to politic about the job doing nothing.  Making it hard for the next guy when you should be the guy.
Make it happen stand out. The right people will appreciate you. Take pride in your work. People will criticize that's when you ask them how do I improve this problem. I try to provide a solution sometimes people want to give you a hard time.
Before I'd get annoyed, talk to me about it. Don't talk about others it will circle back. I meet awesome people but if they are being negative I could be like a mood ring and that bad juju is not for me. I didn't myself focus on my work and writing.
40 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Flirting with the taboo line
What if this happen
Or could've ended differently
Took an alternative routine
Back at the beginning
Ready to finish those loose ends
Over all the distractions
All the setback being set up to fail
Trying to get back on track
Always thinking about it
Hard to forget done living with regret
40 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Mouth wide open
So much said
Can't believe
How others treat each other
From a dynamic duo to a solo act
Took one for the team
Now the team don't exist anymore
Everyone out for themselves
Build it up make it work
Trying different ways
Not doing it one way and settle
Clash of styles bring out the best
Project in a unit not about egos
40 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
Made mistakes part of being human
Said sorry hardly ever forgiven
Things will never be the same
Rise about the pain not consumed
Time takes the hurt away
Only if those words could be taken back
Had good intensions left with a failed outcome
Growing apart instead of closer now divided
Sober living the toxic pushed out
On this lonely road moving forward
Sad to see them go holding on to fading memories
40 · Aug 2020
Infamous one Aug 2020
Always detoxing had to get away
Needed to be sober
Had to take a chance
Stayed away from the party crowd
Couldn't be around alcohol
Can't be tempted or be around it
From the heart of the party
The wild child to being responsible
A rebel breaking rules
Now enforcing them
40 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
The unsung hero
Going the extra mile
Staying positive all the time
Even when things are bad
Does the ***** work
Used up tossed away
Doing what's right
While others do wrong
Decisions are made
Could be doing more
Settled for less
Down playing intellect
Could be do better
40 · Oct 2022
Infamous one Oct 2022
You love family but they'll throw you under slander your name. Make you out to be the bad guy because you're  not there to defend yourself. Eventually  you. Fade out it will catch up to them because they'll remain doing the same stuff and catch up to them.
Soon they'll have to own up for their wrong doing. Being cussed out by an aunt was deep changed your life perspective. Uncles that say you visit grandma for money when you dont ask or expect anything from anyone. Cousins that talk but not doing anything to make it better.
Instigating trying to manipulate  how others see you. As you get older you stop caring what others think especially if they don't help or do anything for you.
Having fun with life while they hate on you because your doing what you want most of all your own thing.
40 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Music in these ears
Emotions from the pen
Feelings bleeding out
Inking it all in
Drawing to emotions
Walking down the isle
To theme music
Fans cheering or booing
A fan living the dream
Never thought it would happen
Working for this dream
Only one who seems to believe
40 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
Kept a distance to heal from the hurt
Takes a long time to recover
After my whole being was rejected
Denied by the ones I love
That hurts most deep down to the core
Because they don't have my heart
Or see the world the way I do
Seen them as an equal with value
Viewed as a joke not taken serious
Told how to act just being me
Who to be instead of living life
40 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Played the game
Wasn't wanted on one team
They gave up a player
Who never got a chance
Then joined another team
That was welcoming and embraced
Finally he played that rival team
With his team they dominated
After so much doubt and rejection
The score felt settled brought balance
Use to take rejection pent up
All the frustration would implode
Took it moved on now it's better to speak up
Prove them wrong for once
Over all the talking others looking down
Many lies trying to tarnish self image
Felt good to take a stand with support
Use to tanking on the number
Learned it's best to walk away
40 · Mar 29
Infamous one Mar 29
When your trying to change and they keep ******* you off
You don't want to talk smack but being provoked
Trying to be nice getting mad things get ugly
The person you use to be
You don't want to be
But morons bring the worse out
Same crap different faces
40 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Out of respect and love for her
He stopped going to the gym
His female athlete friends
Made her jealous she was girly
He didn't want the burden
She had the nerve to complain
If he didn't work out
It was part of his routine
He'd gain weight not being consistent
She'd make a fuss causing frustration
40 · Sep 2023
Infamous one Sep 2023
Taking on the world is not the way
Face things that linger
In the back of your mind
Find closure in unfinished projects
Do the things that have been put on hold
Clear your mind from others insanity
Take a time out to compose your sanity
Breath in the refreshing silence
A fresh night ends in a calm pace
After a murky exhausting long day
Earning every dollar and cent at work
Head down plowing through till the end
Soothing your efforts deserved rest
Clear the mind let the body relax
40 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Tragic changes happened
A curve ball was thrown
Monkey wrench in the machine
All the bad that kept happening
Stayed positive through it all
Friends divided for adult lives
Failed relationships cutting ties
Stay around for too long
Only one left standing tall
Asking where did it go
How did this happen
Reflecting staring in the mirror
Might be gone now can't forget it
Treasured in the heart living on
In fading memories lost time replaying
40 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
In the room feeling invisible
The world blocks me out
Doing my best to fit in
Where I do not belong
Made my voice heard
Energy levels low trying to matter
Sad how no one feels same
Thoughts have changed
Memories remain not afraid
New faces with youth
Older crowd aging
40 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
Having fun writing not much going on
Many worlds I'd like to be part of
I don't belong or fit in one day
I'll find my place, belong for once
Looked through me because I'm short
A giant at heart who keeps at it strong
Not the first pick, once picked going all the way
My skin tone done tell my story
Respect others even if they don't value me
Ignored my opinion, after asking my advice
Tried to gang up, keep me out
Not hurt, everyone turn on one another
Only look up to you because I'm short
So many underestimate, what I can do
40 · Nov 2019
Infamous one Nov 2019
She was short
With a warm smile
Freckles on her face
His heart skipped a beat
A good feeling about her
Both led different lives
Talking before their class
One focused on success
The other on getting by
Lots of false hope
Friends nothing more
Broken promises
Lust mistaken for love
Mostly assumptions
Friends to strangers
Hidden agendas
40 · Aug 2021
Infamous one Aug 2021
He could feel his brothers pain and torment as he talked about those who wronged him. He would tell him don't talk about them they aren't worth it. Don't waste a thought or let them Rob you of your peace disturb you by robbing you of your sanity. The brother would claim it didn't bother him but his tone/demeanor would change.
39 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Sitting at home bored
Decided to order a Gameboy
With Tetris one of my favorite games
And Dr. Mario so I can practice
Against my cousin it's a competition
It's all fun and classic games
The day it arrived in the mail
Felt like a child a chubby kid
Still chubby just with a childhood memory
That came back to life feeling good inside
39 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
Wide awake with these thoughts
Wondering will it happen or too late
Struggling socially usually witty and funny
End up being socially awkward instead
Have a mindful mouth that gets provoked
A private person don't impose your ideals
Asked for help got no response
Did what was best without guidance
Now sharing a negative opinion full of criticism
That the moment passed things got done
39 · Apr 2021
Infamous one Apr 2021
The argument played out in his head the anger. He was use to everyone being a jerkface what's different what changed. After his grandfather died the world seem more miserable than ever he lost his joy. Things didn't make sense so much change trying to stay away. They thought he was gay for having style criticized him for being educated. He was doing what he loved they told him he wasn't good enough. All it did was **** him off and inconvenience him.
He respected their time as they wasted his. He had to walk egg shells while he tolerated their nonsense. He wanted his life back he squatted to compose himself and took too long to get back up.
39 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Some days you want to hide
Disappear fade away from it all
Hard to write hard to be okay
An older man struggles
Can't help but cry
Wanting to provide
Can't run away of hide
Wanting it to end
Dk where to start or begin
Trying to be better still going wrong
39 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
Growing on the rise a power struggle
Hustling to make it right get it done
Not talking just working harder
The talkers complain do nothing
Pushing through the shift being noble
Loyalty fades till something better comes along
Always hustling no one will do it for you
Respectful to the disrespectful learn to not expect much
Learn everything so you're not waiting or relying on anyone
Trust in your self believe when no one else does
39 · Feb 26
Infamous one Feb 26
Having time to think what matters and what doesn't overthinking thoughts. That have looped and go no where. There's always someone that has nothing going thinking they have the right to mess you. The question is always why?
I'm a very social person I do speak up. Always judged for being different that's okay because I'm not worried about you since you're going out of your way to be heard. I'm not wasting my time or energy on you. I got way more important things going on.
So what a person is heavy your not helping them why are you mad and complaining. A person is articulate with words you think he's fruity for it. Take time to better yourself instead of knock people thinking you'll bring them down to your level.
Step it up stop using others to cater to your not willing to grow or being open minded to learn something.
If you took time to understand to make sense. If its not for you easily walk away. ***** with so many labels and ideals you do what you like and what makes you happy. Just because you like something should make you a target
39 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Memories some are real
Others are far and random
Time passed mentally stuck
Going through the motions
The heart wants to feel again
Soul seeks peace and closure
Trying to stay genuine
Change for the future
The come remains the same
39 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
Who knew you'd be stuck inside
The reality feels like a horror film
People acting crazy hoarding TP
Food while the elderly struggle
Health scare for many
Health care limited for few
Times are tough faith over fear
From hiding in a room to relax
Feels like a cell with no escape
From working too much to waiting it out
Life on hold emotions numb
So much coldness growing old
39 · Mar 26
Infamous one Mar 26
Those lips the day ours met
It was passionate over time went numb
There was someone else
The love grew distant so far away
Once close now complete strangers
He love was great but her hate was deep
Forgiving is better than holding a grudge
Self loathing no more stronger at the core
Trying to understand your frustration
It would destroy the day with bad vibes
Missing you made me sick
Letting go best way to heal
39 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
The people he loved the ones that mattered made him feel like a failure. A needy gf nothing was good enough. A family that rushed him but did everything late.
The double standards they made him feel bad for a mistake held it against him to keep him out. When they made a mistake he didn't care because the heat would be dumped on his lap.
He was done with being silent he knew the consequences. They'd try to make him look ghetto because called them on it. Talk about him gain numbers because they can't do it alone or in their own. Either way they made him feel awkward and uncomfortable. He stayed quiet they run their mouth or he spoke up and they had more reasons to talk
39 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
Don't like to see family hurt
Or see them crying
The pain in their eyes
Feeling like parts within
Torn apart a huge hole
From divided to united
The loss of a loved one
Gets everyone talking
Letting go of the grudge
Talking among each other
Supportive through the moment
39 · Feb 15
Infamous one Feb 15
That never made since to me when a person has way more going on. And taking shots. I never seen that person as a challenge we both do our own thing.
I stay in my lane and my number got called why can't you be happy for me instead of trying to shadow my success. I had your back and supportive. It ***** you're the one trying to derail my success.  Knock my efforts. I never said anything unless asked.
I spoke the truth now you're mad because it's not what you want to here. I'll never be a yes man or let you bully me to do things your way. I've been doing my own thing if I have to deny myself to be accepted it's not worth it or my time. Too many rules that are not right. Sad how two faced a person expects you to be honest with them but will lie to your face.
39 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Stopped looking for reaction
Because so much overreaction
Not always liked without reason
Focused on writing without doubt
A feeling that passed from within
Emotions that constantly change
Might feel for it not meant to be
Another moment to reflect
New outlets to pick from
The racing mind begins to slows
39 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
He was older and tired
Didn't care for cliques
Refused to give up on himself
Give part of himself up to be accepted
Got use to being denied and rejected
Did the work didn't know
What to do next but made moves
Happy for everyone got inspired
No one was happy for him
Put his head down mouth shut
Showed up because he cared
Most just got paid and complained
Leading by example wasn't enough
He had social skills communication
Didn't like being responsible for others
Trying to motivate and inspire others
Doing the work is a must
Pursuing what you love
Doesn't happen right away
Respect the process taking the steps
Wearing his heart on his sleeve tired
Doing everyone's job is exhausting
They don't care to be there
Why should he compromise his schedule
Doing the work being called sensitive
Filling the void being called delusional
Took pride in his work and others
Called prideful while stepping it up
Doing all the things no one wanted to do
39 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
Being pulled in different directions. Staying loyal and true find balance
About to go over the edge
Had to cut toxic family
Love them keeping a distance
Falling into bad habits trying to chill
Trying to chill therapy sessions
Always the scapegoat getting the hate
Working at two locations
Not enough time barely getting by
Backed into a corner everyone happy
Building up foundation in the struggle
Trying to communicate be fair
Winning on one end giving it all
Losing on the other neglecting
****** expression showing frustration
39 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
The problem with being up beat and positive so many negative people try to make you a target so they feel better about themselves. You can't have an off day because they assume something is wrong.
Some days its better to be alone and compose your thoughts. Easier to be alone but do like when people aren't being consumed by their frustration and acting weird over a problem they have no way or control over.
It's easy to be yourself when you don't have others assuming, making you out to be someone you're not.
39 · Feb 8
Infamous one Feb 8
As I get older I just keep doing my thing and growing in the craft I love. Just because we don't agree or see eye to eye won't stop me because you chose to settle.
I've learned no matter what you do you can't please everyone.
You have an opinion or see different doesn't mean you can make me a target because you got caught up. You come at me with false narratives to distract me others because you've done worse
39 · Aug 17
Infamous one Aug 17
It's been a while
Reading more with a new mindset
Learning to do things differently
Getting older can't do it the same
Relying on basics being technical
Sister is getting married happy for her
Nephew and niece are growing up
Dealing with a terrible lead
Loyalty is lost the betrayal is real
Trying to find balance between work
Have a life outside of the drama
Separated from everything feeling isolated
Reading more not holding back
Once near death trying to live
Blessed and humble for a second chance
Trying to be there fear of missing out
Learning to say NO after being used
Burnt out focused on healthy relationships
Starting new friendships positive growth
39 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
Woke up early for work it's dark and wet out because of the rain debating on showering. Being wet in the cold staying positive through this transition. Not a lead but willing to step it up to get the job done. Half the crew was out now the whole crew will function as unit, Hopefully.
Thinking what needs to be done and how to get it done in a timely efficient manner. A young team trying to live up to old rules and standards learning to manage yourself without supervision from elders.  Doing your part not going against one another everyone has strengths and weaknesses play them accordingly.

Wanting to be better on this team, hoping they rise up as well. Determined to be the wild card ready to fill roles take on all obstacles to get the job done. Thankful for the job and know what it's like to not have a job.
Being judged by family looked down on now striving towards more not settling for less. Proving foes wrong never said anything bad about them but word came back around they had nothing good to say. I respect their opinions that plays no role in changing others.
39 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
The clown would make the world laugh
He took pride in it to see others smile
The laughter made his heart melt
Till one day he met a little girl
She was always mad and angry
The clown would use his routine
To make her laugh and smile
She would not change her ways
A face of stone no emotions
The clown was determined to get a reaction
Still no reaction the little girl didn't like his antics
She would kick him in the groin
The clown would cry shed a tear
This mean little girl would laugh and smile
Walk away the pain to gain happiness
39 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Able to write
Sleep through the night
Fear and freight of the bad
Should focus on the good
What can go right
Trying to improve
Be better than before
Going ******* working for more
On the go it starts to show
Care more than most
Not devaluing the effort
All the hard work put in
39 · Apr 2
Infamous one Apr 2
Trying to forget memories with regret
Dreading vulnerability over a fling
Being true and loyal to the wrong person
Being deceived by lust mistaken for love
Greedy for more only to be cut off
Feeling real in the mind a lonely being
Imagining the future growing together
Cressed in the loving heart immune
The toxic spreads leading to defeat
It's fate ends crumbling down
Former lovers once again strangers
Close friends no longer tolerate another
Departing away from each other
39 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
Trying to be normal it's always a fight
Working harder than most seen as weak
Not a lead doing lead roles standing out
Want a healthy relationship everything so complicated
Health issues just want to enjoy life
Eat without worrying
How it will effect the body
Self destruction has taken its toll
Doing more positive and creative things
Tired of arguing with others tired
Trying to get along they are holding a grudge
39 · Apr 2
Infamous one Apr 2
Sobriety you lose friends
If we are drinking
We tolerate one another
Sober  with a clear mind
Better judgement less bitterness
Don't care for anothers company
Growing meaning letting go
Strength from those failed friends
Positivity gained from a toxic relationship
Love from the past fades
New gains from self love
Empowering yourself to do more
Trust leaving personal doubt
Make change for the better
Be the solution rise above problems
39 · Apr 6
Infamous one Apr 6
I don't mind helping others and giving my all. It ***** when they don't help or half *** the work. Making them look good while they **** all over you and your efforts.
Trying to move up I don't care to go through people but if they are in my way I hope they don't get mad when they get plowed down.
Trying not to cuss or joke because everyone is easily offended or quick to make things personal. Feeling provoked and taunted by others.
We are not the same and don't care to be like everyone.
The detox from anger used it as fuel to make it through
Changing for the better do what's right
Trying to not fall back into bad habits
Friends become stranger find love
Start relationships make family's
Departed friends never forgotten
Memories that get lost in thought
Pursuing a dream detached from reality
Reality is a tough ride holding onto life
Surviving making a living the grind
39 · Oct 2023
Infamous one Oct 2023
He elevated his feet so the swelling could go down
Frustrated because the transplant
He wants has yet to happen
Feeling discouraged about his life
Questioning his faith still believing
Watching the world series wanting Texas to win
But Arizona was a growing franchise
Kind of against it mild resentment
Because it's where the transplant will take place
Those calls get his hopes up and leave him disappointed
His love for everyone was strong
Thankful for his support group
Things were going strong in motion
Now they just stopped and slowing down
A year to get on the transplant list
Now 3 months on the list 2 calls of possible donors
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