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46 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Woke up had a cup of joe thinking what to write and get ready for the day. Hopefully it goes fast, so ready for the 3 day weekend. Thinking what to do next get out of this situation. Life's not bad but could be better always feel like something is miss. Able to do more but come up short. Expecting more but stuck with less. Slowing down and changing this wild mindset. From thinking of the person that use to be is not meant to be. Those roles don't matter or mean anything anymore.
46 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
He wanted to break this cycle not holding on to the toxic. He didn't always have an opinion or have to say anything. He minded his mouth and kept to himself. Why be around if he couldn't be himself. It wasn't fun or worth it anymore. Not like them better off alone hard to love him when they are trying to tell him who to be and how to act.
He walked away wanting to say something but he'd be ignored so he's not bothering anymore. He wasn't feeding an ego or wasting his time. The world wasn't all unicorns and rainbows. The cord was cut he was free from their judgement and criticism. It hurt but he knew it was the best thing. His days where long and focused on work and writing to make it through. He had a love hate with things but got more hate than love. He blocked out the bad he felt numb because of all the hurt and torment
46 · Dec 2023
Infamous one Dec 2023
He loved his elders but they always made it about themselvesq
Ruining the moment to take credit for things they had no part of
He asked for help they blew him off
They didn't believe in him or his dream
It made him mad he was out to prove them wrong
Too short so he was overlooked
Judged harsh because of his skin tone
Held to another standard
Kept out once he was on the inside
The disappointment to find he wasn't missing anything
Making it hard to get by while others pass through
He'd have to bust his *** to make this happen.
Not being taken serious was disrespectful
Being ignored trying to bring new ideas
Shut down for having an opinion
Pushed out for being different
Not the same anymore determined to make it be more
46 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
He stared at the mats knew it was home. The fear of getting an injured walking with a bummed knee. Stretching to feel right do better drilling. Making three points of contact, cupping to secure the submission. Breaking the guard with knee slicers.
Trying to get the technique down so it could work more effectively.
Gi vs No Gi two different worlds learning to be patient every action leads to a reaction. Bruised up from training sore and tender muscles.
46 · Jul 23
Infamous one Jul 23
Not going to overreact after being burned
Have nothing to say the truth is out
No longer listening to lies called to the conference room by the lead who claimed to be a friend. I feeling like a man who got set up to be wacked instead of being made.
Betrayal tastes like baja blast mountain dew. Overwhelmed with same false promise stuck facing the person who took the spot that was said to be mine.
46 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
So much on the mind staying pro
Focused on the work double time
Don't care for titles or politics
Work hard or harder take some pride
Please stop talking step it up
Sizing everyone up wasting time
Ain't no one bothering with you
Bad attitude no right to be rude
Pretending to care being petty
Everyone sees through the act
Talking down on everyone
Now your surprised others spoke up
Provoking others the tabs adding up
Thinking there's no consequence
Now playing victim heres the receipt
Sneaking up others are doing the work
Not doing any work the never to criticize
46 · Jul 2020
Infamous one Jul 2020
Letting it flow out
From the mind to the page
Been toughing it out
Mixed emotions maybe its time
To move onto something new
Change it up expected too much
Left with disappointment
Been going strong
Masking fears and frustration
Use to be fun made the most of it
Don't want to do it anymore
Past due and owed tried to claim
Came up short got nothing in return
Feel betrayed and burned over it all
Always doing favors trying to help out
Just want to be left alone disappear
Fade away easier to than stay
No reason to stay the world goes on
Can't say or do anything about it
Not wishing bad but full of regret
46 · Oct 2022
Infamous one Oct 2022
He got emotional he could taste the stomach acid in his throat. Not sure how to feel someone always provoked him to get a reaction. After a while it felt like it wasn't worth it.
He wanted support had it a few times but didn't last long. Years of betrayal made him feel unworthy. Everyday he would prove himself someone would point out one flaw/mistake discrediting his hard working efforts.
He was a big dreamer so much on his mind. Hard for him to commit to others but learning to commit to himself. Asking what he wants or how can he do it with his flare added to the mix.
46 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
People doing what they they'd never
Did the opposite of what was spoken
A so called rebel a need *******
A mouth full of alcohol spewing BS
Sober quiet not saying a word
Claiming the bachelor life now sprung
Quick to blame others never owned up
Never happy for other they expect to be praise
46 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Everyone has a story tell yours
Don't hold back anymore
Protect so many; hung out to dry
From friend to foe best to let go
With age comes wisdom
Changes cannot be avoided
Make the most of it
Live life to the fullest
Everyone lives on limited time
46 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Waking up sore not young anymore
Pushing hard fighting back
Not recovering the same
Immune to all the pain
Hustling strong to stay sane
Been broke before never again
Wide away body tired and sore
Mind racing wheels turning
Tender laying in bed trying to rest
46 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
He worked hard finally appreciated
Dealing with people that work
Makes sense things are better
Instead of dealing with lazy people
Talks of sabotage for a career
For someone who wants to move up
Talks of becoming a lead to a lead
He knew that this was a big move knowing this persons a top prospect
Keeping things balanced going strong
A major role compared to before
Ignored treated bad no one's listening
An outside looking in not the place
Not going to find it in another person
Never materialistic seeking wisdom
Neglected feeling like a nobody
Determined to become a somebody
46 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
Writing dialogue
Thoughts that need to be said
Conversations had but fully alert
Hung with friends able to open up
Hard to trust years of being betrayed
Kept out to be inside not hiding self anymore
To be liked accepted by the wrong people
Stopped looking around the right peeps
Thankful for the blessings
Learned from those life lessons
46 · Feb 14
Infamous one Feb 14
I always ask what I didn't wrong and how I can be better with certain people. I realize it's not me I get tired of biting my lip and walking eggshells. I learned to walk away because no matter what I do things will never be right or be good enough.
I just tell myself not to treat others bad because I know the feeling. I've apologized even though I didn't do anything wrong. I'm over those people holding a grudge. Once you cut the cord you are free.
Avoiding those people can make your day better say hi. And that's it since you don't need or want anything from them. It's gotten easier because you know others know your hardwork and effort made.
Forgive yourself because life is too short to let people who don't like you bug you. People you don't talk to rob your inner peace. Be better without them it's the best move to make.
46 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Always talked about
More bad than good
Held back thought too much
Should went full force
Nothing the same so much change
Learning to evolve and grow
Can't stay the same open to change
Always ready to turn the page
Can't keep reading the same book
And expect a different outcome
A new book from cover to the end
So ideas new stuff to take in
Open mind to grasp new adventure
Each page with new encounters
Many chapters new experiences
46 · Sep 2023
Infamous one Sep 2023
Having those uncomfortable conversations
Asking those questions that need answers
Be the solution not point out the problem
Do the work be the guy who does it
Don't leave it for the next guy
Take pride in your self and work
Stop being influenced by the negative majority
Stop empowering people who do nothing
Listen to your heart do what's right
No longer associate with toxic behavior
A sober life not around the scene anymore
Friends Stop calling and ignore your decision
Respect how they chose to be the same
Walked away from bad relationships
Going back is not an option
Had those thoughts reflected through writing
Not welcoming back the cheater
Not accepting lies from the liar
If you have to alter yourself that's not your crowd
Raise your voice to be heard those are not your people
Fighting for your spot just walk away
Know your worth and value yourself
46 · Aug 25
Infamous one Aug 25
After being denied the position. He continued to work harder most give up take the job hostage act like they deserved it. He'd worker harder for something better. Not settling he expressed his goals to this unmotivated lead that detoured his goals.
It was a wake up call being better when it came to people that didn't believe in him. He didn't use his recovery from surgery as an excuse. He'd only miss work if it was an intense procedure.
From doing extra to doing his part making his area stand out. Taking time to improve himself having a life outside of work. Being a workaholic was not rewarding when he did the work most will get it without trying that's the frustrating part after this life lesson.
46 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
He started to hate doing favors because he got ******* over in the end. He was glad to help others but they never helped him without an attitude or guilt trip. He was respectful to others.
Most of his peeps didn't take him serious or seen him as a joke. His frustrations high on another level. He was honest and truth most of the time threw BS his way. It was infuriating most of a insulting.
He showed up and wanted to get his work done and be left alone. He was mad the people he help talked about him. Now he's doing both jobs he wanted to quit walk away since everyone else didn't care. Why carry the burden when it wasn't his fault or problem.
46 · Feb 2022
Infamous one Feb 2022
Holding it all in ready to implode
Letting go not responsible for others
Blaming yourself trying to stand your ground
Tired of them talking about others acting loyal to their face
Sick of two faced people taking others for granted
Because you didn't listen or do things their way they try to ruin your rep
Turn others against you try to change others opinions about you
The arrogance will get to them and will blow up in their face
Don't get comfortable disrespecting others because some will not tolerate it
They step on others because they like to argue
Learned to not respond or say anything not empowering or feeding the egotistical power trip
46 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Things fall apart
Before they come together
Made moves came up short
Still can't figure it out
More failure than success
Part of personal growth
Developing as personal
Said yes got ******* over
Said no ******* from within
46 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
Rumors spread he was suicidal
He's been living life to the fullest
Private with his relationship
Not knowing anything make it up
Assumed the worse about him
He had manners and formal
Talked about not talking about anyone
His presents rubbed others wrong
Minding his mouth staying quiet
Mostly his business by himself
Hard to trust since everyone gossips
46 · May 2023
Infamous one May 2023
Things don't happen right away
Overcome many obstacles
Those little victories fuel the fire
Light the fire within personal growth
Empowered to become more
Inspired by greatness moving up
Leads to major gains victories
Rise above all the hate and pain
It's easier to let go of looping thoughts
Then, hold onto deep down rage
Focus on those blessings
Praying for others to heal and forgive
Keep working towards the dream
46 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Havent talked for years
No one willing to compromise
Come to terms conflict of interest
No one admits they are wrong
Both moved on but never changed
Same feelings for one another
Never expressed true emotions
Lots of talk nothing got done
One worked hard struggling
The other talked taking all the credit
Had to leaving not meant to be
Staying feeling doubt regret
Distance and time far away
Made it easy to forget by disappearing
Walked away from that life of neglect
Needed new a fresh start did it alone
Open to learn gained personal growth
46 · Sep 1
Infamous one Sep 1
Mood ring

You struggle being YOU
Trying to have a good day
Set the vibe feel alive
Put out positive energy
Only to be drained by bad
Usually a people person  
Being boxed/labeled judged harshly
Not the one in evil eyes
Made out to be a threat
So many twisted lies seen as truth
False promise being spoken
But prefer to be alone running solo
Listening to music feeling complete
Dealing with others bad habit
Toxic attitudes that place blame
Walk away leave the heartaches and pains
Clock in and out then back to living
Doing what's right avoiding the wrong
Always giving from the heart
Digging deep down from the soul
Trying to be a whole most of all selfless
While the negativity is black hole
46 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
I pray things go back to normal
No more masks able to go out without fear
Of getting infected
Infecting others so much toxic in the world
Other than the virus
Seen more bad than good
Focus on being a better
While there is so much struggle
Families collide over political views
Children at home not able to interact
This country great and free
The people argue for power
Trying to erase and rewrite history
Lost identities struggle to be a whole
46 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
Before he could see it feel it from the bottom of his heart. Everyone left when he came. He didn't make it right away but it was his time to shine. He failed the first time it made him humble. He missed it but it came back around so he was meant to have it. He never assumed it was his but never though it could be. Now it's happening got use to getting by when all he wanted was to do great things and feel accomplished while making the most of things.
46 · Aug 2022
Infamous one Aug 2022
Not about being right or wrong
How you treat others in a disagreement
Don't alienate slander their character
Not able to influence or manipulate
So you try to turn others on them
The person is use to being alone
Being excluded for being different
Not losing faith going all out
Letting others dictate your faye
People come and go like seasons
Loyal is closer than blood
Respect take you farther than chaos
No one is talking about you
Stop talking about others
Putting them on blast it's not your life
You're not helping anyone making it worse
You're not doing anything for anyone
So you make others look bad
Count your blessing be thankful
Stop making an example of others
A mouth of lies leads to ears that can't heard
Shutting people down for having an opinion
Knocking them doesn't make you right
46 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
He shared his pain not inflicting it
Hoping others would understand
Been an outcast not meant to fit in
Many people suffering over the past
Not always going to have a say
Make the most of things
No control beyond your grasp
Take on what matters worth your time
Pick your battles wisely
Not always emotionally invested
Hard to get attached or close
Free from the bad focused on the good
46 · Jul 26
Infamous one Jul 26
He smiled looked into her eyes
He wanted to rush the time wasn't right
He could missed the opportunity
Letting the suspense build up
Intentions mean well with love
Making his move could lead to more
Possible ruin things between them
He preferred an old friend over an ex
46 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
Remember those eyes full of life
Now a cold blank stare
Tried like existence doesn't matter
From being welcomed in to closed out
No emotions shown blocked out like a stranger
Shutdown feelings lost it all no reedemption
Flirting with a thin line the rush of danger
Love is gone dried up no second chance
The intense hatred to the point of no return
46 · Sep 2023
Infamous one Sep 2023
Thankful for the people who told me to do something that they should've been doing. I didn't get mad, but seen it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Don't tell me your doing something turns out you don't contribute. Talk about people because you are threatened everyone has moved up. while you remain stuck in the same place.

How does a person slander others behind their back and fake to their fake acting like they are loyal and true. I don't welcome or tolerate people who BS everyone. Your act runs thin everyone knows the truth.
46 · Oct 2022
Infamous one Oct 2022
He woke up ready to make it happen too much going on to be noticed. No one lives in the moment in anymore. Quick to record document everything.
Everyday come up with something new instead of letting material grow into something more. Feels like you can't settle  or take in. Older seeing what's in and it doesn't make sense.
These made up rules and standards that are used to keep people out. So many pretending to someone they are not.
46 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
He questioned everything wasn't sure how to feel. He was running out of places to go, and relocate. He gave his all, everything to all the wrong people. It helped him grow be wiser make better decisions.
Staying positive in a negative world
Fueling my love trying to cancel out hate
Moving up no one left behind never too late
Broken trying to heal tough skin immune
Fighting this insanity shouldn't be the norm
Walked away from the pain flowing deep
Working hard to stand tall gain
Keeping the peace took a beating
46 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
Walked away from crazy environment
Gave it all not going anywhere fading away
Phasing out moving on the next chapter
Old friends thanks for the memories
Failed relationships learned the life lessons
An equal partner a healthy connection
Use to the 3rd degree from others
Seeking a college degree better the situation
So much chaos in this struggle
Frustrated with the twisted outcomes
Bouncing back from the sidelines
Spoke the truth so many are angry foes
Over the sad stories not listening anymore
Focused on that life placed on hold
46 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Remembering a simple time
Growing up without a care
Then responsibility came along
From elementary school with recess
Then Junior high considered a young adult
Walking to school and home
Learning about drugs others doing them
Being defiant adolescent trying to fit in
Then high school came an easier time
Some tried to be cool fit in
Others played sports lots of unused talent
While others had personas social groups
Everyone was figuring it out
While some forced to grow up
Jobs because they needed money
Some had children young had to support
Once graduation came some you talked with
Others never seen or crossed paths again
Never happened right away
But did see it happen with others
Years of school college another chapter
46 · Apr 8
Infamous one Apr 8
You get it out tell the truth. Everyone tried to shut you down, keep you grounded. All you want to do is take off get to the next level. Listening to the negativity made the world numb. Blocking everything out a clear mind.
Learning to cope deal with these emotions and feelings. Being a child a cry baby told stop being a ***** not able to express yourself because parents dk how to deal with you. Told to tough it out plow through. Put your head down get through to the end.
You miss out because you are distracted by getting it done. Trying to make it happen, be the one. who did it because they said it couldn't be done. They didn't believe in you so it make you want it more. Writing is a voice, doing the work getting closer coming up short. It's like a puzzle trying to complete it from all angles and with the right piece getting closer to completing the whole picture.
46 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
So much wrong going on
When you do right its weird
All these lies spread
No one believes the truth
Harsh reality no more pretending
To be accepted denying yourself
Around the right people
Be yourself and be free
Always ready to work for it
Don't cheat yourself give
Maximum effort to the next level
46 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
He remained positive lost in his work
Writing to clear his heart and soul
Music to help him cope feel
When he was going numb
Good vibes over bad praying for better
Staying positive always looking at both sides
Laughing through the tough time
He worked went the extra mile
Took control at work making it better
Put in a position of trust in charge of things
45 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Things are better after the storm
Pushing through the insanity
Picking and choosing battles
Make sure it's worth defending
Not another lost cause stuck in the middle
Pent up frustration imploding within
Build it up knock it down reconstructed
Taken apart then Assembled again
Multiple angles different perspectives
45 · Apr 2021
Infamous one Apr 2021
He never said anything to them because all they did was talk about everyone. He never talked about anyone, if he has something to say he would said it to their face. They want everyone to chang, but never want to change themselves. He knew he wasn't perfect, so he never said anything about anyone.
He loved them but kept a distance since they wanted him to alter himself. He was over the fact they would pick and choose when to accept him. He went through change they dk his history or back story. He just wanted to be accepted for him out respect for his elders he kept his mouth shut.
45 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Called too nice for showing concern
Always looking out for others
Taken for granted not mad
Should've been known expected
Showing love after being disrespected
Rose above the negativity
Been down can't stay down forever
Always doing more than talking
Never knew the truth finding it out
Starting to figure it out more
Never settle for less be better
Lifestyle change many phases onto the next
45 · Apr 2021
Infamous one Apr 2021
He was annoyed he'd let them know to see if they were interested. No one seemed to care or show any interest. Then when he would do it they would try to lay a guilt trip.
He got upset with their antics because if it was a role switch he would've said yes or no. None of this making them feel like he was causing conflicts in their schedule. It wasn't his fault or fair with him they demanded answers after a while he got tired of explaining himself. Now they are trying to make him out to be the troublemaker before he embraced it now he walks away from it all.
45 · Mar 16
Infamous one Mar 16
I love family but it's not a competition. So what you own a house and your not doing me any favors. I paised you as you rose up while you stomped me down. Never happy unless they make it about you. I've always seen you as an equal just because you have no say or control of my life you're threatened.
It ***** when family is divided over. Had to say anything because someone gets mad and doesn't talk. Just because grandpa passed doesn't mean your in control. Everyone is a bunch of hard working individuals trying to get by no one needs you to make their life more complicated
45 · Apr 2021
Infamous one Apr 2021
Big on being yourself some try to box you in change you because they arent happy with themselves. Those people are fake pretending to be someone they are not. They can't beat you one one so they talk about you get Every one to hate you because they are useless alone.
I question their logic because they always get their way even if it means hurting or ******* people. I've learned to not empower these kind of people. So many times it's about them with hidden agendas.
45 · Apr 2021
Infamous one Apr 2021
A sore body stiff joints
Pushing through an older body
Mentally blocking out the bad
Physically going through the motions
He missed them but they are gone
He's not going back to them
They are never returning to him
He let go fear free accepted
Alone is the way to be pain free
Found closure with his thoughts
His heart cages to heal
Soon to be set free be himself
That's all he truly wanted out life
Be happy with out consequence
Not answer to others for his efforts
45 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
How did she cheat and accuse her partner. She moved on he was happy for her. Once he decided to the same she was angry and mad at him for his actions. Their relationship was over why did old feelings return. He knew he couldn't go back she tried to make it right both of them wrong for one another.
45 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Cutting the cord feeling revived
Another day to live survived
Not giving life or power to haters
Never talked about them
Better to stay away from the pain
Being drained and frustrated
Is an understatement
Free from toxic influence pressure
All the defense so many offended
Keep working stay out of the drama
Not going back after being excluded
Trying to blame for the misconduct
Put up boundaries everyone is upset
Talking no one cared going else where
A fight to be heard not doing it
Easier to walk away no reason to stay
Felt bad not mad in silence anymore
Free from it all not pretending
Got over filling void roles
Picking up the slack always ready
Never being used right looking in
On the sidelines watching the chaos
On deck waiting ready to go
All out full potential not half *** job
45 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
The mind playing tricks on him. All the love for her was gone denying a huge part of himself. He didn't need judges in his life. He was his worse critic dieing inside trying to survive the internal struggle. Memories fading flashbacks going dimming into the darkness.
Everything changed walking through the crazy things are better now. Kept his head up when all he wanted to do was keep it down all those burdens crushing the heart he wore on his sleeve.
He was called crazy for showing emotion. Got lost in his feelings trying to help others. Made out to be an *** for not speaking up or saying anything. Lost in his thoughts made out to be delusional.
45 · Jan 15
Infamous one Jan 15
Getting sober is a must
It's a lonely journey
No going back
Some respect your decisions
Others hate on your decisions
They thought you'd never change
Only a matter of time till you get ahead
No one can take you down
Only you can feeling sorry for yourself
Let those negative block your path
Toxic people destroy your perception
Don't let them sabotage your dreams
Keep working behind the scenes
That moment will come to rise above
Where you'll surpass those low experts
Others try to project on you for being lazy
No longer the scapegoat obsorb the blame
Never more the whipping boy
Slipped out and free from the crazy
Use to take it on its a lost cause
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