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51 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
Trying not to take it personal
Always working for more
Not settling for less made moves
Came up short running out of time
Doing as much possible with little time
On the outs but back in struggling
Helping out been in that spot before
Sad that burden is on someone else
Trying to be fair getting ******* over
Everyone talks about one another than each other
Expecting respect being disrespectful
Saying one thing but doing another
Pointing out others bad habits
While doing the same thing
51 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Somedays I feel too much
Others I feel nothing
Hard to say " I love you"
Most of them bail
No regard for my feelings
Acting I have none
Live what was doesn't matter
Or mean anything anymore
Woke up trying to understand
Most of the time confuse
No reason, answer to WHY
Protect the heart it won't hurt
Learning to love again
Most of all trust so much deciet
Loving again refuse to accept defeat
Broken trust not looking for a lust
lost for days finding a way back
Starting over again being a friend
Gave away part of myself to the wrong
Getting to know you for the truth
Light shines through a crack
Not blinded by lies, a controlling lush
Find someone real and accepting
Not trying to spread the hate
Slow love and allow us both to be great
Wake up next to true love
Hugged by someone who's for real
Respects feelings not used to hold a grudge
Or throw a fit over not getting things one way
Passive aggressive because too obsessive
51 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Open and honest pursuing love. Always pursuing the wrong while the right gets fed up for being ignored. Wanting to be more than friends while the other isn't interested stringing them along.
One had more promise than the other. One was genuine the other had other plans hidden agenda. Lust and love a blurred line
51 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Friends come and go
Worried more about them
Than your own being
Some made it well off
Others struggled within
Lost love from the past
Others remember your smile
Some don't think highly of your personal
The heart treasure few and grew with
While the mind wonders where it went wrong
How to compromise the situation
What could've been done differently
Everything turned out accordingly
Some fade away with time
While others leave without reason
After all the events that occurred
A room full of people the meshed
Standing tall through it all
Each encounter was a lesson
Every experience lead to growth
Time passed the layers peep away
Every white hair the mind wised up
Wrinkles from ****** expressions felt
The true friends keep contact
While the rest find what they need to be happy
Every move onto the next chapter
A place to call home that feels right
51 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
He was in love with her and didn't want anyone else. She called him a player when she was the one making the rules to her game. He wanted her to be his one and only. Turns out he was her one of many not the only one she was involved with stringing them along.
He forgave her accepted her flaw and all turns out it was not meant to be. Love was his drug addicted and could never get that fix to be satisfied the more he tried she got more distant. He couldn't figure it out trying to understand make sense of it all.
Eventually he walked away learning only he could make himself happy and not leave it in the hands of others. Even though he loved her he wasn't responsible for her happiness. He had to wise up protect his heart since it was being tormented by someone who didn't match how he felt or put forth the same amount of every.
51 · Dec 2023
Infamous one Dec 2023
Anxious to make it home to Grandma
Missing work colleagues that made his journey less stressful
Family that was supportive and believe in him
All the prayers and love from everyone
The people that seen good in him
He didn't always believe in himself but gave it to God
Talking about cirrhosis was hard he was living it
Others took the time to understand when he felt alone
Trying to be normal before and after the procedure
There would be more doctors visits and pills it would become a normal in his routine
51 · Apr 2021
Infamous one Apr 2021
Sad to see everyone go away
Everyone getting older part of life
Tired of being rushed to matter
Never been materialistic
Be a good person hope the right people appreciate you and your efforts
51 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
The way of pain and hurt
Comes back without alcohol
Dealing with the pain
Memories remain
So much gain sober living
Learned to love yourself
Be yourself without hatred
Thinking of relapse grown far away from it
Never going back to self destruction
Can't be consumed by the past
Fear of the future living in the moment
51 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Waking up random hours of the night
Haven't been able to write
Always behind the scenes
Feeling trapped meant to escape
Around so much hate not feeding into it
They try to flip it lome Jedi mind tricks
Someone in their mood ruining the day
Overcome by focused on work
Trying to break this writers block
Asking what you want this project to be
How do you prepare for the outcome
51 · Feb 17
Infamous one Feb 17
People say you make them look bad, while they chose to be lazy. Respect my hard work and I'll respect your laziness.
Some people will honor you some will try to take you down. People notice so keep your head up and keep going strong.
I grew up in a different generation where if you want it you'll hustle for it. It won't come easy but you'll have to work for it.
Grew up poor sharing clothes waking up early to grab the nice stuff.
You learn quick no one is going to do it for you. So you have to do it yourself. I didn't like hand outs but sometimes you get rewarded for your hardworking efforts.
Trying to move use to be happy doing the work but when you do manager work why not get paid that. Taking the blame when you don't need to be. Using that to make things right make them better.
51 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Having writers block ***** sometimes you write about all the possibilities or things you'd like to happen. Sometimes just doing it is more rewarding, doesn't always happen the way it plays out in your head. Sometimes its the worse outcome other times a surprise it actually happened. A shocked it went down that way.
51 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
Hard to have a conversation when the person wont let you speak. Their false narrative projected on you. You can explain how you feel when its being dismissed. He walked away in the end it doesn't matter more problems than Solutions. The frustration causing anxiety and he wasn't sure how to act or how to feel after being told off. He didn't explain himself and things kept getting worse. He wanted out of this nightmare ripped open feel in vulnerable. He do who he's suppose to be or made them out to be.
No thank you not interested he learned to say because it got to him. Its not fun anymore he made a stance. They come at him easy to take down a person, who's not looking for trouble. If he went for it they would ignore him in the end his time would be wasted.
51 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
Crazy to hear what others think don't feel or see myself that way. Another chapter on going forward trying not to look back. Head up feeling dragged down not responsible for others another person pinning blame what a **** shame. Minding your mouth most of your business while they try to change your ways while never around in and out of the picture.
51 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
He always wanted to write music
Shared those feelings letting go
Showed emotions not closed off
Opened up about those moments
Things that made him smile
People who hurt his heart
Put his thoughts on a poem
Talk about the things causing misery
Tears of joy wiping them away
Taking the bad letting it die within
Very close struggling to finish
51 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
Woke up already over the day
Thinking of ways to make my next move
All angels multiple perspectives
Not so wild anymore more selective
Over thinking can be overwhelming
Things are calm it's easy to be positive
When one thing goes wrong
Feels like my world is crashing
Burning up in flames no time to panic
Stay calm composed tamed
Breaking inside not showing emotions
Smile hides everything falling a part
Praying for the moment to happen
Can feel it come to life feels so real
See it happening imagination stimulated
Blood rushing to the face making it warm
Hairs standing skin tingling with goosebumps
Feels so right why can it be real already
51 · Apr 17
Infamous one Apr 17
Sometimes you take the L and learn
Dealing with your emotions is hard
Trying to not be vulnerable trying to help
It ***** when you care more than most
Venting doesn't help being humble
Trying to do what's right no matter
Proved wrong feeling cheated
Robbed of joy doing what you love
On the outside looking in
Holding back tears such agony
Made out to be the bad guy
Trying to be normal never gonna be
Always excluded or treated different
Taking on the burden shaking opening up
People don't care unless you produce results
Quick to point out your flaw
Never happy for your efforts
Waiting to see you fail
Smiling at your down fall
Expecting the worse is normal
Hoping things get better
While you wish them the best
51 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
Outside in the cool breeze another weekend to train for the big fight in July. If it doesn't get cancelled working with a determined fighter. Focused on technique lots of repetitions so much form to work on kicks, knees, and punches/elbows.
Holding Thai pads can be intense and painful after a while becoming a immune not flinching building trust being able to connect with another creating a plan for the big event.
Keep the feet moving breathe be able to survive go the distance glad to be part of the team part of this quest.
51 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
Faith over fear
Not afraid or backing down
Can't do it alone
Been going strong
Learning to love again
It's not wrong
With the right person
Love starts from within
Grows for everyone that's true
51 · May 12
Infamous one May 12
Hard to move on something new
Looking back is the worse
Anxious to go back to what was known
Time apart dealing with the pain
Able to move on and grow
Coping with emotions that are pent up
Feelings overwhelmed not going numb
Broken heart emploding within
Failed love drank some ***
Feeling like a **** over this loss
Moving on to new something fresh
Healing from transplant surgery
Speeding through to recovery
Old friends in the heart like family
Memories and thoughts looping
Collected to escape tragic loathing
New ones easier to depart from m
More lessons gained  from a loss
Wins and victories lived for a short time
Onto the next causing more struggle
Not sure what to do next clear the mind
Wandering such a process to de-stress
51 · Jun 30
Infamous one Jun 30
Holding pads something didn't feel right. It wasn't wrong but felt off. He asked a question but was told do the work. He retorted with I'm doing the work, "I want to do it right" being able to adapt and adjust making sense of the confusion.
Practice sets the tone for the fight. All the sacrifice rebuilding yourself starting over means you have experience time to change it up. Back to basics focus on form and technique. A few losses can humble your ego leading to a better product.
51 · Feb 2022
Infamous one Feb 2022
Growing up knowing better so many things that are taboo have become socially accepted. Changing your mindset is hard but somethings aren't good anyway. Not one to force or impose beliefs on anyone. Mostly respectful of others choices and decisions.
Once you disagree or speak up they try to exclude or cut you out because you had an opinion not respecting your differences. Its foolish and selfish for them to expect you to give up; who you are so they could be happy.
They want you to change, but already going through changes.
Minding your mouth and business is easy seems life everyone is trying to get inside your head. Don't give or tell them anything because they'll try to rob you of your peace.
51 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
He didn't know, how to make the wrong right. He said sorry it wasn't enough. After being excluded and kept out; there was no going back. Trying to make it better things declined and got worse.
Trying to talk it out things got sour fast. From friends to foes; now strangers that no longer talk; while growing apart living divided lives
51 · Jun 3
Infamous one Jun 3
Kept telling the truth people got mad
Instead of telling me told everyone else
Times have changes got much worse
Not going back to those old ways
Old tradition didn't agree but respected
New ways accepted so much disrespect
Parents don't parent raise your kids
Competing for love among siblings
Trying to better yourself
51 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
This year has been tough trying to show emotion but when you protect your heart people think you don't care. Years of being ignored or talking to people who show no interest in what you are saying. Its okay to be alone and figure out what yo I want.
Losing loved ones makes you appreciate life and those that care and take interest in your life.
Social circles shrink and getting stuck in a routine work and home. Thankful to be working since many aren't. The world has showed its dark side so many beliefs that would do anything to be hear to make a point. Trying not to lose faith and walk with grace giving it all to God.
51 · Mar 2022
Infamous one Mar 2022
Forgiving and moving on
Last day on a birthday
Leaving a parting away gift
Thought things changed
One forgave all the shady behavior
While the other holds a grudge
Never seeing eye to eye
The rising star burns bright
While the old set in old ways
Everything changes more modern
Can't stay or do it the same
Evolving can't stay down
In the background forever
Clashing with a lead over respect
One sided argument being ignored
Not afraid to speak up take a stance
Say NO not a yes man anymore
Forgive move on start a new
Missing the coworkers companionship
Who made work fun more tolerable
51 · Nov 2019
Infamous one Nov 2019
Learning to love again
Appreciate life with laughter
Smiled daily live in the moment
A scooter ride going fast
Wearing shades in the sun
Reading for inspiration
Taking in the story
Seeing it come to life
Turning the page lost in words
51 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Consumed by imagination
Heart spins like a top
Vibrating through the body
Going through the motions
Numb going through the motions
Haven't felt connected
A drifter looking in
Shaken confidence
Starting over yet again
51 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Woke up early should be sleeping
Decided to write clear the mind
Up for no reason should be up in a few
Thought about doing it, done this done that
Wondering where thing will end up
Don't always have help or support
Lots of learning alone on the go
A sports fanatic who feels like the jinx
Reads up on the team doing well this season
Watches a game the team chokes
Gaining anxiety so much intensity
Team spirit from a distance
Its all in the mind psychologically
51 · Jul 2023
Infamous one Jul 2023
In a room with others learning love
Finding peace against alcohol
Common goals to become normal
Whatever the hell that means
Angry not able to cope with emotions
Overwhelmed by feelings confused
Trying to find inner peace keep sobriety
Not take a drink it will make things worse
Under the influence ruins it everything
A curse to self destruction kamikaze
Trying to do right not fall into wrong
A trap everyone suffers a long process
The pain use to be please not it's torture
A new look on life learning from others
Many problems and mistakes cause growth
51 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
Sad how everyone changed
Hoping for the better it was worse
This life tough feeling like a curse
Helped they wouldn't do the same
So much frustration causing pain
Learning to trust no respect is gained
Talking about childhood moments
Letting it out not holding on
Feeling free able to talk about it
Not feeling trapped or restrained
Holding on for life don't want it to end
Starting over is hard doing is easy
51 · Feb 24
Infamous one Feb 24
I've always respected relationships but don't care for the hate. Being single can be lonely don't come at me twisted because you have no say or control over my life. Worry about your relationships. I don't care to be around couples someone is always mad.
My friend or family might have to take on your crazy but I don't have to I tolerate this by fake being nice. After a few insults and accusations. I'm free and single no kids. I get mind blow how people go from relationships to roommates. I get people try to work it out for the kids but I respect your way of life don't be quick to judge mine.
51 · Feb 16
Infamous one Feb 16
Don't waste your time trying to change the past. Be better for the future I love writing and playing with scenarios but what ***** is it doesn't turn out accordingly. You could mentally prep but sometimes you have to let things play out to find out.
There's always an x factor that is never considered or taken into consideration. It can be draining so you shut it down. Always overthinking with the worse outcome sometimes it ends up being different than expected.
51 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
He was over it his words being twisted. It's not what he was saying tired of false narratives. Because he spoke up they thought they could slander his character. He had his opinion to them it was no big deal but trying to use it against him.
They insult him and expect him to be okay with that. He had an opinion now everything turns into a personal attack. He stopped acknowledging them because the disrespect was only getting worse. He was definitely over one sided arguments making him out to be the crazy one.
Not going to give up on himself or compromise his efforts just to make people happy. They'd never be happy for him so why bother.
51 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
He was the oldest trying to be his own man so many trying to shadow him and knock him. The worse is when it was his family. Talking about him behind his back never to his face. He learned to not say anything because everything got made personal.
He made suggestions had an opinion. Now they try to bury him take him out in the numbers. He wasn't scared to be alone so much bugged him. He never said anything to or about anyone. But they has so much to say against him. He was human as they tried to make him out to be a monster. Thought he was someone else all he wanted was to be himself.
Focused on work since it was so demanding and writing it gave him peace and closure when everyone else was burdening others with their frustrations instead of dealing with it.
51 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
They don't care about him
He busted his **** it was never good enough
Tired from carrying everyone's problems
Learned to focus on his own life wasn't so bad
Lots of things on his to-do list
Didn't want to disappoint anyone
Cheating himself for others
Doing what's right his code of honor
While being wronged taken for granted
Trying to be well rounded
Never scare to try giving it all
Not backing down striving
Giving up within to be like or accepted
51 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
All you wanted was to make it
Share that moment with everyone
All they did was ruin it look down on you
From caring too much to not giving a ****
You valued them always much love
Now all they do is hate on you
The disrespect made it easier to step
Not giving them a reason to talk
No longer enabling them to have a say
Staying away doing more than before
Free to do whatever not married
Able to enjoy life no kids choices were made
He worked hard trying to get paid
Made more so about anyone anymore
Stayed out got more confidence
Brought in feeling drained not the stepping stone
No longer the scapegoat found closure
Being a rebel alone getting it done
Making it fun over complicated drama
51 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Growing letting go its starting to show. White hairs wisdom high lights worry lines lived life not focused on the fight grew up in the struggle; don't need outside factors as a distraction. Dk how I'm going to get to the next level been doing it for sometime now. Part of the everyday routine, makes it easier to get things off the chest not settle for less.
51 · Sep 2020
Infamous one Sep 2020
Asked to drink can do it
It's like giving up lost in a bottle
Part of yourself drowning in liquor
Being strong not weak
No one understands quick to dismiss
Standing alone avoiding temptation
Toxics people trying too hard
Trying to bring you down with them
The smell brought bad memories
Old feelings and doubts bad toughts
Don't want to be that way ever again
51 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Never give up
They won't let up
Put down not staying there
Pushed around still standing
Ganged up on by fam again
Then is blew up then bam
Life came with a ***** slap
Didn't happen the right way
Done it many times clarification
Before without certifications
Practice what you preacher
Learn the hard life lesson
Before you can teach be an example
51 · Oct 2020
Infamous one Oct 2020
Use to go out
Someone was always mad
Staying home older now
Someone is always mad
Had a difference of opinion
Someone gets offended
Spoke the truth kept it real
Now someone is getting defensive
Trying to debate a topic
Now its a grudge more personal attacks
No logic involved fueled by anger
All this hatred for being different
51 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
Closed his eyes seeing it in his head
Growing thankful for the mentors
Some believe in your skills work ethic
One on your side feeling secure
Others deny your efforts against you
Ignoring the drama working harder
Chasing a dream means everything
Setting goals making them count
Tell your story set the standards high
Breaking through being denied
Trying to survive being kept out
51 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
He helped everyone didn't expect much
Or want anything in return
Use to being disappointed by expectation
Knew what it was like to be set up to fail
Use to wear his heart on his sleeve
Doing his own thing thing
If others benefit it was a bonus
Starting  over learning the basics
Building on a leveled foundation
51 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
He was onto new things missing his old life. Trying to go forward not go back. Closed off seen as a hard *** but once he opened up. Always focused on work no time to show emotions. Being social was easy he had nothing to hide.  Everyone else was closed off and defensive threatened, by his honesty it made him feel bad for telling the truth.
He sat in his room alone with comfort. Going in public was unsettling in a crowd. Kept to himself minded his own.
50 · Oct 2023
Infamous one Oct 2023
Who has kids and doesn't tend to their needs. Some choose their bad habits over a child thats sad to hear and see. Some neglect the current family and have a new family. The world doesn't make sense and crazy.
You get tired of turning blind eye and letting bad be rewarded. Asking questions with no answers and more questions with confusing outcomes./results. It's been a long week dealing with people who don't get along or two faced. Wanting to be a leader, but not wanting the responsibility. Learning to be a leader is hard while trying to focus on the task at hand.
50 · Jun 9
Infamous one Jun 9
Did the work came up short
Need to come up with a new game plan
Too much on the mind
Pent up frustration so much confusion
Fear of the unknown trying to grow
Change isn't always for the better
Coming up short working harder
Working smarter lots of talk
Should be listening to one voice
Lost in faith not running from hate
Another debate make sense of it all
Show too much emotions worked up
Going numb not able to express feelings
Burning up from within
50 · Feb 13
Infamous one Feb 13
Judged for being single
I respect you chose to settle
Able to be free not in a relationship
Responsible for myself doing my part
Able to go out not a parent
Using kids or a partner an alibi
I don't use anyone as an excuse
Relationships are complicated
Enjoying life living to the fullest
Appreciate those moments take them in
Not writing about failed love
Reliving the trauma anymore
Not that fixated person anymore
Meant to be much more than before
Onto better when kept out
Definitely better stop denying that right
That's why you are being talked about
50 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
He looked at his hairy belly trying to remember his youth days where his body contained more muscle with had tons of energy.
Trying to feel more secure and confident about his appearance since he was single for too long but knew he didn't need anyone to make him happy. He would have to do that himself.
Working hard and thankful since he remembered what a tough time he had when he wasn't working his **** off. It wasn't right or the same anymore trying to go forward and not back.
50 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Mixed emotions some days
Thinking too much runs me down
Other days we coexsist with one another
My emotions are my strength weaken me
The heart means well the brain conflicts
Just do without thought or hesitation
Many trusts fall into love proves me wrong
She would complain about her BF
I'd hear her problems
She swore to be better
Her heartached but kept going back
She knew he was wrong for her
Her good friend loved talking to her
Even if it was her problems
The connection that brought them closer
She could never be single
It's hard to not love her charm
She always belonged to someone else
He cared for her deeply from a distance
She made bad choices but respected them
He always lovered her unconditionally
Saw through her bold front when she hurt
50 · Dec 2023
Infamous one Dec 2023
Everyone mad and angry
A month trapped in a room with people
No matter what they do they hold a grudge
Not sure how to make the wrong right
An apology that will not be accepted
Forgiveness for inner peace within
Mistakes were made a friendship lost
Broken trust trying to fix things
Uncomfortable awkward silence became the norm
Friendships ended unforgivable acts
Families divided imposers controlling minds
False narratives spread like fires used as a bias influence
50 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
Growing up learning on your own not being told you're good but everyone quick to point out everything you did wrong. Learned by watching getting in there not afraid to try lots of failure before succeeding.
Being taunted and mocked worked harder than everyone to stand out know for hard work didn't talk get involved work politics. Never one to **** up but work till it became natural did it right.
Achieved those old finally setting new ones still working to pursue the dream. Building up for the next level onto a new life a new chapter.
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