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52 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Powering through the week
From feeling like one of the crew
Use to rolling solo learned to be alone
Made many mistakes still learning
Took multiple risks focused on a dream
Missed out trying to rush slowing down
Set goals came up short still pursuing life
Made a plan never turns out accordingly
An opinion that got twisted than understood
Feelings that aren't respected lost value
Emotions strong get the best of everything
52 · Apr 4
Infamous one Apr 4
I walk around in pain mentally and physically but don't give in distract myself with work and helping other. Some are blessed with more and miserable that doesn't make sense.
I don't have the energy to argue because I didn't do anything open to talk but what's frustrating is people say things are okay but talk about everyone. Getting older makes you care less someone always hates you or mad.
People try to change others and never themselves. Quick to hate you because your happy with you got. I've learned you can't do it all or have it all right away. Work for it and go hard. Growing up poor I'm not grandfathered in or handed anything because of my name and who I know.
My work speaks for itself and people will know your work or your bad behavior. Trust is earned not given. Work gets you the respect from peers.
52 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Can't sleep
Not sure how to feel
Not sure what to think
Talking to an old friend
Both older now different lives
Single looking for true love
The other with a family full of love
One has family issues
Grew up with tough love
Both had a fling for one another
Never acted on those urges
The friction in the air
Never acted on those urges
One wants to make the move
The other expects it but a slate mate
Staring into one another's eyes
Talking about the past reminiscing
How they made one another feel
Catching up with new emotions
But something new could start up
52 · Apr 4
Infamous one Apr 4
Not always going to be accept. Respect those opinions it ***** to avoid people. Shut down your emotions some people are safe to be around. Others can be hostile those minds are made up. Its not worth proving yourself or wasting time trying to change their mind.
Too many made up rules and fake people that get close leach of your energy turn your world up side down. Then run the game no the next person. Wearing your heart on your sleeve while others are heartless selfish about themselves.
The heart doesn't care to hold onto the burden.  Trying to talk not being heard. Not into crowds and clicks too many two-faced conversations.
52 · Oct 2022
Infamous one Oct 2022
He changed his image it didn't matter the work was the same. Wanting more but it was never enough. Usually anti establishment but found himself trying to move up. He'd set out of his comfort zone feeling uncomfortable asking "who was he becoming was it even worth it?"
Standing out working harder than everyone. He didn't compare he wasn't juiced in, or have a bad attitude to get things. Stepping it up to make things happen get it done. Open to learn and grow taking on more responsibility. Adding more to his bag of tricks to make the work easier.
Having a good attitude around miserable people. Treating people right when everything went wrong trying to make it right. Pushing through wanting to do something else. Too many doubted him mistreated him but he still kept going strong. It made him better instead of settling for less.
52 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
The trio met behind the building to talk about the turn of events. Everyone played a role some did more than others. The boss would cut out the lead who was the middle man. Talking to the one who got it done.
Some are well off while others are working for theirs. The lead never took charge. While the up and comer was determined but didn't like stepping on toes but hated walking egg shells.
52 · Apr 1
Infamous one Apr 1
Blessed not letting the bad
Ruin the good they dk your efforts
Taking time to get stronger than before
Never going to be that way again
Overtime growing mentally
Spiritually healing from the torment
Deep breaths taking in the good
Blowing out the bad vibes
Striving and thriving to be more
52 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Writing for hope staying real
Voted off the island moved on
Use to fight for them stood tall
All they do is oppose him
Knock his story for being different
Shadowing others with theirs
No one knows how to act or care
Disowned and have grown
Happy for lucky people and drama could be sucky
52 · Dec 2023
Infamous one Dec 2023
Too many hold a grudge or end up mad at one another
Intense awkward silence instead of making things right
One will apologies while the other holds a grudge
Using this as a power struggle to feel superior
Too old to be mad with family
It's easier to forgive than divide up the family
Extra tired why carry that burden the guilt destroys all
I wish people would talk things out
Take time to listen understand instead of being selfish
Everyone likes to criticize others
But can't handle it when placed in the hot seat
52 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Get tired of listening to all the talk been doing for some time now. Questioning all the nonsense all the wild and crazy nonsense. Seen as stubborn while being judged by people, who dk the life that's been lived. What this journey has taken the person through. Eyes that have seen some stuff ears that have heard bad trying to be justified. Felt betrayed thinking people would do the right thing. Expectations too high from their word while their actions are for their own selfish gain.
52 · Apr 29
Infamous one Apr 29
The day it all came out All the anger
You loved the job but all the bs rules
Contradicting double standard was infuriating
Respect for the older gentlemen but those rules trapped in your mind
Never good enough maximum effort no emotions
Giving your all your everything all heart no glory
Determined to win a rigged game
Trying to be perfect stopped by flaws
Never complimented or given props
Always reminded the mistake the mistake always pointed out
Every flaw noticed made all the effort lose value
Stopped looking for a approval tool charge
The only one doing the work going strong blocking out the bs from the lazy
52 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
A place to show emotions be able to express your feelings without ridicule. Without doubt being able to be free from hate allow yourself to be great. Not have your ego deflated while working on self improvement.
Being told you're nobody by someone that's making no effort. Trying to make you feel like nothing while working hard for everything trying to build while maintaining everything
Find balance dealing with tough scenarios facing complicated people. Not able to please everyone focused on what the heart loves so the mind could stop overthinking
52 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
Finding passion in the ink
Emotions in the pages
Thoughts flowing coping with peace
Not carrying others burdens
Staying out use to being kept out
Not worth the fight would rather be writing
Too many imposing instead of informing
Educate instead of discrimination
Trying to understand not give into demands
Seeing others as an equal being respectful
Not empowering wild ideals
Keeping up original morals
52 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Woke up in the middle of the night
Time to wrote, so the mind can relax
Body tender from the motions of the week. Planning and prepping mentally trying to make it to the weekend. Such a boring routine decided to learn a new skill. Bass guitar the emotions vibrate with the deep heavy strings. Flowing with the vibe saying what annoying causing distractions. The mouth won't speak but the words come out on the page. A visual with some kind of connection.
52 · Jan 11
Infamous one Jan 11
He felt like he was the worse
Blamed himself stood alone
Knocked for being different
Stood alone held on for life
Trying to be normal-ish
Whatever that is now a days
Afraid to be canceled aged out years ago
Everything he's not what others said
Made him more confident
Gain strength from being excluded
Comfy being alone going strong
While others needed company
52 · Oct 2023
Infamous one Oct 2023
He got in his car hit the road music loud, the wind blowing away all his troubles and worries. Wanting to leave and starting over in a new world a whole new life. Leave the old life for the new place to call home He never felt like he belonged or fit in anywhere.
He was not going to **** up, or compromise himself to fit in. He made that mistake in his last relationship. He was over his past weighing him down. Tired of carrying those burdens trying to make wrongs right when it was all pointless there was no point because it was all one sided.
No longer bothered by his rivals because they didn't talk to him what more damage could they do. Ignore him it was already the normal; why expect, or want anything different. Already the bad guy living up to the standards making it easier. They didn't care about him why should he care what they think. They didn't care, how he felt why should he care what those Haters think.
52 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Never wish death on anyone
We can't be friends or associate
Don't need that hateful drama
Gave advice got ignored
Set in those ways did it anyway
Everyone has problems with life
Some deal with it better
Handle it before it gets worse
Quick to cut the cord
Can't hold on being held back
Didn't know how to act
Easily offended pushed away
Intense anger not trying to get burned
Providing solutions what friends do
Trying to be supportive
Now there's ten more issues
Had to step away take a time out
Thanks for the memories
Still taking the blame not around anymore
52 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Older and slower
From wild to responsible
Taking it one day at a time
Missing the old you reminiscing
Others hating the old
But confused by the new
Asking what happened?
Saying you changed
Bound to happen over time
Can't keep doing the same stuff
Not holding onto old accomplishments
A snarky mouth to a cold silence
Provoked walked away
Rather than give in
52 · Aug 2021
Infamous one Aug 2021
He loved his family while some tried to make others look at him differently because he didn't **** up or change who he was. He was already open minded and embraced change. Things didn't always happen when they did he was happy and thankful. He didn't always win told himself be better. Keep working harder one day someone will give him a chance. He never stopped or slowed down. Giving hid all worked hard more determined since the first day. He was told to quit it wasn't worth it and told why give your all they aren't going to do anything with you. He gave his all even if no one cared, he knew it mattered he made a difference.
52 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Making all those changes at once detoxing from giving up energy drinks. Eating more green giving up on fast food. The comfort food got too comfortable it became a problem. One bad habit to the next doing too much at once. Sometimes seen as selfish, been nothing, but selfless others before ones personal needs. Giving to ungrateful people, who make it seem like its never good enough. Feeling unworthy expecting you to be less focused on being more of the best. Told to never settle for average because you're not. Done it before trying to get back to that place.
52 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
He was at peace use to being alone excluded from everything. Working quietly behind the scenes he got a random text and knew something was up. No one ever calls or texted him unless they needed something on of the worse feelings.
He didn't know why he thought this would be different free from drama as it squeaked back in his life. It wasn't his style or for him anymore. He minded his mouth and business now being asked a favor. He preferred to no be involved just fade away blend in with the background.
He was use to being solo working in a team held him back team work was only used in their favor he was stuck alone rushing when it come to doing his own stuff. Kept out and excluded didn't bother him anymore. Dealing with fake and phony their true colors came to the light. He wasn't worried because it would all comeback to them.
52 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
He saved up to by a bike be free on the road. The wind in his face a warm breeze a helmet with his go pro recording the ride. Wearing his biker jacket in case he slides out his skin won't scrap on the gravel road.
Away from all the arguing and judgement. He loved his family but never felt like he belonged.
Treated different and excluded. Tired of everyone's tough love excluded held to another standard. After a while he walked away tired of setting himself up for failure feeling disappointed. he wanted them to be happy but he wasn't responsible for their life or providing it to them
52 · Aug 2022
Infamous one Aug 2022
Nervous about asking her out
Rehearsing in his head
Never came out accordingly
Mouthing his thoughts & ideas
Preparing for this moment
Where are we going
Let's talk open up to each other
Get to know go one another
Could this be more interested
Will we be friends the aftermath
If it doesn't amount to anything
Trying to get out of the friend zone
Analyzed every perspective
Seen all the possibilities play out
52 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
He was a fighter too many snakes slithering like if they believed in him. They opposed him and usually against him. What did they want why are they being so nice when he was use to them being cut throat. He didn't want them riding his coat tail. He didn't want to associate with them.
Everyone grew distant at one point was very close. Divided because everyone would taunt and provoke you comparing your life with those that aren't like you.
52 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
Coming up everyone is against you
People always told him stuff
He remembered those words some taken to heart
It made him better some advice lingered
Working hard while others complained
Finally got hired others looked to retire
Might as well do the work till that moment comes
Being told it was a waste of time doing the work made him better
Dealing with a lead that would abuse his power
Doing his work once he transfered the truth would be exposed
Told he had a bad attitude for not agreeing
All those assumptions would be proved wrong
The old lead calling the new lead speaking slander
Trying to ruin this new opportunity
It made him more grateful and thankful
Not interested in being a lead but given the responsibilities
Thankful the higher ups trust and confident in his abilities
52 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Times have changed old traditions fade. While the new so called norms are imposed. Looked out for others while everything was for their own personal gain. Breaking away not nothing with anyone. Pursuing a dream trying to match energies. Always on everyone's terms and time not respecting his efforts.
Seeing things not liking the changes because it was an obstacle now it was gone and didn't matter. Stopped empowering judgemental people. No longer listening to toxic. They'll point out the flaw before giving you props.
Find ways to discredit you so they can feel secure. Not talking about anyone but they'll dump foul language on your name. It faded away finding love and strength going forward. Not living in the past or that person anymore. Someone new not memories of the past.
52 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Doing your job picking up the slack
Learning to socialize doing my part
Some don't care dump it on others
Being a teams player taking bumps
So much pressure from all
Do too much they expect it
Have an off day can't let up
They'll assume you're being lazy
Trying to put out the same energy
Slowing down plowing through
Burnt out earning every cent
Pushing through drained from it all
Given chance not letting anymore down
A new role living up to the hype
Since no one else wants it or cares
52 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Everyday is a new day
Make the most of it
Ready to ask her to lunch
But she was a no show
Ready to go she wasn't there
He didn't prepare there she stood
He practiced what he wanted to say
Then his mind got overwhelmed
Chose to do nothing about it
Not able to express himself
Writing in on the page for hours
Seeing it one way but it turns out another
His imagination gave him closure
Found peace not infatuated with anyone
Deep bold statements off the top of the head
52 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
Working for it nothing is given
His aunt told him
"you weren't born rich, you have to work"
Trying to move up against the odd
Family his greatest supporter
Also the biggest critics full of hate
Broke free from the draining peeps
Stopped giving advice no one listens
Lent an ear tired of looping sad stories
Pursuing his goals towards success
Hoping to achieve them doing them
52 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
After a health scare
A life lesson is learned
The heart wants to fight
The mind says slow down
Sitting in the doctors office
So many expensive tests
Scared to know the results
Overworked rested is needed
Not sure if being the best
Will continue strong
Know the limitations of the body
Not one to hold back
Rise and grind ready for more
Time changes everything
52 · Oct 2022
Infamous one Oct 2022
He grew up as an outcast because he wanted to better himself. He never thought he was better than anyone. So many tried to use his flaws against him. He was fat mind worried about body image. Born is the US spoke English still shunned by his own people. Finding reasons to criticize and talk about him.

All he did was mind his business from an open book to private. Holding back hiding who he was so people could leave him alone. Feeling like he might do something wrong or be accused of something that he didn't even do.

Always respectful even to the people that tried to damage his reputation because they weren't where they wanted to be in life. It wasn't his fault or problem. All he wanted was to exist get along without putting up with others bad moods attitudes that would ruin his day.

He had to learn and teach himself since no one wants to play that role anymore. Willing to do the work even if they would discredit him. Working his
52 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Always loved family don't care to be boxed in or labeled be my own person. Not materialistic or quick to judge anyone. So many made up false standards. people expect you to live upto but aren't even following those made up rules. Always trying to live life don't need much to be happy. Don't need to knock others to feel secure. Dealing with insecurity asking how to improve be better focused on what I'm passion about. Writing always helps clear the mind, and music feeling the groove room to grow improve.
52 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
He was a late bloomer it wasn't too late but only beginning. He had experienced everything too soon and fast failed relationships. Over the years expired friendships that came to end. He chose to chase his dreams. While some got married and happy others divorced. He loved family but they didn't let him shine while everyone worked average joe job and bitter. He worked but didn't let it bug or bother him. Made the most of thing with what little he had. He was thankful because he knew what it was like to be broke. Helped others because he got help when he was down. He said he'd never be that way again. One day he'd make since everyone around him never seemed to want it. The problem was he never thought it could be him. Blindsided by outside factors that had nothing to do with his goal or dreams dealing with others frustrations because they thought coming at him or knocking him down would help them bounce back.
52 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
Helping its the right thing to do
Giving your all feeling accomplished
Than have more work dumped on your lap
Like a reset you did nothing start over
Being discredited doing the work and extra
A new plan giving up on this leadership
Doing the minimum feeling cheated
Trying to make it through probation
Thought it would be better its worse
Made work fun now it's just nonsense
Wanted to make it better for others
Now its taking it's toll so much frustration
Questioning the role if this placement is a match
Still doing it on another level
All the hype running out of time
Beat the clock to get it done
52 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
Being sober is great
Getting close to others is hard
You don't want to offend
***** to be walking on eggshells shells
Expectations lead to disappointment
An ideal is easier than getting to know a person
Trust a person who is not interested
Some stay together because if history
While others make it about ***
Can't get close to anyone since they bail
Broken hearts try to justify wrong doings
Needy leads to clingy
Can't get emotionally attached
Impersonal and detached is more common
52 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Stopped being fun
Decided to go home
A 12 bus and train ride
Lots of reflecting
Deep in thought
Gave up on part of self
Beat up inside and out
Lots of frustration pent up
Life had multiple bump
The first to wander the world
New people from all around
Culture clash from taboo to accepted
Things didn't make sense
Ground up pride shattered ego
Trying to heal feel like a whole
52 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
Are being dismissed and dissed by certain family members he swore to be better than them. Being pushed out and criticized by people that didn't know his work etiquette. What he was about or what he could do. He was tired of the same old routine thinking he could do more. Why settle for less.
He respected their decisions why did his have to come with criticism. What hurt him the most was he valued them and they seen him as useless and worthless it was offensive. He stood up for them while they were quick to throw him under. Blame him acting like they are faultless.
He let them run things to the ground because they would impose their ways rather than be open to others and how they live their life.
Anyone who didn't listen or go along was seen as a threat. He was always put in awkward situations stuck defending stuff he didn't care for or had nothing to do with him.
Eventually walking away was the best solution. It gave him peace and solitude lead to more strengths such as confidence
52 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Remember those time
We spent together
Your smile a tender kiss
My ear against your heart
While you hug me tight
I can hear you breathe
Your heart skips a best
You opened up got deep
Always honest with you
Loyal to you no reason to cheat
Please don't lie or lead me on
My heart is always protected
Opened up to you please be true
52 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
Taking pride in his work feeling insulted
By those who just show up and whatever
Giving his all while others careless about him and his efforts
Told himself work harder set the bar
Raise the standards give them value
Watched them leave it all behind
While he established himself trying to make a difference
Being knocked by everyone but bouncing back
Told he couldn't do it but did it anyway
They said it didn't matter but it made a difference
On the outside looking in once he got in
After being kept out it wasn't the same anymore
52 · Oct 2019
Infamous one Oct 2019
Get it off your chest
Speak your mind
Told the truth
All that's known
Seen you as ruthless
Many passive attitudes
Ignored by lies
Pushed out alphas
Free to start over
Begin a new journey
Make an impression
Move without detours
51 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
All the wild crazy adventures the journey. I like the chemistry, being able to connect with the right person. Rush fades away same routine in pursue of the real thing. Flings come to an end. The struggle to make a relationship work, now a days most want the perks, but no commitment. The one's who matter stay, and don't try to change you. So many pretend to be someone they are not.
51 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
Thinking too much can't rest or relax
Missed his family felt out of place
Trying to make it right
Another grudge treated differently
Kept out meant well looked out
The mistake held over head
No going back no longer the same
Dk how to make it right
Said sorry not forgiven
Altered behavior labeled by the past
Sober for them now its for ones self
Got clean seeing more clearly
Not arguing learning to listen
Speaking when spoken to or asked
Wondering when and where it all went wrong
Can't go back doing what's right in the moment
Reached out and ignored not feeding egos
Pride got the best of us not talking anymore
Not fighting for a dieing friendship that's one sided
Called selfish while being selfless
Entitled while working for it
51 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
Not always going to be liked
Faced criticism the world goes black
Taking on chores more than most
Being ******* without any emotions.
Feelings catching up building up
Not sure how to feel thought about it.
Giving your all its never enough.
Staying clear overcome the fears.
Drinking the pain away to be numb
It won't go bad memories remain
Doing the job taking on too much
Or doing too little getting by bored
Looking out with the truth
Got nothing but lies in return
Feeling burnt out want to cut the cord
Never associate again not a friend
Better to let it die and end
Dealing with drama a waste of time
No one cares or does anything about it
Quick to point out the problem
Not provide a solution so much talk
Talking about one another's faults
Instead of one another to make it right
Doing the same the nerve to complain
51 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Not sure anymore
Photos of a different chapters
Moments stuck in time
People come a go like the seasons
Let go of the pain of the past
Remember the good times
Shared a smile together
A warm loving kiss
Passionate hug with warmth
Been so long hard to remember
Forgotten memories shadowed by bad
51 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Friends come and go
Worried more about them
Than your own being
Some made it well off
Others struggled within
Lost love from the past
Others remember your smile
Some don't think highly of your personal
The heart treasure few and grew with
While the mind wonders where it went wrong
How to compromise the situation
What could've been done differently
Everything turned out accordingly
Some fade away with time
While others leave without reason
After all the events that occurred
A room full of people the meshed
Standing tall through it all
Each encounter was a lesson
Every experience lead to growth
Time passed the layers peep away
Every white hair the mind wised up
Wrinkles from ****** expressions felt
The true friends keep contact
While the rest find what they need to be happy
Every move onto the next chapter
A place to call home that feels right
51 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
Trying not to take it personal
Always working for more
Not settling for less made moves
Came up short running out of time
Doing as much possible with little time
On the outs but back in struggling
Helping out been in that spot before
Sad that burden is on someone else
Trying to be fair getting ******* over
Everyone talks about one another than each other
Expecting respect being disrespectful
Saying one thing but doing another
Pointing out others bad habits
While doing the same thing
51 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
He was in love with her and didn't want anyone else. She called him a player when she was the one making the rules to her game. He wanted her to be his one and only. Turns out he was her one of many not the only one she was involved with stringing them along.
He forgave her accepted her flaw and all turns out it was not meant to be. Love was his drug addicted and could never get that fix to be satisfied the more he tried she got more distant. He couldn't figure it out trying to understand make sense of it all.
Eventually he walked away learning only he could make himself happy and not leave it in the hands of others. Even though he loved her he wasn't responsible for her happiness. He had to wise up protect his heart since it was being tormented by someone who didn't match how he felt or put forth the same amount of every.
51 · Nov 2019
Infamous one Nov 2019
Let go of the anger
Not fueled by frustration
An open mind ready to grow
In a closed off crowd
Toxic minds negative mindset
Tired of holding back
Dumb remarks made without any thoughts
Took others feelings into consideration
While others try to take and impose
Always asking questions
51 · Nov 2021
Infamous one Nov 2021
He looked out but some let their problems spill over on others
When he cared no one gave a ****
Now that he doesn't everyone fakes interest
They are worse as time progress
He stayed out after being pushed out
Only included at their best interest
They wanted to wipe him out
After he said NO or want able to make their plan work
It wasn't his job to do their work
He wasn't responsible for their happiness
As they tried to **** his joy he was thankful people did favors but hated when It was thrown in his face
When you don't get involved they include you. Before fighting to be included to be ignored
51 · Nov 2020
Infamous one Nov 2020
Open and honest pursuing love. Always pursuing the wrong while the right gets fed up for being ignored. Wanting to be more than friends while the other isn't interested stringing them along.
One had more promise than the other. One was genuine the other had other plans hidden agenda. Lust and love a blurred line
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