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60 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Thinking too much should've done this or what if this happened. The silence taking in the quiet such a relaxing feeling. Thoughts calming down closing the eyelids to relax. Let the body rest drift back to bed.
60 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
What's good for one is not right for others
Some want love even if it's with the wrong person
While others want the right person without love
Sobriety has a price some can drink and function
While others are consumed by alcohol
Some want love while others run away
While others are rejected fighting a lost cause
60 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
Quick to attack get burnt out give them a chance to escape. You played with them before going for the ****. It was a trap giving them a chance from playing the victim to being the one making the ****. Never underestimate your opponent keep practicing training hard don't let them live free in your head causing distractions losing focus. Making you feel like it doesn't matter or mean anything. You've been doing it for some time it's become your life. Hours of training for a few minute fights a big event the time to shine put all the training to use. Making moves and moving up the next level.
The warrior within being a civil gentleman life was the big fight.
Dealing with a terrible lead who does nothing acting like he does everything. Loving the job working around lazy people moving up taking charge. A failed relationship an ex that claims to have moved on still taking cheap shots. His family another obstacle instead of having your back being supportive.
Not talking just doing the work fading our of the drama so many rigged arguments that are pointless. Taking the blame standing for a lost cause. Walking away because the lessons could lead to more or leave you confused wonder *** happened?
60 · Mar 2
Infamous one Mar 2
They laugh at the truth. He's single because his last gf didn't trust him. He was always with her yet she accused him of cheating. The bad communication and the ****** interaction became a distraction from the real problem. One was in love afraid to be alone. The other tried to care and love was hurt and things never got better.
Trying to end is was hard when you love you fall hard. When you end up with aperson you don't love but appreciate their company eats you from the inside out.
Trying to love like you've never been hurt. Being brave and bold no longer like the old. Cautious protecting my his heart trying to move on.
60 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
Two brothers, who don't get along
Never see eye to eye different lives
The good brother working his way through
The bad brother forces his ways
Trying to take over muscling others
One talked about everyone making drama
The other minded his mouth walked away
Crossing paths treating one another like strangers
Brothers should look out for each other not oppose go against one another
60 · Apr 19
Infamous one Apr 19
Scared to have those awkward conversations
Sometimes they end is intense silence
Being ignored is frustrating
Speaking up hurts
Not being to speak up because things get personal
Told the truth usually get in trouble
Spoke up nothing got done
Did the work credit was stolen
The rage within builds up
Helping others ******* over in return
Trying not to cuss expressing anger
It all came out the body shook
Feeling it drain left with humiliation
Defeated that those emotion got the best of the moment
***** to be passionate when no one care
Bring good vibes everyone is negative
60 · Jan 2022
Infamous one Jan 2022
The so called homies that stole to feed their bad habits from a funeral fund. Thankful for your help you aren't owed anything. The disrespect to the lost one. Not able to visit or celebrate his life on his passing everyone turns it into happy hour making a fool of themselves.
Its calmed down some have multiple strikes not taking that risk. Others having families being forced to grow up.
Everyone talks about being down or about the crown. Times have changed drugs and beer runs are not cool. Working hard being responsible is more respectable then those short term highs and drinking during the lows.
Grew up around homies wasn't a normal child hood to others but normal part of the heritage.
60 · Jan 6
Infamous one Jan 6
Too old to be doing that
Too young for all that
No one is happy for you
While pointing flaws
Prefer to be alone
Helping others to grow
60 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
All these lie
Not wasting time
Loving life not a crime
Living life been around
So many walking numb
Acting dumb stuffs no fun
Noticed a change got distant
Cared too much stressing out
For the wrong people
Worrying too much never enough
Gave every ounce of energy
Everything to make it better
Doing what's right not argue or fight
No interest after trying to fit in
After years of being kept out
Being shy just said Hi
Things got started
Usually one to finish it
Onto the next level
60 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
Laying in the darkness the clock reading 5:00
Woke up not interested in getting out of bed
The body and mind not on the same page
Mentally ready for the day, rise and grind
Physically not ready, work demands hard labor
A moment to compose to take on the day
The body wants more time for rest
Someday are easy, others can be difficult
Sometimes showing up is not enough
Mentally tough others can make it rough
Sleepy days turn into restless nights
Naps to recharge do more bad than good
60 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
They don't mess with you or bother
Unless they need something
Look down on you treat you like ****
Like you don't matter feeling invisible
Trying to be the guy make a difference
Being the go to guy getting it done
Don't pretend to be friends
After dumping your work on me
Covered for everyone can't miss work
Everyone calls out filling the void
Dealing with the burden of others
Helping getting ******* over
Can't win find balance feeling drained
Everything thrown off on the edge
Trying to be centered be composed
Sick of it all the toxic spread
Wasting time with the wrong people
Just want to get away
60 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Learned to be okay with it all
A lost loved will always hurt
Scared to be alone now use to it
Woke up thankful needs to be over
Work is dull boring same old thing
Trying to change up the routine
Writing so much it lost the spark
Ripped open the mind found closure
A heart healing not sure how to feel
Not that person from yester years
Sober not drinking quitting was hard
Pushed people away to avoid temptation getting clean was a must
Avoiding rooms that sell alcohol
People who rely on it for a social life
Drunk talk turns into an attack
The liquid courage in a coward
60 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Losing a loved one
Makes you want to be better
Honor them by stepping it up
Seen so much been around the block
Keep working hard find purpose
Make it meaningful still at it
Live life to the fullest be more
Overcome setback rise above the hurt
That degree so close yet so far
One class at a time one loan at a time
Missing the mats a white belt
Working towards blue
Missing being on the field coaching
Working with the youth develop
Being a mentor to those who need guidance
60 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Grew up in the hood it's not permanent
Trying to better the situation rise up
Once was vs what one has become
Aiming for more working with less
Trying to belong always pushed out
Thought one way now coming to terms
Trying to go further feeling restricted
become more by pushing limitations
Always against the odds not backing down
Denied now working harder to get ahead
60 · Jul 2018
Ink blood
Infamous one Jul 2018
The pen helps me feel bleeding out emotions
Hard to express myself to others the ink bleeds on the page.
The page hears my feelings that are deep sometimes dark to a human ear.
Making sense of my pain lost of raw emotions that are not hear but come out in words.
My soul is calm from writing pouring out is soothing to the heart
Not always the good guy in others stories but meant well and always misunderstood.
Things don't always make sense or turn out right
The pen helps my imagine go wild being able to share what's bouncing around in the mind
Writing is alone time putting life into perspective
60 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
He was pursuing her, she gave him the run around. He had to cut ties move on. They talk about dating but she was always busy. It was one sided he'd text her and she'd never respond or left him hanging.
He knew his worth and value tired of settling because it was pointless. She got his hopes up then got his feelings hurt. Thinking this would be different it ended up being worse.
Used his time and energy pursuing his goals learning bass guitar and doing MMA getting the technique down. Working out those kinks to be a better person.
60 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
Though this was love
Turns out she's collecting
Being on her way
Trying to side hustle
Making it a job
Instead of trying work for it
Making flash promises
Pretending to be nice
After the transaction is made
The act fades away
Leaving you invested
No returns just cash taken
Leaving everyone used
A one time scam
Never buying that again
60 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Avoiding so much to stay sober
Can't be in the crowds
Too much peer pressure
Don't like to be around the temptation
Hard to associate without beer to connect
Being sober around consumers
Someone always has a guilt trip
Being the DD is not fun anymore
Some dk how to act after a few
Intoxicated altered behavior
Truth comes out liquor loosens lips
Sometimes love is hard to express
Other times hidden hatred that's grown
60 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
No one bother with him so he decided to do whatever made him happy. They made him out to be the bad when did nothing wrong. He showed them love and respect while they made him feel like he didn't belong or matter. He didn't take it to heart because in the end he was alone with or without he would live his life to the fullest. Without others trying to influence him or talk to him like he was an idiot. He didn't always know but open to learn so he didn't have to rely or depend on anyone.
60 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
The dream was so real
Everything was going right
Better than the usual daily struggle
Communicated in a civil tone
Not going argue with stubborn ways
Gave  it to God learned to pray
Another fight to be right
A wrong doer who is justified
Talking louder with insults
Doesn't change the outcome
Smiled not giving into the mean spirit
Always the same not changing
With your passive tone
Please go away, leave me alone
Being like you, I'll hit a new low
Had communication skills
Treating people bad, your cheap thrills
60 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Thankful to be included
Don't like when others
Make plans didn't commit to it
Someone is always mad
Or someone is disappointed
Can't win not trying to be involved
Another tough crossroads
Fork in the road
Anxious to belong sent away
No heart feels wrong
Stopped caring made way
All of a sudden wanted
Quite infuriating over time
60 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Walked into room
The crowd so loud
Could barely hear myself
The adrenaline rush stimulating
Walking through the masses
The show was about to begin
Proud to be in attendance
Inspired by greatness to be the best
The flickering lights flashing
Echoing music makes the music roar
The look of life in their eyes
Energy flowing it comes together
60 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Writing from my gut
It flows through me
Feeling better about things
Not The only one
Who feels this way
Able to relate to others
Just able to say it without guilt
Not going through this alone
Shared my experience
Others know the feelings
These emotions are strong
Sometimes unsettling hard to handle
Coped not walking oblivious
Don't take life too serious
Tough times make things furious
Stay calm find positivity
During the transition
Overcome negative energy
Open to good vibes
60 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
Know for bad habits hard to shake them
Can't live that way anymore
Something had to give and change
Alcohol in a fit of rage trying to figure it out
The oldest in the room some look older
Depending on the crowd and setting
Social interaction wild more selective
The youngest with the elder crowd
Trying to be an adult still seen as a child
Friend having another kid such a blessing
So many life lessons learned getting burned
Taking a beating mentally and physically
Walked away didn't waste energy
Being mistreated not seen as an equal
60 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
He kept quiet because anything he said would be twisted and used against him. He had respect while they dissed him behind his back. He told them straight up and they said nothing speechless because they didn't expect him to take a stance.
He wasn't afraid to be alone and eventually his opposers would turn on one another because the truth comes out in the fortress of lies.
Everyone with their own hidden agendas he was genuine and didn't bother with anyone's drama the insanity they caused trying to make everyone miserable like them.
60 · Aug 2021
Infamous one Aug 2021
He looked in the mirror and asked who are you? What have you become? He felt close but slipping trying to find balance restore himself without being self destructive. He realized letting was hard but told himself its for the better. He Told himself don't go back to those bad habits. Be better it failed before you know the outcome. Things wont change all he wanted was to be himself and feel part of something not lower or deny himself to be accepted.
All he wanted was to get along coexist not pretend to be someone others made him out to be. When he belonged he felt himself grow and kept pursuing more. He wanted to change tired of settling cheating himself. He over thought but made sure it was worth his time the steps it took
59 · Jun 2019
Infamous one Jun 2019
On the way to work
The scooter glides through
Against the warm breeze
Vibration through the body
The handle bars
Holding onto the grip
All the worries drift away
Stress slips out carefree
Replaced with an adrenaline
59 · Apr 2023
Infamous one Apr 2023
The inner term oil burned out
Not writing from anger and frustration
Focused on health instead of taking on the bitterness of the world
People that don't value you, or your opinion
Avoiding toxic environments
Not going back to uncomfortable place
Forgetting those that violated trust
Broken down boundaries
Trust and respect no longer exist
Moving away from things that hurt
Not reliving old pain in fading memories
Cut the lust focused on something real
Love within grows strong as hate goes away
59 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Up late only time to talk
While the rest of the world sleeps
On the phone her soothing voice
Her laugh spread joy
Echoing in his ear
A settle smile full of life
Older together young at heart
Different worlds strong vibes
Two people know one another
Living different situations life styles
59 · Aug 2021
Infamous one Aug 2021
He didn't expect anyone to change but they wanted him to be someone else just to be liked to be accepted. It wasn't worth it and he didn't like the idea of denying himself to be part of an indecisive group. He'd rather do his own thing than be dissected like a fixer up project.
He wanted to let go but remembered all the nonsense. They told him full of double standards, all the criticism from two faced individuals. He wasn't angry just puzzled because they thought less of him and thought they had say and control of his life
59 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
How much sacrifice till you made it? Long days of over time giving up a social life but wanting one as well. Thoughts of dating and a relationship. The fear of being cheated on while being at work. Her actions will blame you because you're taught to be a provider even though times have changed.
Trying to communicate but no one speaks back. Then blamed for it trying to plan work with everyone's schedule. If anyone is forgotten they made no effort to participate. Everyone complains but doesn't care since it's not important to them.
It Hurts to smell your mom reek of alcohol knowing something is wrong but not getting involved took them out for lunch not always available. Would like to be around being your own man and person is important. The love of family is strong but distant because that tough love doesn't make life easy.
Siblings are doing grown up stuff but not helping anyone. Finding reasons to talk about everyone because their life is inadequate. Everyone makes mistake and learning to deal with being wrong just part of the growth process. Not the same person anymore Everyone has a chance to move up and improve. Don't get mad if you're passed up keep doing the work.
59 · Aug 2018
Qw #21
Infamous one Aug 2018
He went out on the town and dressed to impress he was usually an average Joe. He knew how to dress but worked with his hands and got ***** so wearing a suit was pointless. He would be confronted like he did something wrong. This criticism angered him since he dressed up for the occasion.
The person talking claimed to be better but didn't act like it. He was not impressed by material possessions it. He knew how to respect and treat people right. He don't care how much gold a person wore or how they dressed. He has personality character that surpassed wealth. His respect was warned not given. money is nice to have but it doesn't make you better
This guy with his fancy date, she was dram to his wealth while she got in his ear since he was not too smart and couldn't think for himself
59 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
From pages to the screen
Always writing it down
Clearing my mind
Trying to see it so I can be it
Holding back over the limits
Gave it thought it's time to do
Doing it for sometime ready to rise
A bad knee that is healed
A sore back that's not so tender
Watching others on the mats
Asking when will I come back
Keep dreaming about it
Writing about my life inspire others
Podcasting a platform gave me a voice
Made my moves back on my own
Lots of coping close to inner peace
Closure to all those failed endings
Finding my place to make my own
59 · Aug 2021
Infamous one Aug 2021
He made eye contact it became a staring contest. He starred cold showed no emotions. She stares back with a look of confusion. An awkward silence filled the room. The days are coming to an end. He was working for two locations and she would be leaving soon.
He wasn't big on change but as he got older he started to change with the seasons. It didn't bother him till it actually happened. He was cool with things he didn't want to hold them back. Especially if they weren't happy.
59 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
Annoyed with people
Who are rewarded for evil deeds
I wanna yell
I wanna scream
I wanna raise hell
Worked for mine
They steal for theirs
Feels like no one care
Losing the battle
Feels like I can't win
Can't take no more
Life's not fair
Problem is I care too much
Do too much it's not enough
Can't do it all
Hate being on call
59 · Aug 2021
Infamous one Aug 2021
Don't like to argue with anyone already an internal struggle with trying to do what's right. Easier to write it down than speak it words wont come out losing the train of thought searching for the words. Mouth goes mute have to force it up project loud or wont be heard so many words.
Trying to get along not force things to work out especially if they aren't meant to be. Open mind and heart hardwired different from the rest.
59 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Always alone
Use to be afraid of it
Now it feels awkward
To be in the company of others
Rejected love so much to give
Denied ideas now doing it myself
Found closure to gain inner peace
Moving on with passion
Just because others can't forgive
Doesn't mean you cant forgive yourself
59 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Not always the first pick
Not always going to win
Making the most of everything
Close to a relapse nerves worked
Not giving into temptation
Chose to stay sober clean for too long
One sip full of regret lasts forever
Always went out every weekend
Blacked out don't remember anything
The following morning woke up at home
Not sure how or how it happened hung over
Found new outlet ways to have fun
Without being consumed by alcohol
59 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Wide awake no work today
Pondering the next move
Mind is wandering away
Thirst for adventure its been lacking
Needs to be quenched dry mouth
Starved for intellectual stimulation
Down played the ego going numb
Mouth wanted to speak up
Sound of the voice with no bass
Very soft and kind in tone
Not force or demands what so ever
Unlocked fists not looking for a fight
So many set in their ways
Things never change not surprised
Or highly not expected anytime soon
Stayed the same for years only worse
Not trying to argue with a stone wall
Told provide a solution in chaos
Over pointing out the problem
Things usually get worse no control
Before they get better hard to tell
59 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Overcome the same old *******
Respect the rules even if they are wrong
Challenged for changed not always saved
Left alone not part of the pack
Had an opinion another group attack
Walked away from those talking
Counting blessings not another lesson
Use to be close friends
Negative attitude best to stay away
Bad vibes causing pain
All this deciet mad accepted defeat
59 · Apr 2021
Infamous one Apr 2021
They made him feel bad for working out. All they did was criticize him but they did nothing. He once valued them but had to put his guard up. He did all the giving all they did was expect. Only when they needed something he became a thought.
After being ignored and treated different he stayed in his lane they smothered him with their nonsense controlling ways. He gained more confidence called the BS in the end they'd ignore him or make him out to have a problem.
Never once did they think their attitude or behavior was a factor. He was admit his wrongs he hated how he had to walk egg shells to be considered. He did favors now they are talking and bad mouthing.
59 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
From a safe space to feeling stuck and trapped. Get out of the mind been reflecting all these awkward situations. Dealing with people usually excluded don't want to do that anymore. Trying to trust seems like it's the wrong people. Worried about everyone trying to help with mistakes some choose learn the hard way. Asking for ideas and perspective from peers. Trying not to think or overthink it. Held his head up all he wants to look down with frustration disappear. It wasn't fun anymore losing it's intensity. He thought about quitting busted his *** to get there. Most know someone or related to someone with lead role.
Trying to move up onto new the next level. He wanted while most was given everything. Hearing NO was common but didn't settle. Did it because they didn't think he could. No one was happy for him. They had the wrong idea about him.
59 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Use to have tons of friends now sitting alone. Dated many women still single. Hardest work in the room still not full time. Had an opinion got seen as the enemy. Shared feelings seen as weak. Showing emotions to have them be ignored. These are the worse feelings dealing with being alone makes sense but feeling denied seen as a reject. Those labelers are wrong dk the truth with their made up stories to feel superior.
59 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
He started to read more escape his loopy wild thoughts that seemed overwhelming not the solution. Feeling his mindset change, he missed being an athlete. It was part of him but aged out feeling like it caught up with him.
He had a place in his heart they didn't always have a spot saved for him. He loved to practice that was where he went all out and gave his all. Even if he didn't get to be his best he knew he brought the best out in others.
59 · Mar 13
Infamous one Mar 13
I've been asked, "why do you work so hard?" I've worked jobs where people don't do any work and have the nerve to complain.
I took pride in my work work etiquette is important. I'm that person you notice when I'm off or given the day off. I've been told I make people look bad they make themselves look bad for not doing their part.
I've lost a job because the guy who does nothing tried to pull rank because of his age. I don't care who you are or your age. If you are working hard or hard as me don't tell me anything.
Sometimes you have to take charge and hold yourself accountable. I try to work as a team but sometimes you have to do it yourself.
I never got mad because I seen it as training know everything so you don't have to rely or wait on anyone. I work hard because I can't be at work doing nothing for 8 hours. I've seen it done mind my mouth and business.
I never talk about anyone but my mouth is always being mentioned if you don't like why are you talking about me. That never made any sense.
Pushing through because I know what it's like to not have a job and be judged hard. If you had more than me why does what I'm doing bother you. I don't get why people make things personal when you don't say anything.
If I spoke up I'd still disappoint someone or make some one mad because I called them on the lie and they act like I'm trying to expose them. I have nothing to say they way they run their mouth it will get them caught up so I'm not worried or making a fuss
59 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
He closed off but did nothing wrong. Not taking the blame for others. He was able to admit he was wrong. Willing to make the wrong right.
Try to be the solution to problems that had nothing to do with him. He stayed out of it music in his ears blocking out the toxic vibes focused on his work.
His mouth got him in trouble he struggled with minding it because he respected his place and role while others got out of line.
59 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
Called a bias for not being around it
Trying to understand or be cancelled
Told the truth being fed lies
Trying something new being called crazy
Being told stay in the routine
Breaking away from the old way of living
Trying to rise up never settling
Taking on new social standards
Not playing the race card others abuse it
Some use their body while others work
Some have money others work for it
59 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Struggle has been real
Bouncing back from hurt
Dated to move on
Use to wait it out
Wasn't ready for it
Still did it anyway
Stewing and brewing
The mind wanders
Should've use the heart
The mind though it knew
Made mistakes on the way
It's okay to be wrong
Lots of confessions
Came forward in the heat
Cleaned up the wrong
Left bad impressions
Couldn't make it right
Lived with regret
Some never forget
Had to get away
Found strength to progress
Stop thinking about it
Obsessing over the past
Moments have passed
Letting go wasn't easy
59 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Losing things has been a withdraw
People come and go like the seasons
Close friends are now strangers
No longer the scapegoat to blame
Sobriety found faith and hope
Not taking the blame for others
Didn't do anything wrong
A genuine smile all alone
No more wild party nights
Staying safe and cozy at home
Doing things use to being alone
Can't be friends with everyone
Learned to be selective opening up
Not get too involved mind ones own
Silent mouth keeps the peace within
59 · Aug 2022
Infamous one Aug 2022
Thoughts down on the age
A new life turning the page
Not the same anymore
Focused on work hustling
Not that person you remember
Sad to see his cousin sad over life
It's not hard but does get easier
Take on what you can handle
Pick your battles that matter
Giving advice to the youth
Failed learned after messing up
Kept trying to improve get better
Striving to be more not less
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