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62 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
This guy decided to jump back into the dating world; after a few years of being single, he gave himself time to grow, and learned about himself.

He dated all the wrong girls; before most of them didn't know, what they wanted, or kept it casual. This was all new to him, since he lacked confidence, but on his first try things would be a successful.
The first girl he would ask out said "yes" they would have a romantic dinner in the college community; where they both attended.

He remembered going to prom alone, on this date things felt right. He grew up less fortunate, so he didn't date much. He was private person, most all didn't want others thinking less of him.

A very late bloomer, who didn't drive because his friends would drive him. On this date they would walk to this establishment; hand in hand talking to get one another. Sharing stories getting to know one another.

Not that skin tone matters, but he grew up in an all brown community. this girl he was dating was half black and white such a beautiful mixture in his eyes. His family was traditional sounds racist, stay with your people, he did not agree or believe it should be that way.

She was into him, but this was all new to him. Most of the time, if he was into anyone; they'd friend zone him. He always heard them complain or comfort them about their current relationship; he knew how to listen, and keep a secret.

This date was all new
62 · Jun 9
Infamous one Jun 9
Feels like something is wrong
Haven't done anything extreme
A pause for the cause diverse emotions
Trying to relax recover from the stress
Bring good vibes wrestling with bad thoughts
Did the work scared to come up short
Made the wrong right crippled feelings
Fearing a negative outcome
Taking on more overwhelming frustration
Riding out most of the struggle
Protecting others from crazy
Those blindsides are the worse
Unexpected feeling rejected
Remained loyal disrespect
62 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
He sat in the back observed and listened to everything on it was all new to him. He didn't like being the center of attention because someone would try to knock him for being different.
Keeping a low profile and working behind the scenes felt more common. Writing his thoughts and ideas enjoying the creative process hoping to do something with it.
He liked to working with others being a team not let the guy who did nothing take all the credit for the team effort. Making nothing into something building off ideas
62 · Aug 2022
Infamous one Aug 2022
Those toxic ways are not love
Laying next to a stranger
Not knowing who you are
What you've become is no longer fun
This lust will never amount to love
Forcing broken failed love
The respect gone amounts to nothing
Trust will never be whole only divided
Loathing one another's presents
Not able to be in the same room
No communication just arguments
Sick of the lies nothing was real
Easier to hate each passionately
Instead of making the wrong right
No terms or conditions more problem
Easier to stay away the only solution
62 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Another night you came to mind
Trying to forget not regret
The choices made to move forward
Drawn back but don't know how to act
Failed before, dk if I can be done anymore
Why repeat expecting a different outcome
We keep running into one another
Hard to move on missed that moment
Would like another chance with you
So much has changed within our lives
Working to get by struggling alone
While she works for her kid
A family bond not sure anymore
Never willing to break that bond
We use to hang enjoyed the moment
Didn't expect much denied my feelings
Never took her for granted
Respected her or took advantage
62 · Mar 2022
Infamous one Mar 2022
He woke on ready to take on the world
Not taking anyone's craps
They chose to be that way
And had no right to take their frustration out on others
He left them alone then they tried to come at him
Once he spoke up this vicious strike shook them
Now they are playing the victim
Thinking it could justify running their mouth
Never saying it to your face and talking behind your back
No one cares no one is talking about them
62 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
Loving family unconditional even if they cuss you out. Disrespect you because they dk how to cope or deal with their emotions. Letting their feelings get the best of the situation wanting you to talk to them not willing to listen.
Acting like they are better than you thinking they have the upper hand being ignorant. Expecting you to lower yourself to be accepted. Asking your opinion but real want you to side with them say what they want to hear. Dealing with the problem stop looking for excuses. Complaining about a bf that is egotistical but staying loyal looking like a fool. While a brother who cheats on a girl he doesn't like follows everyone not having an opinion of his own. As an older sibling watching this insanity they have the never to call you the crazy one for being single wanting a healthy relationship not emotional crutch of a partner.
He told his story straight to the point seen as wild or crazy realizing he was wrong or made mistakes still owned up.
62 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
By the mic thinking what to say
Dividing personal life and feelings
Inform the listener and stay positive
Upbeat set a tone so much has occured
A way with words how to speak
Have an opinion most of all have fun
Talk about what you're passionate about
Things that make you laugh and smile
Be open with a heart not fake or phony
This show is a voice a cheap form of therapy
62 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Broke promises
Leave the heart hollow
Trusting again is hard
Love from a distance
Protect the heart
Time to heal forget the past
Can't be around the hurt
Things never change
Better to stay away
Hurts to be made a fool of
The betrayal cuts deep
Scars left as beauty mark
Remember the good
Mostly shadowed by bad
Look away not seen the same anymore
Life lesson taken for personal growth
Damaged spirit still glowing strong
62 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Feeling provoked, so many double standards learning to forgive move on, while everyone holds a grudge. When its them they expect you to turn a blind eye, if it's you they are quick to blame, or throw you under.
Always focused on doing good or being better. Try to not argue with family but so much contradictions and hypocritical behavior. So much frustration to pardon or justify their action by saying that's who they are. They know what they are doing so much none sense.
62 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
He was stressed over work becoming a lead. His family didn't agree so it felt like they were against him. It all went away when he put on the mitts training with his cousin forgetting all the BS and the nonsense.
It felt right worthy of his time he could be himself while challenging him to be better. Enjoying the cardio seeing and feeling the combo process in his head. Kicks and punches working on form and technique.
He had something to call his own while everything he felt like it was outta control. No say or control making the most of everything. Breaking away from family because they brought out the worse instead of making him better. The job sight was demanding working to keep the standards doing the work and extra pleasing ungrateful people but staying on top of things feeling pressured.
62 · Aug 2022
Infamous one Aug 2022
He worked hard making moves ready to take the test. This would be a factor in his future working towards his goals. Wanting a day shift so that he could focus on his training. Changing up his diet incorporating more greens. Resting staying sharp and focused on his passions. Lots of change occured he was working for it. Had plans hoping they'd work out be put into motion.
Changed his focus at ease over come pain and agony cause by his family. He valued them but they didn't respect or valued his opinion. Anything he did didn't matter unless they made it about them. Not like them and will never be like them.
62 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Called selfish or stubborn for not asking for help but they expect results without them your feelings or opinion means nothing. When you did it no one gave a **** other people get praised and worshipped. They don't believe in you that's infuriating. Everything they told you not to do everyone is doing. When you did it they talked bad about you for trying to be an individual. Never been a follower a leader a trail blazer finding away because not able to rely or depend on anyone unless multiple favors are done
62 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Know who I am
Where I come from
That's all I know
Be myself it makes sense
Keep it real be genuine
Protect your heart
Build trust with others
A loyal heart with the right one
An honest mouth for the truth
Respect others differences
62 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
Its okay to be different what's not okay is for others to impose their view talk about everyone because they didn't get their way. Not being able to get w reaction so they try to turn others against you.
While you remain loyal and the same not giving into those wicked ways. Staying on your standards not lowering yourself to be accepted. Doing what needs to be done not making excuses.
Staying clear of those toxic talkers that never have anything good to say more problems than solutions. They'll blame you because they don't talk to you. Make it seem like you started everything. All because you had an opinion and spoke your mind. It wasn't what they wanted to hear now they made everything personal. All you can do is cut the ties smile be happy on a new journey without those doubters.
Make it about you after years of putting others first while being used and taken for granted. Only you can do it for you. No one else is going to do it for you. Make the most of things and work with what you got.
62 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
They tried to correct him that's what he felt and they tried to cover his guilty conscience. They dk what he's thinking or how he feels. He opened up they didn't listen or pretend to care. Made it seem like it's his problem. When things were bad they bailed on him left to fend for his own. Things are well all of a sudden they act like they were rooting for him. More roadblocks and detours
62 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
Benji hated walking on egg shells. He couldn't say anything but people tried to tell him everything when no one asked. Lots of projection and imposition from others; making it easy for him to be alone.
Everyone was so miserable and sad all he wanted was to be happy. So many drained him of his good vibes. Feeling robbed and cheating himself because he couldn't say anything or have an opinion without everything becoming a personal attack.
He would write in his journal which gave him a voice. He didn't like to argue or go against his family and friends. Becoming a road block he knew they wouldn't like it and he didn't want to do it.
Lots of conflict of interest would cause this friendship to crumble. Feuding with family is the worse not backing down or running standing your ground up for yourself. No terms or compromise only conditions that divide more problems than solutions.
62 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Put on gloves did some rounds
Put on mitts did some more
Trying to remember it all came back
After a while the passion within woke up
Technique and form bounced back
The combo count hands placement on mitts
Don't care for macho ego or favoritism
Got tired of the back seat on the back burner
62 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
He hated the holidays because he lost loved ones. Everyone gets socially awkward copes differently. He just remembered the good times. While others got drunk or belittled others to feel secure about themselves.
He couldn't honor their death everyone cracked beers at the cemetery.
He went on his own time and randomly. He enjoyed the quiet remembering loved ones praying to God for peace and closure. Preferred to be alone than be around people; who tried to tell him, how to act, or feel. It was insulting to be around people; who thought less of him. Ignored him because the focused on material possessions than intellect.
62 · Mar 2022
Infamous one Mar 2022
He was left alone doing his own thing. The worse feeling is his family hating on him because no matter what he did I wasn't good enough. They talked to him like he was stupid which was more insulting.
All the betrayal he asked for help got ignored. Now that he figured it out doing his own thing they chime in with their toxic negative opinion, no one asked for. He was excluded because they made him out to be a bad guy. He didn't do anything but played the role. Not able to change him trying to use the numbers against him. Trying to manipulate others perspective so they could think excluding him would change him.
He wasn't interested in their opinion since they ignored him when he meant well while their wicked ways tried to break him down so they could keep doing their evil.
He wasn't blind or turning a blind eye he walked away from that life. It hurt at first but it needed to be done. They didn't know his life or his story most of all his struggle over the years. He didn't use people he respected them and treated them accordingly
62 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
He showed up giving his all
Trying to make a difference
Giving his all with limited time
Covering their *** expecting it done
Not caring about him or his schedule
Life outside of work his struggle
All the pain caused taking its toll
On other work relationships
Usually reliable loves the site
Now in an awkward situation
Made moves exploring new areas
Now stuck limited movement
62 · Jan 2022
Infamous one Jan 2022
Trying to open up no one listens
No one cares unless it's about them
Asking about the podcast trying to put out good vibes
Haven't had a good friend for a while lost peeps over relationships and family. Didn't get it before but respect it now.
Avoiding people who drink to maintain sobriety
Got use to being alone someone is always mad or disappointed with anything done.
Excluded trying to fit in someone is always bothered by his actions or behavior.
He was one to say it to their face but they are quick to change the narrative make him out to be the bad guy. Turn everyone on him for having an opinion usually the one standing alone having a one sided argument with himself.
The double standards against him he's in the wrong but their evil doing is justified. He stares at the wall wonder what's going to happen since he questioned the things that tore him down. Now they are playing the victim telling him he overreacted because they mistreat him. Apparently it's okay but he was tired of it trying to make it through probation and transfer. He arrived so many transferred he believed in loyalty; why stay if they don't believe in you.
His first day the boss said there was better candidates only hired because of the lead and his previous summer contributions.
62 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
People run their mouth and have no clue what they are talking about. While you mind your mouth and get provoked. Once you speak up have an opinion you are the bad guy. You have confidence they'll see you as mad or like you are in a bad mood. Half the time your mind is where you don't want argue but they are clearly wrong trying to taunt you because they think you aren't going to say or do anything about it. When you do they play victim make you out to be the bad guy. Taking on the odds what does it matter.
62 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
Letting trying not to obsess
Can't fix the wrong
Trying to be better
Made mistakes but learned
Tired of feeling weighed down
Moving forward can't wait around
Caring too much for others
While others shut you out
Trying to be myself without guilt
Over the intense hostility
Didn't do anything wrong
Keeping a distance getting bad vibes
Not saying anything to make it worse
The bitter ****** express says it all
Trying to make it to the end of the day
62 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
In the city of Corona
A hometown to the heart
Now a small town to over populated
Relocating north side of town to South
More overpriced housing lost values
So much destruction to the origins
Abandoning the old community
Use to traditional norms from childhood
While new concepts don't make sense
62 · Jun 2023
Infamous one Jun 2023
Emotionally bankrupt for years of risks
Feelings burglarized by the people
Used by bandits for their own gain
Found love with a new crowd
Years of blaming deep within
silent scorn, they are dead to the heart
You'd rather wipe them away in your mind
Then, tolerate the bad behavior
criticism from the disrespectful masses
Living with pride can be lonely
62 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Diverse time in life
Break the curse to be free
Won't let things be
Everyone lies hard to see the truth
Keep on fighting for a dream
Keep on writing honestly
Never said your name
Always bad mouthing my name
Not the same level up
Never alike anywhere close
No comparison been going strong
Stop with the mind games
62 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Another day looping thoughts
Hard to change, things stay the same
Exhausted from the struggle
Another flopped plan in the works
Not one to judge another person
But dont like when people be
I dont look down on others
Don't treat me like an idiot
I'm respectful to rude people
I'm polite when others are cruel
I respect your situation your choices
Not one to care or compete
I don't care if you are rich or poor
Treat people right that says way more
Usually mind my mouth and business
Some days are good others are hostile
Not one to complain just do a good job
Not responsible for others personal life
Lead by example do the job
Do it right the first time around
62 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Got nothing outside of writing
Thinking what to say how to say it
Lots of growth change is hard to cope with
Change break out of old habits
The same old routine changes up
From facing the world after walking away
So much has changed not the same
A fight to be accepted by others
Tried to fit in got rejected and denied
Became a rebel walked around alone
Seem like better people came into this life
Concerned for your health well being
Check up see how things are going
Being over looked not good enough
Ignored flaws pointed out very infuriating
62 · Sep 2018
Qw #58
Infamous one Sep 2018
He always wanted to be part of a crowd
They always made him feel he wasn't welcome or allowed
Now he minds his own wants to be left alone
Once he got inside realized he wasn't missing anything
He wakes out thinking meant for something better
They bad mouth him but once he confronts them they deny it telling lies now playing the victim
Been here before moving forward sobered up not the same anymore
Who he was and who he has become don't mix them up
62 · Aug 2018
Qw #46
Infamous one Aug 2018
Use to go out every Friday night
woke up drunk Saturday morning
Now I'm older life seems so boring
Another lustful one nighter to find love
A contiuning quest that never had a happy ending
All this brokeness comes together while writing
She showed me love one day the next it was over
Use to hang out fresh and new
things felt right got old and cruel
She loved when we cuddled
Hated to see me go now we don't see one another anymore
62 · Jan 2018
Infamous one Jan 2018
Wake up it's still dark need to beat the traffic rush. Cold outside seeing it while exhaling determined to stay warm. Wearing warm cozy layers because the weather is unpredictable. From cold as ice to hot has hell. The temperature would progress with the day. Losing layers or sometimes the weather stayed consistent dressed just right. In the car so early loud music to stay awake. The heat blasting to keep you warm on the way. Arrive before everyone sitting in an empty lot waiting for the rest show up. The early morning silence rewarding soothing to the mind. The tender intensity felt just right. He was always anxious but everything felt right. Up early home early. Like the days better then the night shift.
62 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
They said no
Or it couldn't be done
Trying to survive
Stay above water
Made sense within
Showing it can be done
62 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
Sometimes he filled the void and took on all the burdens. He thought it would lead to opportunity, so many detours roadblocks.
Left with doubt emotions are shot not sure how to feel. Cared too much it was never enough.
Once he stopped caring it was hard for him to show any interest or emotions. He wasn't about that life anymore. They robbed him of it then tried to give it back. The life he wanted he couldn't have. He was tired of the compromise settling for the alternatives. Made the most of it didn't care to fit in, or belong.
Got deep in thought lost in the transition over the years.
62 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Eyes locked emotionally charged
Nothing into something more
Friend to strangers dangerous vibes
Mysterious full of true love to give
The other lusting not taking it serious
Deep slumber on his arm
Till it went numb tingling sensation
Emotions are deep feels so real
Happiness making it hard to sleep
All that would change
Next chapter turn the page
Already know the outcome
Things changed never the same
62 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Sad over growing up less fortunate
Everyday a struggle to accepted
Others mock your mannerisms
For being different
Provoked for being short
Skin tone another factor
Dressed nice seen as gay
Wore whatever looked down on
Spoke truth got ignored
Hatred came in many forms
Family betrayal hurts the most
Friends cut you off without reason
A crush ends up with your best friend
Trust issues forgiving moving on alone
Anger defused by loving
62 · Jun 2023
Infamous one Jun 2023
Be determined against the odds
Believe in yourself when no one does
Keep growing and gain experience
Got health issues, not *******
Plowing through finish strong
While being discriminated against
Minding this mouth loud thoughts
Keeping the peace being singled out
No longer involved fading away
Speaking causes trouble
Minding my business
61 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
They expected too much it was never enough
Just wanted to be himself never approved
But made him out to be someone else
He loved to joke things got personal
Had an opinion got ignored reserved himself
Easier to be silent than cause a ruckus
Stayed out told not doing enough
Provoked not giving trying to be at his best
Learned to mind his mouth and business
Being hyped up was all new
He use to everyone bad mouthed
All he wanted was to be hired full time
Always giving his all with out doubt
Focused on the work trying to make it better
Easier for himself if others benefit a bonus
Not a fan of brown nosing maximum effort
He wanted it working for it behind the scenes
No one took a risk gave him a chance
61 · Jun 2023
Infamous one Jun 2023
You create a new way of doing things
It clashes with the old way of life
Far from the past, but it's well known
Scared of the future unknown territory
Not knowing what's next, a clear mind
Afraid to fail one-shot opportunity
Holding onto what's left is a fight
Lost so much overtime, never again
Old friends fade away, memories
Scared to start over somewhere new
Not sure where to start anymore
Bounced back many times before
Faced those fears inflated with hype
Taking on maniputive egos
Toxic mouths continue to run
Eventually, signing a death wish
61 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Scared family won't approve of this new love making it forgiven. All this what if she likes them, but they don't approve of her. Don't need to hear criticism from both ends put in an awkward situation. Being nice but will not be mocked taking disrespected for trying to welcome others in my world.
Her love was part of this heart even if others don't understand. Family means a lot but growing up to be heard over being ignored. An older man still seen as a child trying to survive make it on his own. Worlds collide instead of uniting as one. Not able to please everyone make them happy. It's their life cant intervene but respect their decisions due to choices provided.
61 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
Shunned by your best friend over a girl
You messed with her, he did as well
One was lust the other madly in love
She didn't belong to anyone
One thought he could make her the one
Old time flings ruining modern friends
Broken trust friends never more
A faded friendship from long ago
An apology that's never forgive
Trying to be normal come around
Feeling guilty ashamed living with pain
Everyone pursuing success got a taste
Greedy for more stepping on others
Failure became more common
Stuck on childhood trauma hard to grow
Wrestling with struggle survival skills
Always learning on another level
Old momentum not prepared for new
Doesn't help with new obstacles
61 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
A moment written down come to life
Better than imagined while writing it down
A visual that became a reality
Such an intense rewarding feeling
Sober living is hard to fight temptation
Avoid things that make the situation awkward
Changed circles sometimes means rolling solo
Knowing better and can't go back to bad habits
So many decisions to be made in life
Trying to make better choices with satisfaction
Focused on improvement over living in regret
61 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
He entered the bus a 12 hour ride to a new life and location. Every mile close to a new life while the old is forgotten. Leaving the past for the future old friends made their decisions while he pursued his.  Everyone has their story he was pursuing a new life.
Sometimes things come natural while other times it's a struggle an argument to be heard
To be understood wondering why or what was next? After a while it hit a wall and hard. He thought about his new and the old lots of change. Being able to adjust and adapt to the situation. He was glad for change while somethings never changed remained the same.
61 · May 2023
Infamous one May 2023
Holding on to the old life
It was all that was known
Letting go of the old life
There's no going back
Live with soul it starts to show
Life goes forward changed over time
Broke free from bad vibes feeling alive
No longer connected to toxic behavior
"It will comeback to them"
Is what I keep telling myself
Minding this mouth being silent
Keeping to myself  avoiding fools
Doing my own thing appreciating life
Most of all minding my business
Failed attempts lead to something better
Gave up on a relationship lost all value
Not good enough no value over the pain
Focused on gains moving up in private
Working in secret being behind the scene
61 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
The crowd so loud they applaud your efforts
Take it in and do your thing take a breath exhale
Things feel right on a stage energy rushing
After the show it's so quiet and boring
From holding a crowd to being alone
No one around to hear what you're saying
Practice a monologue prepare for the next show
On the road so far from home it's part of the trade
Sleeping in a hotel bed missing the one at home
Trying to get to the next level, stage time is most important
All the struggle melts away with the stage lights
Free for that moment because this love felt right
61 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
He told her, he'd take her to dinner; once he got hired on full time. He was a part timer, who worked like a full timer. They were good friends but his plans would be ruined. She had a bf he respected those boundaries.
The job wasn't hard but they didn't provide a full-time position. He applied else where trying to find what he wants what he was looking for.
61 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Dating is not the same
Before it was a rush with the one
It becomes sad being one of many
Now everyone wants the perks
All the benefits of a relationship
Without commitment or connection
Relationships can be hard
But open relations are complicated
Someone always catches feelings
Wanting more than being a side piece
Lusting around meaningless ***
One begins to feel love lost meaning
Lusting a person for physical needs
Which will never be anything
Nothing more than a bootycall
61 · Feb 7
Infamous one Feb 7
It's okay to not know but once you begin to understand the growth begins. Sometimes you take others into consideration. Letting go shredding hoarded thoughts kept in notebooks. Not that person anymore Trying to prepare be better tomorrow. Be better than yesterday better prepared for tomorrow. All the pain is gone coped. No longer playing with old feelings or stuck on those old emotions. Ready to experience new moments the old ones are like trophies that cause you to settle because it was done. Getting more technical and more coordinated.
61 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
Home sick for a place the heart craves
That's felt in the heart deprived
But never been there desired to escape
A place where you can feel
Relax without protecting your heart
Be yourself without criticism
Feeling at the edge ready to jump
The fatal fall that changes everything
Going forward not back staying strong
Escape into the dream set free
Lost in the moment feeling whole
The world makes sense at the time
Trying to make it a reality
Dead inside the dream lives on
61 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
Been wide awake not able to sleep
Deep down an unsettle feeling
Trying to balance things out
Feels like everything might crumble
Fall apart before these tired eyes
A sore body from pushing through
Trying to beat the clock going strong
Dealing with a lazy leads ego
It's just talking blocking it out
Some will never change their mind
Not expecting much moving forward
Set in their stubborn ways one way
With distance resentment fades away
Time to heals over being stuck waiting
From the old embrace new moving on
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