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64 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
Some want to go back
Be fixed by what broke them
Live that moment where they felt whole
Even if that was lived short time
Fix things that go worse overtime
Or do nothing because trying didn't help
Mistaking lust for love minds confused
Hearts broken due to obsession
Heated romantic passion fades away
Places that brought joy are gone
Long lived memories from the past
Another  chance if that's possible
An opportunity to do things differently
Not there anymore reminiscing
Out grew that with time so much change
64 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
Took the leap jumped without hesitation
Free falling the hard wind against my face
The deep hole consumes the bodys pain
My soul clears out of heart, skips a beat
The adrenaline surfacing becomes immune
Fight to survive, facing death with no fear
The tension strong feed off the vibe
Forces spreading setting a tone
If one things feels wrong, all feels lost
In mid air, no one knows, care to understand
Free falling the trying to resist
Life flashing before your eyes
A fist made tight, easing up can mean it's over
The body reacts, this can be the end
Something within wakes up; revived not over yet
64 · May 2023
Infamous one May 2023
Feeling alright every day is a fight
Things get easier the more I write
Too old to be arguing, got things to do
Don't need to talk focused on work
Not dealing with one-sided mindsets
Trying to be me hard for others to see
Let me be back to the basics
Stopped worrying things got easier
Working for insurance, staying strong
Thoughts flowing need to grind
Don't care to explain myself
Would rather write feeling like me
Makes it easier to sleep at night
Facing fears feeling overwhelmed
Breaking down all the hype created
64 · Jul 2023
Infamous one Jul 2023
Let go of it all let the words flow
Free from bottled emotions
Looping emotions such a downer
Collecting trauma from the past
Happiness starting to show
Filling that empty seat give it life
Tell your story to inspire others
Tired of being silence holding hack
Did more than most came up short
Set up to fail in the light wanted it
Not ready so much to learn
Working twice as hard ready to shine
Behind the scenes to prepare
Find confidence ask many questions
64 · Nov 2019
Infamous one Nov 2019
Had others in mind
Not talking about you
Another guilty conscience
Being defensive trying to trip
Avoiding hungry egos that need to be fed
Talked everyone up seen good within
While they talk down with judgement
Been respectful through all the disrespect
Told one thing actions say another
Listened while others spoke
Ignored trying to help do what's right
64 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
She went out on him, and knew he loved her. She wondered if he would take her back. She made it so complicated to go back would he embrace her return.
After meeting in college both went in their separate direction. He chased his career while she settled down had kids now divorced. They cross paths once again so much change.
64 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
Had so much hope cloudy days
Smiled through the bad times
Feels like time is running out
Not too late feels near the end
Thought it would happen
Hard to find the one after many
Trying to love without being hurt
Back on track after being derailed
A vision within another outcome
The results once mattered
Never turns out accordingly
Trying to make it on another path
Aiming to win comeback from being last
Learned way more from failing
Easy to be dismissed than be understood ready to leave the hood
64 · Jan 2018
Infamous one Jan 2018
Sometimes being in the zone you miss out what's going on around you. usually in work mode today when in thinking this is the same I can be doing more and be else where enjoying life.
Such a small world my coworker knows a few people from the high school I attended. Mentioning people from the past and what was. Times have changed don't recall names and barely remember faces people age and don't look the same. Not the same person I remember. How life can change a person.
How can they call you selfish when you always give saying no one time plus they forget all the other times you went out of your way to help them. How you treat people reflects you but no one sees how those people reflect on him. Doing more stuff that makes you laugh and smile matters. It gives you more satisfaction and gratification saying you did it and I did if myself for myself for once. One of the best feeling ever trying to fit in doesn't sound right it's better to stand out be your own being not follow the blind especially since you know better; choose to be righteous and do good things. They can do wrong cheat it will comeback to them in the end so don't worry about those who mistreat you or take you for granted.
64 · May 2023
Infamous one May 2023
Walked away from emotion hurt
Tired of carrying the physical pain
Growing spiritually healed with hope
Proving it to myself no one else
Someone is always talking noise
The voices are loud missing silence
Instead of trying to be more
Becoming a mental distraction
Not feeding those starved egos
Refuse to empowered false pride
Out grew the old life letting go moving on
Embracing the new not looking back
Writing to feel able share from within
Let the flow go from the heart
Loving the personal growth
Words from a passionate soul
63 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
The cold grey sky made this morning
A refreshing breeze full of moisture
Eerie weather feels right all the time
Lost in the world found in writing
Dealing with others has it's moments
Loving regardless of what's happening
Expressed emotions triggering others
Wasn't attacking observing a situation
Jokes taken serious made personal
Hostile personalities causing conflict
Not into confrontation working harder
Not backing down standing strong
Focused on what matters
63 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Arguing with myself to figure it out
Find away to make this dream
Become a reality the truth
Years passed coping with change
One day reunited as friends
Probably not possible but an idea
All these changes all unexpected
Some forced not ready to grow
Trying to live enjoy life
63 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Did my thing got no support
Stood tall on my own nothing but hate
Always happy for others
Got made fun of but kept focused
Told I ****** and been doing it more
Every win was mine thankful
Appreciate everyone who helped me
Ruined the moment seen as a lost
Been proving people wrong
Not a cheater accused of being one
Earned my way not a thief acting righteous
Kept my mouth shut seen as a snob
Opened my mouth always the bad guy
Not using people taking them for granted
I'm not afraid to lose or back down
Been ganged up on talked about
I walk away doing what I love
Stayed away from negative people
Settling my goals trying to achieve them
My dreams will become the reality
63 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
The romance was over they couldn't stand one another. Couldn't be in the same room from smiles to looks of disgust for one another. Both full of anger betrayal among them that kept them from getting along. Things got rushed both had expectations that let one another down. Not able to redeem the love, and the respect was gone. Trust was broken forever trust friendship was totaled. The relationship was tarnished beyond repair.
63 · Jun 2023
Infamous one Jun 2023
Somedays you win
Take a beating, love to fight
The victory short-lived
Asking what's next mental stimulation
Looking for a challenge
Never accept defeat out
Sometimes, you lose focus
Gain experience open to learn
Life has plenty of lessons
Focused on the blessings
Live in the moment be present
Don't be consumed by the past
63 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
Being the lead trust your skills
Able to do the job best of your abilities
Be an example be part of the team
Not make an example of others
Share and pass your knowledge
Teach everyone there's no excuse
Why it's not getting done
Being more consistent
Finishing strong efficiency
63 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
Another night hard to sleep
Deep in thought feeling nothing
Let go of the bad avoiding toxic vibes
Friends to foes people once known
Appreciated others feelings not returned
Not overwhelmed worked up by others
Learned to love being alone
Enjoy time alone to write
Especially restless late nights
Music to soothe the souls
Natural glow of happiness
A comfy chair to relax the body
A pen to spell out the emotions
Thoughts into perspective
63 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Around the redwoods
A place that was home
Left thinking about going back
Had it all something is missing
Started over lost it all
What's missing what matters
Away from family missing home
Closer to home still not near family
Don't know how to act
What to say so divided driven apart
Words won't come out
Losing strength a weak voice
Not many choices
Decisions had to be made
Trying to be better for family
Came up short failed
Still trying to redeem a dream
63 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
Seeing old peeps and new peers
An old life adjusting to the new life
Asking and wondering all possibilities
What if it could happen right for once
Why hasn't it gone down way past due
A good time left with past memories
Years of hiding in the back for peace
Brought to the front on the rise
Opened eyes to see opportunity
Taking risks new chances
Full of change turn the page
63 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Sadden that a childhood friendship ended over a girl. One had a casual encounter while the other was in a relationship. This girl came between them. One developed a habit while the other was lost in transition. The struggle within not easy to adapt. Hard to adjust when things are constantly changing. A friend who was a life time friend became a complete stranger. Trying to find balance through all the transition.
63 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
He stopped thinking about her
The girl who broke his heart
Thinking it was love but lust
She claimed to love him
Now with someone else
He moved on couldn't wait anymore
He thought she'd come back
His heart said there is no going back
He fear rejection denied his feelings
Always assumed the worse
63 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
The dating pool has been like jumping into a shallow puddle of mud. Taught to be a provider times have changed. Relationships don't hold value all the perks but no commitment. Being used then set free wanting more but stuck with less. An open relationship would not work one wants to be the one not one of many.
Asking what do you bring one relies on looks not contributing. Not equal one constantly gives and its never enough while the other continues to take and can't get enough never happy or satisfied. Ruining things once control is lost when they cheat blaming others for their actions.
Judging isolating people who don't agree or give into their commands. Taking advantage of the weak once someone strong comes along they are mistaken a threaten fool trying to take others down for defense.
63 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
Never coped always on the go
No time for pain working too much
A busy job that's soul *******
Another draining failed relationship
With the wrong person not compatible
Who doesn't want anything with you
But doesn't want you with anyone else
Never the man but the go to guy
Hated on for doing it right
Taking time to care show interest
Not BS wasting time finishing strong
Others quick to point out the flaw
Feeling less after giving it all
63 · Mar 2022
Infamous one Mar 2022
His hear beat like the drums in a punk
Spoke the truth like deep rock lyrics
The music spoke to his heart
Feeling connected and alive love within
Instead of excluded in a crowded room
Rejected because he didn't follow or care to be like everyone else
A rebel heart that beats strong
Rolling solo not into the fake crowds
Walking alone in the silence
Music makes the world better
63 · Aug 2023
Infamous one Aug 2023
You can't keep living off past experiences
Time to create new stories to tell
New experiences fresh encounters
Go on new adventures live life
Journey into new realms new people
Take on personalities that stimulate the mind
Let go of old friends that lost contact
Be in the scene get lost in the crowd
Stand out not losing yourself
Challenge yourself to do better
Be more stop settling for less
The growth results so much progress
63 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
Started to share projects
Don't know how to finish them
Need to feel it be able to see it
Really like the creative process
Playing scenarios in the mind
Conversations and dialog playing out
Comedy to make other smile
Romance to feed a hungry heart
Fluttered emotions composed
63 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
Walking away was hard but got easier because he had to fight for his spot. Why stay if they had plans to replace him. Being pushed out the welcome feeling was gone.
Tired of compromising himself to fit in and being what others said when he didn't say anything or do anything to give them a reason to talk. He was supportive but when he needed them they were no where to be found.
He would vent but their problems always seemed to be more important than how he felt and what he thought.
He use to give advice try to help he was resourceful never telling people the truth not what they wanted to her.
Most did the opposite or whatever they wanted so he stopped
63 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Woke up tired
Too much on the mind
Be this way
Act like that
This mind came to terms
The body reached it's limits
Things are not the same anymore
Why is it okay now
Told don't do this
That's bad for some reason
It gets you no where
All these made up rules
Why is one struggle more important
63 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Always putting others first
Give them the best
Allowed the worse
******* this soul
Dried up inside to outside
Withering away
Consumed by pain
Redeem nothing seems right
63 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
Writing to express these bottled thoughts
So much on my mind can't focus
Trying to relax unwind from it all
Came to terms with the outcome
Not the first pick, one day be the first choice
Kept my mind occupied not coping
Bottled stress that won't go
Hurt echoes through the body going numb
Body doesn't want to fight, rest find peace
Took a beating never the same anymore
Face swelled up got fired from the job
A job that never honored their word
Wasting my day, wasting my time
Miserable people not letting them knock me down
Don't want to be like them, that's why I laugh
I'm one who smiles while others wallow in pity
Work hard to improve, hate the situation
Loving life while others hold onto the past
Trying to get ahead a live inside
Over going through the motions dead inside
Anger comes out can't hide it anymore
63 · Jun 2023
Infamous one Jun 2023
Closer to the transplant
Did all the test for California
Now going to take more exams in Arizona
Waiting for a liver could take weeks possibly months
Almost a year ago it started
A doctor appointment for a check up
Finding out with high enzyme levels
Being diagnosed with cirrhosis
A phone call from a doctor with no bed side manners
You're sick we need to figure out
What wrong with you
You have cirrhosis or cancer
Thankful it was cirrhosis over cancer
The less of two evils trying to get healthy
63 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
Part of you dieing embracing the new
Missing the old changing with age
Asking if the sacrifice was worth it
It didn't happen before was stressing
Now it's all going down overwhelmed
Inspiring others to do more
Stop setting for less focus on progress
Always changing for the better
Sad people still see you the same
And made no effort to never change
Lost weight to get healthy feeling better
Not always social over backhanded complements
Pursuing a dream reinventing yourself time and time again
63 · Aug 2023
Infamous one Aug 2023
See the world in the light
Another great writing session
Facing fears thoughts of confrontation
Overcome troublesome thoughts
Learning to love yourself again
Years of resentment from a broken heart
Rising up from the past that crashed
Healing over time memories fade
Staying in the present not going back
Time is moving fast healing this heart
Healing with a new mindset no regrets
63 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
The hardest part of sobriety
You thought you'd never get clean
Detoxing is the hardest
Part of the process
Say somethings it was wrong
Alcohol altered the state of mind
Wanted to feel like a whole
Felt empty wanted fill this hole
Changed my behavior for others
Wanted to be forgiven
Now I'm clean for me
Feeling better about myself
Staying positive in a negative situation
From the bottom to the top
Things leveled out
63 · Nov 2017
Infamous one Nov 2017
It was his day off he liked to write so he wrote so that he could compose himself and put life into perspective. He was a dreamer and had a wild imagination he could tell amazing stories to his siblings and co-workers he liked to make people laugh and smile. He enjoyed his job because he had many jobs where he was treated unfair but this was a job where he worked alone and would be lost with his thoughts. He was very impersonal but did want to connect he could only write so much and hide in his room. He wanted to write a book and make the world smile. So many negative and bitter people, he wasn't feeling sorry for anyone because they showed him no remorse. He knew the struggle and had nothing but bounced back humble and counting his blessings instead of worrying about what he didn't have.
63 · Sep 2023
Infamous one Sep 2023
Grandma cussed me out
My last memory hard to forget
Taken advantage by cousins
Regret not being around
Can't be around toxic family
Who bring people down
Take pride in instigating others struggles
Trying to bring others down
Haven't talked to her since
Use to be close now divided by silence
Growing up Not a child anymore
Always seen as a kid in her eyes
Spreading her hurt to others
Make others feel worse can't get ahead
Can't do better or get ahead
Can't settle for less rising up
63 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Came to me in a dream
Had it once, will do it again
Lost it, earning it all back
Afraid to be alone always solo
Looking for love to be neglected
Friendships that are one sided
Living life not comparing
Loving myself others careless
Not competing for a spot
On my way to somewhere better
Not settling for less
Tired of lowering my standards
Others want so much
But it's never enough
Eventually shut down the bad
Overwhelming had enough
63 · Jan 2020
Infamous one Jan 2020
Making fun of the situation
Cracking jokes with a dry sense of humor
Dark comedy with an awkward bromance
Never had a support group it's all brand new
Most wait to hear about failure
Another set up not fall into the trap
Assume the worse thinking less of
Proving them wrong worth it
Other times a huge waste of time
A detour side track focus get back on track
63 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Haven't been journaling taking so much in. Writing is how to let it out reflect something's are beyond your control. Being a team player caring the load is exhausting. Doing your part isn't enough. All the extra is what becomes a factor. Sometimes they'll love you other times they'll push you out discredit your hard work and efforts making them feel worthless.
Learning to be a leader and communicating is hard.
Usually one to plow through do it alone. Trying to connect is hard especially after years of being detached from everyone. Giving everything not expecting anything in return.
Working till the job is done not leaving it for the next person. Thankful ppl are grateful instead of feeling starting over from zero doing it all over again. In bed not able to sleep not comparing or worried about others. Life feels alright but why does it feel like something is missing. Trying have a social life or relationship. It's complicated with trust issues formal friends that slandered ones name a character. Dating the wrong female who'd cheat then blame everyone to justify her actions of wrong doing.
63 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
Missing his best friend
It ended over a lusting girl
They use to be a team
Have one another's back
One was sorry feeling back
The other holding a grudge
Throwing the mistake in his face
Giving up part of himself
Holding himself accountable
Still not forgiven guilty conscience
Not able to be in the same room
One kept silent let his rep die
With altered behavior never again
The other with bad habits
Mouth flapping spewing lies
Bashing others with manipulation
Departed different ways separate lives
63 · Jul 2023
Infamous one Jul 2023
Working for your dream obsessively
Others piggy backing toxic behaviors
Making it seem like they are the mastermind
Taking the credit, she hasn't done the work
Always beefing with someone's ego
Foolish pride won't get a rise out of me
never been materialistic, no one own respect
Every day, paying dues putting in the time
One to appreciate people over possessions
Filling your mind with knowledge
Processing feelings on the page
Deep emotions trying to understand
Not chasing wealth focused on health
A new liver waiting on one
hopefully, a normal life
Time away from home missing corona
Missing grandma, the rock of the family
work piling up, ready to hold pads
Ready to get back on track
keeping up is about maintaining
Gave it to God, can't do this alone
mind worried about losing your spot
worked too **** hard to give it up
63 · Mar 2022
Infamous one Mar 2022
A young college chum fell for a softball girl he wanted her to be the one in his future. Turns out he wasn't meant to be in her plans he was one of many. It ate him alive knowing that she was with someone else after him seeing it shattered his heart.
The betrayal made him immune to pain like he was expecting it to be a forever thing. He was a fan and went to her games turns out he player her games and got played. He didn't deserve the foul treatment but couldn't handle the curve ball life threw his way.
Over time healing learning to love and trust again such a cruel world full of toxic people trying to manipulate his kindness. He stood tall most of all alone not letting anyone take him for granted focused on what he loves the things that made him happy. A new book to write starting a new chapter no control of how things ended. Now able to make decisions without others wicked imposition.
63 · Aug 2022
Infamous one Aug 2022
Part of life is done no going back
It hurts so bad the betrayal
A knife to the heart for trusting
The disappointment eats at you
Feeling closed off from the world
Seek new start over fresh beginnings
Ready to shut down fade away
62 · Jun 2023
Infamous one Jun 2023
Emotionally bankrupt for years of risks
Feelings burglarized by the people
Used by bandits for their own gain
Found love with a new crowd
Years of blaming deep within
silent scorn, they are dead to the heart
You'd rather wipe them away in your mind
Then, tolerate the bad behavior
criticism from the disrespectful masses
Living with pride can be lonely
62 · Jan 4
Infamous one Jan 4
Digging down deep to find closure
A text from an old friend
A smile in the past in the future
Calls from yesterday for better days
Dreams of a past lover never forgotten
Taking risks due to bad communication
Watching movies to pass time
Writing to compose the boredom
Sleeping to recharge heal the body
Music to rest continue to heal
62 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
This guy decided to jump back into the dating world; after a few years of being single, he gave himself time to grow, and learned about himself.

He dated all the wrong girls; before most of them didn't know, what they wanted, or kept it casual. This was all new to him, since he lacked confidence, but on his first try things would be a successful.
The first girl he would ask out said "yes" they would have a romantic dinner in the college community; where they both attended.

He remembered going to prom alone, on this date things felt right. He grew up less fortunate, so he didn't date much. He was private person, most all didn't want others thinking less of him.

A very late bloomer, who didn't drive because his friends would drive him. On this date they would walk to this establishment; hand in hand talking to get one another. Sharing stories getting to know one another.

Not that skin tone matters, but he grew up in an all brown community. this girl he was dating was half black and white such a beautiful mixture in his eyes. His family was traditional sounds racist, stay with your people, he did not agree or believe it should be that way.

She was into him, but this was all new to him. Most of the time, if he was into anyone; they'd friend zone him. He always heard them complain or comfort them about their current relationship; he knew how to listen, and keep a secret.

This date was all new
62 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Know who I am
Where I come from
That's all I know
Be myself it makes sense
Keep it real be genuine
Protect your heart
Build trust with others
A loyal heart with the right one
An honest mouth for the truth
Respect others differences
62 · May 2020
Infamous one May 2020
Under the lamppost
Talking to one another
A nice refreshing breeze
Two strangers meeting up
Getting to know one another
Talking about their life
Funny moments sharing stories
Planning to make new ones
Spent an evening under the stars
Felt like it was all going to line up
Talked on the phone nightly
Prior to the evening planned
Silence felt right together
Lots of smiles with quality time
62 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
By the mic thinking what to say
Dividing personal life and feelings
Inform the listener and stay positive
Upbeat set a tone so much has occured
A way with words how to speak
Have an opinion most of all have fun
Talk about what you're passionate about
Things that make you laugh and smile
Be open with a heart not fake or phony
This show is a voice a cheap form of therapy
62 · Aug 2022
Infamous one Aug 2022
He worked hard making moves ready to take the test. This would be a factor in his future working towards his goals. Wanting a day shift so that he could focus on his training. Changing up his diet incorporating more greens. Resting staying sharp and focused on his passions. Lots of change occured he was working for it. Had plans hoping they'd work out be put into motion.
Changed his focus at ease over come pain and agony cause by his family. He valued them but they didn't respect or valued his opinion. Anything he did didn't matter unless they made it about them. Not like them and will never be like them.
62 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
He was stressed over work becoming a lead. His family didn't agree so it felt like they were against him. It all went away when he put on the mitts training with his cousin forgetting all the BS and the nonsense.
It felt right worthy of his time he could be himself while challenging him to be better. Enjoying the cardio seeing and feeling the combo process in his head. Kicks and punches working on form and technique.
He had something to call his own while everything he felt like it was outta control. No say or control making the most of everything. Breaking away from family because they brought out the worse instead of making him better. The job sight was demanding working to keep the standards doing the work and extra pleasing ungrateful people but staying on top of things feeling pressured.
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