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71 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
Been going strong
Feeling better about it
In love with a moment
Hard to make new ones
Live in the present
Out of the pool of thought
Always observing
Post it note on the mind
Striving to be myself
Not who others made me out to be
71 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Not always excited for others plans
Its wrong don't like being tempted by alcohol
Making plans others time is respected
Taken into consideration
Made the move made it happen
No ones talking clapping back
Always been weird embraced it
Not denying part of the uniqueness
Hard to deny yourself after a while
Changed for the wrong reasons
71 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
Wanting to funny joking with others some will get mad or offended for the truth. Grew up around people talking smack and took it once you start talking back people lose their crap.
Always open and honest called blunt and ruthless with the truth. Grew up tough but able to find a funny moment through those dark times.
Always straight up because lies are hard to keep up with. Writing different ways to say it or how it could set a tone. It could be deep and dark or humble with some positive energy.
71 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
Dealing with so much losing yourself
Not in a good way paying dues
Having to hustle doing extra
No one is going to do it for you
Sacrificing things to be at work
Missing those athletic days
Older now not healing the same
Have to do extra to come out even
From having time to being the clock
Wanting to slow down its all fast pace
Mind goes numb feeling distracted
Body into work mode get it done
Tired at work ready for bed
Time for bed wide awake thinking
If all the possibilities and "what ifs?
71 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Hungered for life
Starved on the go
Learned to sit down
Enjoy the company around
Chasing false promises
Lots of hopes up expected too much
Came crashing down hard
Set up to fail took time to prepare
Spoke up said NO did all the work
No more YES man walked away
Held on for life only one left
Let go fell took a leap of faith
Lost so much over time
But don't need too much
71 · May 2019
Infamous one May 2019
Another day in the books
Reflect on things from the past
Aren't as bad as they look
Writing always gave him a voice
An opinion show emotions
Without others twisting his words
In the mind showing no emotions
Working hard body like a machine
Working twice as hard
Crazy enough to go back for more
71 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
Was tired of being used over the scam
Once he opened his mouth
No one bothered with him anymore
He was willing to help always doing extra
Once he said NO he never hear from her again
He question her logic
She tried to play him for a fool
He said no to covering a shift
He didn't do favors for lazy people
After cleaning up doing others jobs
He had no sympathy or remorse
Being over looked was common
When he finally made it still doesn't believe it happened or real
71 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
Just met you on another level
Everything happened so fast
An introduction full of life
Got past all the first impressions
A date or two this is all new
Are we friends or something more
Not sure how I act like the feeling
Good or bad not sure how to react
Go all in with my heart enjoy the love
This could be causal meaningless ***
Protect the heart not get hurt or broken
Rushed situation not sure anymore
If it can be much more, what's in store
71 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Two friends hanging out
Joke with an insult or two
A strong bond together
Life responsibility divides them
One single working to survive
The other carries a family load
Both friends during a simple time
High school chums same crowd
Teammates on a winning team
71 · Jun 2018
Inside out
Infamous one Jun 2018
Once you lie trust is broken
Not bothering with fake keep it real
Lost in your ways, why must I pay
Always open to change everyday
while you choose to stay the same
Memories fade away becoming a blur
Moving on not looking back
Brighter days sun shines
Over this phase clear from the daze
70 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
They talked nothing happened, they crossed paths years later. She was a single mom, and working at the bar. He walked away from that life the people he associated. The transition was hard to adapt learning to adjust. Working through the complications that made him stronger.
Dating wasn't the same anymore all the wild single women. Had become moms or divorced
70 · Feb 2023
Infamous one Feb 2023
Learning one way
Open to other ways
New school vs old school
Grew up with tough love
Learning to show love
Express emotions show emotions
Without doubt or regret
Being cozy in one's skin
Leaving old structure
Finding new structure
Unlearning bad habits
And relearning skills
Be open to change to grow
Personal growth matter
70 · Jun 2018
Infamous one Jun 2018
We use to be close you did drugs I turned a blind eye
I made mistakes but don't judge me like I've done worse
We use to be friends now we are strangers
Over a girl who doesn't love anyone but herself
We spent time together got close
Now we act like we dk one another
I saw you like family but now we are strangers
I showed you love and you slandered my name
Talked behind my back while I respected you enough to say it to your face
Stronger than before looking back never more
70 · Apr 2019
Infamous one Apr 2019
Feel the change within
Make all the wrong right
Time is limited get it done
Bet the clock within the time slot
Treat others right
Even if they don't value
Appreciate all you done
Make the most of it
Smile with passion
Do what needs to be done
70 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
She called him a player when she was the one playing games. He loved her turns out she's just lusting. His heart got broken for being over trusting. He wanted to win her heart make her the one. He found out he wasn't the one but one of many. She was playing everyone projecting the game on others while she played innocent. Times had changed from wine and dine to romance maybe something more. Now things are not what it appears to be.
70 · Apr 2021
Infamous one Apr 2021
The worse part about positing is someone will think. I'm talking about them looking for ways to hold a grudge. Sorry they have a guilty conscience. The family is the worse trying to pick a fight they'll try to turn everyone against you.
For showing feelings having emotions getting older can't keep holding all that anger and frustration in. It all comes out eventually. Sad to deal with that but it helps you grow and gain to be a stronger person.
70 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Made some changes
Doesn't mean depression
Not into the party scene
Getting older wising up
Don't care for crowd
Learned to enjoy solitude
Lost of reflecting personal growth
Not a yes man for others
Self evaluation personal preferences
Stopped caring what others think
Held on for life to one sided friendships
Let go took those risks pursuing more
Not the same person anymore
70 · Nov 2021
Infamous one Nov 2021
His personal space violated
Ignored till a favor is needed
All the disrespect the nerve
If he didn't do favors
They wouldn't bother with him
It was never enough
Someone is always complaining
Burning people for selfish gains
A snake lurking pretending to care
Among hard working people
Leaching off everyone causing chaos
70 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Known for all the wrong reasons not that person or living that lifestyle the party life came to an end. Wanted something meaningful he was over casual ***. He wanted the real thing over making excuses trying to justify everything that was clearly a lie.
He was being truthful while everything around deceived him. His friendships ended the only one making an effort.
Women messing around on him because their was no commitment. He usually blamed himself. He stopped welcoming people because he didn't impose his beliefs on others like they did to him
70 · Apr 2019
Infamous one Apr 2019
Over being uninspired always motivated
Tired of the same routine
Bored need a challenge to progress
Working heard to barely come out even
Lots of projects that need to be finished
Don't like to end things without a say
Always seeking closure for inner peace
Work harder than most came up short
Done more than most not
70 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
He laid in bed wondering if he'd find the one. After one day relationship he decided to do what he loves. He was happy not looking for approval. He just did when all he received was criticism. Feeling like he couldn't do anything right. Someone was always mad or offended. He always took shots from his loved ones the truth came. It feel like another enemy got close to hurt him so much betrayal. Instead of owning up they'd blame him for play the victim because others neglected them or ******* over stuck receiving the backlash.
70 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
Everyday being told what to do how to act be free without others trying to cancel one out for having their own goals and dreams doing it your way. Being told NO working for that moment treated it, like it was real, like it was life. Now the moment is here not afraid no backing down.
From crowd being kept out now its open feeling free from all the made up standards hype done pretending limited faded memories.
70 · Sep 2018
Qw #72
Infamous one Sep 2018
Finally Friday made it through the week. Working hard to get it done earn what's mine. Been sick but pushing through. Critics trying to throw a monkey wrench in this machine. Things have been up and down but not shutting down. Deep in though not trying to change because someone is threatened.
Struggle is real not to fond of others telling me, what's best for my interest.
70 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
It felt like the world was against you some alway mad or hating trying to take you down. Once you stop comparing and blaming your self the weight of the world shifts away. Trying to make miserable people happy stealing your joy because they are never satisfied. Doing your own thing what you love what makes you happy.
After the heartache of thinking highly of others that don't value or respect you. Seeing the best in them as they project the worse on you. Breaking away is the best feeling doing it for yourself without criticism or negative nagging in your ear. Missing certain people but if they aren't good you don't need them bringing you down.
70 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Learned to forgive myself
Year of being mad
Feels like I'm stuck in that place
Trying to be in the future
My trapped in the past
Things have been done
That can't be changed
Long gone can't go back
Said things I can't take back
Out of anger and frustration
Don't want to hurt anymore
Be a whole sick of being broken
Told me I couldn't do it
Lost in a world that don't make sense
Many outcomes with different results
Everything is not how it played out in my head
I thought she say yes but got shut down
Pushed my way through with the pain
Never coped with this pain
Running away with bad memories
Tried to drown it away with alcohol
Ended up doing more damage than good
Forgiving myself saying I'm worthy
Over letting others do me *****
Not fueling bad vibes that ruin my days
Empowering negativity that consumes life
Burning flames consuming good turning it black
70 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Walking in town
Use to be filled with life
Now its abandoned
Filled with homeless
Crime rate is up
From North side living
Now on the south side
Broken home childhood living
An adult dealing with abandon city
70 · Nov 2023
Infamous one Nov 2023
Writing about it not in that place anymore. Growing up out growing the past. Life is a ride that won't let up going fast.
From missing an ex to asking what's next? Worried about being broke now worried when will it happen?
Why hasn't it happened yet. Trying to live life not in regret so much frustration, and disrespect.
Picking up the slack tired and sore crazy enough to comeback for more. Talking to a girl that shows no interest. Wasting time trying to find common ground. Both from different lives and wanting different things for themselves. Sometimes she's open other times says nothing and not bothering with anyone.
Work is not hard but when people miss you have to dig down deep do the extra and try to balance out energy. Some care too much while others don't care of give a ****.
Trying to stay positive be well rounded instead of closed off and shutting down with irritation caused by all the detours and setbacks. Someday you want to scream and quit others take a breath and get it done.
70 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Being called sensitive for caring
The only one doing it
While others mock your efforts
Talk down on you no one asked
Like if they are doing you a favor
Already proved myself
Fighting for self worth
Working harder than most
Not going through people
Just doing the work taking pride
Putting in the time growing
As they knock your existence
Not seen as an equal times
Taking back the respect
All the credit that was taken
Do the work soul ******* parasite
Pretending to have it together
Stop BSing everyone truth hurts
70 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
In his room writing letting it all out not holding on making room for things that matter. Focused on writing a book making jokes not taking life too serious.
His quit on the people that taunted him and brought out the worse in him. They cursed his name and thought less of him since he wasn't a follower. He'd rather do his own thing than be told what to do by peers who don't value him or his efforts.
70 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Lost the edge in his head overthinking
Thinks too much once it comes out
Watered down through the cycle once again
Always had nice things to say about others
While others slandered his name
He'd ask out a girl talks of staying single
The following week she found another lover
Her lustful ways came between friends
A three way kiss that would ruin a relationship
He drank loved to be intoxicated masking misery
While the druggies looked down on his way
Double standards meaning one is less of two evils
Multiple apologies no forgiveness
Only a never ending grudge to be right
Most do wrong trying to justify the act
One moves on but reminded of a broken time
Like a medal of shame stuck in the same era
Never able to forget stuck living in regret
70 · Sep 2023
Infamous one Sep 2023
Showed up to work ready to get it done
Too many are miserable with attitudes
He avoids people to keep from ruining his day
He's usually upbeat positive about life
Loud music while finishing his route
Writing on his down time clears his mind
Trying to live in the moment
Craving changing unsatisfied
Forgetting the past to be present
Praying all the sacrifice pays off
Overall the pain ready to heal
Enjoy a meal without worrying
Be in a healthy relationship with the right person
Tired of holding back biting the tongue
Speak without being ridiculed
Words being twisted used against you
All the wrong people empowered
Having no respect for others efforts
Wasting everyone's time One sided
Talking about entitled and delusional
While projecting on others trying
Never happy whenever others rise up
70 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
They never believed in him for having a dream. Still pursuing it and doing it didn't settle or compromise. They want results nothing else matters. They never tried or gave a **** unless it's made about them.
Trying to stop you mad when they get surpassed. Being with family feels like being an individual is forbidden. Making a fuss about being dependent selfish for trying to stand alone. Thankful for all the help opportunity provided by those who seen good. Instead of assuming the worse
70 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
Feeling the vibe down with the best
At the Mike about to spit a line
Clear this mind of others insanity
Down for mine someone always mad
Straight up with the truth (freedom)
So many fueled by hatred (consumed)
Forgiving everyone seeing good in others
Regret walking egg shells
Bad egos acting bold miserable infecting others
Trying to take all your credit
Starting to regret it being nice
Holding back taking the heat
Biting this tongue not my life or problem
70 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
He looked in the mirror noticed the wrinkles and the white hairs that stood out more than the blacks. Feeling his muscle mass be less dense his body stiff losing flexibility a life of crazy from others he didn't care for.
Minding his mouth because everyone took everything personal.
He was done with everyone and everything that opposed him or tried to assassin his character due to a conflict of interest. It didn't bother him anymore, he knew who he was and didn't need anyone tell him otherwise
70 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
He walked away from all the double standards tired of being talked about. Never said anything bad just had an opinion. Being told how to act and who to be didn't work.
Trying to be himself among a bunch of phonies. Working to move up so many road blocks and detours on the way. He didn't let others influence his action.
They couldn't dictate his fate leaving the world behind walking with faith. Praying for others for strength not always sure but motivated to do what was right. Pursuing a dream and setting new goals without giving up himself to be liked to be accepted.
70 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
On the road over being home
Not happy with most of the outcomes
Hardest working not used to full potential
Broken promises filled with lies
People with useless titles that have no say
Lazy ******* trying to pull rank
Always willing to help over being volunteered
70 · Dec 2023
Infamous one Dec 2023
He was told be a man get your **** done
Sharp when it came to hustling but dealing with his emotions
Sometimes he wanted to cry but had to work for his money
People were ******* him and expected too much he hated letting people down.
He knew what it was like when people lied to his face gave him a hard time.
He wanted to be better than those who wronged him and did him *****.
Never talked about people behind their back usually to to face
He didn't like people speaking on his behalf. He didn't need representation by someone who didn't help the situation.
70 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
When people are so negative you hide who you are rather than give them the pleasure of ruining your day. Not walking into their trap their personal life spreads a toxic vibe at work. You avoid them by listening to music focused on work getting it done. Never let anyone full your shine. Smile while they hate you for chosing to be more over being consumed by frustration.
70 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Praying for lost ones
A formal friend that shared memories
An ex that once was able to tolerate
Failed love no changing the outcome
Silent treatment from siblings hurts
A friend who's health is in decline
Wanting to reach out not sure how
I'm sorry I hurt you meant well
Too bad it all went wrong
Got sober that was my apology
Had to do it for me since things ended
Getting mentally strong this heart torn
Fading away from that toxic scene
Left alone isolated with thoughts
Lonely nights writing it out
Words ran deep hard to sleep
Letting pride get the better of thing
Sorry won't fix the wrong
Altered behavior wasn't enough
Coexisting made it tough
Reaching out being ignored
Not worthy stance was made clear
Tired the grudge being held over head
Faced the truth everyone so ruthless
Miss you all wishing you the best
This hurt will fade over time
Gave it to God prayed for better days
70 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Processed it all
Been on the low
Minding this mouth
Focused on work
Not in anyone's business
Someone's always mad
Not my fault or problem
Loyal to a fault not taking the blame
Eventually cutting the cord
Never said a word respect your status
70 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Looking in the mirror
At an older man
Wrinkles no longer a baby face
Wisdom highlights hair turning white
Told many stories from the past
Appreciated the memories
Lived in the moment
A loving heart experienced heartache
Friends come and go like seasons
Always starting over with something
Hard to be emotionally invested
Use to be clingy and attached
Protecting a heart from the deceitful
Wanting it but being teased
Learned to go with out
70 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
He liked her but she told him she was busy. He got the hint and kept a distance. Someone was always mad or holding a grudge trying to turn him into someone he's not.
Be this way or you'll get treated different. Or you're this way so let me treat you bad. Trying to justify their misconduct. In your business instead of tending to theirs. They'd rather push you out destroy your happiness than be accepting allowing you to grow.
He'd smile they'd stare at him with intense anger and hatred. He preferred to be alone sick of others assuming rather than just asking. Trying to narrate his behavior dictate his mood. He wanted them to stay, but it's easier; if they just left.
Becoming emotional detached was more common than getting your hopes up. Tiredof being disappointed and let down by people he thought cared about him.
69 · Mar 2022
Infamous one Mar 2022
Wiping those tears over coming his fears
Missing grandpa no one to turn to for advice
Writing to feel always blocking it out
Human made mistakes owned up
Told the truth pushing through the pain
Wrote to get out the aggression on the page
Stretching to get on the mats
Bones and joints snapping popping
Writing to push out bad making room for love
Silent to keep the peace holding back is unsettling
The chaos within imploding coming out in an unhealthy manner
69 · Jun 6
Infamous one Jun 6
Staying motivated no one seems to care
Seeing opportunities others gave up
Slowing down getting burnt out
Trying to lead by example by doing
Stepping it up Not backing down
Body bruised feeling sore trying to relax
Dealing with change is hard
Things can get better or worse
Just focused on the work
Motivated to move not learning anything
Done everything looking for a challenge
69 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Just working trying to get paid
Made many moves
Over arguing with others
Feeding never satisfied egos
Avoiding all that drama
Not dealing with problems
Always providing solutions
Open to change others shut down
Learned to let go focus on new
Asking what's needed to be better
Room to grow most of all improve
69 · Jun 6
Infamous one Jun 6
Growing everyday seeking purpose
Mind hungers for knowledge
Being able to apply what's being taught
Usually isolated and alone
Anxious to be stimulated by others
Being social but always feeling too wordy
Honesty that ****** people off
Straight forward to the point
Learned to consider outside factors
Read the room the persons body language
Somethings can't be said or talked about
Music to express those thoughts some words are hard to find
69 · Dec 2023
Infamous one Dec 2023
Rebuild yourself since you has major surgery
From a big boy to slim embrace the new
Not able to bend dropping anything is embarrassing
Can't lift more than 10 pounds
The fear of getting sick avoiding people
Ready to be back in the crowd
Recover first bounce back from setbacks
Letting the wound heal
69 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
His plan was to get hired since the job helps pay for school. He's been one to pick up the slack his hopes up past due. Wondering if it would ever happen, walking away from certain people he felt shame, didn't want to let others down. Trying to take on too much its never enough or he lightens up on his effort feeling cheated. He thought he knew things got blurred had no clue.
Trying to rest mind racing mentally the body tired trying to get back in this routine. He asked and wondered what he should be doing tired frustrated running out of moves. Feeling out of places to go burnt out feeling excluded left out a team player with no team.
69 · Oct 2019
Infamous one Oct 2019
Finding peace with a broken spirit
Able to tolerate life more with healing
Avoided temptation to stay sober
Forgot to live in the moment
Cut off toxic negative people
Learning to say no
Gave so much and nothing in return
Not expecting anything gave my all
Gave everything left with regret
Hard to forget focused on positive vibes
Great up with nothing
Have to work hard to gain
After it's gained work to maintain
Thankful for everything
Know what its like to struggle
Never want to feel this way
Lifestyle change part of growth
69 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
He went to work and dealt with his useless lead that abused his power. Talking about respect but one of the most disrespectful jerks you ever met. The old school vs the new school trying to rise up but the older generation being a roadblock putting roadblocks and detours rigging things in their favor. He was tired of made up rules and social standards no one loved up to or followed.
People didn't like that he asked questions wondering why? Why is it like this why can't we just get along coexist with one another. They caused the conflict now mad blaming everyone but themselves for their misconduct. You can't treat people and no one deserves to be treated bad because they have a different opinion or knows more keeping them excluded.
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