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75 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
Rich or poor doesn't matter when you dk who you are anymore
Love and live life Sometimes you fail and wander lost not my cause
Keep trying but so far from where I set out to be
They want you to argue for them but they are the ones talking about you
My skin color doesn't come with a stereotype
My reality is not taboo my way of life is changing from child to man
My *** and gender are not to keep me superior
Don't care for labels
My beliefs and religion are not the same
75 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Find meaning and purpose
Many reasons to grow as a person
Use to be a mouth with a vengeance
Checked others with no regrets
Not that person anymore
Walked away from the argument
Chose silence over being worked up
Stayed away from the frustration
All the betrayal turned to burden
Felt weighed down by anger
75 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
Wide awake thinking about the day what's next? Staying clear of drama things that hurt him or made him mad. He didn't feed into toxic vibes or empower negative idiots.
He sat in his room writing thinking about the plan before jumping into action. Having an idea instead of assuming the outcome usually trying to make it through the day.
Dating is fun but he was private everyone tried to tell him how to live and who to be he didn't like that. Mean while dealing the younger generation trying to tell him when he had done way more. Everyone was quick to judge he didn't say or do anything to anyone.
He gave relationship advice to help but he was single. Gave parent advice for the kids best interest but the parent only card about feeding those bad habits. He meant well positive intensions while they tried to throw him under making him the scapegoat.
75 · Oct 2019
Infamous one Oct 2019
The athlete within sore
Multiple injuries over time
Still wants to be in the game
On the sidelines looking in
Recover get back into it
Tapping deep within
Missing the sport
Coached to pass the knowledge
A fan that prefers to do over watch
So much has evolved with time
Aging been away on the mind
Crazy for another round
Body does not heal right away
Learned to work smarter not harder
Physically demanding to meet the standards
Joint pain feel the pressure
Muscles tender lower back pain
The athlete within feels aged
Hair with a blend of white
Older with experience against energized youth
75 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Not like the rest called a rebel
Been called other names by worse
Give it all even if it's not enough
Over come the struggles faced
The struggle within the hardest battle
Feels one way not the reality
Thought to be genuine seen as toxic
Twisted ideals made up by others
Been doing it for sometime
Others saying it couldn't be done
Don't believe the lies or listen to excuses
75 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
Hard to open up show emotions
He had an opinion his words flipped
Emotions used against him
Silences stirre the truth within
Always feeling alienated by peers
Excluded his opinion not validated
Be a certain way live up to ideals
All he wanted was to be himself
Treated like he did something wrong
Working twice as hard feeling cheated
Rsing up feeling brought down
75 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
State of mind without others influence
Peace found within allowed to grow
Piece of mind can be silent blissful
Better to be talked about doing right
Not the one talking being a critic
For being different an individual
Many changes not always the same
Hot to cold part of growing heart
Protect a sensitive heart that loves
No one understand a tender heart
Feels the ugly from broken haters
Cuts the cord to stay a whole
Once broken mending shattered pieces
Closure with the past let gonof hurt
Peace living with the future
Feared the unknown open to change
Tired of what was already known
75 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Took an oath to be sober
A glass of alcohol
Placed in arms reach
Paused in the moment
Flash backs occurred
Consumed by alcohol
One drink way too many
Sweet temptation been here before
Thoughts of tasting the temptation
A debate within the mind
Changed behavior for forgiveness
Not falling back into bad habit
The craving to soothe the anxiety
Giving into intoxication
Leads to more problem
75 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Not always liked or a favorite had an opinion why does it need to be explained while some spew out none sense that doesn't make sense. Stopped talking jokes turn into criticism everything becomes to real and personal. Can't joke or play all the double standards get it worse than the rest. Ready for the consequences thought about it not giving them a reason to speak. Had to cut the cord stopped empowering the wickedness. Everyone is ******* you getting punked by someone worse.
75 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Friends to foes others know
Most make up excuse with lies
Only the truth sets you free
Honesty is blunt ruthless
Hard to sleep with a pacing mind
Soothing ideas that might work
Genuine vibe that gives life
Thoughts of her with me
Feels so real why can't it be true
Getting the job been working hard
Busting *** not kiss *** to get ahead
Seeing it in the mind at peace
The reality in the works torn to pieces
Afraid it hasn't happen yet
How much more till it happens
Close to making it almost there
Keep on struggling maximum effort
75 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
Doing what's right says the heart
Things don't appear right
Feelings from deep down within
Something is out of place
Emotions are unsettle uneasy vibes
The mind is aware of the disturbance
The words use to flow together
Writer's block detours over road blocks
Lower back pain rapid shots fired
Worked up easily annoyed frustrated
Inner peace warped up
Trying to compose the chaos
Rise above this set back
Use to be calm and steady
Get back on track not over react
Awaken up from deep slumber
75 · Jun 2019
Infamous one Jun 2019
Remembered those thoughts
Relived those feelings
Blocked them out
Came back stronger
Faced the fears not so big
After the mind Builds up hype
A whole new lit perspective
Nerve wrecking obstacles
Full of life after being drained
75 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
Written on by family proving them wrong is easy but they'll never give you props. Those made up standards no one is living up to over all the talking.
Be this way do that most are not happy just going through the motions.
Breaking bad habits changing to avoid falling into the vicious cycle. The fear of being like people that loathe you.
74 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
Learning to eat serving sizes not indulge because of stress. Divide up the meal not consume it all in one serving. Lightened load less stress focused on the change up. From the bottom to the top working on being better.
Looking back but never going back
Better in the moment forget the past
All the change was rewarding
Finally made it while others gave it up
Breaking rules knocking down walls
Rising up against the odds going strong
Striving towards greatness over the tardiness
Friends turn rivals not making it personal
Stayed loyal withing true to self
Taking on another fake persona than before
74 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Cutting ties some pretend to care about you. You confined in them and they blab your secrets to justify their wrong doing making you look bad because have done worse using you as a decoy.
You respect them but they have no respect for you thinking you are a joke not taking you serious once you cut them off it's the best way. Free from all the toxic attitudes being alienated for being different having an opinion. When you don't follow they'll be threatened make you out to be a target. They'll try to make others see you differently because all their antics have no power or say trying to empower themselves by knocking you.
Don't talk about them or say anything because they'll try to make nothing into something. No one wants to argue be talked over ignored by people that are one sided and narrow minded. They have their way it's not enough dk why they are mad or complaining for. They think they are better than you but don't act like it. It will come back to them no one is talking about them or cares what they are doing. They aren't helping others why should they say or think they could dictate others lives.
74 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Stepping out of the comfort zone
Seemed scary been doing it
Haven't gone anywhere with it
Been learning behind the scenes
Not sure when to use ot apply it
Everyone wants results
But don't want to do the work
Expect more from you than themselves
After a while its just a way to escape
Feel free not be consumed
By others imposition still not accepted
74 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
The storm calms
Crashing waves settle
Dark clouds moving
Blown away by the wind
Sun shines brightly
New world in the light
Riding out tough times
Staying composed collected
Smell of refreshing wetness
Mixed with damp nature soil
Rain washes away pain
Cleansed by the high tide
Taken away by the low tide
74 · Feb 2023
Infamous one Feb 2023
Without arguing everyone managed to get along. Everyone is going through something some listen others dk how to express their frustration taking it out on Everyone. Some love to argue others don't do well with confrontation. Trying ro make the most of it all. Everyday is a struggle some handle it better than others. Some just never own up and blame others for their bad decisions.

Walking away is easier when the person doesn't listen and made up their mind. Talking bad and trying to influence others trying to justify the misconduct know well what they are trying to do.
Sad times don't last focus on the good because things get better.

Sometimes disconnecting recharging from things that drain your energy is the best move. Loving people even though we don't agree or see eye to eye.
74 · Apr 2021
Infamous one Apr 2021
He couldn't grasp it and it didn't make sense he was working hard getting by while others are given everything and ungrateful. It was eating at him all the hatred and disrespect that came his way. He minded his mouth most of all his business.
74 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
In a room where you can't tell
Tell if it's day or night
The temperature is either hot or cold
Never lukewarm or just right
Away from the world and write
Time to compose ones self
Avoid the social influence
Figuring it out without peer pressure
74 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Block out the pain forgetting to live
Trying to figure out
Escape stuck in another rut
In this mind feeling frustrated
With more problems to over come
Been told NO many times before
Eventually move on, not settle for less
Reflected the past see what was
Trying to see in shattered glass
Broken pieces filled fading memories
The heart a treasure box collection
Filled with sentimental value
Memories looping to a better time
Reasons to live full of energy
Given life with meaning
Felt like everything served a purpose
Grew apart things lost meaning
Never the same time changes all
74 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
The cross roads choices to be made
Say more or not saying enough
Mind ready to implode
The words won't come out
Others ready to talk and judge
More fake people to play victim
Better to stay away from the slums
So much to rise above over come
Another challenge on another level
74 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
He observed tried to understand but didn't get why others acted, or did the things they do. Some people can look you in the eyes and lie to you. Others have bright ideas trying to dump their work on you. Take all the credit dumping on the workers; who made them look good.
He dealt with self centered entitled ******; no matter, what happen it always became about them. If you didn't make it about them they don't care or give a **** about you. He protected them and loved them but didn't agree with their behavior and attitude.
He stood his ground after years of having their back. They didn't like him for having an opinion or speaking his mind. They'd throw him under to hide the fact they are doing worse.
He took a step back and walked away. He didn't care to be judged but that's their way of trying to be controlling.
74 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Lost in the craft of writing
Another rough draft
A never ending process
Too many details or not enough
Lost in thoughts endless emotions
Personal thoughts within come out
Things told as a child
Older now somethings
Dont matter anymore
The line between good and bad
All is blurred full of confusion
After asking questions
Mostly observant to behavior
Listening to whats being said
Hard to believe a lie and trust
74 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
He got cut it use to huet his feelings but gets it now. He wanted to do and be better but couldn't with the wrong people. He loved them but they couldn't agree or compromise. It was better they depart to go their separate ways. One focused on work and improving.
The other developed habits talking about everyone trying to use that negativity to influence other perspective on him.
He was rebel that got used had trust issues. Preferred to be alone opened up trusted the wrong people.
It was a vicious cycle learned to stay out not get involved focus on what needed to be done. He knew it wasn't given had to work for it.
74 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Laying in bed listening to music
Trying to relax so I can fall a sleep
Thinking about settling
Everyone else did the same
Did so much got no where
Others think you have ambition
No drive or motivation
Telling you to change
Already changed so much
Just want to be myself
Tired of being told how to act
Over listening to what people say
Others making me out to be a monster
I know who I am, What I can do
Tried to inspire the uninspired
Help those who don't want to be helped
Changed for the better so much compromise
Told to think bigger set goals
Years of doing what I love
Don't need recognition
74 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
Grew up around the cholos
Told to be down for yours
Never had their **** together
Making up rules in their favor
Living by the rules of the street
Never cared for that life got in too deep
Some slanging to hustle easy money
Others banging to be territorial
Life or death life on the edge
Grew up hood always misunderstood
Called ghetto for keeping it real
Seen a crazy for standing your ground
74 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Hard to trust a loving smile
All in but things will fall out
Face feeling warm starting to sweat
Holding composure regain ground
Trying not to stutter racing mind
Feels like something's wrong
But everything will be alright
In the quiet Break room dimly lit
Fresh with the AC blowing circulating
Composing thoughts coming to terms
74 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Talk the problems
Write it down on the page
How it made you feel
What you did to be better
Prepare for next time
Prevent this from happening again
The thought process everywhere
Seen one way happened another
Feels one way not going right
Alternative ending a different outcome
Results are not turning out as visioned
74 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Just because I said sorry
Doesn't make you a better person
I don't owe you anything
You're already a bad friend
Makes it easier for me to walk away
It saddens me, I'm better off without
I know what I'm worth value myself
Had your back while you knifed mine
74 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
The bird flies away
Looks down on the world
So high in the blue sky
Swerving in the breezing wind
A dive towards the ground
Gliding through the trees
Flowers bright full of life
Rose petals glow in the light
73 · Feb 2023
Infamous one Feb 2023
A cheater who acted innocent
Love was never enough
Playing with others emotions
Lust mistaken for love
Thoughts a long term relationship
Leading to marriage much more
A one night stand with lustful confusion
Always truthful given lies
Going crazy can't make sense of it all
Wanting a second chance to start over
There's no going back or do overs
A one sided love with no pair
73 · Jul 2018
That day
Infamous one Jul 2018
Some days waking up is hard because doing things that are not fun. It was but now it seems like a chore. Gave my all and still they aren't doing anything with me. Thought be the best at it and they'd notice apparently they don't care because they are busy covering their end and not worried about anyone else.
It's been a long day and my shift hasn't started and I want it to be over already. Filling in for someone who doesn't care to be there. I've been raising the bar with my work and the bar is so low barely doing anything is an accomplishment.
Always wanted to be one of the crew of course they like me I do all the stuff they don't want to do since I see it as it needs to be done anyway.
Trying to stay positive focused on work but think I can be doing much more with writing and podcasting trying to find away but always wandering alone no one understands my dream but me.
I've been loyal and honest told the truth seen as crazy or weird for having an idea and knowing what I want not a follower.
73 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Trying to get back in the zone
Make writing life feeling incomplete
Without it part of within is missing
Hard to complete sometimes too personal
Too deep from the heart unable to relate
Open with emotions truthful always honest
Older getting wise with time
So return to those thoughts floating around
Unattended feelings that need to be expressed
Hard to find time for fun with a busy schedule
Things are not the same from memories
Memories that remain close to the heart
Those feelings and vibes change over time
Hard to fit in with fading trends that come and go
73 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Watching it happen and go down. Need to get it done adding more to the to-do list than crossing stuff off the list. So much progress no long settling for less. Never visualized till now instead of listening to people saying otherwise. Asking this heart what's next when it happen all go according to plan.
73 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
She entered the classroom
Her first day of school
So young it was all new
Imaginary friends fade away
New friends to develop
Social skills grow as a person
Be a good person to others
Polite well mannered
Full of life innocent
Filled with joy life's begun
New friends to grow with
Another lesson learned
Made it through the day
Time to go home from school
Till the next day another class
73 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
The heat beat down on him
A scorching sun in the summer
Thinking of ways to improve
Stared out into the distance
Hoping it would come together
The right path a sense of direction
Made many mistakes learned the lesson
A mouth full of truth no one listening
Made decisions not many choice
A clear mind blocked out negative voices
Staying sober avoiding rooms with alcohol
Walking alone cut off toxic people
Set in their ways not open to change
Good vibes away from over dramatic attitudes
73 · Oct 2018
Qw # 97
Infamous one Oct 2018
Always looking out for others, who walk into danger
Once they don't get their way, they treat me like a stranger.
Never said anything about them, but to their face
For them not liking me, they talk about me a lot
I wish them the best and stay away
Not letting their bad vibes ruin my day
From friends to foes someone Idk anymore
73 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Together in bed
Bonding with one another
Watching shows another binge
A warm caring kiss causing a smile
Big spoon an over night hug
Little spoon ready to be embraced
A blanket war to survive cold nights
One stares as the other sleeps
Time together open minded to emotions
Emotionally deep with a loved one
73 · Jun 2019
Infamous one Jun 2019
To make a person mad
Then say I love you
Or under the influence
You say I love you
Ruined a moment and good time
Making it hard to love
Destroying others to feel secure
Over all the games
The pain with boils
The scares begin to heal
Learning to live
Learning to love again
Hair turns white with age
Be with someone who is fair
Feel like an equal not looked down on
73 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
She faked a smile as the crossed paths
In a bad relationship for years
Never able to walk away
He was single hoping for the one
Still single the one of many
Being friends since high school
One wanted more than the other
He pursued a career came up short
She became a mother her life changed
Both had plans that turned out differently
Crossed paths again from friends to strangers
Starting over new find new common ground
Would they remain the same friends with a crush
73 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
Family don't define your life
All that talking tired of listening
They do worse curse your name
A future without support
Trying to survive staying alive
Not losing hope or faith
Haven't been able to sleep
These past couple of days
Hate being a lead taking the heat
Responsible for others actions
Failing to produce frustration
Staying up late so much anger
A heart that refuses to hate
Seeing my grandpas car ruined
By a druggie with no future
A bad father pretending to care
Showed them love quick to blame
Throw me under for their faults
Staying away not getting involved
**** all the talk no one does anything
Two faced people see through the scam
Don't care to be around anymore
Only when they need something
73 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Years of being told
It doesn't matter
Being doing it without praise
Loved the sport injuries occurred
An old body with a young spirit
Stopped talking just did it
Bumps and bruised wounds heal
Waking up sore mindset changed
Humble on the mats and walking in life
Questioning the move the fighting spirit
Can it be done after years of MIA
Find a new style work towards something
Looking back ready to move forward
Trying to see it before doing training
The body feeling the old aches
73 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
They were friends
He liked her never made the move
She could never be single
Use to be close but grew apart
She gave the first hug with passion
A kiss on the cheek such a surprise
Not sure how to act things feel right
Hard to open up new to this encounter
Find the words to speak over think
73 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
Everyday is a new day can't complain sooner or later I'll get it right
Been working for mine telling myself everything will be fine
Some days are out of wack but see it as a comeback
Other times it's about maintaining keep going strong
Others point out your flaws when you gave your all but did nothing wrong
Been doing what I love for years so I've been happy
Annoyed others can be rude treat one another so ******
Full of trust most mistake love for lust a failed crush gone sour
From feeling great over dealing with all the hate
From dark to light overcome the fear of night
Hard to express but never settle for less
Focused on the future not looking back at the past
Fought for them to stay but the fled
Now you let go why are they coming back
After betrayal not sure how to act but things will never be the same
Lots of growth overcome the pain writing keeps me sane
73 · Jun 2023
Infamous one Jun 2023
The internet is a place where people go to complain or criticize things
Prejudge everything or anti supporters
They'll go pay for a movie to review it
Hoping their opinion matters, usually its clickbait
If an old movie of a cartoon live action, everyone gets mad no one is erasing the original
The studio will try to milk the franchise for the next generation.
Reboots are sometimes good. Other times, it doesn't work out accordingly.
People try to cancel something or influence a crowd to hate. It's easier to do than show appreciation for things.
73 · Nov 2021
Infamous one Nov 2021
Friends come and go like the seasons
Formal partners another fall out
Moved on never looked back
Break up hurt becoming immune
Opening up to the wrong people
Hoping they'd love you
Feel the same way back
Betrayal is the worse
More painful from family
Trying to make things right
Not going well feels wrong
Not empowering those
Who trash your name
Ignore your opinions
They can't hurt you
Its already been done
Never letting them do it again
Stayed away feels like they want
As they taunt and provoke you
Took the high road hard to speak
The mind ready to speak hard to focus
Like defusing a bomb imploding within
Trying not to react staying calm collected
A war in this head taking its toll
While the struggle battles hard
73 · Feb 2023
Infamous one Feb 2023
Sorry still living with the guilt
Ignored by people excluded by many
Be part of something fit in for once
A lost man finding away to resolve peace
Hurt his best friend over a girl
Been hurt by a formal friend
Hard to make the wrong right
Wanting to be forgiven another
Hard to forgive other no do overs
Reached out got ignored gave too much
Let it go now getting all the blame
Trying too hard never good enough
Stopped caring let it go
Had to restrain get over it
Lack of communication
Many assumptions are made
73 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
Trying to be normal so many things complicated
Wanting a family coming from a broken home
Working hard to stand out stuck in the background
Showing up with good vibes positive energy
Helping the team trying to keep them motivated
Be in a healthy relationship get to know the person
Not lust and be manipulated
By someone who's insecure causing doubt
Who doesn't care about the real you
Staying positive feeling depressed
Working hard to get in shape
Done it before dieting to get it back
Know what it takes even with health conditions
73 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Obsorbed all energies
Rejecting the bad vibes
Open to changes positivity welcomed
New mindset altered behavior
See the world differently
Trying to fit in doesn't mean settle
Meant for better should be doing more
Did too much everyones mad
Set in their ways never gonna change
Not always going to belong
Squeezed out had to make a choice
Hard to speak up raise that voice
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