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77 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
They believed in him he didn't always believe in himself. He looked in the mirror an older man with white hair. Asking what's his purpose trying to find meaning in his life. Things came and went with the season. Something's he fought for things he thought was worth it. while he let go of the damaged beyond repair trying to understand learn from the crazy by being better
77 · Jan 2022
Infamous one Jan 2022
He wiped the tears said it will be okay
One bad week months of frustration
Doesn't define the rest of your life
New week new start new beginnings
Putting out god vibes to the universe
Trying to shine not be dull like the rest
Put out more energy not be sluggish
Finish strong take pride in work
All hustle grind no gimmick
The outcast for chasing greatness
Refusing to settle called entitled
Called crazy for having an opinion
Having a dream seen as delusional
Setting goals determined not stopping
A bad attitude for speaking up
Being ignored feeling insulted
Asked for courtesy to prepare
Given last minute notice set up to fail
Treated different from the rest
More double standards excluded
77 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
He felt lost without his grandpa the family was being taken over by bad leadership. Coping was hard so many imposed their way of life on others. Talking like if they are righteous and know what's best for others. All they was pry in others business when no one asked.
Sad what they've become than have the nerve to judge others. Putting them in the hot seat like they do to everyone else who tried to live an average joe life.
You'd think it would humble them but the greed for control makes them think they are superior.
77 · Sep 2023
Infamous one Sep 2023
Going to be a long day
Short staffed at work
No overtime allowed
Not able to get coverage
Everyone wants a job
Not everyone wants to work
Cared too much got overwhelmed
Didn't care felt terrible
The team young hard to motivate
On and off days occurs more than normal
Dealing with different personalities
77 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
She told him why didn't you ever ask me out? He was puzzled and never knew that was an option. He didn't consider it since the guys she dated was nothing like him.
He didn't cross that boundary line. He didn't date close friends or within his circle of peers. He didn't date friends family members or exes of people he hung out with.
This would anger them and they would distance themselves. Mad holding a grudge if the friendship failed how could it be a relationship. He had a hard time opening up since his feelings would be used against him. Staying single because his emotions would get the best of him. Dating was fun at the beginning it was easier to get physical than get to know a person.
77 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
Hard to trust when they are spreading lies. You forgave them but they aren't forgiving you. Trying to explain while being ignored and talked over. Giving them silence so they have no reason to talk as they continue to run their mouth.
Might make a fussy broken trust thought highly of them. Not going to let them talk down on you. Always been loyal and honest. While the lies and deceit are being served to everyone strong. One talks about leaving while the other points out everyone's flaws. Giving people crap but not doing any of the stuff that's being complained about.
77 · Oct 2022
Infamous one Oct 2022
Writing about the arguments in his head. Things he wish he said or should've said. He was part of a group of rejects a leader; who got no respect. A number 2 guy who got mistreated but a great worker. The number 3 guy in the group was a wild card who hard working took charge of his area and time. The fourth member has yet to be hired. The sub is a fit but will the district hire this person who filled that void.
This team was younger some had health issues but the insurance would resolve the conflict. The boss let them do the work and didn't get on anyone's case. Everyone was willing to do the work just needed to have the right tools to get the job done.
77 · Apr 2019
Infamous one Apr 2019
Use to be broke as a joke
Now thankful to be working
Grateful to be doing something
Called names and given labels
Moved on not stuck on the past
Things happen so fast not attached
Before they get started departed
Comes to an end no need to pretend
77 · Oct 2018
Qw #100
Infamous one Oct 2018
Woke up feeling great fully revived
Things are not perfect but are great
Feeling the music it can take me away
The vibes within come to life with satisfaction
Live in peaceful not complicating things
Once was mad but let it go
So many bad vibes not empowering them
Love so many not letting them get the best of my heart
I forgive, but learned it's best to stay away
Learning to love myself again
Years of giving myself to the wrong people
Someday I'll be loved appreciated by the right person
Hopeless romantic to feeling hopeless not giving up on love
Love again like I've never been hurt
Feeling all these emotions usually blocking them out
Years of being with the wrong people praying for the right
77 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Been going strong all summer
Glad for the three day weekend
Sleep in late still plan for day
The summer heat go away
Year round heat needs to give
Always one sided giving all in
Gave the best stuck with less
Expected more got the worse
Not surprised more disappointments
Thought of another outcome
Trying to hard got nothing
Said nothing got taken for granted
Spoke up someone is always mad
77 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Driving on the road alone
Traffic not so bad driving fast
Walked in the store real quick
Grabbed what needed on the way
Now staring at the new art pad
Not sure what to draw first
But ideas floating around the mind
See her face a loving smile that shines bright
Not able to explain the beauty that's felt
Drawing is soothing not great at shading
Emotions come out defined from within
With the pressure of the pencil
Could be deep and dark full of detail
Or light with shades forming a picture
Every line detail needs to be done right
Affraid to mess up start over again
Might do it better or might turn out worse
A creative heart makes sure it comes out great
Won't let go till it's done correctly
Once it's sent out for the world
Peace within since it feels right
76 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
He loved his family they never talked all they did was talk about one another. Instead of building each other up all the hatred knocking on another.
Everyone goes through stuff but you can't tell people what to do or how to live their life. All you could do is warn them they won't listen choosing the hard way sometimes is the eye opener.
Being the oldest watching your siblings grow set in their ways not telling them anything then quick to judge you for not giving them their way. Trying to destroy you because they didn't get things their way
76 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
Feeling regret made a stand
Taking the insults had enough
Hoping to transfer soon start over
Looked out now filled in willingly
Now feeling left out being rebellious
Called them out proved a point
Wasn't the one got hired
Told there was better candidates
Got insulted gained thick skin
Told the job was a stepping stone
Working harder than everyone
Trying to make it through probation
76 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
He sat in his closet writing about the world he once knew. A life he use to live thought about going back. He wanted to finish his education a college drop out that became a custodian. He use to be a team player now he's a rebellious lover who doesn't bother with anyone.
Working hard to better his situation make his grandparents proud he owed that to them. They believed in him when he didn't believe in himself. He thought about what he wanted to major in what would make him happy and doing what he loves. He was always open to adjust and adapt on whatever he was doing
76 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Writing everyday like its a matter of life and death. Sometimes it comes easy feels natural. Other times seek deep inside asking why? Trying to relate usually misunderstood another side nothing to hide. Taking things apart reconstructing them trying to make sense of it each piece plays a role. Rewired trying to make it work when others are quick to replace. Wide awake not able to sleep nerves are calm before needed a drink to unwind easier to open up closed up and closed off holding onto too much.
76 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Seeking closure and peace over things
The mind stuck in a loop
Another never ending cycle
Desire for change can't fix the past
Trying to be better for the future
Said love you too soon things got ruined
Never said the words but showed love
From going well to complicated wanting to run
Willing to stay no more reason or purpose
Moving on ripping away the painful agony
Unlearned behavior reshaped emotions
Physical love confused with lust
Time to heal away from broken trust
To mend shattered pieces of heart
Find love for self once again
The real thing no need to pretend
Or make excuses to justify things failed
76 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
If I could make it right I would
Really want to call and check up
My pride won't allow me to do so
Miss those moments the good times
Sad we all grew apart we use to be close
Seen great in others and saw nothing in me
Fighting to stay but they don't want me
Went away got all the blame forgotten
Choices were made not the scapegoat moved on
Sobered up not the same person
How you remember me
Not sure how to feel or think anymore
Changed my behavior my way to apologise
You might hold a grudge against someone
I'm not anymore let go of the past
Those gut feeling is relieved
The guilt widdles away feeling saved
Trying to live be free for me find closure
Didn't want to lose it all never ready to let go
Just want to get it all back make it right
Be better feel whole glow from within
Not like I'm trapped in a deep dark hole
76 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Being told "get over it" because that person refused to say "I'm sorry" or admit they are wrong. You told them how they made you feel and they seen nothing wrong with what they said or did.
Trying to blame it on you because they'll say you're sensitive. Tell you you're the problem because they refuse to own up.
Call you entitled as a poor kid becoming an adult working for everything. Left alone and they'll call you a narcissist because they can't get to you so they try to get others to see you differently.
Already use to being alone makes you care less what others think. You stop seeking approval. Doing your own thing all this hassling and negative remarks are from people that use people act like it's their right to do so.
76 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Cheap thrills adrenaline rush
No more refills can't get the fix
Changing with the times growth
From a rush to mutual feelings
Stayed away from the ache
Won't let it break the spirit
Changing crowds prefer to be solo
People change overtime
Some take years for the better
Stop talking about the past
Old behavior fades away
Reinvented to new never the same
76 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
Some days I dk what to write other days the words flow right through me.
Sometimes I feel like I write the same thing from another angel
other times the word play can be changed up
I always think about what I want to say and how I'd like to say it it can make a huge difference
Things I'd like to say but no one is listening
Thoughts so deep and dark don't want to offend or be misunderstood
Always holding back because the truth is like a blade cutting deep drawing first blood
Told myself to write every day and night
I feel off when I don't make time to write
Post or pen to the pad clears mind instead of holding it all in
76 · Aug 2022
Infamous one Aug 2022
They chose not to do the work
Mad someone is showing them up
Some want it more than others
Instead of talking backing it up
Do the work stop talking
Instead of making excuses
No one to blame but yourself
No short cuts or hand outs
Everything is earned worked for
The results matter in the end
More than how you feel
What you think no one cares
Till you're done finished with the task
Made it to the next level
Keep recreating building up
76 · Oct 2023
Infamous one Oct 2023
Avoiding that wicked person who always complained trying to take others down because life is miserable. Always negative over dumb things they are that petty.
They are fake to your face while talking about you behind your back. Giving an opinion no one asked.
Talking like they are a somebody but really a nobody pretending to be a somebody. Talking so much they believe their own lies and will go against you if you question them or challenge their way of thinking. They won't just attack you their try to erase your existence.
He didn't like those kind of people what ***** most was he had family members that behaved this way. It was terrible behavior that inexcusable.
He learned to be honest and to treat people right. He got quiet and walked away from the pain all the frustration that would ruin his day.
76 · Mar 2022
Infamous one Mar 2022
Being punched by an older man
Who was lazy he called him on it
He lost his job over the altercation
Working hard doing more than the rest.
Never enough time barely getting by focused on getting it done. Next day start over playing the game trying to beat the clock.
Being the chosen one can't let up the pressure is on not afraid to try; while most hide instead of stepping it up. Learning to lead and being an example tire of being talked down to letting others steal the credit.
76 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
He sat at the bar with a buzz chilling with his cousin. He admired the bartender her beauty young hot body blonde. He enjoyed the night a colleague from work would swing by for a drink. Enjoying pizza and great company. He was older wondering if he still had it.
His coworkers envied him because he has hair and single. While he wanted to be in a relationship with kids. He lived a lonely life and made the most of things. He had been a wild one but it got old dull most of all boring.
76 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Wide awake read a few sections
Turned the page to the next chapter
Books bought with money earned
Many efforts go unrewarded
The unsung hero of the day
Finding love in passion within
Others don't understand different
Quick to dismiss not willing to try
Styles don't always clash determined
One might make it sooner than the other
Sooner or later sacrifice will be worth it
Hard work makes things easier
With time things will get better
76 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
Chaos remains in the aftermath
Overcome what use to be
New begins on the horizon
Failed endings fade away
The light shines bright
Away with the wicked
Focused on doing right
Writing making it better
A truthful mouth is hated
While lies are praised
Believed by the phony
76 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Made a difference kept it real
Felt it experienced it
Now dealing with it
Live and learned part of the growth
Fought to stay the same
Time is up can't fight change
Aged out getting older
Ranked out not meant to be
Been there done that
Keep building and retaining
No comebacks taking in the moment
Maintaining building up more
76 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
He took pride walking into enemy camp now a days he prefers to be alone writing and listening to music. He'd like friends but thankful for the few loyal ones he has. He could be himself open up vent without his feelings being ignored or belittled since he was okay being vulnerable while others seen him as weak and preyed on his because they assumed he wouldn't do anything. Trying to relax is hard so much on the mind. Overwhelmed too much at once thinking about dating, after being in failed relationships learning to be alone. loving yourself after feeling unworthy devalued being with the wrong person.
Failed friendships all the gossip when he told them straight up. Everything came around when he called them on it they had the nerve to be upset trying to flip the script. He valued them and they trashed him that's what hurt the most.
He worked hard flustered they hired the lazy guy over him. He hung in there toughed it out worked harder asking if he was in the right place or was it time for him to move on. He love the community of people learned so much because he was open to learn and grow.
His dreams made sense to him while others caller him crazy. Saying no one like him can do it so it made him want it more. He never wanted to give up, who he was to be accepted told himself make the most of things even if they ****. Make it better, don't settle for less make the most of what is given.
Always willing to adjust to the encounter adapt to the situation. Pondering the next move brainstorming ideas
76 · Apr 2019
Infamous one Apr 2019
Keep on writing till it feels right
Dig down deep get it out from with
A whole new world new beginnings
The end of old bonds set free from guilt
Focused on being more not settle for less
76 · Oct 2022
Infamous one Oct 2022
He asked why can't we be friends? She said if you get with someone I might get jealous. Who knew there was someone else on her end. After things crumbled she did everything she said she'd never do. She claimed she didn't want kids or to get married. she did all that with someone else.
She wanted a relationship but not with him. After being lead on he learned the lesson and moved on.
He became a workaholic so he could better himself. Relationships were complicated. He was told put yourself out there so much rejection and he could see through the act trying to get to know a person. He stayed true to himself when trying to get to know a person.
76 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
Training for a fight that may or may not happen. At the park working on drills and conditioning to go the round and the distance. So many outside factors causing a fuss. A job opportunity that seemed promising but hasn't been a pleasant transition. Trying to move up to the next level and maintain keep building up. The idea of starting over is overwhelming.
Giving up the old for new trying to remain the same but everything changes. The mindset and body something are containable while others are a lost cause. Stuck on them wondering how and why things turned out the way they did. Not going back but staying away from that insanity.
76 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Working on the low
Efforts starting to show
Allow personal growth
Change occurs all the time
People come and go
Like the changing seasons
Some go without reason
Fight for them to stay
Like blocking their way
Step aside let them go
So many emotions to hide
Not let pride get the better of
Allow them to be at their best
Wanting the same overcome pain
75 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
When words inspire
Speak to the soul
After the isolation
Appreciation for life
Can't do anything
Taking care more alert
Life changing moves
Starting to look within
75 · Jun 2019
Infamous one Jun 2019
Remembered those thoughts
Relived those feelings
Blocked them out
Came back stronger
Faced the fears not so big
After the mind Builds up hype
A whole new lit perspective
Nerve wrecking obstacles
Full of life after being drained
75 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Sorry to disappoint
Silence causing anger
Mouth caused trouble
Not saying much
Someone is always mad
Or someone is always offended
Things are well not in a rut
Glad to be working
Been without a job
Have a place that feels right
Over searching and finding nothing
Stayed away after being kept out
Not trying to be brought back in
Like people see good in others
Want the best stuck with the worse
Not interested in being attacked
Being told to get a life
Taken as go away
Been putting in work
Not leaving over one person
75 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Friends to foes others know
Most make up excuse with lies
Only the truth sets you free
Honesty is blunt ruthless
Hard to sleep with a pacing mind
Soothing ideas that might work
Genuine vibe that gives life
Thoughts of her with me
Feels so real why can't it be true
Getting the job been working hard
Busting *** not kiss *** to get ahead
Seeing it in the mind at peace
The reality in the works torn to pieces
Afraid it hasn't happen yet
How much more till it happens
Close to making it almost there
Keep on struggling maximum effort
75 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Took an oath to be sober
A glass of alcohol
Placed in arms reach
Paused in the moment
Flash backs occurred
Consumed by alcohol
One drink way too many
Sweet temptation been here before
Thoughts of tasting the temptation
A debate within the mind
Changed behavior for forgiveness
Not falling back into bad habit
The craving to soothe the anxiety
Giving into intoxication
Leads to more problem
75 · Sep 7
Infamous one Sep 7
Called ghetto for standing up for myself
Told the truth everyone is mad
The lies continue to fester and pester
Easier to walk away everything lost value
Only in it for the insurance for medication
Called a super hero for bouncing back
Trying to be normal after surgery
Always seen as different standing tall
75 · May 2023
Infamous one May 2023
What is normal?
Parents with bad habits tough love
Siblings growing up opposing another
When things are weird on my end
Be in a healthy relationship for once
Not be with someone controlling
Who tries to change everything
Or fixed to be passed off
Be able to open up and feel safe
Without words being twisted
That's why I write to express emotions
Able to have a voice with feelings
Instead of fighting for a spot to belong
Love family, but words cut deep
75 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Find meaning and purpose
Many reasons to grow as a person
Use to be a mouth with a vengeance
Checked others with no regrets
Not that person anymore
Walked away from the argument
Chose silence over being worked up
Stayed away from the frustration
All the betrayal turned to burden
Felt weighed down by anger
75 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
His dream was a nightmare to others
Working harder than most barely getting by
Never too late make time for it
Write your story no one can do that for you
Dealt with those who accept things
Quick to ask a question
If it sounds weird clarification
Had an opinion got blocked
Didn't mean to trigger a guilty conscience
Put out the truth it got real
Defensive liars ready to strike
Opposed for being different
Observing the situation
Analyzing the vibes
75 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Being right is more important
Than getting along find closure
Not listening to others concerns
Expecting them to give you attention
Talking about everyone is not right
Pointing out the mistakes everytime
Holding their flaws against them
Doesn't make you a better person
No one is asking for your opinion
Looking down instead of helping
Using a grudge to justify bad behavior
Instead of forgiving moving on
The silent treatment doesn't help
You're obviously still mad not talking
Cutting the cord is easier than prying
Family divided instead of united
Emotionally weak acting tough
Clean up the language always bitter
Ribbing on everyone but can't take it
No one's listening or cares
Unless it's them being in the center
Trying to control the narrative
Control the scene while making one
75 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
Hard to open up show emotions
He had an opinion his words flipped
Emotions used against him
Silences stirre the truth within
Always feeling alienated by peers
Excluded his opinion not validated
Be a certain way live up to ideals
All he wanted was to be himself
Treated like he did something wrong
Working twice as hard feeling cheated
Rsing up feeling brought down
75 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
Doing what's right says the heart
Things don't appear right
Feelings from deep down within
Something is out of place
Emotions are unsettle uneasy vibes
The mind is aware of the disturbance
The words use to flow together
Writer's block detours over road blocks
Lower back pain rapid shots fired
Worked up easily annoyed frustrated
Inner peace warped up
Trying to compose the chaos
Rise above this set back
Use to be calm and steady
Get back on track not over react
Awaken up from deep slumber
75 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Not like the rest called a rebel
Been called other names by worse
Give it all even if it's not enough
Over come the struggles faced
The struggle within the hardest battle
Feels one way not the reality
Thought to be genuine seen as toxic
Twisted ideals made up by others
Been doing it for sometime
Others saying it couldn't be done
Don't believe the lies or listen to excuses
75 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
Rich or poor doesn't matter when you dk who you are anymore
Love and live life Sometimes you fail and wander lost not my cause
Keep trying but so far from where I set out to be
They want you to argue for them but they are the ones talking about you
My skin color doesn't come with a stereotype
My reality is not taboo my way of life is changing from child to man
My *** and gender are not to keep me superior
Don't care for labels
My beliefs and religion are not the same
75 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
He danced with his loneliness while they looked down on him. He loved them but held onto all those horrible things they said. He thought who do they think are; what gives them the right to think, they could talk to him that way.
He was always respectful minded his mouth. He didn't get involved hed provide a solution but it just lead to more problems. Sad and disturbed by the harsh reality. He seen them ***** ppl only a matter of time till he took the knife of betrayal.
75 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
He didn't expect much of others
But gave his all with everything
He opened up no one cared or listened
After a while he was closed off
Wasn't sure what he could do anymore
Joked with people that are too serious
Too serious around jokes that are insults
The dreamer knew what he wanted
Dk what he was looking for in a partner
She was pretty but insecure too needy
He made a mistake chose phony friends
Over a relationship that could of been more
Too much misery dieing to escape feeling drained
Never good enough to keep this love
Spent money on gifts that were belittled
Compared to an ex that was the standard
It wasn't meant to be not trying anymore
A mother cussing over a spoiled daughter
75 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
Wide awake thinking about the day what's next? Staying clear of drama things that hurt him or made him mad. He didn't feed into toxic vibes or empower negative idiots.
He sat in his room writing thinking about the plan before jumping into action. Having an idea instead of assuming the outcome usually trying to make it through the day.
Dating is fun but he was private everyone tried to tell him how to live and who to be he didn't like that. Mean while dealing the younger generation trying to tell him when he had done way more. Everyone was quick to judge he didn't say or do anything to anyone.
He gave relationship advice to help but he was single. Gave parent advice for the kids best interest but the parent only card about feeding those bad habits. He meant well positive intensions while they tried to throw him under making him the scapegoat.
75 · Oct 2019
Infamous one Oct 2019
The athlete within sore
Multiple injuries over time
Still wants to be in the game
On the sidelines looking in
Recover get back into it
Tapping deep within
Missing the sport
Coached to pass the knowledge
A fan that prefers to do over watch
So much has evolved with time
Aging been away on the mind
Crazy for another round
Body does not heal right away
Learned to work smarter not harder
Physically demanding to meet the standards
Joint pain feel the pressure
Muscles tender lower back pain
The athlete within feels aged
Hair with a blend of white
Older with experience against energized youth
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