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79 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Music opens my mind
Using my imagination to remember
Songs take me to a better time
When life seemed simple made sense
The song I first kissed a girl to in my heart
Music taps into that moment great memories
Music on the track a second home
While training found motivation
Driving home with music blaring
My first slow dance in a college dorm
Fun songs at a kick back drinking with friends
All these moments are golden
Atreasure within the heart
79 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
Starting to date again getting to know a person is hard
People would rather share their body than open up to another person the fear of being vulnerable
Being physical is stimulating not compare to being mentally and emotionally interested
It's more than holding hands and kissing
Takes time to understand get one another's ticks
If the love is real there will be struggle to make it work
Some break up and make up every other week that's not healthy
Why be with someone if cheating is an option
Stay loyal don't play with someone's heart or waste their time
79 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
A Friday night as a teen going to the video store to get a movies and a game for Nintendo 64. An evening with the family then order pizza. Watching movies on vhs   that would later becoming DVD. Playing video games with friends and siblings. It got extremely competitive playing Golden Eye or Mario Kart. Video games use to be fun now a days it's a job to complete a mission.
Use to be confused when my dad would say it use to be better before. Trying to stay modern but everyone is asking what's next instead of making the most of things. Before the internet was an escape but now a days it's become a reality for some.
I remember calling people to make plans chat it up now a days people text and still don't connect so much miscommunication. How do you get to know a person if they won't open up or won't give you a chance because of the assumptions made. Trying to hold onto what is know but losing yourself to keep up.
79 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Always nervous
Stress in the shoulders
Walking around tense
Trying not to stress
A mindful mouth
Unease with family
Prefer to stay home
Trying to be involved
It can be overwhelming
Conversation is tough
Being ignored gets old
Silent then asked why so quiet
Once a word is uttered
Someone talks loud like
If what they are saying is more important
79 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Always the weird one for being different
Called crazy for having an opinion
Stood up for what's right meant well
Twisted by others seen as doing wrong
Went into the world faced new obstacles
Still can't find a place an outsider
Looking in trying to belong feel complete
Without denying ones self to belong
Old friends become strangers grew apart
Missing their companionship that became hatred
That betrayal hurt the most so much deceit
Seen them like family showed so much love
After a few mistakes cutoff tried unworthy
Even if their was redemption still not forgiven
Move on from this unfortunate turn of events
All held over head like a bad storm of dark clouds
79 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
They are bad to you remaining loyal
Told to be a man work hard
Not good with sharing feeling
Going numb than show emotions
Don't let them see your hurt
All the pain toxic masculinity
Hard to open up so much broken trust
Told the truth caught them in a lie
Feeling insulted disrespected
Nothing to hide always pushed out
Showing love respect matching energy
Focused on what needs to be done
Not empowering rude shady people
Be yourself see though the act
Not buying into the phony hype
79 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Train makes nosie in the distance
A freeway full of buzzing cars
Sounds of the hometown
All normal feel right
Hard to leave this place
Don't like change will adapt
The city evolved grown
A small town over populated
Friends grew a part
Now strangers on the go
New situations to live
Overcome addiction
Fall into bad habits
Recovery from darkness
Life in sunlight
Old faces replaced
A chapters ends
Start a new
Let life begin
79 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Moving on to better
Can't stay in the same place
Another worried face
Focused on one path
Ended up on another
From free spirit and broke
Now responsible chains of work
Same old routine on repeat
Wondering if it means anything
Loyal for years in too deep
Get off this one way street
Jack of all trades another phase
Working hard to gain
Mostly giving and no returns
79 · Feb 2020
589: wolf life
Infamous one Feb 2020
Always reaching out to old friends
Denied and ignored over dumb mistakes
Made many in the past battled addiction
Drank to cover up pain and hurt
From a lost sibling and loved one
Use to party hard and hurt people on the process
Those self destructive ways are over
Apologized not forgiven but changed behavior
Took an oath to never drink again
Did it for others now doing it for oneself
The party scene is no longer fun
Stopped looking for love in all the wrong places
Use to be emotionally invested attached to others
They come and go like the season with out reason
Fought to be included still pushed out
Accepted rejection the old version has passed on
While the new continues to learn and grow
An older man can't play the young man's game
The mindset changes the body aches with time
Had many close friends who are now distant
New friends that appreciate the growth and effort
Never one to replace friends been easily replaced
From the kid who came over everyday
Hated being home with family issues
Being around good people felt right
Being an adult isn't easy lots of failure
Life lessons that have helped grow over time
Being hurt finally coped with it all without fear
Dealing with all the anger and frustration
Hurt others and didn't mean to disappoint
Not always like by others
Not trying to live up to others standards
Just trying to be who one set out to be
All these high standard and double standards
Respectful even when treated unfair
Value people over material possessions
79 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
If you are cheating
Don't expect me to cover up lies
Not backing up liars
You lie to others eventually do it to me
Seen you steal and you took from me
Wish I never turned a blind eye
Never said anything about you
You had so much to say about me
Fake to my face knife to my back
Loved you like family threw me out like trash
Hard to trust there's so much lusting
Broken home actioning up don't make it right
Thankful for all I have worked for mine
Willing to help not one to complain
Snapping out of daze over the phase
Over the betrayal good will prevail
79 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
No one wanted it now everyone is ******* he went for it.
No one took a chance or opportunity he went for it all everyone did was talk
He was a doer not into talking anymore
Always supportive and respectful of others
They were quick to slander him and expected him to fail
He'd separate himself being sober was the best thing but it led him towards being isolated
His mental health became a priority not listening to people
He was doing it the nerve of them to criticize
All the people talking didn't do anything staying within their limitations
Working harder doing more than most what did they know.
He did the work and results showed all they did was talk full of excuses he was over it
79 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Her smile melts hearts
Those jeans others notice
Driving fast hauling ***
Wasting gas on the road
Freezing cold dressed warm
Different worlds crossed paths
Mutual respect personal friendship
Warm loving filled with emotions
Opposite personalities matching humor
79 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
The music flowing through the mind
Things that need to be said talked about
Feeling the energy and vibe the technique
Drilling hard treat it like the real thing
Wanting to move up committed
Keep working building up from practice
Pain cause by family calling you sensitive
Insulting your intelligence not being accountable
Trying to break your spirit not giving a chance to do so
Don't expect them to fix just destroy
Acting like the criticism did you a favor
Providing a strong argument with reason
Talking loud not listening being one sided
Shouting false narrative mostly lies
Doesn't make your opinion right
79 · Jan 2022
Infamous one Jan 2022
Watching her with another guy drove him crazy. He was hurt he didn't know how to fix it make things right. All he knew was that is over. Feeling foolish and betrayal thinking he found love. Its like they set you up and mess with your confidence. Feeling good thinking you are something you're not. Making you doubt yourself playing games because they got played. Trying to manipulate you but learned not to react give them the satisfaction. They cheated their way it will comeback to them.
The truth will come out exposing them. Working for something long term while they lie snake their way for short term.
78 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
No one takes pride in your work they are quick to snitch you out throw you under. Not falling for the bait or putting up with the hate. Team work to get it done usually one sided the truth is everyone bitter divided going to write about it.
Hard to remember so much that needs to be done have some fun and write it all down a check list racing time feeling calm after making it half way through.
78 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
A hopeless romantic couldn't wrap his mind around why it failed. She said NO but ended up with someone else. He said too much but never made broken promises. Or said nothing all that energy from the emotions imploded from within.
All the things he could've said but couldn't get the words out. His mind seen so many ways that played out. His imagination made him happy but did cause conflict when he came back to reality.
78 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Untold tales from the past
A failed love that never began
The guy doesn't always get the girl
Everything played out and over now
The hardest worker with ambition
First one fired over drama
Who never got hired
Politics never in his favor
Tried to move up but limited
Only moving side to side
No where to run or hide
Found safety in writing
Got it all out of the system
Moving on let it go
Able to function better
78 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
Watched highlights and missed it
Went to see his nephew play
The mindset came back he missed coaching
On the field thinking about things
Resting his body ready to explode
On the mats was his escape
Cautious because of his strength
Trying not to hurt others
Forgetting his troubles unwinding
Focused on technique coordination
Rumors spread he was hurt
The gym owner asked he was insulted
Annoyed how work conflicted with training
Had to work he was born poor
Taking on struggle trying to grow
Everything he had was earned not given
78 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Being told get a life
Prefer simple over complicating things
Don't need much to be happy
Getting criticized but said nothing
Wondering where is this coming from
Being a hermit okay with solitude
Use to be a planner everyone flaked out
Learned to do things alone
Things that want to be done
Not taking on others frustrations
Haven't burden others not comparing problems
Needed to vent writing is the listening ear
Changed so much it's never enough
Happy with some decisions made
Others are mad but never around
I respect opinions not always agreeing
What others have to say
Thought it would help
Use to take it to the heart
Too many voices blocking out the feelings
Hiding in the mind to escape
Not showing any emotions
Sometimes hurting but rocking a smile
Emotional eating feeling sick after
Other times starving to clean out the system
78 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Each day feeling further away
The master plan unweaving
Didn't go accordingly
Woke up older wiser than before
So many life lessons learned
From wild child to composed
Reserved more selective
Holding back any actions
Feels like others judge
Made to look crazy in phase
More determined anxious than ever
Staying clever focused on being better
Always putting other first
Give them the best try to bring it out
Over taking on the worse
Set in those wicked ways
78 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Dating was not the same, some want the perks. while back in the days, you had to earned the nookie. Not trying to rush, but can't be waiting around. Thought it was real turned out to be an act. The mask came off the person I loved doesn't exist. A sick of twisted game, so much hurt with the pain is real.
Talked about kids had a scare you talked about an abortion denied the right to be a father. Talked about marriage a failed attempt to save a lifeless relationship that was at the end. Trying to make it work when it was clearly over.
Long distance wouldn't work could barely function in the same room. Life can be cruel one was loyal and true while the other was sabotaging a good thing that became
78 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
Some still have it going strong
Others are fighting for it on the level
Getting older not the same
The mind adjusting to new ideals
Body going through change
Elders passing away with time
Loved ones no longer talking
Praying everyone would get along
All the pride doesn't make ot right
Saying sorry doing the same stuff
Instead of changed behavior
Holding a grudge isn't an apology
Not talking to keep the peace
Both to stubborn to compromise
One telling lies to justify things
The other not saying nothing getting heat
Everything could be made right with talking
Both offended making it personal and deep
78 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Finding another way doesn't make it wrong some have to do side stuff to help you get to the next level. Meeting people you wouldn't normally friend but you learn so much from others than your actual peers sometimes. Should've focused on this career more than partying and saving friendships that aren't meant to be.
Staying strong through those tough times. Feeling like you are built up so someone could come take shots at you. A cheap shot to try to keep you level and humble; who are they to do so. You respect them they clearly have no respect for you. Getting older makes you not want to pry or get involved since everyone makes a fuss but does nothing about it.
78 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
Not everyone things or feels the way he does. Laying in his bed reflecting his week. Wondering what else is out there beyond the work routine. He thought about friends but doesn't have many he could rely on or trust.
Where to meet people since sober living was important to his way of life.
After being in a few bad and unhealthy relationships he thought it was easier being alone. He didn't mind being solo and isolated became a regular reoccurrence. Alone with his thought ideas why they didn't happen. How come he never tried or pursued those bubbling creations in the back of his mind.
78 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Tough times with family someone is always mad or holding a grudge. Hard to communicate everyone is right with their pride and ego. Not accepted or listening anymore. Branched out trying to associate with the right. Instead of welcoming the wrong. Open to change without denying ones self for others. Find a way to improve go forward without taking steps back.
78 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
He loved her but they could never be together there was someone else. He admired her most of all respected her even though she ended up with the wrong guy. She was getting played cheated on but fighting to make it work.
Once she got in a relationship, she gave up on their friendship.
He was there through the tough times he'd learn that his chapter was over in his life forgotten left in the past. They'd cross paths from friends to complete strangers. Both doing their own thing the future divided them. Desired different things instead of each other.
78 · May 13
Infamous one May 13
Back at it again holding pads
Went fishing doing all the things
I said had my life on hold due to health
Work was an escape to be distracted
Taking in the scenery the world intriguing
Smiled because things happen
Did what others said couldn't be done
Being extra and do more is rewarding
Strong in faith no time for hate
Trying to see and do it surp of the moment
Sometimes it better than imagine
Other times it's a work in progress
Before money was a limiting issue
Now time is a factor learning to manage better
Finding balance for everythingin life Neglecting things that matter saving up
Making things seem important
Getting less in return feeling cheated
You can change but some remain the same
78 · Oct 2022
Infamous one Oct 2022
Bought a bass to join a band it was suppose to be a Christian band but the guy who organized it would have many hidden agendas. It wasn't fun or a group project trying to control everyone and everything eventually it would end.
He joined to help write music hoping to learn and grow in his faith. Everything was misguided not going well or according to plan. Not able to fix the situation he'd look for other ways to learn other ways.
78 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
Trying to find true love
Anxious for it been deceived before
Fell in love with her soul addicted
Her smile could make his day better
Not able to get enough once it ended
Couldn't get that fix
Expecting the person fix a tampered heart that's broken
Moving on was hard not using the new to get over the one
Once rushed trying to heal getting over one by getting under another
Took time alone got away reading and writing to get new perspective
Fell out of that world ventured in another
78 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Analyze everything
Over thinking things
It doesn't feel right
The vibe very unsettling
Doesn't make sense
Actions don't match
What's being said
Silence leads to a loud mind
Speaking up makes it awkward
A friend tells the truth
Not one to lie prefer honesty
Following the train of thought
78 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
From the bottom to the top not use to this push. Use to fight to be heard struggle to have a say. All these barriers are gone faded away. Thought one way told to be another. Staying grounded and leveled while others were keeping you down unless you became part of their scam otherwise they wanted nothing to do with you.
Provoked and pushed to hard once you struck back the tone changed. Getting older been doing this getting better trying to overcome being the whipping boy doing others work for years don't need a voice telling you what to do. Especially when you're the one doing all the labor taking on the duties of the unwilling to cooperate.
78 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
He wanted to cheer them up but they'd end up ruining his day. He learned to keep a distance stay away. He learned to match energy but some are soul ******* set in their ways. There's no changing their mind he learned this the hard way.
Stopped setting himself of to get hurt, lowered his expectations for others, and raised the bar for himself. He stopped looking for approval focused on what he likes and loves. Not letting anyone take that away from him.
78 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
He felt bad for not being there but didn't like all the slander spread about his name. From the old to new he didn't like change but he was changing. Thankful and glad to to be growing. He couldn't stay the same. While others hold onto his past thinking it will be a tool to be used against him.
Not his crowd anymore not part of that life. He'd fight for them and they'd fight against him in a heart beat waiting for the moment. They'd use the numbers against him rather talk to him individually.
78 · May 2019
Infamous one May 2019
He didn't believe in denying himself
To be liked to be accepted
Not listening to the doubters
Rejected labels a natural leader
Not a follower worked harder
Busting his *** never a kiss ***
His work stood out no excuses
Not a brown noser full of lies
Not seeking approval of others
left for dead overlooked yet again
underestimated still doing more
78 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Never enough still going strong
Crazy enough to go back for more
Walked away from overwhelming
It's on the back of my mind
How to fix the problem
Embrace solutions
Make it better for all
Being an example for the rest
Lead by example take pride
Not make an example of others
78 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Somethings will never change someone will always dump their responsibilities on others. Thinking that their life is more important than their child. Not a parent but praying for that day. It would be about them and would do my best to teach them to be good people and treat others right.
Sad that respect and family values are gone. Family is important, don't neglect it because I've learned you get what you put in. Just like anything else done in life.
78 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
A great training session he went hard. He wasn't a great fighter but did like the competition. He learned to slow down focus on technique and form. He had heavy hands lots of strength full of power. Learning to do it from both sides of the pads and gloves. He had fun with it. Made it easier for him to sleep at night
78 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Always dreaming
Always believing
Use to be wild
There's no re-dos
Not a game that can be reset
Live learn grow
Adapt and adjust stay strong
Keeping going forward
Things go wrong stay strong
Eventually level out with time
78 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
He waited for the call
It never happened
He became anxious
Not always chosen first
Only got the job by default
Gave his all gained nothing
Burnt out going strong for days
Making the most of the situation
78 · Nov 2019
Infamous one Nov 2019
Not buying into the hype
Spoke up not a follower
Hated for the truth
While others praised for lies
Thankful to be working
Know what its like to be broke
Grew up low income
Learned nothing is given
Earn your keep go strong
Shared blessings with others
Stayed efficient and consistent
Rode through the bumps in the road
78 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Someday thoughts over flow
The pen puts them on the page
A day without writing
Such a scary thought
The ideas filled with randomness
What needs to be done to feel complete
How to get there in a timely manner
Writing checks the insanity
Try not to criticize others
Opened to learn live life
Stories that need to be told
Shared a life a significant other
Memories full of life remembered
Treasuring youth days never getting old
Hard to let go of things that bring a smile
77 · Apr 2019
Infamous one Apr 2019
Use to be broke as a joke
Now thankful to be working
Grateful to be doing something
Called names and given labels
Moved on not stuck on the past
Things happen so fast not attached
Before they get started departed
Comes to an end no need to pretend
77 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Driving on the road alone
Traffic not so bad driving fast
Walked in the store real quick
Grabbed what needed on the way
Now staring at the new art pad
Not sure what to draw first
But ideas floating around the mind
See her face a loving smile that shines bright
Not able to explain the beauty that's felt
Drawing is soothing not great at shading
Emotions come out defined from within
With the pressure of the pencil
Could be deep and dark full of detail
Or light with shades forming a picture
Every line detail needs to be done right
Affraid to mess up start over again
Might do it better or might turn out worse
A creative heart makes sure it comes out great
Won't let go till it's done correctly
Once it's sent out for the world
Peace within since it feels right
77 · Oct 2018
Qw #100
Infamous one Oct 2018
Woke up feeling great fully revived
Things are not perfect but are great
Feeling the music it can take me away
The vibes within come to life with satisfaction
Live in peaceful not complicating things
Once was mad but let it go
So many bad vibes not empowering them
Love so many not letting them get the best of my heart
I forgive, but learned it's best to stay away
Learning to love myself again
Years of giving myself to the wrong people
Someday I'll be loved appreciated by the right person
Hopeless romantic to feeling hopeless not giving up on love
Love again like I've never been hurt
Feeling all these emotions usually blocking them out
Years of being with the wrong people praying for the right
77 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Been going strong all summer
Glad for the three day weekend
Sleep in late still plan for day
The summer heat go away
Year round heat needs to give
Always one sided giving all in
Gave the best stuck with less
Expected more got the worse
Not surprised more disappointments
Thought of another outcome
Trying to hard got nothing
Said nothing got taken for granted
Spoke up someone is always mad
77 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
Went to the pier to go fishing
Didn't expect to see a man die
Get gunned down by the police
Due to this incident of unfortunate events
The pier was shutdown pushed out of the crime scene
That took place on the sand near the surf event
Prayed for the man but he didn't survive
After being shot multiple times not surprised
Couldn't believe this happened in a crowded area
The tone had changed not expecting to see this insanity
77 · Dec 2023
Infamous one Dec 2023
He was a kind heart with a witty sense of humor
Most didn't get him so he came off as socially awkward
Trying to bless an ego ruins the good deed
Some try to control others by breaking them down
A helping others is a blessing but asking for help is hard
That feeling when a person collect acting like you owe them
Owning you because a favor is needed
Hurt because something serious was seen as a vacation
Seeing good in a person trusting them to find out you're wrong
77 · Oct 2022
Infamous one Oct 2022
Writing about the arguments in his head. Things he wish he said or should've said. He was part of a group of rejects a leader; who got no respect. A number 2 guy who got mistreated but a great worker. The number 3 guy in the group was a wild card who hard working took charge of his area and time. The fourth member has yet to be hired. The sub is a fit but will the district hire this person who filled that void.
This team was younger some had health issues but the insurance would resolve the conflict. The boss let them do the work and didn't get on anyone's case. Everyone was willing to do the work just needed to have the right tools to get the job done.
77 · Jan 2022
Infamous one Jan 2022
He wiped the tears said it will be okay
One bad week months of frustration
Doesn't define the rest of your life
New week new start new beginnings
Putting out god vibes to the universe
Trying to shine not be dull like the rest
Put out more energy not be sluggish
Finish strong take pride in work
All hustle grind no gimmick
The outcast for chasing greatness
Refusing to settle called entitled
Called crazy for having an opinion
Having a dream seen as delusional
Setting goals determined not stopping
A bad attitude for speaking up
Being ignored feeling insulted
Asked for courtesy to prepare
Given last minute notice set up to fail
Treated different from the rest
More double standards excluded
77 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
They believed in him he didn't always believe in himself. He looked in the mirror an older man with white hair. Asking what's his purpose trying to find meaning in his life. Things came and went with the season. Something's he fought for things he thought was worth it. while he let go of the damaged beyond repair trying to understand learn from the crazy by being better
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