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82 · Sep 2023
Infamous one Sep 2023
An emotional eater because it hasn't happened yet
Worried how long and when it's going to happen
Sad because everything was going
Now it's just at a stand still
Feeling stuck while waiting
Looked in the mirror
Someone new mentally overwhelmed
Skin is dark with jaundice
Brown eyes with yellow tint
Praying for change a miracle
Once argue now walking away
Prayed for them I don't owe them
And they don't own me
Enjoy your unwelcoming home
Told to bring food no generic brands
So much for hospitality
Would rather be outside than take off shoes to be in the carpet
82 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
He was always learning open to grow it was tough for others to accept him. He was use to rejection. He was always doing extra going the distance and beyond. He did it right knew it was the right thing to do.
He wanted to speak up but knew his mouth could ruin his chances and opportunities. He was kind and respectful even when things didn't go according to plan he told himself to work harder. Be better take it to the next level.
He looked in the mirror asked himself what happened? Where did it all go wrong? He learned somethings are beyond his say and had no control. He remained loyal to them, while they taunted him with a job title. He deserved, realized he's meant for more. Meant for better he didn't always settle because he knew things usually proving himself to the wrong people.
It was a tough time for him always lost in the translation. He was old school spoke when spoken to. Didn't date because his family would never approval; why put someone you love through that.
82 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
He didn't care for people who did drugs. It ruined his family his parents chose that over him. He seen some people choose their bad habits over their kids.
He tries to be around family but its hard everyone grew up some are sharks only nice because they need something then giving the cold shoulder.
Watching them grow up
82 · Nov 2019
Infamous one Nov 2019
Always back it up
With all the talk
Got tired of listening
Did what couldn't be done
Carried all the slack
Doing what needs to be done
More talk from lazy ones
Behind the back never to the face
Once they got checked
Playing the victim
Can't win alone making up stories
Trying to get numbers to win
82 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Taught to be tough
Be down for yours
Most elders passed on
Or doing time in and out
Part of the system
Learned who not to be
Not many positive role models
Not about getting trouble
Kept it real stayed loyal
Without knocking others
Genuine while others BS
Only cheating yourself
Kept striving till the end
Made the most of things
Lead by example wanted more
Did what's right to get ahead
82 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
An old lead leaving the burden on the up and comers thinking they are doomed but will eventually learn its part of the job. So many want power but don't teach anyone anything so that they could superior.
Everyone wants a job but no one wants to work. Times are changing so has work etiquette most want more money for doing less. While others making top dollar don't care to work dumping it on others.
A leader is someone who helps and in the trenches not redirecting everyone with more responsibilities and everything becomes inconvenient
82 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Went away never looked back
Needed time to heal grow up
That itch and call to go back
Remember the bad times
Focused on the goal on hold
Vibing the dream to be
Can't be distracted ripped apart
It's shadowed the great moments
82 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Been written off over looked over all the politics. Had a drive seen as too wild and crazy. Not the poster child already being over looked for the next guy. Never going to be seen as normal because of the scale number. Not a **** up brown nosing to be liked always kept out looking it. Had to find another way working harder than the rest. Trying to live life not compare things can be unfair making the most of it all
82 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Found inspiration to inspire others
Believed in others to find motivation
Not always finding it within the soul
Everyday a struggle to be heard
A fight with an *** whooping
Somedays getting by hanging in there
While other times going the distance
Learn from the loss gain experience
81 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Shred tears time to smile
The past hurt so much
Over came the struggle
Embraced the future
New beginnings a fresh start
Taking on the fears not holding back
Delay make the moment time to react
81 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
He woke up ready to train go again. Today was Valentine's day he showed love all year he didn't need one day. He did laugh because all the girls, who said NO thought they can do better were feeling sorry for themselves. The nerve to be selective most of all be petty about being single. He called it single awareness day.
81 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
He wasn't good with closing lines
Things always opened up got in tense
Could've been more didn't expect much
Grew apart instead of together short lived
Never amounted to anything more
Glad to be friends then not at all
Not letting feelings get the best of
Emotions ruin a good thing
Feelings of not being enough
Other than had enough fed up
See it from all angles trying to understand
Multiple perspective different outcomes
81 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
The strings on the guitar
The vibration matching emotions
Music takes what's within
For others to enjoy maybe relate
Play fast the heart beats just as quick
Sing the words from your soul
The hair on your face stands
Feel tingling so beyond real
Play slow hold a note tell a story
Memories from the past a life time
Moments lived not forgot brought a smile
Relived in the head a better time
Giving life better than feeling dead within
The struggle that helped with growth
81 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Things go wrong
Never turn out accordingly
Denied seen as a good friend
Not looking for a relationship
Told a lie seen her with someone new
Shattered how quick  she moved on
She smiled with the upper hand
Turned my back left it alone
Eventually it was time to move on
We out with a female just to get out
A lunch with a friend nothing serious
She seen me with a friend
Not a well recieved response
If looks could **** an instense stare
She'd burn a hole through the souls
Her body language full of anger
Later a friend would be confronted
What's the back story an investigation
She didn't want to be serious
But didn't like the idea
Of me being serious with others
81 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
Always writing, the thoughts flow
Not use to the words being spoken
Never bass in the voice, flat and soft
One to talk, no reason to yell to be heard
The words come out low, important to project
Always listening to others advice
Asked for guidance got no response
Found away, it's wrong decide to speak up
No one asked all of a sudden something to say
Consideration return the favor trying to help
Stubborn mindset blocks out other perspective
Writing is expression only way to be heard
Find feelings emotions in every word
Flying free wild bird, escape this cage
See the world meant to be heard
81 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Tired of explaining to people
Who aren't listening who don't care
Music in each ear blocking out the world
Come up with a story to tell
Reflecting on life writing lyrics
Focused on work keeping busy
Getting it done in a timely manner
Making the most of it all
Keeping to yourself trying to be informed
Stay connected on new terms
81 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Everyday a fight to be heard
A struggle to be seen as an equal
Being kept out and silenced
An internal struggle within
A loud mind a quiet mouth
Words flow out with emotions
A way of expression able to feel
That love was an addiction
All the hurt is healing up
Found inner peace and closure
Learned to go with out
Not be included
Do your own thing
Its okay to be alone
81 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
He was late but made there eventually
Years of being told no wanting it
Being insulted told other wise
No one believed in him
Head down plowed through
Broken heart finally heals
Learning to love again over the hurt
Starting with ones self respect
Left to chase the dream in the works
Came back to nothing only wiser
Emotional damage gaining strength
Expecting things to change
He grew mentally and physically
Everything remained the same
81 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
How do you write so much?
What do you write about?
Questions I've been asked
I let my mind wander
The words flow right through me
The only time I express myself
Without being judged harshly
Seen as crazy for having an opinion
I could clear my mind think about it
Enjoy time alone to figure it out
Without having these words twisted
Explore it all not just go with the flow
Quick to question it all, ask how it works
Ask why did it happen, turn out the way it did
The word play stimulates the mind
Straight to the point not being to wordy
81 · Feb 2023
Infamous one Feb 2023
Working harder than the rest aiming to be one of the best not like the rest.
Chasing a dream in the heart it means everything
The mind sees things differently, it's not about the destination focus on the journey
Watching this world change with age. From private to everything being exposed no more secrets or behind the scenes
The mystery behind the art is gone no suspense just more given content
81 · Nov 2019
Infamous one Nov 2019
Another day full of light
Late nights for writing
A pen in hand
Ink on the pad
Thoughts and plans
Dreams become reality
Big imagination a foundation
81 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Things are well others no where to be found
Always around with negativity
Made plans and cancelled backed out last minute
Always delayed, late no regard for others
Made plans that never follow through
Spur of the moment last minute
All of a sudden concerned when usually careless
No invite makes you interested
Always waiting got old just live move on
Keep progressing not settling for less
Can't take the frustration second guessing
Over all the doubt forgave never forgiven
Holding a grudge painting others to be the bad
Acting like no wrong can be done
Two wrong multiple lies, don't make it right
Use to be close now complete strangers
Now distant full of faded memories
Shadowed by shadiness conflict of interest
Pride and stubbornness is the divider
81 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
Taught to be down go after it
Not to snitch everyone is telling
Loyal and treated like a cheated
Staight up made out to be a liar
Hustling not looking for handouts
Working to make it happen everyday
Pursuing the dream make it reality
So many waiting to be given everything
Cheaters get caught up not worries
Lies lead to the truth exposed on the light
81 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Always for others
Behind the scenes
Make private time
Writing to stay sane
Working out on the low
Mild results starting to show
Reading not hiding it anymore
Over the down play
81 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
From protecting them and taking secrets to the grave not dead. Trying to make it through the week. Up and down with emotions everything but weak. Feelings can be deep mostly strong truth only if they know what he has been through. Should be a sleep but writing has been a safety net a way to process all this frustration causing confusion.
81 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
Saying good bye is hard
Especially when you're not ready
You are tired Id like more time
One more day to share a laugh
Make a moment I've grown
Learned so much taking your advice
Work hard and take the initiative
You served your country and a hero
Thank you for serving our family
Your moral code and ethics will live on
Still in denial cant believe you're gone
80 · May 2018
Infamous one May 2018
Been writing over all the fighting
You don't understand me stop trying to change me
Been loyal and true while you are evil and cruel
Woke up to be great you always late don't need the nonsense or the hate
Over all the fakeness fake to my face
Think you are real I see through the front
80 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
Back on this writing project, trying to believe in it. Get lost in the story creating character some are too much finding the chemistry. Building up in the mind hyping things up. Slow down figuring it out over time.
Tired of them dulling his shine
Someone was always mad or offended
Tired of walking egg shells
All they did was talk about everyone
They were no better or worse off
He minded his business that's on them
Held them responsible for those actions
If a made a mistake being extra cautious. Never hear the end of it
80 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Spoke the truth, agenda meant well
Opened up how I feel
Not about being right
Just wanted you to know
Hope you don't see things differently
Or think less of the the situation
Given the upper hand
Not looking for a power struggle
Feel empowered not weak
Been years since we hung together
See us having a drink while socializing
Talking about life the outcome
Turn of events how far we've come
80 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
Stayed away feeling kept out because you run your mouth talking about everyone. You dk their story or situation expecting everyone to explain themselves while you debate all your faults and failures to justify everything. Others have no choice and wear the labels place on them.
It's rare when someone who says NO and denies all the crap. Not taking the group ******* or letting a group of moronic followers influence. Eventually all the egos will conflict with one another. The struggle for power to be right. Making everyone miserable because they want to run the show.
80 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
Writing has been therapy clearing the mind of extra stress being able to vent without others twisting your words. Always taking in the bad while focusing on the good. Its therapeutic while listening to metal music the drums and fast pace tempo is so comforting.
Using colored pens to fill each page writing for closure to let go of the things that don't matter trying to stay sharp more focused composed on things that will help better the situation. Fell off trying to get back on track.
80 · Sep 2018
Infamous one Sep 2018
In my mind I find peace make sense of everything
I hate to fail but come up short
Try to stay on time and consistent with all the resistance
I'm getting older everyone feels more distant
All I do is listen to people who set me up to fail
All I want to do is make it and prevail
One to fight and Bite now all I do is tuck my tail
Not arguing with useless people who take me for granted
So numb I feel life less feel my soul leave my body
Mistake for dead emotionless in my head
Stare off into the distance block it out
The sounds around me becomes white noise
Feeling trapped can't escape over all the hate
Faced my fears no one knows wipe the tears
Smile like the hurt isn't there
Hide it all be strong for others
In the end it catches up you want to leave it behind
comes back not ready for the attack
Hard to breathe what's next
can't keep living of the same good deeds
80 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Never a lusting
Wanted something real
Got over the fake act
Things are well got ignored
The shoulder to cry on
Heart on a sleeve
Wiped tears overcome fears
Staring in the distance
So much resistance
80 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
Free from the death grip
Escaped the burdening weight
No longer empowering the evil
Healed from being emotionally crippled
Taking back control feeling free
No longer in the chaos walked away
Not responsible for others actions
Those emotions that dictate behavior
Feelings that are wild with no respect
Never an equal over being ignored
Fighting for a place still don't belong
Family has love but feels forced
Blood means nothing truth is everything
80 · Jul 25
Infamous one Jul 25
Set boundaries they keep being violated
Stood my ground ready to move on
Trying to do my part stay positive
The manipulation is strong
Didn't do anything wrong
Wasn't the guy meant for something better is out there somewhere else
Doing the work to be overlooked
The team player always helping
Not going to give up on my dreams
Setting new goals outside of work
New ventures adventure
My odds after a transplant are not high
Making the most of my life and time
Feelings hurt tears shed writing to get it out of this looping thought process
Focused on progress go home play bass
Write poems to inspire others
Tired of all these lies being spread
I've been fighting with the truth
Made out to be the crazy one
Overreacting seen snarky standing up for myself
80 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Family becomes annoyed when you don't show any emotions. Pretending to show interest in your life. No respect for your feelings ignored trying to share. Excluded for not living up to this imaginary hype. All these thoughts circling round. It's a never ending cycle you forgive them but they still hold a grudge waiting for a mistake to feel empowered. Think they are superior while showing vulnerability.
80 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
They told him it was pride he forgave them and moved on. They kept it up all the bad attitudes and mouthing people behind their back. He told them straight up to their face he wasn't running but when he stood up against them, they knew they had no power or say over him.  
He moved in the light while they'd sneak around in the darkness. He wasn't afraid of the dark it was second nature.

It would never be a one on one. They'll slander his name bad mouth his reputation trying to influence others to see the worse when they dk him. That's why he chose to be a lone wolf not able to trust anyone over all the lies when he was loyal and true now a days its a lost value.
80 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
After the rain and cold
Everyday the spring ends
The summer begins
No more sweater weather
Swarming butterflies
Blooming poppies
Changes in the scenes
Time change heating seasons
80 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Times have change
I was taught dress to impress
Especially when you grew up poor
Smell good stand out
Be your own person
Not be like everyone else
Button up shirts and clean cut
Clothes had room to breathe
Everything is right and fitted
If you wore an undershirt
You had toned arms and worked out
So many weird changes
Before you earned a woman's trust
Shower respect put in time
Now they give up the goods
Women had class not easy to get
But when you got it things got serious
Everyone wants all the perks
No commitment but wants a relationship
How can you be with someone
If there is no love or trust
You love someone you earned trust
Its a two way street with respect
Keeping it flowing when it's true
Too many mistake lust for love
How do you claim to love someone
Why cheat or waste someone's time
Come real or stay away
Some want the real thing
While you play games then mad
Some can be in a relationship
Being picky and selective
Don't complain about being alone
The ones who want you got rejected
Some have unexpressed feelings
Never said what you mean to them
80 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Woke up and prayed
So much hate in the world
Wish I could take the misery away
Heal everyone's pain
Make frowns turn to smiles
Good prevails pursuing greatness
Out grow the bubble
Become much more than before
More than others could imagine
Always grateful to be working
So many lurking while I work
Gave my to finish my task
While the lazy lurk
Acting like a ****
They made themselves look bad
Trying to find someone to blame
***** to be them no shame
80 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
The snitch gets caught up tries to lie his way out of it instead of owning up.
Trying to call out not show up instead of manning about the situation all the anger and frustration he's causing others.
While the worker is always grinding trying to do it right get it done the first time make it better for everyone and easier by maintaining it everyday. Not a leader but being the number 2 you feel the pressure while the lead doesn't care and dumps it on top of the regular load that needs to be done.
80 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
The moment had come, he looked in her eyes and told her; how he felt about her. The look in her eyes went cold and a blank stare. From good friends to complete strangers. He wanted to take it back make it right but that's how he felt. The cold silent response made him feel ***** for expressing his emotions. She cared for him but didn't not see him like that. She would confind in him the bond was broken. He thought highly of her and she didn't think anything of him. She had placed him in the friend zone and it could be nothing more.
The connection was lost from talking everyday they could barely speak and make eye contact. He was hurt but would get over it. Later she would get with his so-called best friend. It was a secret that would later be exposed to him. How can he trust anyone when these people, he thought highly of partnered up against him. Eventually he told himself be better and not settle for less.
Life would fast forward they both had kids with someone new one married and the other bonded by children.
80 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Please and thank you can go a long way while so many entitled try to take what does not belong to them. Some work hard put in time, so many try to walk all over everyone. Learning the value of a dollar, every cent earned worth all the physical labor that went into it. Giving everything because things need to be done tired of all the complaining by the lazy workers that still manage to be bitter.
80 · Nov 2021
Infamous one Nov 2021
He loved the wrong people
All they did was use him
Never happy for him
He worked hard all the time
It was never enough
They made it rough
It made him tough
Tired of being lied to
Speaking no one listening
Did his own thing
Use to being alone
He missed the good times
Now feels like its all bad
Someone is always arguing
Mad at one another
He prayed they got along
Drained not sure what to say
How to act or respond
He told the truth usually honest
Others triggered making it personal
After asking his opinion
Feeling set up to fail is the worse
Walked into the sabotage
Trying to rise and grow
80 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Away from the past
Focused on the future
Loyal to all the wrong people
Noble to the loyal heart
A truthful mouth with love
Personal growth come to terms
Pick and choose what matters
Frustration no say or control
Made the most of it all
Can't stand down anymore
Overcome sore heartache
80 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Getting lost within the mind
Losing track of time
Mental anguish confusion
Another day to change
Hold back need not risks
Fear of the unknown
Live in the moment
Be present live life
Live life to the fullest
Seek the moment not hold back
Make opportunity when limited
Make it happen pursue the passion
80 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
He stared as his lazy good for nothing co-worker cussed him out. In mid conversation, he walked away. The bitter employee asked, "where you going?" He would reply, "to do my work and most likely yours."
This was work a place, where the hard working are ignored, where the **** up brown nosers bare rewarded. Sometimes you deal with many people other than customers.
The pretty girl who relies on her looks, flirts to get her way, but the company. This company only has so many places a person could move up. The more you do you'd think a person should make more.... Wrong. They make you do more for less, and think a pat on the back is good enough, maybe less; if they keep squeezing.
The guy who talks, the most usually; doesn't do ****, but that's on them. The managers find out who's lazy when the hard working guy is scheduled the day off.
80 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Told it was wrong
Doing it felt right
Made sense came natural
Once it stopped being fun
The love faded away
Not sure how it went wrong
How to get back that flare back
Thinking about the challenge
The hardest part is getting there
Struggle is knowing getting results
What needs to be done consistently
Being able to execute effectively
Not able to produce
80 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
He wanted to make changes someone always deflated his ego. He's not always liked took risks win or fail he did more than most. He wanted to be more tired of settling for less. He dram big and he hurt others to chase a dream. Worked harder than others so he could move up no one was happy for him.
They robbed him of his pride and joy all his efforts felt useless losing meaning and purpose. Trying to stay in tact but crumbling within
79 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Music opens my mind
Using my imagination to remember
Songs take me to a better time
When life seemed simple made sense
The song I first kissed a girl to in my heart
Music taps into that moment great memories
Music on the track a second home
While training found motivation
Driving home with music blaring
My first slow dance in a college dorm
Fun songs at a kick back drinking with friends
All these moments are golden
Atreasure within the heart
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