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85 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Beautiful memories between them
All that remains is a crime scene
Evidence that was once love
Damage feelings broken emotions
Left over from all the carnage
The anger from the betrayal
Running up the tab of pain
Soon the receipt would come
Both would be stuck paying
Contribution to something tarnished
Harsh words exchanged to cut deep
Nothing lived just bleeding out
The soul slipped away lifeless
Two corpses remain infected by death
A cold case of the flatline relationship
85 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Not one to criticize others
Mind the mouth to avoid drama
Focused on personal affairs not others
One or two close friends over many
Once involved pushed out neglected
A shoulder to cry on looked out for friends
Now receive the cold shoulder
Act like strangers don't know one another
There till something better came along
Not more pretending to be fine
Making excuses justifying wrong doing
Used up then realized for caring
Heart now protected more selective
Hard to open up closed off from deceit
85 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Lots of thoughts flowing
Some feel right make sense
Others race driven by insanity
Things are well feeling at ease
Something is missing dk what
Seeking closure faced fears
New drama from people
Cut them off forna reason
Same old thing not going back
85 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
He entered the bar and waited for the bartender to take his order. She smiled at him and said "what can I get for you sweetie?" He would respond with "I'd like a double 7" the bartender asked "are you having a tough day?" He responded by saying "not at all just like to drink" she smiled at him and he would return the favor. "Thanks for asking" he said then took a drink of his beverage.
He would observe the room and take in the scenery. Then would give all his attention to the bartender. He would start a friendly conversation, "how does a lady like you end up in a dump like this." She wiped the countertop responding " I got a kid and going to school it pays the bills getting me through the struggle aka life." He sat puzzled not sure how to respond, she would ask him, "how are you living?" After another drink he said, "Work, pay bills, and adult stuff."
"Is there special lady in your life?" the bartender asked. "Not really dating right now, after years of being with the wrong women learned to make myself happy." He would extend his hand and introduce himself, "Name it Arnold, some people call me Arnie" she would respond "Hi, my name is kyrie or k."
85 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Once you sober up
Not knowing who you are
Trying to figure it out
Detoxing from all the drama
Asking who I am
What I need to do
What needs to be done
85 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Overcome the drama
Be around positive people
Avoid negativity from toxic people
Being the kid who came over everyday
Never liked being home
Talking loud doesn't mean you're right
Insulting one another saying it's a joke
Dishing it out not able to take it in return
Open to change losing sense of self
One of the worse feelings
Some will support you build you up
Others will knock it rip you a new one
Learning strengths and weaknesses
Limitations are the worse still trying anyway
Sometimes taking on a lost cause
Believing there might be reason and purpose
85 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
Not about going out anymore
Had many friends but it all changed
Once I got sober things changed
Friends faded away some talked about me
That's not a friend that's fake and phony
then used me then disregarded me like trash
Never said anything bad about others
But I respect them enough to say it to their face
I called them on it and denied it
Now I'm dealing with a liar I couldn't trust them
I stayed away so they can't blame me
Make me out to be the bad guy
Like they always did
85 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
Always inspired by others
If they aren't doing anything
Feels like I need to be doing something
Too bad I can't do everything
Can only do so much in this life time
Not going out anymore since I'm sober
Minding my own use to being alone
Don't make plans with others most lag
Then have the nerve to be mad
Included everyone tired of waiting
Told myself to not be a hater
So many people to not act like
Can't be anyone else
Being myself all I know
Being in a group no one can grow
One does more work than the rest
How do lazy ppl just talk
Sad they are useless
Like they are somebody over the hype
Take credit for doing nothing
Talking smack gets on my nerves
Too bad they don't got it together
Get paid then bounce out
All this drama I can do without
85 · Feb 2023
Infamous one Feb 2023
Seeing the world through yellow eyes
Losing weight too rapid
Not losing faith staying strong
Trying to remain in control
Losing a grip on reality
Things went bad but better now
Skin looking orange remaining humble
All the things you want to do
Before it's too late fighting till the end
Don't let others dictate your fate
Analyzed every scenario possible
Doesn't matter just be in the moment
Doing it makes possibilities
Take a risk and chance on yourself
With or without support chase the dream
Keep progressing the heart filled with joy
Don't let it become cold as stone
A free thinker not imprisoned by old traditions
Modern day ideals are road block
Will not corrupt your genuineness
85 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
On the mat holding a knee
The twist and pop followed by pain
Lay there worried about jujitsu career
The hard part getting up from the ground
Bending the knee mild pain tenderness
Sitting up leg extended to prevent more damage
Helped up by team mates on the bench
More mad about missing training
Set back by injury time to heal
Learning to relax always restless
Trained intense learned to practice with safe
Slow down focus on technique form is everything
Finesse over brute strength in the sport
Pause to reset while breathing take control
Become centered channel anger not burn out
All the drills from class pay off
Free roll takes the stress away
Tap or be tapped never give up the back
Defend your neck from the choke
Cup and clamp for grips use the GI
Defend the gaurd over pulling
GI or no GI two unique styles
85 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
He watched films, and wanted to create his own the characters, unique people he wanted to be like. He like to write dialog, say things he wish he said In the moment. He didn't like people talking about him so he did what was important. He learned fast that others will have something to say, regardless what is said or done.
Writing caused him drama; how did so much bad end up with what he loved. His thoughts being used against him trying to debate the topic but its a passing idea or thought always open to grow. His mind wanted others try to find ways to flip it against him all he wanted was to express himself.
Not talking about anyone but how the situation made him feel and asking how did it end up this far after a while it didn't bother or get to him anymore.
85 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
All this pressure feeling like why can't that be you. Others didn't give any effort but expecting more. Giving everything nothing in return such a burn. Helping because it's right incompetence picking a fight.
Held to another standard not trying to get played with these made up rules double standards.
He worked hard didn't take crap from anyone. Did his work and extra too much drama didn't care to be involved.
Some days they loved him others he got the 3rd degree. After a while he stopped caring getting involved. It was exhausting to give his energy while they didn't even try. He never talked about them but they had plenty to say. No one asked or was interested. Everyone had a life to live no time for critics.
84 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
The truth came out now all of a sudden it's causing a ruckus. Trying to argue getting defensive because they've been exposed. When he said she ignored him, now that someone else mentioned it showing concern. He always wanted to fit in but they kept him out. He's not missing anything but an arguing couple run down by their kids. They have way more and it's still not enough.
He worked with what he had made the most of thing. able to adjust and adapt stopped empowering their toxics ways. Muted out the negativity evil energy trying to consume
84 · Oct 2019
Infamous one Oct 2019
No one writes about love
Talking about the inner struggle
Telling you how to behave
Sober is easier than living it up
The hardest part is to grow up
Let go feels like the world won't let up
Part of you dies to feel alive
Going through changes
What mattered before
Doesn't matter now
She's a year overcome fears
From making drama to finding peace
Confronted others now playing the victim
Said nothing everyone keeps talking
Not even a thought in this mind
84 · Oct 2023
Infamous one Oct 2023
Over all the physical pain
Can't block it out anymore
Trying to be focused live in the moment
Be present over being distracted
Be around family on borrowed time
Show love to the right people
Holding back because of the wrong
Not the one who got away
Never been the one just walking alone
She moved on got married to her one
Just trying to be friends without guilt
Not into mixed signal or games
Mixed emotions are confusing
Being the other guy doesn't settle well
A side guy not here to do right
When she keeps doing wrong
84 · Mar 2022
Infamous one Mar 2022
Told not to associate with the snitch
Now a days everyone takes pride in doing so
Trying to help out now you talking behind everyone back
Ain't no one talking about you or your ways
Trying to make calls tell people how to live
Get your life together before looking down on others
Talking about others don't make you a better person
Thinking you are better is not the same as acting like you are
Trying to use false narratives to get others to be in your side
Expecting others to be loyal you double crossed them as well
Sooner or later your word holds no credibility
Doing wrong trying to justify it as right
After being ignored no one is fighting to be around
Make it easier to leave without any doubt
Trying to use others as a pond in the scheme
Everyone will know the truth see your true colors
See through the act eventually no one feels bad for you
84 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
He couldn't rely or depend on her; after she got her way, or what she wanted, she'd disappear. Calling when things went bad, but once things went well never heard from. How does a married person talk about an old fling; acting like she's single. trying to justify her actions like she's the exception and rules don't apply to her. He was the scapegoat and enabler. He learned the hard way staying away
84 · Jan 2023
Infamous one Jan 2023
He couldn't pretend nothing couldn't happen. Give up his believes because something was trending. Using to being rejected being cancelled didn't bother him. He was always writing to express himself. Tired of his words being twisted and being excluded for having an opinion wanting to be an individual.
He might have missed out or made mistakes but didn't no compromise his integrity to be accepted. Not everyone will agree or get along because everyone has a different situation or grew up differently. Some have more than others while some have to work to get what they have.
Best advice given was do it yourself no one is going to do it for you. Do your own thing most of all treat others right even if you don't see eye to eye. Give them space you don't know their struggle or what they are going through.
Getting older is exhausting no time for hate or hold onto festering grudges that won't be settled or come to terms dude to stubborn pride and arrogant egos.
84 · Oct 2023
Infamous one Oct 2023
All I did was love you
Why you Making this so heart
Our love was beautiful fell for you
You meant everything to me
Couldn't get enough needed that fix
Treated me like nothing in denial
The look of love turned to hatred
Passionate kisses became emotionless
Your touch full of charming energy
Numb look in her eyes loss of interest
Emotions are turned of no signs of hope
A loving kiss now meant for someone else
Never feeling the same going without
Empty wanting more craving more
See things the same now that it's over
84 · Jun 2018
Infamous one Jun 2018
The day you say "this is not for me" the world changes. All the people, I've encountered had fun with. Once the alcohol craving went away no one cares to stay. The party was over see who my true friends are now that I'm sober. Most went away but I won't beg them to stay a new chapter of life. Now they talk about me when I had nothing but good things to say. Deep down I knew I was better than them anyway. Focused on work no time for drama or fake friends being alone got easy. No longer afraid to be alone now a days it's all I know. I prefer to be writing over arguing and fighting. Sober because I hurt others most of all myself. Clean life things are easier and less stress since liquid courage made things worse. Sober living breaks this curse things are better can't complain.
No more hang overs but living life over and over again
84 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
He wanted to leave, forget this moment but it kept circling back to him. He felt free other times this death grip on his throat making it hard to breathe. He learned right away it doesn't always happened right away even though he was one that was determined to make it happen. He was one to look out for other but when he needed them they were no where to be found. He was willing to help find a solution to the problem. He enjoyed helping others but they weren't to happy or fond of him because he was private and not one to put his business out there. Most criticized him or judged him for being different. Sobriety made life easier and more clear with good judgement he took on what he could handle and what mattered. Instead of complicating things or putting himself in awkward situations it felt like they came after him. He was not one to meddle in others business unless asked. He gave advice even though they did the opposite and went back to the stuff they said they'd never do again.
84 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Don't want to leave my bed
Around people out of my head
Older now and know better
Not many friends my age
I'd hang with the younger crowd
Already drank enough they dk any better
Those party days are over not fun anymore
Staying sober no need to pretend
Same crowd in the dark DJ plays the same set
Same clothes from last week hopefully washed
Hoping no one notices the same old thing
Don't need a drink to speak my mind
While they are drunk deciding to be social
Finally acknowledge my presents
Not looking for attention or lust
The scene use to be fun but got old
84 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
The heart of a warrior beating strong
Fighting to be heard rise above hate
Tired of being ignored walked away
Taking a stand left all alone
Went against family seen as taboo
Family has been disrespectful for years
Talking bad on others they are no better
Running mouths that cause drama
Trying to expose others to hide wicked way
Called them on it now they are mad
Try to erase you for having an opinion
Cross you out for speaking your mind
Never used or took anyone for granted
84 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Being made fun of gets old
You laugh it off take it
After a while
They call it crazy
That's just normal
Taking the insults
Hidden in humor
Not a joke this is life
Like to laugh smile
Not at others pain
Be an example
Not make example of others
84 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Hugs that gave warmth
A kiss that stopped time
Close lovers to distant strangers
Emotionless without that touch
Moments together are missed
84 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Not comparing myself to others
Doing my own thing for sometime now
Not competing with others with drama
I've worked hard and not given much
Don't think I'm entitled or deserve
Willing to bust my *** not a kiss ***
Everyone has their own success
I've always been happy for others
When others fail their attitude gets rotten
Demaener quick to change fueled by rage
Stay calm stay loyal to yourself
Been through so much change
Not changing for others
84 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
Once you heal overcome all the drama
You stop looking for it since I always end up in the wrong places
Hanging on to hope while all is lost
Positive while everyone is negative and discouraged
Find courage and give life meaning find purpose
Others settle and don't try sad how they blame
Rather than own up
don't be ashamed but try pursue your passion
Others don't understand it's your dream not theirs
83 · Jun 2018
Infamous one Jun 2018
They believe the lies and deny the truth
No one cares till it's about them
No respect or regards for others unless they agree
Once they oppose they impose
No one wants to be wrong or admit a mistake
Everyone thinks they are right even when they have no clue
Learn to understand before making changes
Don't judge because of circumstance people change
Most set in their ways most change if they want to but most won't
83 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Not one to wallow but deal with things
Able to communicate with others
More of a tangent than rambling
The process doesn't happen right away
Think highly of most others careless
Respectful to people not into phonies
Betrayal by family hurts the most
Never see it coming shouldn't be surprised
Different lessons stuck in the process
Progress slow and steady waiting
Never happens when ready
In and out of the world
Never too late time rushing fast
Many moments have passed
83 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Thankful for all those that want the best
Supportive and wish me great success
Who don't quick on me when I feel like giving up
Pick me up when I'm down to be better
Those who judge me assume the worse
Prove them wrong not fueled by hate
Not talking bad focused on being more
Glad for those hard lessons full of growth
All the disrespect made me be a better person
Traditions changed still polite full of manners
Respect myself take pride in what I'm doing
83 · Mar 2023
Infamous one Mar 2023
Said sorry never forgiven
Gave you space and prayed
You'd forgive me I made a mistake
Didn't know it would be the last time
The last time we'd see one another
Heard about your death on the news
A horrible bus accident that took many
You had many things going on
I was happy for you wishing you the best
A good friend I will remember in my heart
Thought of reaching out regretting not trying
Change was hard letting go adapting
Sometimes your mind wants it one way
Had a vision with a different outcome
83 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
A crowded room so alone
An empty room filled with life
Honest opinion not well received
Direct straight to the point
No hidden agendas
Loyal friends are always true
Through the tough time
Allows growth and encouragement
Able to be ones self without hesitation
83 · Jun 2019
Infamous one Jun 2019
A shouting contest
Back and forth
Both with pride
Thought of being right
An insult to a bruised ego
A sucker punch
Doesn't make it right
Fired for a job
So much has been
No going back
Not sure how to act
One quick to overreact
83 · Jun 2023
Infamous one Jun 2023
That safe space was the great escape
Hated being home too much hurt
The track focused on health
Away from it all love family
Tired of the arguing profanity
Felt unworthy doing so much
An older brother not a parent
Siblings full of hostility
Parents refusing to grow up
Couldn't stay down or live this way
Meant for more stuck settling for less
Pursued more came up short
With a new world comes a new mindset
Old ways of life clashing with the new
Trying new things forgetting the old
83 · Feb 2022
Infamous one Feb 2022
Knocking you down but already humble. Trying to pursue a dream only you believe in. They'll tell you you're crazy they didn't even try. The pressure is overwhelming no surrender. Keep fighting back the struggle is real. Keep coming back refuse to give in being opposed rose above the hate
83 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Use to get mad when people would get on my case when the lazy worker got away with doing nothing. Always open to learn and grow fix the mistake if possible. Running your area and getting it done don't need to be micro managed over all the brown nosing to move up.
They drop bad news on you not surprised anymore. When you have a good day just avoid everyone work harder than the rest. They'll find reasons to complain but not listening to the negativity.
83 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
He was done arguing another up hill battle
Walking away so many issues with ppl
Being told how to act
Made out to be someone he wasn't
He would roll with it before
Now he shuts it down not welcoming
Many rumors spread the truth came out
Fighting to be heard deciding not to say anything
And okay with being ignore not the right crowd
Use to being excluded more time to write
Giving too much credit while being deducted
Asked to have an opinion told how to think
It doesn't work like that
It's okay to have a different point of view
Just because it's different different doesn't make it weak
Try to understand before unleashing the vicious wrath of hatred
Better to not say anything or get involved
83 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Not competing for love
Stay a unique personality
Loyal to the supportive
Who help with growth
True to the heart
Love with one true being
Not be one of many lusters
Waited for a call back
Phone never rang
Expected too much got less
83 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
A group of rejects who came together for the greater good. The black sheep composed hard to go back all ******* up. There's no going back, already failed once. Already know the outcome been there before. Feeling captured, by others false perceptions.
Those mistakes he's trying to forget while they are held over his head trying to manipulate and control him. He was frustrated with them all these double standards. He walked away this wont go away.
The change was hard because they kept bring up the past. He was never forgiven or accepted he learned to be okay with it since he wasn't hurting anyone. He didn't want to spread it so he let it die within himself.
83 · Nov 2023
Infamous one Nov 2023
They told him he was sick but he didn't believe it as time passed. He felt his body go through changes. He was still in denial but feeling the results and outcome.
Praying for the transplant wanting to be normal Whatever that meant. Thankful for the calls but when they were a no go it really depressed and drained him.
He wondered when his time and turn would come because he didn't like how everything changed on him.
He'd go to work for his insurance keep a cash flow. Thankful for OT but it took its toll on him. Trying to be a lead and example he didn't want to let people down. He wore his heart on his sleeve. Determined to make it not giving up because he felt loved and support not wanting to let anyone down.
He cared more than most because they gave him a chance. he knew what it was like to not have a job. He worked hard and earned every cent it was dishonest to collect money and not do anything for it.
He did his best to honor his word because most don't care or take pride in their work. Quick to blame and point fingers instead of doing the work
83 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Onto a new chapter seeing the world differently. Can't be selfish kiddos first family first. Trying to invest and make money off things I love. Watching it go on with out you missing it the transition from athlete to a responsible adult. A role model by default willing to step it up. learning about yourself able to cope and grow
83 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Older now know better
Decisions to be made
Choices are not great
Not much to work with
Rush gone for sometime
Starving for desired with no fix
Like an addiction craving
Fading away with time
Once lost in a lost cause
Seeking closure and purpose
More reasons than answers
Making meaningful moves
Overcome holding back
Fear of failure overcome
Never settle for less
83 · Dec 2020
Infamous one Dec 2020
Not one to complain
Made the most of life
Seeing good in others
Holding back the ego
Minding this mouth
Dreams that are near
Writing takes away fear
Time alone to recharge
Coping with the hurt
Rise above these tough times
82 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
He didn't care for people who did drugs. It ruined his family his parents chose that over him. He seen some people choose their bad habits over their kids.
He tries to be around family but its hard everyone grew up some are sharks only nice because they need something then giving the cold shoulder.
Watching them grow up
82 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
An old lead leaving the burden on the up and comers thinking they are doomed but will eventually learn its part of the job. So many want power but don't teach anyone anything so that they could superior.
Everyone wants a job but no one wants to work. Times are changing so has work etiquette most want more money for doing less. While others making top dollar don't care to work dumping it on others.
A leader is someone who helps and in the trenches not redirecting everyone with more responsibilities and everything becomes inconvenient
82 · Jun 2018
Dreams for you
Infamous one Jun 2018
I've been having dreams that came true for you
I dram you had my kid but you did that with someone else
In another dram you wore a wedding dress we just got married
I had no clue found out through a friend
you're happy that's all that matters
We weren't meant to be that was hard for me to see
Not going back but moving forward with someone new who is true
82 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
Quiet with others
A loud mind when triggered
Controlled reactions
The script gets flipped
Moved onto more
Not going back to that
Not moved by chaos
From being provoked
Silence over giving into nonsense
Getting all the backlash
Not needed or wanted
Falling for it anymore
82 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
Older tired trying to make it not get fired. Stay sharp while being yanked in multiple directions. A new boss that appreciates your hard work and efforts. No lead but a new one is being brought over in the process.
Focused on work while others think less of your efforts. Always proving yourself just trying to match energy and be enough for once. Over the obstacles trying to get there even if they are meant to build character shape you.
Asking how much more what else does one have to encounter to find peace and closure wanting more to get lost in it. Not feel like it's over again, how do one get it back dreading starting over. Function without saying now what?
82 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
Hiding a smile because they'll come at you because they are miserable. Not welcoming or associating with toxic energy. No longer feeding into those bad vibes. Not one of them pushed out all the carnage left from stepping aside should've spoke up. It would've been a pointless conversation because their way is not right bit I'm their mind they can do no wrong. Just because they have the right to do so doesn't mean; what they are doing is right.
Got the cold shoulder the silent treatment didn't mind because it doesn't stop you from living life. They have no say or control over you because they don't agree. You don't hate them bit know how they are as they loath you for having an opinion speaking your mind.
Taking about everyone but once you call them out on their actions it becomes a debate like if it's justified. In everyone's business trying to make others look bad to feel better about themselves. They cheat the system now trying to impose their ways when you have no interest to empower their toxic ways of living.
82 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Went away never looked back
Needed time to heal grow up
That itch and call to go back
Remember the bad times
Focused on the goal on hold
Vibing the dream to be
Can't be distracted ripped apart
It's shadowed the great moments
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