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86 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Thinking so much feeling numb
Not able to sleep feeling restless
Wanting to go outside the heat is overwhelming
From cold to needing a jacket
Now facing a heat wave
Staring at the glowing screen
Thinking what to write
Missing the old way of life
Need to embrace the new and change
86 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
Told to act a certain way
How to behave no way
No love for my parents by you
Now you're coming at me
Let me be one day you'll see
All you do is talk two faced snakes
Putting those labels on others
Projecting negativity why bothers
Changing up the narrative
Trying to use others to get your way
Walked away free where I'm accepted
So much neglect disrespected
86 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Use to be mad tired of being ignored
Not always forgiven but noticed for mistakes
Learned to forgive within
Not always liked or accepted
But always loyal and true
Even when being treated cruel
Smiled not complaining just get it done
Made the most of it all whatever is given
Kept pushing through nonsense
Avoiding the drama not contributing
Worked harder not getting personal
Minding a mouth that causes trouble
Keeping alone out of others business
86 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Hit rock bottom
The car blew a head gasket
Got beat up at work
A lazy co-worker vengeance
Brought down others
Bullied many not taking it anymore
Fired for standing tall
Took a beating not the first
Life is a marathon trying to last
No one expects to fight at work
Alone with a swelled face
Looking in the mirror deformed
Hid the shame from the world
The pain fades away with time
Depressed not settling for less
86 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Bad habits change people
Protecting the family
Lots of betrayal
Most loyal get *******
Unfaithful given another chance
One mistake cut loose
Asking for truth then getting mad
Telling lies expecting more
Breaking point through it all
Manipulation doesn't mean love
****** favors and lustful deceit
Doesn't mean equality broken relations
Bad communication causing drama
Misunderstanding leads to more power trips
86 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
False pain on a memory
With time it fade away
Like a crutch to lean on
Able to support your own
New stories to tell others
Living life in the moment
Conversations deep intense
Make it through the suspense
86 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Hello stranger it's been a while
How are you? It's been years
What have you been up to?
Glad to see your face and smile
The heart melts old feelings surface
Flashback faded memories
Missing what use to be
From friends to strangers
Can't change the past
Just wanted to say hello
86 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Don't be late
Get to work
Keep being great
Surpass the hate
Race against time
Barely made it
86 · Jun 2019
Infamous one Jun 2019
Respect for others
Raised that way
Hard to trust
The broken shatter others
Over being ******* over
Stayed away
So much betrayal
It's not normal
Aim to be happy
Not settle for less
Unforgiven by deceivers
Not one to change others
Tired of the ways of lies
The phony are praised for wicked ways
Kept out for caring in a fallen world
A heart that will not turn to stone
But not taking crap
Provoked avoiding drama
86 · Jun 2019
Infamous one Jun 2019
On the way to work
Avoid the drama
No longer involved
Not playing in the dirt
Dont care whats said
Or care what anyone heard
Negativity not spreading the word
86 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
The water from the tank so soothing as he sat in the counselors office. He was going to talk with a professional that hardest part for him was trust. He would feel like expressing himself to others made him feel weak or they would use it against him. He was one that put others first before his own needs. He did good deeds for others and expected nothing in return. His name would be called he entered the office he sat in a chair but it was not like what he saw in the movies. It was a cozy and comfy environment. He had so much he wanted to get off his chest. The shrink would ask him questions and this therapy session would begin. He would explain all that bothered him but he could only say so much within an hour period. The problem was the shrink kept changing so how could he build trust and kept starting new relationships so he felt disconnected when all he wanted to do was fit in and belong with people overcoming his fears also be able to blend in but no matter what he was isolated and excluded.
He took time to figure himself out and so he can be a better friend but he needed a new crowd he was in the party scene. He would try to find himself without others defining him.
86 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
She liked him but his height
He liked her saw no flaws
They had chemistry
Size doesn't matter
Differences made them unique
Great together with one another
Outside factors tarnished them
He didn't care what others thought
She worried and compared
What she had with others
She'd ruin things he still loved her
She was insecure full of doubt
He didn't know what he was doing
Listened observed open to grow
This failed relationship
They didn't want to give up on love
Should've grown together
Wedged apart not meant to be
Heart broken lost trust for on another
Maybe in another life time
86 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
Never afraid to start over keep building on what you know. Keep striving for more not settling for less. We use to be close now we can't be together. I pray you don't turn out like your siblings or parents. Felt pushed out not forcing my way in not use anyone believing or standing by my side.
Wishing you the best not my place I have no say. Your parents came at me sour not arguing or taking the corruption anymore. The world changes the day you stand up for yourself.
86 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Letting it go because holding onto things consumes you becomes a distraction that ends up being a waste of time. So many toxic people that's why it's easier to role solo. Keeping secrets for others too bad they are quick to spill mine making gossip. Never talked about them but they are quick to point out others flaws, no one is talking about them. So they cause drama to feel relevant to feed their insecurities.
Able to rest relax sad how you can't be honest with people they'll destroy you and think they did you a favor. If you spoke up they get insulted play the victim debate why their actions are justified when clearly it's all BS. They won't listen to others and expect others to hear them out. They'll get the same treatment on how they treat others.
It's such a downer and drains everyone involved. Everyone is hurt no one wins what's the point of all this everyone is worse off instead of better. You forgive them and moved on. While they are stuck still holding that burden trying to use it against you.
86 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Arms are heavy Hard to breathe
Feel like stone limited movement
Fighting back trying not to overreact
Pressing forward not backing down
Trying to change it up burnt up
Going the distance o much resistance
Giving your all in offense
Trying to time it out on offense
Finding another window for the round
86 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Some is always mad because you're living. Most of all offended for having an opinion. Hater upset because are breathing prefer to be alone than caught up in the hype. Not phased by the drama don't care to be involved. Doing your own thing instead of listening to all the gossip. Won't be influenced by the passive aggressive that choose to be selective about showing interest in you and your life.
86 · Apr 2019
Infamous one Apr 2019
Never too late to achieve success
Be great pursue passion
Sometimes avoiding the drama
Better to confront not accept defeat
Time to grow finish whats started
Once lost focused on the journey
A lost lover that couldn't be saved
Death of a sibling placed in a grave
Memories not always the same
Part of life welcomed the change
Time will heal from a deep struggle
86 · Apr 2019
Infamous one Apr 2019
Not part of that life anymore
Don't care to keep contact
Moved on things never change
Meant to grow not remain the same
Open to learn inspired to achieve greatness
Not about fame but doing what's right
Told the truth got heat for honesty
Be a good person not mistreat others
86 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
As he got older he didn't have time for drama. He didn't feel bad for people that did drug or drank because they chose self destruction over life. Sad that some chose their bad habits over their family.
Some think they can pick and choose when they want when to participate. Be their full-time or don't bother wasting everyone's time. So much is expected but nothing is put out.
Growing up poor was feeling unworthy but once you got older you worked hard and through it. So many things to learn and rise above. Mostly learned by doing get in there make it happen.
Learning to lead mostly inspire those who want to make it and put in the time to do so. Some think it but never put forth any effort to get to the next level. Being social is hard because your agenda is to get the work done and keep gaining and growing while others don't care going through the motion without any effort.
Finding self motivation because the people you think are on your team have your back are the ones talking. Not doing any work trying to place themselves above you but not doing anything. They could have their criticism back all those rude remarks because they'll try to break you then try to install some of their ideas like if they care or know what's best for you.
86 · Aug 2018
Qw #14
Infamous one Aug 2018
The things you fight for when you have to give them up is one of the tough decisions to make.
The stuff you go through for it but do you really need it sometimes it's worth it other times it's a huge waste of time.
Doing it was a process but worth it after it was all said and done.
Things changed what felt right doesn't provide the satisfaction or gratification.
Move on to something new because growth is always occuring.
85 · Mar 2020
Infamous one Mar 2020
Not about going out anymore
Had many friends but it all changed
Once I got sober things changed
Friends faded away some talked about me
That's not a friend that's fake and phony
then used me then disregarded me like trash
Never said anything bad about others
But I respect them enough to say it to their face
I called them on it and denied it
Now I'm dealing with a liar I couldn't trust them
I stayed away so they can't blame me
Make me out to be the bad guy
Like they always did
85 · Oct 2019
Infamous one Oct 2019
Not always going to happen right away
Kept at it eventually things turn around
Trying to fit in better off alone
Argued to make the wrong right
Keep working hard till something gives
Doesn't happen over night
Stay determined motivated for change
Confidence builds up within
Wanting to speak more if it matters
Stand up since everyone else settles
Can't stand out in the crowd
Noticed more avoiding the drama
Said nothing talked about more
Spoke up got ignored not interested
The hardest worker in the room
Respectful to others and welcoming
While others are toxic not open to change
Open minded to learn new way
Another life always looking in
Actions say more than words
Being genuine not into fake attitudes
Materialism doesn't mean better
Doesn't make up for lack self-esteem
85 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Confined in the wrong people
Feel the betrayal stings the ego
Bruised emotions trust in good
Always given the worse
The bitter taste of deceit
Trusted the wrong people
Being honest don't care to lie
Admitted a mistakes nothing to hide
Many bad choices to select from
Decisions were made without say
Learned to cope with diverse issues
No control anymore learn to let go
Mind always racing not able focused
A loyal heart to the wrong people
Give all or nothing pursing the dream
Not into it or feeling connected
Lots of things have change
Not always for the better
Agree with things that make sense
Too many trying to change things
Living with the consequences
Try to use it in their favor
Over ridicule so others feel empower
Bringing up the past
Trying to live in the present
Not fall into bad habits
Walking talk not looking back
Over old hurt onto better
Trying to bring scolding shame
Never got in or belong
Asking whats wrong
85 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Once success is grasped no one is happy
If it was them applauding their efforts
Talked them up with respect
While they Knocking your efforts
People grow apart for a reason
Not into bad mouthing others
Stay out of others business
Minding the drama a silent mouth
Over all the contradiction so many lies
Say what you mean honor your words
Mean what you say acting right
Actions tell another story be aware
From what's being said it all plays out
Talking loud so sensitive easily offended
Tear down others not open to new perspective
85 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
He was being social reaching out to old peers hoping that he could chat it up be himself. It was fun to catch up instead of being kept out. Taking on bad attitudes not feeding into bad vibes.
Motivation by the uninspired when around them. With the overachievers not feeling on that level working twice as hard behind the scenes working in private.
Being positive around negative people staying out of the drama being more private but feeling isolated by those that he cared for not feeling like an equal among them.
85 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
Talking a good friend about his plan. Ready to do more feels like it's not enough. A late start a late bloomer on the rise and on the go. His first relationship was a one nighter that got complicated. Trying to finish his degree but it finished him. Plotting to go back not over worked or burnt out. Trying to balance out coaching and get back into training made himself available which made everything seem like a waste of time.
85 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Beautiful memories between them
All that remains is a crime scene
Evidence that was once love
Damage feelings broken emotions
Left over from all the carnage
The anger from the betrayal
Running up the tab of pain
Soon the receipt would come
Both would be stuck paying
Contribution to something tarnished
Harsh words exchanged to cut deep
Nothing lived just bleeding out
The soul slipped away lifeless
Two corpses remain infected by death
A cold case of the flatline relationship
85 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Working harder than the rest. Mentally prepping a new process to stay sharp on top of the task. All the drama doesn't matter. Started believing stopped doubting because some useless lead doesn't believe in you.
Being the guy instead of letting others steal credit for your hard work. Working behind the scenes not taking NO pursuing a dream stepped it up. Standing out making a difference for those that believe in you gave you a chance. The hard work is how the favor is returned.
85 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Not one to criticize others
Mind the mouth to avoid drama
Focused on personal affairs not others
One or two close friends over many
Once involved pushed out neglected
A shoulder to cry on looked out for friends
Now receive the cold shoulder
Act like strangers don't know one another
There till something better came along
Not more pretending to be fine
Making excuses justifying wrong doing
Used up then realized for caring
Heart now protected more selective
Hard to open up closed off from deceit
85 · Nov 2017
Flooding cleanse
Infamous one Nov 2017
The emotion poured out no longer holding it in or holding back. He respected others but they treated him like he didn't matter. He did favors but once he said no or wasn't able to they treated him like the enemy like he was going against the family. He forgave them but they continued to hold a grudge no longer taking their drama he was out of the circle. All he wanted was to belong but he realized he was better off without. He hated the fact he had to give up who he was to be accepted. He would not lower himself to be accepted, they denied him and his ideas. He was hated for asking questions and for telling the truth. He thought they'd value and respect honesty too bad everyone was fake living lies. He never criticized but they always judged him for being different. He wasn't a follower and didn't owe anyone anything. They owed it to themselves to be better be more instead off settling for less.
85 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
The fighter within wants to strike, a mindful mouth keeping the peace. Dealing with people that are full of it. They tread on others and think they could spread their toxic into your area.
Your personal space dealing with talkers, they haven't done it riding someone else's coat tail acting like their rank means something. Always working hard and the people talking haven't done, or dk what you can do.
85 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
He watched films, and wanted to create his own the characters, unique people he wanted to be like. He like to write dialog, say things he wish he said In the moment. He didn't like people talking about him so he did what was important. He learned fast that others will have something to say, regardless what is said or done.
Writing caused him drama; how did so much bad end up with what he loved. His thoughts being used against him trying to debate the topic but its a passing idea or thought always open to grow. His mind wanted others try to find ways to flip it against him all he wanted was to express himself.
Not talking about anyone but how the situation made him feel and asking how did it end up this far after a while it didn't bother or get to him anymore.
85 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
The past ate him up an older man
Full of regret hard to forget things
Worlds collide their bad fell on his lap
Never meant to hurt them as well
Pursing a dream detoured goal
Destroying himself after failed efforts
Rejected by love replaced with hate
Not letting it infect his heart
Denying the wrong others shadow
Focused on right not argue or fight
85 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
Changing his mindset; way of life, too many assume; who he is rather than get to know him. He focused on that work trying not to complain get caught up in the drama. It rubbed him wrong when people who claim to no like one another being all fake and phony with one another.
Would rather be alone then pretend to be someone others made up about your reputation. Let them make a fuss my reaction or emotion focused on doing your own thing.
85 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
On the mat holding a knee
The twist and pop followed by pain
Lay there worried about jujitsu career
The hard part getting up from the ground
Bending the knee mild pain tenderness
Sitting up leg extended to prevent more damage
Helped up by team mates on the bench
More mad about missing training
Set back by injury time to heal
Learning to relax always restless
Trained intense learned to practice with safe
Slow down focus on technique form is everything
Finesse over brute strength in the sport
Pause to reset while breathing take control
Become centered channel anger not burn out
All the drills from class pay off
Free roll takes the stress away
Tap or be tapped never give up the back
Defend your neck from the choke
Cup and clamp for grips use the GI
Defend the gaurd over pulling
GI or no GI two unique styles
85 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
He loved his kiddos but didn't get along with their parents. All they do is talk about everyone. No one asks or cares what they think but they run their mouth. Fading away from all the forced interaction don't care to associate anymore.
All the disrespect trying to talk about your life they know nothing about with false narratives that they project. Fading away no longer connected but they'll try to blame you. When they started the drama not part of them or one of them anymore learned to be okay with that.
Being talked over and false assumptions is not the way to treat anyone. Not listening so they try to turn everyone against you. It did hurt at the beginning now immune to all the crazy. They do their own thing you respect it but once you do your own thing they impose not interested and don't care anymore. Had to find more positive people to grow and be myself arounf.
85 · Jun 2018
Infamous one Jun 2018
Sometimes you look for redos and think how you could've done it right. You'd like to change go back to that moment but you don't belong there you grow. Eventually you feel like you've out grown everything nothing feels right or makes sense. Grasping that moment then it fades loses all value. People come and go like the seasons everyone changes some for the better others just settle. You work to invest in a dream it makes sense to you while others think you're crazy. Pursing a dream leaving others behind you are not the same but others will never see you different. They remember from the past and assume they know your future. You went the distance alone while you start back at the beginning after many mistakes. It's hard starting over stuck in a bubble sometimes you want to be part of the world other times you hide in your bubble. You don't know your place or where you belong once you find yourself and figure out where you belong. Many years of trying to fit in working with what thrown in my direction another time consumer another detour once it ran out stuck asking what's next.
85 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
He admired her beauty but wasn't sure if this friendship could be more. If he made his move it might make things awkward and end a good thing. He was known for letting his feelings get the best of him. He got emotional felt foolish and weak thinking he was an equal but no where on the level.
He was a private person seen as a bad guy because he didn't take crap from no one. He spoke up it felt like the world was against him. If he bit his tongue it would feel like the world would walk all over him.
His love was heavy and deep but his hurt was stronger empowering him to keep pursuing greatness move forward.
85 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Lots of thoughts flowing
Some feel right make sense
Others race driven by insanity
Things are well feeling at ease
Something is missing dk what
Seeking closure faced fears
New drama from people
Cut them off forna reason
Same old thing not going back
85 · Feb 2023
Infamous one Feb 2023
Seeing the world through yellow eyes
Losing weight too rapid
Not losing faith staying strong
Trying to remain in control
Losing a grip on reality
Things went bad but better now
Skin looking orange remaining humble
All the things you want to do
Before it's too late fighting till the end
Don't let others dictate your fate
Analyzed every scenario possible
Doesn't matter just be in the moment
Doing it makes possibilities
Take a risk and chance on yourself
With or without support chase the dream
Keep progressing the heart filled with joy
Don't let it become cold as stone
A free thinker not imprisoned by old traditions
Modern day ideals are road block
Will not corrupt your genuineness
85 · Jan 2022
Infamous one Jan 2022
At the end of the day he told himself to be better. Trying to live and learn from his mistakes. Tole himself never to be like that do it better be better than those who did you *****. Keep a clean head on your shoulders listen and learn.
After a while he expected too much from the wrong people. Leads are playing boss not a friend not getting personal.
Where trying to be the guy doesn't exist using use then dropping. Feeling like everything is a decoy. A set up all you want is to win but feeling like everything is a loss. All the drama all the toxic people trying to bring you down with them
85 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
He kept pushing through now he was alone. Waiting and walking among peers felt like he was missing out or could be doing more. Not going up on his individualism refused to be another face in a crowd.
He felt things that had become so distant. Friends and social interaction wasn't the same it seemed better this time around. He usually went to work and home to sleep.
He'd work hard writing while listening to podcast. Faded out of all the family drama. He was free no kids or relationship to limit him. He did try to take on family values but too many rules are made that keep him out feeling excluded in a room among loved ones.
85 · Dec 2018
Q: holiday
Infamous one Dec 2018
The clock struck midnight
Christmas was here
Another fun day of the year
Kids excited for presents
Toys that require assembly
Family comes together
Catching up with one another
Separate busy life's
Keeps everyone apart
A night of rainy weather
Time with loved ones a gift
Festive foods to eat for the night
Lots of sweets delicious treats
Not about material possessions
Those life lessons with growth
Smiles of joy kids with new toys
New clothes for school really cool
A gathered meal filled with love
Family first above all the drama
Once divided now reunited
85 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
Ups and downs more lows than highs
An ex moving on not the same anymore
Just a fling doesn't mean anything
A friendship over due to betrayal
The world such a blur hard to process
Comprehend felt one way seeing differently
Dreams on hold growing old over time
Working a job that has an opening not hiring
Filled the void irritated so annoyed the lies
False hope with broken promises
Focused on the work not the drama
85 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Kicks to the quads
Pivot to explode through
Jabs to the mitts repetition
Hooks to the body echoing
Powerful vibration absorbed
It's all coming back muscle memory
Trying to get technique down
Upper cuts filled with impact
85 · Aug 2022
Infamous one Aug 2022
Respecting people are on different levels but not going back down. He had no problem working. He had problems with lazy people that tried to talk him down because they chose to flat line. He refused to sink to their level when drama had nothing to do with him. He preferred to mind his business do his job the best of his abilities. He didn't make anyone look bad because they made their choices and had to live with the consequences.
He told himself if he moved up he'd always be active and involved with the team his title meant nothing because the work needed to be done consistently, persistently, kept at a higher standard not settling for less.
85 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
Not always easy to be social
Walk into someone's bad mood
Or they are dealing with BS
Taking frustrations out on you
Gave them space to cope
Lent an ear to help them vent
Listened to drama stuck on a loop
Eventually had to walk away
All I can do is pray wishing I could help
Negative energy draining positive vibes
Toxic people ruined the good feeling
Making the room unsettle absorbing the peace
Took time alone put down the phone
Use to escape on the web now everyone lives it
Socializing with people use to be interesting
Now it's all about posting and pix
Tried to follow the trend communication ends
Times have changed interactions not the same
85 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Once you sober up
Not knowing who you are
Trying to figure it out
Detoxing from all the drama
Asking who I am
What I need to do
What needs to be done
85 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
Thanksgiving should be about family but with mine there is always drama some act like the world is about them while others complain but stay in that situation. People never change I respect  you've moved up. Just because you treat people bad doesn't mean you have the right to do it.
Some accept it while others won't tolerate that conduct. Not into one sided relationships sick of how people talk about others behind their but kiss *** to their face. Seen them better than myself but they act the worse because you have an opinion you spoke your mind. Trying to tell you how to live when they aren't even living up to the imaginary bar set for others.
We all have that one sibling who thinks because they are tall and thicker than everyone acting like they could beat everyone up talking to everyone disrespectful and expecting respect. After a while you shut it down not empowering that nonsense.
Trying to see people as an equal but some think they can step on people to rise up or use others then drop them like it's hot. Annoyed with phony people who believe in their hype all that talk and not backing it up. Been trying to move up by working hard sick of people putting up road blocks who do nothing for you. Making it about them when they try to steal your credit. Act like they are the mastermind when they are basic and boring trying to steal the spotlight.
85 · Oct 2023
Infamous one Oct 2023
They looked down on him when he was broke. He said one day he'll make good money and be more successful than them. His hard work and dedication was paying, which made him happy.
Saying one day he'll be someone because they made him feel like a nobody. Like he wasn't good enough. It made him strong and tougher than the rest.
He didn't expect a handout, or want others to invest in him. He had to invest himself work harder to get closer to his dream. Push through crazy to get closer to achieving his goals. Sad he lost people along the way, if they were true, and loyal they wouldn't of gone anywhere.
He was always loving and supportive happy for others because he seen them as people; who made it, but it was never enough for them.
The day he turned his back was the day he couldn't take the criticism anymore. They insulted him by thinking their way was the right way when he believed in God's way and plan because he failed and made many mistakes doing things his way.
Why would he trust their way some success, and material possessions didn't make them better people, or accomplished. It's about how you treat and help others that made a difference. Trying to be the person he needed growing up.
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