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89 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Always reaching out
Making effort to stay connected
Valued and appreciated friends
Told them straight up
Face to face out of respect
Another two face more neglect
Slandering behind the back
Another ignored called
Phone in hand with a death grip
A text with no response
Loud with words
not saying them
89 · Aug 2018
Infamous one Aug 2018
Things have changed never the same from how he remembered them. He sees his parents they have white hair. His best friend married and kids. He seen more for himself but ended up being an average joe. He went to college, but things didn't panel out accordingly. After a unhealthy relationship, he decided to stay single better himself.
He took detours and the scenic route eventually arriving to his destination. Lots of falling but he kept getting up. Tried came up short  learn from his failed attempts. He kept an open mind willing to learn grow as a person.
He thought his best friend would stay close; they'd get old together, but all they did was grow apart living different lives wanting opposite from one another. Once he sobered up the world seem, so different; a clean mind made him listen observe things didn't always appear what was being said.
89 · Aug 2018
Infamous one Aug 2018
Feels like time is running out
Always starting over from the bottom
Focused on the top tired of being kept out
Not always where I belong trying to figure it out
Working twice as hard to barely come out even
Done what's right things don't turn out right
Made mistakes never hear the end of them
Far from perfect and no where near perfection
Learned and growing results are not showing
Happiness within is not enough struggle within is tough
Gave my all came up short crazy to come back for more
Work hard to shut them up not lettting up
they find an excuse to run their mouth
Tearing myself a part within changed my ways
Not falling back into bad habits or looking back
89 · Apr 2021
Infamous one Apr 2021
He observed so much and saw through everyone's act. They'd drain his energy with their bad vibes overthinking being quiet. He gets he didn't have to share because they showed no interest, his life wasn't important. He was an open book they kept closing it and setting it aside. They latched on to the problems they caused making them seem important when all it did was burden them.
He lost a lot over time, he failed but kept trying. Fell hard able bounced back from all the insanity.
89 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
Always denied not surprised
Felt part of the team
Then sent away
Doesn't feel like anything matters
Not normal no longer making sense
Once had value in the heart
Now it's worthless
89 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
He worked hard didn't get the job about to experience some down time. Tough times during this transition all the pain all the frustration. Didn't want it to change but everything is happening so rapidly. Lost the girl who was never loyal projecting her guilt on you. Friends in bad relationships not making time for this friendship. Trying to be happy others are miserable.
88 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
Always putting up with their nonsense
Called them on the bs they got defensive
Chameleon kid the one who spoke up
In the background seeing all the drama
Silent mouth came at him with a tone
Minding his own they try to impose their will
He's working hard knows what's going on
Two faced people fake to one another
He told the truth said it to their face
Now they mad for being exposed
Told to never let himself to anyone
When they are doing worse
Expecting you to turn a blind eye
Mad because they got caught up
Doing what's right help others
Do a good deed trying to be a better person
Others provoking starting fights
88 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Some like to stir the *** and make excuses to take the pressure on them by blaming someone else. It's sad that the work environment is this way. Seeing good in others while they sabotage others and one another to get ahead.
Years of working and not getting the perks of a full-time employee. It finally happened so many on the inside are ungrateful. Once an outsider looking hoping to make it and make a difference.
Always a team player while most play like if they are contributing all they do is complain. While you try to keep things together and composed wanting to succeed tired of feeling like this is a set up and to fail is the worse feeling ever.
Sometimes you move on without them because they chose to settle they can't get mad because that was their decision. Why hate or get mad at the person who wanted more. Years at the bottom working to get back up to that next level.
88 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Always quick to save the day
A forgotten hero picking up the slack
First to jump the rest stayed behind
Took the lead now wandering alone
Set aside after many favors good service
Disrespect a cold chill down the spine
All talk no honor in the meaningless words
Lots of false promise echoing
Disturbing the peace
Breaking the silence
88 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Keep on creating with art
Can't always explain easy to show
Tap into the internal source
The heart with so much feelings
A mind with never ending thoughts
Sometimes looping desire for change
Back to basics starting over again
Not falling back into bad habits
Guilty conscience in the shadows
88 · Jun 2018
Infamous one Jun 2018
Don't use people or take advantage of them.
I appreciate others respect their differences.
Willing to listen to problems and provide a solution.
I can't always vent but pour my heart into my notebook.
The only way I can feel get in touch with myself.
Helps me cope figure it out do what's best.
I've learned to move forward not stay **** in transition. Sometimes it's beyond my control so work with what I got and make the most of things.
Not afraid to grow and learn keep putting forth an effort. Might come up short but determined for more pursuing greatness
88 · Oct 2018
Qw #89
Infamous one Oct 2018
It was a dark errie night made for a scare
The tension built up for a fright
The wickness consuming the fresh air
Trees blocking moon light setting the mood
Holding the darkness squeezing the living out
Creatures singing a song waking for the night
Setting the creepy vibe 12 hours for the dead
Avoiding the sun because it's too bright
The cold night better than the hot days
The fog full of moisture keeping it wet
88 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Learn to become an adult
Sacrifice is part of it all
Making time for things
Been going strong
Head clear focused
Determined to set goals
Make dreams a reality
88 · Apr 2021
Infamous one Apr 2021
Learned to do what makes you happy so many double standards. Most expect results if you don't prove yourself; they don't care about what you feel or think. It's sad how they are quick to judge than understand. Your situation or what you've been through just to come out even by barely getting by.
After a while you stay away.
88 · Aug 2023
Infamous one Aug 2023
The idea of being wanted
Waiting around usually ignored
Thought she was my girl
She's always with someone else
Falling in love falling hard
Family betrayal is the worse
Loved you like my own child
Your parents don't want me around
The people I love leave me in pain
Opened my heart the hurt is deep
Trusted you and honest with you
Treated like an enemy seen as a stranger
Influenced by others negative views
Acting like you dk me we use to be close
Doing all the things you said
You'd never do with someone else
Want to keep you safe had your back
While you walk into the danger
Over watching you be self destructive
Repeating bad habits thats not okay
Would rather tell the truth
Than let you live a lie
It leads to your hatred growing your way or no way
88 · Jul 2023
Infamous one Jul 2023
asked why you don't talk to so and so
I refuse to lower myself to be accepted
Never deny myself to be liked by others
Apologized and still treated different excluded
Not always forgiven, forgave, and moved on
Missed the good times living in the moment
Left with bad memories working hard to rise
Someone is always mad and won't forgive
Holding a grudge stuck in the past hating
Bad mouthing your name to appear better
Because they have no say or control over you
It bugs you've moved on trying to be better
Why can't they do the same, stuck in a loop
Family criticizes one anothers differences
Never correcting themselves first
Lots of talk, judgment, different lifestyles
No effort made echoing complaints
Fix yourself do the work earn a living
Before knocking on others, invest in yourself
88 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
Some days everything hurts
Other days numb mind clear of thoughts
Trying to find the words to express these emotions
Reflected on all the bad memories
Enjoyed reliving the good times
Hard to sleep deep in thought again
Struggled to survive some days feel alive
The darkness inside not always dead within
Not always pure in the mind feeling blind
The heart beats life deep within the core
88 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Had an idea faced criticism
Stolen ideas getting accepted
Ignored someone else said it now it's liked
Talking loud doesn't mean right
One sided argument doesn't mean anything
Destroying a public image for superiority
Gather in the masses that don't agree
Shares hatred unifies causing conflict
88 · Oct 2023
Infamous one Oct 2023
always been a lover in a deep fight
Minding this mouth, that's why I write
I don't need your approval LMB (let me be)
I'm never going to compromise myself
Give up on myself to be liked to be accepted
Friends become enemies left in the past
I'll always love family but doing my own thing
It's sad how tragedy brings everyone together
Grandpa was the glue I love and miss you
Now everyone is divided, holding a grudge
I've never been a materialistic one to help others
Always valued family time now
It's always awkward from traditions to an emotionless gesture
88 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
He was the guy who was unnoticed sat in the back no one bothered or paid attention to him. He was use to that because when he was the center of attention good or bad eventually he would end up alone.
People talk bad about him because he stood up for his beliefs, and was use to rolling solo, a rebel at heart. He had a hard time trusting his life was an open book but learned to be selective because no one cares about you unless you are doing favor. After being used up in failed relationships found they don't want you but don't want you with anyone else. He was really crush to know that being happy for others but others would never be happy for him with all his efforts and accomplishments.
88 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Embraced being told off
Blocked out all the bad
Being isolated over drama
Excluded being talked about
Rebelled from the toxic crap
Stopped taking the blame
Had no say or control things happen
Finding confidence within
After squatting being trampled
Stood up for moral integrity
Made a stand the tone changed
88 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
People come into your life for a reason
Some are for the better while others a mystery
I think of those words that made me better
Or the people who helped along the way
Life might have more struggle than victories
Life lessons have concepts that are hard to grasp
Don't take the day for granted live life to the fullest
Make the most of things make them happen
The pain let's up in the heart of love
Sometimes it's physical take care of your body
88 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Time off to compose figure out the next move not staying the same. Keep working on being better those that broke you wont keep you down. Proving them wrong because they assumed the worse. While they did worse playing games, two timing playing the blame rather than owning up. Kept out of the group everyone ditching once they gor what they wanted. Taking credit when you helped them out putting in a good word while their word meant nothing held no values all the lies and manipulation.
88 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Tired this time change being loyal and still haven't got hired sometimes determined to bail. The people are great but it has it's days. Feeling weak trying to find strength within. I know there's more out there use to being ignored and kept out when you are doing good more negativity. Sometimes things are bad and you are being ******* yourself no one bothers with you.
A fight to fit in and belong eventually you give up on them but it feels like you give up on yourself. Its like these fake rules and standards are made to keep you out. Spoke the truth once as they **** you off mess with you off everyday.
87 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
Closer to seeing this event happen going down out of town. Away from home to experience the journey new encounters seeing into that world that culture onto something new hard to read signs to clues. Still feeling like an outcast not belong anywhere. So much haze proving himself. He worked hard gave his own didn't complain glad to be part of something. Even if they prejudged him made him out to be someone he's not. He didn't care for politics all he wanted was to finish and do his job right without burden or frustration. He stopped drinking relapse was the worse idea. Drinking with people who assume and expect the worse for problems they made. He took the blame while they were quick to blame someone else.
He reminded them they were blessed they had someone who loved them and kids that make them out to be the world telling not to ruin or mess that up for themselves. He didn't have much but made the the most of things and thankful for all the blessings. He was grateful and tired of holding back minding his mouth because his honesty usually got him in trouble.
87 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Everything so tragic
It's just reality
Things come and go
On to the next trend
Loud the web
Now a day's things are not said
So impersonal no connection
Let it go without comprehension
Hard to understand
Changing times not always for the better
87 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Writing at work during the down time
Never the same looking forward
Watched them grow old full of life
As they watched us grow up
Thankful for them now missing them
Hard to let go when you're not ready
Don't want to say goodbye
Everyday still in denial
Seen it with theses eyes
Till we meet again for eternity
87 · Oct 2019
Infamous one Oct 2019
Sad when you depart
Want to grow with people
But they have other plans
Nothing but the cold shoulder
Third degree found something better
So cold and cruel fake
87 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Shed a tear pain relieved
Worried about the wrong
Time to focus on the right
With time things got better
Defused the hate with love
Never too late to do great
87 · Oct 2023
Infamous one Oct 2023
Walter was always protecting those who hurt him. He was always up beat and positive once he started talking about no one seemed to believe him.
Walter was a family man that grew up with tough love. It felt like he has to earn the love of his parents and family to be accepted. He wanted to be himself without compromising his growth. It was important to be an individual not just another face in the crowd.
He respected the normals, and values that he grew up with, but didn't agree with some. He picked and chose what he liked because some were restricting and limiting him.
Walt was tired of holding back putting his life on pause because something was missing. He decided to live and hope it would all fall into place.
87 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Not one to brag flaunt stupidity
Willing to learn most of all grown
Mistakes are lessons to be learned
Success is short not always noticed
Keep working hard to maintain
Gained so much from failure
Learned who not to be like
How to act not quick to judge other
Thankful for the blessing
Not comparing or like others
Others quick to notices flaws
Point out mistakes to feel superior
Build one another up be better
Instead of crushing a spirit
No longer empowering a deflated ego
87 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
90s music takes me back
Metal for the gym hit it strong
Music while I write memories
My thoughts feel the beat set a mood
A song reminds me of you
Our first slow dance in my heart
The first kiss to slow jams
Driving on the road music blaring
We hold hands to our Destination
Special lyrics we sung to one another
A duet for two that feels right
Overcoming this failed love addiction
The reason I write to misic
Can't keep denying myself
87 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
Meeting new people ***** you make time for them but they have no room for you. Things change after getting sober. You see people are married but not happy or bound together by children. People come and go like the seasons so.e you'd like to stay while others you're glad to let them leave freely.
Looking in wondering asking why but once your in it feels like you're better off without. Some people do drugs and drink becoming dependent on it. You'd like to see them get better but they made their choices you respect them by moving on. You can't go back because they have to want help
87 · Feb 2023
Infamous one Feb 2023
Transfer day come to find out an old lead called the new lead spreading lies slandering his character. This rat face ******* tried to be controlling and full of himself a job title that held no meaning.

If you're in the trenches working trying to help respect was earned and gain. This useless lead demanding to be informed so he could pass it off to someone else. Taking the credit being arrogant full of himself. Before it bothered now it's a laughable moment.

Had to go through someone else's crazy to make you stronger and better person. You can't help them but learned who not to be and be better. Working hard to make sure it got done in a timely consistent manner.
87 · Mar 2023
Infamous one Mar 2023
Always told the truth called ruthless
Hated for honesty while others lie
Loyal to all the wrong people
Seen their true colors had to cut ties
Sending love rejecting  hate by toxic ppl
She cheated trying to blame
Instead of owning up its over now
Once cared not taking the manipulation
Moving forward with life not back
Investing in the future not drugs, and alcohol
Working to help family not steal by use people
Over the false promises empty comments
Over the two-faced attitude ****** remarks
When you don't get your way
87 · Oct 2022
Infamous one Oct 2022
He gave his all thinking it would lead to more he always gave more effort than most. Trying to make something out of nothing. He admired her but she was hot and cold. Feeling overwhelmed staying away. He hated hiding his feelings but he didn't feel valued or respect.
It should be equal but it's always with terms and conditions. It just got old he'd  walk away do his own thing. He use to open up buy others made it seem like he was trying too hard or feeling sorry for himself.
87 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Stare at the ceiling
In a daze not phased
So much has changed
From wild to toned down
Thinking of those better days
Don't always agree
Respect the decision made
Words build up in the mind
They won't come out
Lips and mouth sealed tight
Prevent another argument or fight
87 · Aug 2023
Infamous one Aug 2023
Denied the right not going to argue or fight
Walking away it's going to be a war
Say something that might lead to regret
Miscommunication to be right instead of a solution
Insults making things personal
Invalid argument no results just personal attacks
Clearly wrong trying to justify things
Sad family is divided no one talks
Assumptions growing in the mind
No one is talking about you get over yourself
Making others take your side doesn't make you right.
It fuels a bad person to destroy others who have views and opinions
87 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Minding his mouth
While others get hurt
Can't save everyone
In the cross fire
Spoke up others got offended
Said nothing taking the blow
Standing tall going numb
Trying not to intervene
Tired of turn a blind eye
Others get ******* over
A dominos effect no one escapes
Where everyone feels the pressure
Hard to surrender being provoked
Knowing the consequences
Tarped in feeling frozen
Not able to react
87 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
In my head my safe place
Smile on my face because it's real
Be alone in my comfort zone
My cozy warm bed to relax
Pen in my hand feels right
Ink my thoughts on the page
Friends come and go like seasons
Emotionally detached from toxic
All the people I love go away
I want them to stay with me
Don't want to be in the way
Let them go prayed to be reunited
They'd come back be the same
Keep going strong memories remain
Pick up where we left off
87 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
He stared at himself in the mirror
So much internal conflict within
Trying to walk with God stay clear of drama
Keep a clean head on his shoulder
Grew up hood not a punk down for his
Trying to be better turning away
The gesture is mistaken for running
Minding his mouth keeping the peace
Cold honesty his words became **** shots
A stone look that seeks the truth
Restrain his emotions no weakness
Numb feelings not one to mess with
87 · Aug 2018
Infamous one Aug 2018
Hearing a beat and my heart sings the melody
Music in my heart and soul
The family plays in a band
He loved the music while talented musicians cared more for the life style
Writing lyrics making riffs on his acoustic guitar
He heart wanted to tell stories
The mind would comprehend all those emotions
Use to travel on the road now a working adult
Feels like the world left him and moves on without him
Found love that ended due to lust
From friends to solo over broken trust
Bit his lip because his mouth led to trouble
Not saying much but all the pent up rage wants to come out
Life's not fair but most already know working through the struggle
87 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Working like a boss trying to get paid for one. Been at the bottom moving to the top. Tired of taking on people who don't matter just another hurtle to get over. Once you pass them they'll hold a grudge never be happy for you. Never support your decisions because they think their way was the better way for you. Putting my trust in God to help me over come this anger this frustration over the years. It didn't happen right away when it finally did it was a true blessing.
Rebuilding yourself, reconstructing the way it's done. Always wanting to make it happen, move up to the next level. Trying to teach others share the art and craft help the next generation. Instead of them thinking it will be given. Always work for it going through the process rise up taking on each level. Listen to what's being said. observe what's going on take it in pursue the dream achieve those goals live the dream from within.
87 · Aug 2018
Infamous one Aug 2018
The unsung hero continues to do what's right
Always honest and it makes others not like him
His heart meant well with no hidden agendas
He helped the elderly held doors, respectful, mild manner values that are lost in today's society
They thanked him for his efforts but he was just doing his job. He thanked them for the appreciation
He respected the women he encountered even though most did not know their value and settled for less he'd help them if they were in danger most walked into the burning fire
He backed up his friends when most left him hanging he felt disrespected but forgave them
He never did anything from people while others his lies and disappeared when they were up to no good
He never seen them differently or judged them but if he made a mistake they threw the book at him
He stood by his word and honored it if he made promises
Was always there and reliable even when they would send him packing once the assignment was over
He lived and learned from the experience thankful even though things didn't turn out accordingly he did learn something new from every encounter
87 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Looking for inspiration
Pictures that tell stories
Books that empower memories
Writing poems with emotions
Lyrics with stacked bars
Sharing in expressed emotions
Emotions that are pent up
Not protecting haters anymore
Stopped holding back let it all out
Feels good to speak frustration
All the anger simmers out
Thoughts structured composed
Instead of lashing out fit of rage
87 · May 2019
Infamous one May 2019
On hold for too long
Starting over again
Picking up from ends
Where things left off
Fear of things going wrong
Been down for too long
Tired of waiting the delay
Over the road blocks
Not lost mentally
Thinking of a way
Forward with obsession
One step with progression
87 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
This new walk like no other
Use to argue another uphill battle
A mouth that caused chaos
Started to not listen to others doubts
Avoided drama caused by others
That had nothing to do with me
Able to grow without hesitation
Learned to be more not settle for less
Not always liked for being different
Pushed out instead of being understood
Embraced so much not carrying the burden
87 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
He didn't expect them to change because he knew they wouldn't. All they do is act like they are okay when things are ******* up. Hidden emotions trying to stay calm act like things are okay. He respected them while they tried to destroy others. He had been self destructive so he knew he understood.
The struggle with addiction not falling back into bad habits while developing new ones. From social to selective not trusting so easy anymore.
86 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Arms are heavy Hard to breathe
Feel like stone limited movement
Fighting back trying not to overreact
Pressing forward not backing down
Trying to change it up burnt up
Going the distance o much resistance
Giving your all in offense
Trying to time it out on offense
Finding another window for the round
86 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Don't be late
Get to work
Keep being great
Surpass the hate
Race against time
Barely made it
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